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The Hip Joint • Positioned laterally with an inferior o can lead to instability

• “coxofemoral joint” and anterior tilt • retroversion of the acetabulum is

• articulation of the acetabulum of the • laterally inclined 50°; anteriorly when the acetabulum is positioned
pelvis and the head of the femur rotated (anteversion) 20°; and too far posteriorly in The transverse
• diarthrodial ball-and-socket joint with anteriorly tilted 20° plane
three degrees of freedom: • normal functioning of the hip o acetabulum that is
➢flexion/ extension in the requires optimal femoral head positioned with more
sagittal plane coverage by the acetabulum; inclination
➢abduction/adduction in the Femoral head coverage is largely o can lead to overcoverage
frontal plane determined by acetabular depth and impingement between
• Acetabular depth can be measured the acetabulum femoral-
➢medial/lateral rotation in the
as the center edge/angle of Wiberg head neck junction
transverse plane Acetabular Labrum
o formed by a line connecting
• support the weight of the head, arms, • a ring of wedge-shaped fibrocartilage
the lateral rim of the
and trunk (HAT) both in static erect that rims the entire periphery of the
acetabulum and the center
posture and in dynamic postures acetabulum
of the femoral Head and a
Proximal Articular Surface
vertical line from the center • functions of the acetabular labrum:
• acetabulum” 1. deepens the acetabulum
of the femoral head
• lateral aspect of the pelvic bone 2. acts as a seal to maintain negative
• acetabular dysplasia is an
(innominate or os coxa): intra-articular pressure
abnormally shallow acetabulum that
➢ilium results in a lack of femoral Head 3. decreases force transmitted to the
➢ischium coverage classified as follows: articular cartilage
➢pubis o normal = >25° 4. provides proprioceptive feedback
• ischium forms 2/5, ilium forms 2/5, pubis o definite dysplasia = <16° • an abnormally shallow acetabulum will
forms 1/5 of the acetabulum o possible dysplasia = 16° to increase stress on the surrounding
• periphery (lunate surface) is covered 25° capsule and Labrum
with hyaline cartilage (horseshoe- o may indicate excessive • transverse acetabular ligament is
shaped acetabular overcoverage = considered to be part of the acetabular
• inferior aspect of the lunate surface (the >40° labrum
base of the horseshoe) is interrupted by • coxa profunda an acetabular Distal Articular Surface
a deep Notch called the acetabular protrusio are conditions in which the • “head of the femur”
notch acetabulum Excessively covers the ➢ attached to the femoral neck; the
• the acetabular notch is spanned by the femoral head femoral neck is attached to the shaft
transverse acetabular ligament that o limited range of motion of the femur between the Greater
connects the Two ends of the horseshoe (ROM) and internal and lesser trochanters
• forms a fibro-osseous tunnel through impingement between the ➢ angulated so that the femoral head
which blood vessels pass into the femoral head-neck junction faces medially, superiorly, and
deepest portion of The acetabulum And acetabulum anteriorly
called the acetabular fossa • anteversion of the acetabulum is ➢ articular area of the femoral head
• The acetabulum is deepened by the when the acetabulum is positioned forms approximately 2/3 of a sphere
fibrocartilaginous acetabular labrum, too far anteriorly in The transverse and is more circular than the
which surrounds The periphery of the plane Acetabulum
acetabulum o acetabulum that is • inferior to the most medial point on the
Acetabulum positioned with less femoral head is a small, roughened pit
inclination called the Fovea or fovea capitis
• not covered with articular cartilage • decreases the length of the moment Angle of Torsion of the Femur
and is the point at which the arm of the hip abductor muscles • best be viewed by looking down the
ligament of the head of the • abductor muscles will be unable to length of the femur superiorly
femur(ligamentum teres) is attached meet the increased demand and will be • axis through the femoral head and neck
Angulation of the Femur functionally Weakened in the transverse plane will lie at an
• 2 angulations made by the head and • reduction in force is actually reflected in angle to an axis Through the femoral
neck of the femur in relation to the a reduction indensity of the lateral condyles, with the head and neck
