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Archive Warning:
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Nijisanji (Virtual Streamers), Virtual Streamer
Animated Characters
Luca Kaneshiro/Shu Yamino, Luca Kaneshiro &
Shu Yamino
Luca Kaneshiro, Shu Yamino, Ike Eveland, Vox
Akuma, Mysta Rias, Lucubs | Luca Kaneshiro's
Additional Tags:
Fluff, Slight Smut, Mild Smut, secret pining,
Shuca - Freeform, shuluca - Freeform, Luca
Kaneshiro Loves Shu Yamino, Bottom Luca
Kaneshiro, Top Shu Yamino, ShuxLuca, Mafia
Boss Luca Kaneshiro, Sorcerer Shu Yamino, Wet
Dream, hard smut at the last chapter
Published: 2023-09-16 Completed:
2023-12-23 Words: 27,195 Chapters: 3/3
Comments: 30 Kudos: 251 Bookmarks: 19
Hits: 3,246

A surprise off-collab from the
mafia boss and sorcerer was the
last thing anyone from the
company expected. Both of them
didn't tell anyone except The
Boyz (a.k.a Luxiem), since it was
supposed to be a collaboration
with the five of them. However,
because of certain and personal
problems, the three were unable
to attend the said collab. Thus,
leaving Luca and Shu alone to
meet up together. They don't
mind though, it was just a missed
opportunity for them to bond. The
other three have convinced the
two men to push through with the
planned stream, though there will
be huge changes.

But hey, what's the worst that

could happen?

P.S: This story follows their

vtuber lore, where 5 men
(Luxiem) were transported from
the past into the present, and
then they worked for a company
called NIJISANJI. It also includes
Luca being an actual mafia boss
and Shu having sorcery/curse

Also, this is a three-shot fic only.

Initially, it's supposed to be a
one-shot but I enjoyed writing
the story a little too much So it
got a lil lengthy LMAO but yeah,
that's all! Hope you enjoy the


fiction and a figment/product of
my imagination and delulu only.

My second Shuca fic yay!! Unlike
my first one, this will be strictly
Shuca only! I'll make a Mafiyami
soon...And it'll be a long fic! So
yeah please do look forward to
that! Anyways, I hope you enjoy
this one! Maybe also leave some
comments, I'd love to hear about
what yall think about this fic! So i
could improve my works :>
Thank you again as always for
checking my fics out! mwa mwa
to yall c:


mild smut in this fic :3

(See the end of the work for more


Chapter 1: Planning


"What?? What do you mean you guys can't come?"

Luca's eyebrows furrowed as he expressed his
confusion with facial expressions. He's currently
on a video call with Mysta, Vox and Ike, all in their
respective home countries.

"I've tried buddy, but the storm is too strong out

here. I can't get to the airport, it's too far. I'm so
sorry," Vox apologized in a low-tone, with an
obviously disappointed look on his face.

"Same here. I'm sick as fuck too," Mysta started,

sniffing mid-sentence. "Heck, I can't even get a
decent meal, my fucking groceries are running out
man." He added, with complaints alongside it.

"My flight got canceled at the last minute. I'm

already here at the airport! And the airlines are
taking a few days before they can bring the flights
back. Talk about bad timing…" Ike whined at his
unfortunate situation, ruffling his head as his face
camera shifted because he was only using his
phone at the moment.

Luca cannot believe this. This was the only time

they planned to get together in his country, but
the universe decided to be a bitch and act up, out
of all other possible days. His mind was spiraling,
not knowing how to solve this problem. He bit his
lower lip in silence, trying to come up with a

"H-How about we r-reschedule the stream?? Yeah,

we can d-do it next time!" Luca suggested with a
weary smile. He was trying his best not to show
the boys his frustration—at the situation, not on
them of course. This was way out of their control.

