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The radiant sun shone down on me, kissing my face with it’s heat.

As the wind howled, the trees danced

to it’s singing, while the birds, sat on a tree together, and sang as they constructed their nests. I was on
vacation with my family at my father’s old, little, wooden cabin. My nose grabbed a big chunk of fresh,
forest air, as I inhaled. The rest of my family were inside taking a nap, when I decided to surprise them. I
quickly ran to the old fishing boat at the side of the lake, it smelled like fresh fish. I picked up my fishing
rod, pushed the smelly boat into the lake, and jumped into it. While fishing for fish, I felt hungry so I
took the sumptuous sandwich I had made for myself, out of the Ziploc bag, and took a big bite out of it.
The sandwich tasted ambrosial! You could taste the luscious, moist, flavorful chicken, the milky, buttery,
sweet, salty cheese, the crispy, fresh, recently picked lettuce, and the sweet-and-sour, fruity, rich,
tomatoes. I must have fell, under the spell of the sandwich, because I gobbled it down, as quick as
lightening. Before I could have even said ‘yummy’, the boat started rocking, and the sun was obstructed
by a grey cloud. It was gloomy and frigid, rain started to fall, as the wind blew harder, the thunder and
lightning became perception. While turning the boat around, the wind flipped the boat over and I was in
the cold as dry ice water. I couldn’t swim, so I slowly but surely drowning. ,“Help!” I shouted, but it was
no use. I then looked up at the surface of the water as I laid at the bottom of the river.

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