shaft: trabecular system torsioned anteriorly (laterally) with
1. angle of inclination occurs in the • decreases the amount of femoral Regard to an angle through the femoral
frontal plane between an axis articular surface in contact with the condyle
through the femoral head and dome of the Acetabulum • angle of anterior torsion decreases with
neck and the longitudinal axis of • decreases the stability of the hip and age
the femoral shaft predisposes the hip to dislocation o In the newborn, 30° to 40° on
2. angle of torsion occurs in the Coxa Vara average
transverse plane between an • gives the advantage of improved hip o This angle decreases of
axis through the femoral head joint stability approximately 1.5° per year until
and neck and an axis through • decreased angle between the neck and skeletal maturity
the distal femoral condyles shaft of the femur will turn the femoral o In the adult, 10° to 20° (15° for
Angle of Inclination of the Femur head deeper Into the acetabulum males and 18° for females)
• in a normal angle of inclination, the • increase the length of the moment arm Femoral Anteversion
greater trochanter lies at the level of the of the hip abductor muscles by • angle of anterior torsion is greater than
center of the Femoral heat increasing the Distance between the 15° to 20°
• normal range = 110° to 144° femoral head and the greater trochanter • associated with increased medial
(approximates 125°) • seen by the increased density of rotation ROM and concurrent decreased
• angle of inclination of the femur changes trabeculae laterally in the femur, caused lateral rotation so That the total
across the life span by the increase in Tensile stresses excursion of hip rotation motion remains
➢ it approximates 150° at birth • The increased shear force along the the same
➢ gradually declines to about 125° femoral neck will increase the • femoral anteversion and coxa valga are
at skeletal maturity predisposition toward Femoral neck commonly found together (but each may
➢ continue to decline again in the fracture occur Independently of the other)
elderly • Slipped capital femoral epiphysis/SCFE • reduces hip joint stability because the
• pathological increase in the angulation results when weight-bearing forces slide femoral articular surface is more
between the neck and shaft is called the Femoral head inferiorly on the exposed anteriorly
coxa valga cartilaginous epiphysis of the head of • line of the hip abductors may fall more
• pathological decrease in the angulation the femur posterior to the joint, reducing the
between the neck and shaft is called ➢ The epiphyseal obliquity makes the moment arm for Abduction resulting
coxa vara plate more vulnerable to shear need for additional abductor muscle
Coxa Valga forces at a time when the plate is force
• angle of inclination in the femur is Already weakened • The abnormal position of the knee joint
greater than 125° ➢ most common adolescent hip axis is commonly labeled medial femoral
• brings the vertical weight-bearing line disorder occurring when the femoral torsion
closer to the shaft of the femur, head displaces posteriorly on the o medial femoral torsion and
diminishing the shear, Or bending, force Femoral neck at the level of the femoral anteversion are the
across the femoral neck growth plate (physis) same abnormal condition of the
o whether the exaggerated twist acetabulum increases contact with the manner and a tight ring called the zona
in the femur is altering the femoral head orbicularis
mechanics at the hip joint • articular contact between the femur and o stability of the hip joint during
(femoral anteversion) or at the the acetabulum can be increased in the distractive forces
knee joint (medial femoral normal non weight-bearing hip joint by a • thickened anterosuperiorly, where the
torsion) combination of flexion, abduction, and predominant stresses occur; it is
• when femoral head is anteverted, the slight lateral rotation(frog-leg position) relatively thin and Loosely attached
anterior capsuloligamentous structures • an additional contribution to articular posteroinferiorly
and Musculature may push the femoral congruence of joint surfaces by the • superior and inferior gluteal arteries
head back into the acetabulum, causing acetabular fossa supply the hip capsule more proximally
the entire femur Torotate medially with o may be important in setting up a • medial and lateral circumflex arteries
toe-in partial vacuum in the joint so supply the capsule more distally
