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Combined Science Trilogy Past Paper Mark Scheme

Question 01

01.1 Which of the following is also a renewable energy resource?

- Geothermal (1 mark)

01.2 The energy transferred by the National Grid in one second was 36 gigajoules (GJ). Which of

the following is the same as 36 gigajoules?

- 36 × 10^9 J (1 mark)

01.3 Explain the changes in power output from solar and wind energy resources between 2014 and


- General increase in power output (1 mark)

- Technological improvements, government incentives, emphasis on renewables (1 mark)

- Seasonal variations explained for solar and wind energy (1 mark)

(Total: 3 marks)

Question 02

02.1 Complete Figure 4 to show where the voltmeter should be connected.

- Correct placement in parallel across the resistors (1 mark)

02.2 Explain why the student?s answer cannot be correct.

- Total resistance in parallel is less than the smallest resistor (1 mark)

02.3 Write down the equation that links current (I), resistance (R), and potential difference (V).

- V = I × R (1 mark)

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Combined Science Trilogy Past Paper Mark Scheme

02.4 Calculate the potential difference across the two resistors.

- Correct calculation: V = 3.6 V (2 marks; 1 for method, 1 for answer)

02.5 Complete Figure 5. You should:

- Label both axes: Resistance of R (?) and Total resistance of the circuit (?) (2 marks; 1 for each


- Plot the two remaining values and draw the line of best fit (2 marks)

02.6 What resistance of R would give a total resistance of 4.4 ??

- Approximate value from the graph: 6 ? (1 mark)

02.7 Complete the sentence. The difference between the two values given by the scales is due to a


- Systematic error (1 mark)

02.8 Evaluate if the student has a healthy body water percentage.

- Using data from Figure 6 to determine if values fall within the 45%-65% range (2 marks; 1 for using

the figure, 1 for conclusion)

(Total: 13 marks)

Question 03

03.1 Explain how transformer X increases the efficiency of the National Grid.

- Steps up the voltage, reducing current for the same power (1 mark)

- Minimizes energy losses in transmission (1 mark)

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Combined Science Trilogy Past Paper Mark Scheme

03.2 Calculate the current in the secondary coil of transformer Y.

- Correct calculation: 18.15 A (2 marks; 1 for method, 1 for answer)

03.3 Why is the current in each street lamp less than the current in the secondary coil in transformer


- Lamps connected in parallel (1 mark)

03.4 Explain what happens to the potential difference across resistor R as the light intensity


- Resistance of LDR increases (1 mark)

- More voltage drops across the LDR, less across R, so V across R increases (1 mark)

03.5 Calculate the resistance of resistor R.

- Correct calculation: 15,000 ? (2 marks; 1 for method, 1 for answer)

(Total: 8 marks)

Question 04

04.1 What name is given to the checking process by other scientists before publication?

- Peer review (1 mark)

04.2 What property of nuclear radiation causes the increased risk of cancer?

- Ionizing property (1 mark)

04.3 What is the unit for the activity of a radioactive source?

- Becquerel (Bq) (1 mark)

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Combined Science Trilogy Past Paper Mark Scheme

04.4 Explain why the count-rate is less than the activity of the sample.

- Not all emitted radiation is detected by the detector (1 mark)

04.5 Explain which type of radiation was emitted by the sample.

- Alpha radiation (1 mark)

04.6 Calculate the value of X in Table 3.

- Correct calculation: 784 counts/second (1 mark)

04.7 Why was the half-life calculated from the second sample slightly different from the first sample?

- Radioactive decay is a random process (1 mark)

(Total: 7 marks)

Question 05

05.1 Explain how observing the toy from position B instead of position A affected the measurement

of the maximum height.

- Introduces parallax error (1 mark)

05.2 Calculate the mass of the toy.

- Correct calculation: 0.0078 kg (2 marks; 1 for method, 1 for answer)

05.3 Explain why the child?s toy on its own is not a closed system.

- Exchanges energy with surroundings (1 mark)

(Total: 4 marks)

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Combined Science Trilogy Past Paper Mark Scheme

Question 06

06.1 Explain how the pressure in the chamber changes when the hot coffee increases the

temperature of the air in the chamber.

- Increased temperature increases kinetic energy of air molecules (1 mark)

- More frequent collisions increase pressure (1 mark)

06.2 Explain why the bottom of the air chamber is made of metal rather than plastic.

- Metal has higher thermal conductivity, transferring heat more quickly (1 mark)

06.3 What property of air allows a small change in internal energy to cause a large temperature

change to the air in the chamber?

- Low specific heat capacity (1 mark)

(Total: 4 marks)

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