"But didn't Shu already land there? Based on his

last message, he's already on his way to your
house." Mysta stated, as he scrolled through his

"Oh, yeah, you're right…" The blonde responded,

remembering that he texted Shu a few hours ago
about some details of his location. "How about we
push the stream? We can maybe, do it the day
after, or like on the weekends?" He added so

"Luca… I don't think we'll be able to leave here

until next week." Ike replied with a pained

"Ikey's right. Based on the news, the storm is not

letting up for at least a week or two. It's that
crazy," Vox nodded his head in agreement, and let
out a deep sigh. "You and Shu have to push
through. We'll be here!" The man added with a
wide smile.

"Yeah man! We can like, play a game together,

even though it's not an offline collab, anyways."
Mysta reassured the mafia boss with a slight smile,
as Luca let out a slight chuckle and rubbed his
hand on his nape.

"Weeeeell," He stopped, glancing back and forth to

his computer screen. "I kiiinda announced in my
stream earlier that the stream will be an off
collab…" He finished.

"Oh." Was all the novelist could say, blinking his

eyes a few times.

"Did you say who you're gonna do an off-collab

with, though?" Vox asked, as he took a sip from
his tea.

"No… but—"

"Then it's all good if you and Shu do the stream

together! Then, we’ll do a separate stream for the
5 of us on a different day. Sounds like a good plan,
right guys??" The detective smiled at the other
boys through his computer screen, looking for
confirmation from them.

"Yeah! Totally. You're such a genius, Mysta." Ike

held up a thumbs up as he complimented the

"Heh." The fox scoffed with a smirk. "Of course I

am. I'm a detective, duh." He remarked playfully,
which made the three of them let out a few
chuckles before returning to the topic.

"Alright, that settles it then!" Luca exclaimed with

a loud voice as he slammed his hands on his
thighs. "I'll update you guys later on what Shu and
I will decide what to do about the collab, okay?"

"Yeah, sure man." Mysta states before blowing his

nose on the call. "Sorry."

"We're really sorry, Luca. We know how much

you've been looking forward to and preparing for
this collab. We all did." Ike apologized again with
pleading eyes, feeling really bad for what had

"Me too buddy. Had I known beforehand that there

was gonna be a storm this serious, I would've
booked my flight a lot earlier and flew there even
weeks before this stream." Vox, once again, let out
an exasperated sigh while shaking his head in

"Sorry man. My life has been fucking me over

recently and now I'm sick. I really wanted to meet
you guys again." The detective voiced out despite
his nose being all red and his voice slightly hoarse.

"Yeah," Ike and Vox chorused. They all sat there in

silence, which Luca didn't like; since he doesn't
want to see his friends feeling down over things
they can't control.

"It's really okay, guys! Don't be all so gloomy

about it! We can't do much about it now, do we??
Let's just plan another off-collab soon! Maybe I'll
come to you guys next time!" The blonde grinned
widely at his friends, trying to keep the bad vibes
away and bring back the positive energy in the

"You're right." Ike agreed with a mild smile, as he

stood up, pulled his suitcase behind him and
started walking. "Well, I have a bus to catch. I'll go
home first and then message you boys later."

"Okay, take care Ikey-wikey!" Luca beamed a

smile, as the other two said their goodbyes to Ike
before he dropped the call.

"Aight, that's all for me now too. I gotta get some

rest," Mysta gathered his used tissues around his
desk and stood up holding it. "See ya guys later,
I'll send a message too after I wake up from my
beauty sleep." He added as he waved his hands to
Vox and Luca, and then left the call.

"I have to get going as well, Luca. As Mysta said,

it's hard to go out and get some groceries here. I'll
try to sleep early and wake up early as well so I
can at least escape the afternoon rush." Vox
explained in a calm manner, as he fixed his robe a
little bit.

"No worries, Vox! You stay safe there, okay??" The

blonde enthusiastically said as he watched Vox on
his screen.

"I will. You as well. Send Shu my regards!"

"Roger that! POOOGGG-'' With all his energy, he

gave a loud pog before leaving the call. And as the
call ended, his stamina and smile went down as if
a switch in him turned off and all his energy was
drained away.