o however, the toe-in position of that atmospheric pressure • gluteal contributions dominate the
the foot may appear to diminish contributes To stability by posterior portions of the joint capsule
over time because it is common helping maintain contact • circumflex branches supply the anterior
to See a compensatory lateral between the femoral head and capsule
tibial torsion develop the acetabulum • femoral head was supplied through the
o although the foot placement o stronger role in stabilization than medial femoral circumflex artery
looks better, the underlying hip capsuloligamentous structures • Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease is noted
problem generally remains • the labrum enhances joint stability not by collapse of the femoral head,
Femoral Retroversion only by deepening the acetabulum but resulting in flattening Of the head from
• angle of anterior torsion is less than 15° also by acting As a seal to maintain loss of blood supp
to 20° negative intra-articular pressure Hip Joint Ligaments
• femoral retroversion is the opposite of Hip Joint Capsule • Ligamentum teres
anteversion and creates problems • an irregular, dense fibrous structure with o is an intra-articular accessory
opposite those of Femoral anteversion longitudinal and oblique fibers and with joint structure encased in a
Articular Congruence three Thickened regions that constitute flattened sleeve Of synovial
• there is more articular surface on the the capsular ligaments membrane so that it does not
head of the femur than there is on the • capsule covers the femoral head and communicate with the synovial
acetabulum neck like a cylindrical sleeve and cavity of the joint
• in neutral or standing position, the attaches to the base of The femoral - is a triangular band that
articular surface of the femoral head neck the attaches to the
remains exposed Anteriorly and o femoral neck is intracapsular peripheral edge of the
somewhat superiorly o both greater and lesser acetabular notch.
o the acetabulum does not fully trochanters are extracapsular - passes under the
cover the head superiorly, and • unlike the relatively weak articular transverse acetabular
the anterior torsion of the capsule of the shoulder, the hip joint ligament to attach at its
femoral head Exposes a capsule is a Substantial contributor to other end to the fovea
substantial amount of the joint stability of the femur
femoral head’s articular surface • capsule is attached proximally to the - called the “ligament of
anteriorly entire periphery of the acetabulum the head of the femur”
• incongruent joint in non-weightbearing, beyond the Acetabular labrum - tighten with lateral
given the larger femoral head; in weight- • fibers near the proximal attachment are rotation when the hip is
bearing, The elastic deformation of the aligned in a somewhat circumferential flexed 10°.

- because of its laxity, position in flexion or o as already noted, optimal
pinching between the extension articular contact occurs with
femoral head and • each of the hip joint motions will be combined flexion, abduction,
acetabulum can occur, checked by at least one portion of one of and lateral Rotation
causing Complaints of the hip joint Ligaments and that the • a position of vulnerability occurs when
pain and clicking forces transmitted by the ligaments (and the hip joint is flexed and adducted (as
• 2 anterior capsular ligaments capsule) are dependent on Orientation it is when Sitting with the thighs
1. Iliofemoral ligament of the femur in relation to the crossed)
- is referred to as the Y acetabulum o in this position, a strong force
ligament of Bigelow • hip joint capsule and the majority of its up the femoral shaft toward the
- apex of the ligament is ligaments are quite strong and that each hip joint (as when the knee hits
attached to the AIIS, tightens with Full hip extension the Dashboard in a car
and the 2 arms of the Y (hyperextension) accident) may push the femoral
fan out to attach along • lateral branch of the iliofemoral limited head out of the acetabulum
the Intertrochanteric line medial rotation, especially when the hip • capsuloligamentous tension at the hip
of the femur was in Extension; also the most joint is least when the hip is in moderate
- band of the iliofemoral significant restraint to lateral rotation flexion, slight Abduction, and
ligament is the strongest when the hip was in neutral Position and midrotation.
