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Social Dynamics in a Shopping Mall Food Court

Intro to Anthropology, Psychology and Sociology

Jeasneet, Jinny and Thulasi

Mr. Vasilakis

HSP 3U0 - E

May 12, 2024

I. Research Notes

1:00 PM: When we arrived at the food court at the mall, we made sure to sit near the center of

the bustling area. This spot allowed us to have a clear view of most of the people sitting in the

food court within the space. The food court was well-lit, busy and loud, with many aromas

coming from the restaurants that are in the food court.

1:05 PM: We noticed two distinct groups of teenagers occupying nearby tables. One group was

made up of four lively girls who looked to be about 16 years old talking, while the other

consisted of three boys who looked to be around 13 years old involved in a conversation. The

girls seemed to be very invested in their conversation, occasionally starting to laugh or

exchanging glances, which showed that they were very close friends. The group of boys had

random moments of excitement with their conversation about a basketball game, and plans they

had set.

1:14 PM: When listening to the girls' conversation, we noticed that they talked alot about

everything from school-related matters to makeup trends to past events they had together.

Throughout their conversation, they would burst into laughter and excited gestures, which shows

a strong bond among the friends. Each member of the group was equally a part of the

conversation and seemed excited to be there.

1:26 PM: The boys' group were also having a conversation where everyone was involved and

present. They talked a lot about basketball games, and plans they had. They were very animated

throughout the conversation and bursts of laughter which showed that they were also close

friends. Occasionally, one of the boys would pull out their phone to show the rest a picture or a

video. The rest of the friends would have an enthusiastic reaction.

1:33 PM: The food court started to get very busy with people from diverse age groups and

backgrounds. People of varying ages and ethnicities entered the space, each gravitating towards

different restaurants. Families with young children could be seen trying to walk through the

crowds, while groups of friends huddled together in lively conversation. It was loud from all the

conversations happening from everyone in the busy food court.

1:39 PM: We noticed a heartwarming family, a mom, dad, grandmother and 2 young boys

enjoying a meal together. The parents' were very attentive to their children, being very enganged

with the story that two boys were telling the parents. One boy was very loud and seemed to be

entertaining the family while the other was more quiet and listened, occasionally adding to what

the brother said and giggling as he talked. The family seemed to have a strong bond, with each

member of the family sharing anecdotes and laughter, paying very little attention to the busy

food court.

1:47 PM: Towards the end of our observation, we saw a group of elderly women sitting at a

corner table, quietly talking while drinking their hot drinks from Tim Hortons. They had a

relaxed demeanor and would laugh occasionally. The group seemed to enjoy each other's

company, in the fast paced energy of the food court.

II. Challenges, Advantages, and Disadvantages


There have been multiple challenges that have occurred while we’re at the mall. Because of its

publicity, we cannot avoid the noise and stay focused with so much going on around us. It was a

hard challenge for us to keep track with everything and everyone happening at once considering

that our data must be accurate. We also had to be careful not to draw too much attention to

ourselves and avoid getting in the way of the busy mall staff and people.


Despite the challenges, the food court was a great place to observe. One thing that makes the

shopping mall food court different from other settings is that it is a diverse place, where it

includes many different kinds of people there, from teenagers to families. This place has become

a rich source of data for our study and analysis. We got to see how people of different ages and

backgrounds interacted with each other. The food court's lively atmosphere also made it easy to

see real interactions happening naturally.


However, observing in the food court also had some downsides. Since we have to observe for at

least 15-20 minutes, it was tough for us to follow people who were only there for a short time.

This made it challenging to get a deep understanding of their behavior. Plus, we had to be careful

to follow the mall's rules and make sure our observations were respectful and ethical, which

added another layer of difficulty.

III. Findings Using the Inquiry Model


The objective of our research was to give an answer to the following question: How do

individuals from different social groups interact in the busy food court of a shopping mall? We

entered this public area in order to study the structure of social interactions amongst various

social groupings. Gaining an understanding of the connections, behaviors, and interests formed

in this fast-paced setting was the goal.


We expect some very fascinating results as we explore how members of various social groups

interact in our neighborhood mall's crowded food court. We're interested in social interactions at

our mall's food area. We believe that teens would communicate with their classmates and debate

current social media trends. Elderly people may exchange stories over coffee, but families with

small children value family time.

Data Collection:

We started our observation at 1:00 PM at the busy mall food court. We saw two separate teenage

groups: three boys talking about basketball and plans, and four girls fully involved in

conversation. There was a great sense of friendship between the two groups, as seen by the

frequent laughter and energetic gestures. The food court was filled with an assortment of

customers as the lunch rush began. Children's families made their way through the crowd, while

groups of friends engaged in conversation. A touching image of a family played out, with parents

laughing and telling stories to their kids. As our observation came to the end, we noticed some

older ladies interacting with each other informally over hot drinks, contributing to the interesting

mix of people in the busy food court.


Our study notes' data analysis provides important information on social interactions at the food

court. Teenage groups, consisting of both boys and girls, were seen to show a strong sense of

friendship and to participate in chats about topics related to school, fashion, and hobbies such as

basketball. Our hypothesis is backed by these data, which show that teens talk about common

interests and interact mostly with their age group classmates. Also, seeing families eat together

highlighted the value of close family ties and shared mealtime experiences, showing the food

court's function as a place to support family ties in the middle of a busy setting. In addition, the

sight of elderly customers having a calm chat pointed out that the food court's role as a gathering

place for people of all ages to find comfort and company.


In conclusion, we learned some fascinating things from our investigation of social interactions at

the food court at the mall. It turned out that people of all ages, including families, seniors, and

youths, all liked going there. Older people enjoyed speaking, families shared meals and tales, and

teenagers talked about their interests. No matter one's age or background, our study has shown

that public areas like food courts are important for building relationships. Finally, we see how

these relationships support the growth of strong communities.

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