"Goddamn it…" He let out a loud exhale as he

leaned back on his chair, and placed the back of
his hand on his forehead. Luca admits—his spirit
went down a lot when he heard the news from his
friends. Ike wasn't kidding—he has been preparing
a lot of things and fun events to do with the boys
since it will be their first time in his place. He even
cleaned his whole apartment and bought different
ingredients for some dishes he wanted to cook to
feed his friends. All and other stuff like the stream
itself— just went down the drain.

He knows it's not anyone's fault, but he can't help

but feel sad about it. Well, at least Shu was able to
come. He was the first one to book the flight and
so, he arrived in Luca's country early. Alongside
Luca, Shu helped a lot with the preparation of the
collaboration and did most of the brain storming
about what they can do for the Luxiem off-collab

Luca just knew Shu would be disheartened the

same as him, so he mentally pumped himself up
so he could at least be in a good mood for Shu
when he hears the news. After giving himself a
personal mental boost, he heard his phone
notification sound go off. Sitting up, he grabbed
his phone from his desk, and saw from his
lockscreen that it was a message from the

ShubertPOG : hey luca, i think i'm near your

house, but it's kinda confusing. can you come
outside so I can know which one you live in? i
might accidentally ring someone else's doorbell

His mind being preoccupied with Mysta's, Vox's

and Ike's situation made the fact that Shu is
actually here seem so surreal, and that he will be
in his place any time now. Luca also just realized
that it was just gonna be them together for the
next week... Not that there was anything wrong
with it, he had spent time with Shu in the past.
They've had their moments. But then spending the
week at Luca's place for a week? Now, that's new.
It kinda made the mafia boss nervous… and


He hit send and then grabbed his jacket from his

closet. It was pretty cold outside, since it's still
early in the morning. Before leaving his
apartment, he glanced at his clock and it read
6:27 AM. Damn. It was indeed really early, as he
realized that he didn't get a wink of sleep because
he was talking to the boys earlier for a few hours.
He hadn't realized it was this time of the day

The moment he walked past his door and opened

his gates, he saw the familiar man in the distance
with obsidian hair, yellow and pink streaks in his
bangs, and purple streaks at the back as well. He
kinda stood out in the crowdless streets, holding
out his phone on his right hand while carrying his
suitcases and bags on the other. He was wearing a
bucket hat and black jacket, with a knitted white
turtleneck underneath it, partnered with slim
denim jeans and brown shoes. He was glancing
around, trying to find his mafia friend.

"Hey, Shuuu!!" Luca held out his hand high and

waved his whole arm up in the air, calling out the
sorcerer's name towards his direction. At first, he
was sure Shu didn't hear him because he kept
walking farther, passing the direction of Luca's

"SHUBERTT!! OVER HEREE!!" He shouted even

louder, and ran a little towards the ravenette. It
was still dark, but Shu was able to spot the
beaming, bright smile of Luca even from far away,
shouting and waving at him. He plastered a soft
smile at the sight of the mafia immediately, as if
his smile was contagious. Well, it kinda was.

"Oh, there you are, big guy." He greeted as he

braced himself for impact. He just knew Luca was
gonna give him a tight hug as soon as he
approached the man. And he did, so Shu returned
the hug back as he finally felt some warmth from
Luca's body after strolling in the cold neighborhood
for a solid 20 minutes. He noticed the mafia boss
was hugging him a bit too tight as he can smell
the other's scented shampoo near his face.

"SHUU! I'M SO GLAD YOU MADE IT!" Luca cheered

with a teary eye as he broke out of the hug and
placed his hands on the sorcerer's shoulders.

"Of course I would. I did promise you that we

would see each other soon, right?" He responded
with a faint smile as he followed Luca back to his
apartment. "How about the others? I saw you guys
on a call earlier. I couldn't join because I didn't
have a good signal." Shu added, to which the
mafia frowned and let out a deep exhale.