and thickest of the hip when the hip was flexed o in this position, the normal
joint ligaments • hip joint, its capsule, and ligaments intra-articular pressure is
- primary stabilizing routinely support two thirds of the body minimized, and the capacity of
component of the weight (the Weight of HAT) the synovial Capsule to
anterior hip joint • in bilateral stance, the hip joint is accommodate abnormal
2. Pubofemoral ligament typically in neutral position or slight amounts of fluid is greatest
- arising from the anterior extension o position assumed by the hip
aspect of the pubic • in this position, the capsule and when there is pain arising from
ramus and passing to ligaments are under some tension capsuloligamentous problems
the anterior surface of • the normal line of gravity in bilateral or from Excessive intra-articular
the Intertrochanteric stance falls behind the hip joint axis, pressure caused by extra fluid
fossa creating a gravitational Extension (blood or synovial fluid) in the
- controls lateral rotation moment joint
in an extended position • further hip joint extension creates • minimizing intra-articular pressure not
• the bands of the iliofemoral and the additional passive tension in the only decreases pain in the joint but also
pubofemoral ligaments form a Z on the capsuloligamentous Complex that is prevents the Excessive pressure from
anterior capsule sufficient to offset the gravitation compressing the intra-articular blood
• 1 posterior capsular ligament extension moment vessels and interfering with the Blood
1. Ischiofemoral ligament Capsuloligamentous Tension supply to the femoral head
- attaches to the posterior • hip extension with slight abduction and Structural Adaptations to Weight-Bearing
surface of the medial rotation, is the close-packed • the trabeculae (calcified plates of
acetabular rim and the position for the Hip joint tissue within the cancellous bone)
acetabulum labrum • in contrast to most other joints in the line up along lines of stress and
- primary restraint to body, the close-packed and stable form systems that normally adapt to
medial rotation of the position for the hip Joint is not the stress requirements
hip regardless of hip position of optimal articular contact • in standing or upright weightbearing
(congruence) activities, at least half the weight of
the hat (the gravitational force) 2. lateral (or principal • primary weightbearing area of the
passes down through the pelvis to tensile) trabecular system femoral head is, correspondingly, its
the femoral head; whereas the of the femur superior portion. Degenerative changes
ground reaction force (grf) travels up ➢ arises from the lateral In the femoral head include loss of the
the shaft cortex of the upper regular “ball” shape with flattening of the
1. these two forces, nearly Femoral shaft and, after superior portion. DegenerativeChanges
parallel and in create a force crossing the medial are also consistently noted near the
couple with a moment arm system, terminates in attachment of the ligamentum teres
equal to the distance the cortical bone on the • superior femoral head receives
between the superimposed inferior Aspect of the compression not only from the dome in
body weight on the femoral head of the femur. The standing but also from the posterior
head and the grf up the lateral trabecular Acetabulum in sitting and the anterior
shaft system is oblique and acetabulum in extension.
2. these forces create a may develop in • More frequent and complete
bending moment (or set of response To parallel compression of the cartilage of the
shear forces) across the (shear) forces of the superior femoral head, according to this
femoral neck weight of hat and the Premise, leads to better nutrition within
3. the bending stress creates a ground reaction force. the cartilage.
tensile force on the superior 3. Two accessory (or • Persisting incongruence in the dome of
aspect of the femoral neck secondary) trabecular the acetabulum in the moderately
and a compressive stress systems, loaded hip (especially in young Adults)
on the inferior aspect ➢ one is considered could result in incomplete compression
• a complex set of forces prevents the compressive and the of the dome cartilage and, therefore,
rotation and resists the shear forces Other is considered inadequate fluid exchange To maintain
that the force Couple causes; tensile. Another cartilage nutrition
among these forces are the secondary trabecular • The forces of HAT and the ground
structural resistance of two major system is confined to reaction force that act on the articular
and three Minor trabecular systems the trochanteric area Of surfaces of the hip Joint and on the
1. the medial (or principal the femur femoral head and neck also act on the
compressive) trabecular • Areas in which the trabecular systems femoral shaft
system cross each other at right angles are o the shaft of the femur is not
➢ arises from the medial areas that offer The greatest resistance vertical however, the vertical
cortex of the upper to stress and strain. There is an area in loading on the oblique femur
Femoral shaft and the femoral neck in which The results in bending stresses in
radiates through the trabeculae are relatively thin and do not the shaft
cancellous bone to the cross each others is the zone of o the medial cortical bone in the
cortical bone of the weakness shaft (diaphysis) must resist
superior aspect of The • The primary weight-bearing surface of compressive stresses; whereas
femoral head. The the acetabulum, or dome of the the lateral Cortical bone must
medial system of acetabulum, is located on the superior resist tensile stresses
trabeculae is oriented Portion of the lunate surface/shows the Motion of the Femur on the Acetabulum
along the vertical greatest prevalence of degenerative • convex femoral head within the
compressive forces changes in the acetabulum which concavity of the acetabulum as the
Passing through the hip Corresponds to the area of greatest femur moves through its Three degrees
joint pressure of freedom:
flexion/extension,abduction/adductio • aligned pelvis, the ASIS of the pelvis lie Between the two weight-bearing feet
n, and medial/lateral Rotation on a horizontal line with the PSIS and on and the pelvis,
• normal gait on level ground requires at a vertical line With the symphysis pubis o both hip joints will move in the
least the following hip joint ranges: • anterior and posterior pelvic tilts are frontal plane in a predictable
▪ 30° flexion motions of the entire pelvic ring in the way as the pelvic tilt (or pelvic
▪ 10°Hyperextension, sagittal plane Around a coronal axis shift) Occurs
▪ 5° of both abduction o hip joint extension through • pelvis is shifted to the right in bilateral
and adduction, posterior tilting of the pelvis stance, the left side of the pelvis will
▪ 5° of both medial and brings the symphysis pubis up drop, the right hip joint will be adducted,
lateral Rotation. and the Sacrum of the pelvis and the left hip joint will be abducted
o walking on uneven terrain or closer to the femur, rather than • pelvic rotation is motion of the entire
stairs will increase the need for moving the femur posteriorly on pelvic ring in the transverse plane
joint range beyond that required the pelvis around a vertical axis
for level Ground, as will o hip flexion through anterior o more importantly occurs in
activities such as sitting in a tilting of the pelvis moves the single-limb support around the
chair or sitting cross-legged anterior superior iliac spines axis of the supporting or weight-
• flexion of the hip is generally about 90° anteriorly and Inferiorly; the bearing Hip joint
with the knee extended and 120° when inferior sacrum moves farther • forward (anterior) rotation of the pelvis
the knee is Flexed and passive tension from the femur, rather than occurs in unilateral stance when the side
in the two-joint hamstrings muscle group moving the femur away from of the pelvis
is released The sacrum • Opposite to the weight-bearing hip joint
• hip extension is considered to have a • lateral pelvic tilt is a frontal plane moves anteriorly
range of 10° to 30° motion of the entire pelvis around an o forward rotation of the pelvis
o when hip extension is combined anteroposterior axis produces medial rotation of the
with knee flexion, passive • lateral tilt of the pelvis in unilateral weight-bearing hip joint
tension in the two-joint rectus stance, one hip joint (e.g., the left hip • backward (posterior) rotation of the
femoris Muscle may limit the joint) is the pivot Point or axis for motion pelvis occurs when the side of the pelvis
movement of the opposite side of the pelvis (e.g., opposite the Weight-bearing hip moves
• The femur can be abducted 45° to 50° the right side) as that side of The pelvis posteriorly
and adducted 20° to 30° elevates (pelvic hike) or drops (pelvic o backward rotation of the pelvis
o abduction can be limited by the drop) produces lateral rotation of the
two-joint gracilis muscle • if a person stands on the left limb and supporting hip joint
o adduction limited by the TFL hikes the pelvis, the left hip joint is being Coordinated Motions of the Femur, Pelvis,
muscle and ITB abducted Because the medial angle And Lumbar Spine
• medial and lateral rotations of the hip between the femur and a line through • when the pelvis moves on a relatively
are usually measured with the hip joint the anterior superior iliac Spines fixed femur, there are two possible
in 90° of Flexion; the typical range is 42° increases outcomes to Consider.