"Well, you see…" and Luca started to explain to

Shu what was the situation for the other boys, and
why they couldn't come. The blonde also
expressed his tiny frustration at the timing of
everything, and that it was such a wasted
opportunity for them. As they entered Luca's place
and changed into indoor slippers, Shu also shared
the same sentiments as he let out a short sigh.

"That sucks. Like really," Shu grunted with dismay,

putting his shoes on the shoe rack. "So what are
we gonna do now?" He asked the mafia boss, as
his left hand landed on his hips.

"Well, since I already announced that I'll be having

an offline collab tomorrow night, the boys told me
that, you know, we could maybe push through
with it…?" Luca explained, trying to recall the
other's suggestions earlier.

"Oh, you mean just the two of us?" Shu asked as

he raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah," The other replied as he helped the

ravenette with his luggages. "I can cancel it if
you're not up to it though." He added.

"Oh, no I'm down for it. Probably a lot of your

lucubs are looking forward to it already. We don't
wanna let them down now, do we?" Shu remarked
with a smile, as he took his jacket off. It was quite
warm inside Luca's home, so there was no need to
wear it inside.

"Yeah…" Luca trailed off, as he watched Shu take

off his clothing and revealed that his turtleneck
was sleeveless, and his buff biceps lowkey flexed
at his motions. The mafia, for some reason, found
himself staring at the obsidian-haired male and
gulped. He caught himself the split-second when
Shu glanced over to him, as the blonde hastily
turned his head away. 'What the hell was that,
Luca Kaneshiro?? I probably need sleep…' He
scolded himself as he carried the sorcerer's
smaller bags in his own room. Luca's apartment
was a little bigger than usual, since he had a few
guest rooms. He cleaned them all for the boys, but
it looks like only one guest room will be used
today. His head was hurting from all the dispute
and he was running on no sleep. He mentally
cursed himself as he prayed Shu didn't see him
ogling on his arms for a second there.

Shu followed him in the said guest room, carrying

the rest of things as they continued the
conversation. "So, any ideas what we should do for
the stream? The plans we prepared are for all
five… I don't think it would work with just the two
of us." He started as Luca placed down his bags at
the side of the room. He opened the lights, which
blinked slowly before completely illuminating the
guest room.

"Yeah, we need to plan another stream idea, right

from scratch…" Luca replied, looking a bit
disheartened since he really did spend weeks
working on their collab, with all 5 of them. Shu
noticed this, so he just patted Luca's back, and
smiled at him softly.

"Don't worry, Luca. The stream tomorrow evening

will go well, we still have the whole day today and
tomorrow morning to plan for it. It will be alright!"
He reassured the blonde. The way that the
ravenette said those words somehow soothed
Luca's weary heart, and was able to pull up his lips
in a smile.

"You're right, Shu. We got this!" Placing his hands

on the sorcerer's shoulders, he let out a cheerful
smile, to which Shu was glad to see. As if right on
cue, quick footsteps can be heard on the hallway,
hastily entering the room since the door was
swung open. A golden retriever dog excitingly
jumped on Shu from behind, tripping him out of

"Woah—!" He tried to rebalance himself, but his

foot hit one of his luggage on the floor, sending
himself falling backwards.

"Shu!" Without thinking about it, Luca instinctively

grabbed Shu by his waist and arm, and pulled him
close to help him regain his balance. But he thinks
he might've pulled too close for comfort.

Their faces were literally just inches away, and

they could feel each other's warm breaths. They
stayed frozen in that position, eyes slightly wide
open and locked on each other; until his dog
barked loudly enough to snap them out of it.

"A-Are you okay??" The mafia boss started,

stepping a few steps away from the other.

"Y-Yeah…" Shu answered back, lowkey speechless

on what the silence between them was.

"Excuse Dogma, he's just probably too excited to

see you, hahaha," Luca let out a chuckle as he
observed his pet dog circle around Shu and his
things, sniffing thoroughly.

"It's okay. I'm actually excited to finally meet him

too!" The sorcerer smiled at the mafia boss,
obviously psyched to see the infamous Dogma.
"Also… Luca?" He called out.


"You can let go now…" Shu trailed off, as he

averted his purple orbs down to his waist, where
Luca's hand was; still holding it sternly. The blonde
then swiftly removed his hand on Shu's slender
waist and arms, as a blush slowly seeped on his
cheeks. He can't believe himself today. First, he
was staring at his friend's buff arms and now he
forgot (he forgor lmao) take his hands off the
ravenette. He probably must be really tired.

"S-Sorry." Was all he could utter. Shu scoffed and

told him it was no problem, and finally turned his
attention to the jumping dog beside him. Thank
god Shu was chill about it. Luca's head feels like
it's spinning with what's happening for the past 2
hours, including the issue with Mysta, Vox and
Ike's travels. And now this.

"Woah, you've gotten so big! Nice to finally meet

you too, you cutie." The sorcerer squatted down to
the golden retriever leaping at him, greeting him
with an energy he was familiar with, from a certain
mafia boss. Dogma licked his cheeks, sweetly
sitting in front of him as he continued caressing
the dog's golden fur. This cute interaction from the
sorcerer and Dogma woke Luca up, as he stood
there watching those two play around with a faint
smile on his lips.

"He looks a lot bigger in person than in those

photos you sent me," Shu stated as he stood up,
dusting his thighs with his hands. "But still cute."
He finished with a smile.

"Yeah! He grows so fast, I swear to god." Luca

responded with a groan, as his pet then
approached him and happily looked at him with its
tongue out. "Slow down a bit, yeah?" He said to
Dogma, while he petted its head. They both
shared a few laughs together while talking about
the dog, before going back to the topic.

"I'll try to research some things we can do so we

can prepare later or tomorrow. Maybe something
simple, but rare. Since it's gonna be an off-collab."
Shu crossed his arm as he closed his eyes,
thinking of a good idea for the stream tomorrow.

"You should rest first! You just came from a long

flight and traveled, I bet you're tired." Luca started
with slight concern written on his face. Aside from
his own exhaustion, he could sense and see
fatigue in Shu's eyes and voice as well, even
though the sorcerer hid it so well.

"Hahaha, you're kinda right. You should too as

well, Luca. I also bet that you haven't slept all
night." Shu pointed out as the mafia boss scoffed,
surprised at the fact that he was read like an open

"Sheesh, don't use magic on me!" The blonde

jokingly retorted, as he let out a chuckle

"I didn't! Also, it's sorcery , not magic. There's a

difference. I'm not a telepath, boss ." Shu
remarked with a playful tone. "You just look and
sound really tired. You should really rest and
sleep, Luca. I'm fine here, I'll unpack first too as
well." He added as he sat down on the soft bed.

"You're right..." He was guilty as charged. Luca

couldn't do anything but nod and agree to Shu's
words as he rubbed his palm at his nape. "Thanks,
Shubert. I guess I'll go take a nap and wake up
later in the afternoon." He stated as he led his dog
out of the room. "Let's go, Dogma."

"Oh, he can stay if he wants. I could use a

company while I sort my things out. I'll just leave
the door open if ever he wants to go somewhere
though," The sorcerer added as the golden
retriever leaped on the mattress and made itself
comfy by lying down next to the ravenette.

"Damn, I think he really likes you, Shu." Luca

commented as he watched his pet dog snuggle
itself next to Shu. Dogma never really acts at ease
with other people other than Luca himself. So, it
was quite a sight to see him comfortable and
familiar with Shu.

"Well, I like him too. He's really pog , just as you

said, hahaha." The sorcerer chuckled as he stroked
the fur of Dogma's head, as he closed his eyes and
snoozed off.

"There he goes. Alright, I'll go to sleep myself!

There's food on the fridge if you want to eat or
something," Luca added before he exits the guest
room door frame.

"Okaaay." Shu grinned as they waved at each

other. "Have a good sleep, Luca." He finishes with
a gentle smile before bringing back his gaze to
Dogma and his things.