to 50 • if a person stands on the left leg and 1. Either the head and trunk will
Motion of the Pelvis on the Femur drops the pelvis, the left hip joint will follow the motion of the pelvis
• When the hip joint is weight-bearing adduct because medial angle formed by (moving the head through
and the femur is relatively fixed, the femur and a line through the anterior Space)
motion of the hip joint is Produced by superior iliac spines Will decrease 2. Head will continue to remain
movement of the pelvis on the femur • With pelvic shift, the pelvis cannot relatively upright and vertical
hike; it can only drop because there is a despite the pelvic motions
closed chain
• these are open- and closed-chain (hiking around The right hip joint) and • A true open-chain response to isolated
responses, respectively lateral flexion of the lumbar spine to the hip flexion would displace the head and
Pelvifemoral Motion left. The abducting limb is in An open trunk forward, with the line of Gravity
• “pelvifemoral rhythm” chain; the lumbar spine (and thoracic falling in front of the supporting feet.
• when the femur, pelvis, and spine move spine) is constrained by the body weight • In a functional closed chain, motion at
in a coordinated manner to produce a and Contact with the ground. the hip (one link in the chain) is
larger ROM Than is available to one Closed-Chain Hip Joint Function accompanied by an essentially
segment alone predominantly (but not • A true closed chain is formed because mandatory Lumbar extension to
exclusively) be an open-chain Motion both ends of the chain (both feet in this maintain the head over the sacrum/ In
• can be considered analogous to example) are “fixed” and Movement at contrast, hip flexion in open-chain
scapulohumeral motion any one joint in the chain invariably pelvifemoral Motion is accompanied by
• in the case of scapulohumeral motion, involves movement. at one or more lumbar flexion because the goal is to
the joints are serving the hand. In the other links in the chain achieve more range for the head in
case of Pelvifemoral motion, the joints • true closed chain when both lower limbs space
may serve either end of the chain: the are weightbearing and the chain is
foot or head defined as all the segments
• if the goal is to bend forward to bring the Between the right foot, up through the
hands (and head) toward the floor, pelvis, and down through the left foot
isolated flexion at the hip joints • For the hips (and other lower limb joints)
(anteriorly tilting the pelvis on femurs) is to be in a closed chain in standing, both
generally insufficient to reach the ends of the chain (the head And the
ground. if the knees remain extended, feet) must be fixed. The feet are, in fact,
the hips will typically flex no more than fixed by weight-bearing. The head,
90° (and often less, depending on however, is often (but not Necessarily)
extensibility of the hamstrings). the functionally “fixed.”
addition of flexion of the lumbar spine • When the head (one end of the chain)
(and, perhaps, flexion of the thoracic is held upright and over the feet (the
spine) will add to the total ROM. the other end of the chain), all the Segments
combination of hip and trunk flexion is in the axial skeleton and lower limbs
generally sufficient for the hands to function as part of a closed chain
reach the ground—as long as the • our functional closed-chain premise, hip
hamstrings and lumbar extensors allow flexion does not occur independently
sufficient lengthening. The combination (which would move the head Forward in
of hip motion and lumbar motion to space) but is accompanied by
achieve a greater rom for the hands and mandatory motion in one or more
head is an example of a largely open- interposed segments to ensure that The
chain response in the hips and trunk. head remains upright over the base of
• Moving the foot through space support and that the body does not
• when a person is lying on the right side, become unstable
the left foot may be moved through an • common example of closed-chain
arc of motion Approaching 90° this is (versus open-chain) function is seen
clearly not all from the left hip joint, when the hip flexor musculature is
which can typically abduct only to 45°; • Tight and the hip joint is maintained in
motion of the foot through space also flexion.
includes lateral tilting of the pelvis

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