Something about Shu being in his bed (technically,

'cause it's his furniture) and with his dog looking
so precious… and that smile . God, that smile of
his that just looks so lovely. Luca has seen that
smile before when they first met in real life, but it
never ceases to mesmerize him every time he sees

As the mafia boss shook his head to brush off such

thoughts, he deeply exhaled as he walked back to
his room. His pulse rate was definitely increasing
and his face was warming up. Determined to go to
sleep as fast as he can to get rid of these weird
feelings pent up in his head and stomach, he
rushed to his bedroom and threw himself at his
bed as he closed his eyes, hoping that the
exhaustion would guide him into his slumber.


"Haa… F-Fuck, t-that's…" Luca felt himself let out a

sensual groan and whimper, as he felt movement
and sensations on his cock.

"U-Ughh…" He was slowly losing his mind. He was

hot, horny and completely aroused. There was
only a dim light around the room to help him
visualize where he was. What he was only sure of
was that he was lying by his back on a bed—while
someone was giving him a great blowjob.

He could feel the person on his dick move up and

down as they moved their hands on his thighs,
and they continued to suck and lick his hard
member. Luca couldn't stop moaning and groaning
at the amazing demonstrations on his cock, it was
just so great. His toes curled as he felt his dick
twitch inside of the mouth of the person eating
him up, and he was sure he's close.

"I-I'm… A-Ah… C-Cumming… Nngh…" The blonde

stated in between his panting, as the other person
picked up the pace. This drove him to arch his
back at the immense pleasure he's feeling,
stomach churning in anticipation. His hips were
moving and grinding so much that the other
person had to hold him down firmly with their
hands and slender fingers.

"I-I…. Mmhmm… H-Haah…!" After a few moments,

he shot his juices into that person's mouth, filling
it to the brim as he could feel his own cum coating
his cock, dripping and flowing down to his balls
and butthole.

"W-Wha…" Luca wanted to ask what was

happening, or who was able to make him orgasm
that fast.

"Hm?" The other person hummed in response, as

he could see their shadow wiping their mouth with
the back of their hand.

"I… Haah… A-Auhm…" For some reason, the mafia

boss couldn't form any words and his throat just
continued to release erotic noises. He was in a
whimpering mess to think of any coherent
sentences or thoughts.

"It was that good, you can't talk?" The other

person finally spoke as they climbed above him,
hovering on top of him as one of their hands
continued to caress his flaccid member and balls.
His heart stopped as he slowly recognized the
person with their voice and the gradual revelation
of their face with the room's dim light. Luca gulped
nervously as his eyes adjusted in the dark,
allowing him to clearly see his face. And holy shit.

"...S-Shu? W-Wha—"

"Shh. It's alright, Luca. Don't worry, I can make

you feel better." Shu's sultry voice lingered in the
blonde's mind. He hasn't heard him talk like that,
not to him at least. It was so different, yet he
could tell it was Shu. It was definitely Shu.

Before Luca could say anything, the person on top

of him raised one of his legs and placed on his
shoulder, spreading his legs apart. He then felt the
sorcerer's fingers, wet with his slick, traced the
outside of his entrance, to which the mafia's body
shivered from his touch.

"W-Wai—" Not letting the mafia finish, Shu

inserted his long fingers inside his butthole,
surprising Luca with both the sensation of pain and


His upper body shot up and he sat up, as he

sweats profusely with eyes wide open. His body
was warm, his skin was sensitive and his boxers
were wet from pre-cum. His body was
experiencing the same sensations from a few
moments ago, except now he's fully clothed and
the lights were open… and there was no Shu
shoving his finger inside his ass hole.

Luca hastily looked around and at himself,

examining his surroundings. He was back in his
room, alone and quiet. He was so confused. 'W-
Was that only a dream? I-It felt so r-real…' He
thought to himself, as he slowly raised the
blankets that were covering his body. And he saw
what he expected.

He was fucking hard. A huge bulge can be seen on

his crotch, and the tip was wet and stained by his
own secretions. He was so embarrassed for
himself. Not only did he have a wet dream in the

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