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Article 01: Home Sweet Home (Part 1)

(Artigo 01: Lar Doce Lar – Parte 1)

Part 1 | Vocabulary(Parte 1 | Vocabulário)

Task: Read the words and expressions with your teacher.

(Tarefa: Leia as palavras e expressões com seu professor.)

Words and Expressions Examples

(Palavras e Expressões) (Exemplos)

Jessica may not go to work today.(Jessica

pode não ir ao trabalho hoje.)

He enjoys surfing as well as skateboarding.

as well as(assim como)
(Ele curte surfar assim como andar de skate.)

They were guided by the stars.(Eles foram

guiados pelas estrelas .)

The plane is homing in on the airport.(O

to home(aproximar-se)
avião está se aproximando do aeroporto.)

We can have lunch anywhere today.(Nós

anywhere(qualquer lugar)
podemos almoçar em qualquer lugar hoje.)

It’s a joy to talk to you.(É uma alegria

conversar com você.)

They visited Canada long ago.(Eles

long ago (muito tempo atrás)
visitaram o Canadá muito tempo atrás.)

What’s the target of your commercial?(Qual

target (alvo)
é o alvo do seu comercial?)

That house belongs to us.(Aquela casa

to belong (pertencer)
pretence a nós.)

My heart is very healthy. (Meu coração está

heart (coração)
muito saudável.)
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Part 2 | Reading (Parte 2 | Leitura)

Task: Read the article with your teacher.

(Tarefa: Leia o artigo com seu professor.)

Home Sweet Home (Part 1)

Today we will talk about a word that is a feeling as well as a place. That word is “home.”

Long ago in the 1700s, “home” was used as a verb, meaning “to be guided to a

destination.” So, when you home in on something you get closer to your target. For

example, you could say, “Police are homing in on the suspects."

But today, “home” is more often used as a noun. And it has a very emotional connection for

American English speakers. You can remember the meaning of the word by the expression

“home is where the heart is.” That expression means home is anywhere you feel love and

comfort. It is a place where you belong, and often a place that you consider your origin.

In 1940, Thomas Wolfe, an American novelist, wrote a book called “You Can’t Go Home

Again”. This title has worked its way into the English language. We use it to mean that the

ideas and feelings you had as a child often change when you are an adult.

Some people think that returning to a childhood place brings only joy. When these people

return to their childhood homes, they may say "Home Sweet Home!"
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Check your comprehension: Answer the questions below.

(Compreensão da leitura: Responda as perguntas abaixo.)

1. When was the word “home” used as a verb more often?

(Quando a palavra “home” era usada como um verbo mais frequentemente?)

2. What does the expression “home is where the heart is” mean?
(Que a expressão “lar é onde o coração está” significa?)

3. Who wrote the novel “You Can’t Go Home Again”? When?

(Quem escreveu o romance “Você não pode ir para casa novamente? Quando?)
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Part 3 | Speaking (Part 3 | Conversação)

Task 1: Answer the questions below. (Tarefa 1: Responda as perguntas abaixo.)

1. What makes a home in your opinion?

(O que faz um lar na sua opinião?)

2. What do you like about your hometown?

(Que você gosta na sua cidade natal?)

3. Do you still live in your hometown? If not, how often do you return to it?
(Você ainda mora na sua cidade natal? Se não, que frequência você retorna à

4. When was the last time you were homesick - sad because you were away
from home?
(Quando foi a última vez que você esteve com saudades de casa – triste
porque você estava longe de casa?)

5. Do you agree that the ideas and feelings we had as a child usually change
when we are adults?
(Você concorda que as ideias e sentimentos que nós tivemos quando criança
normalmente mudam quando nós somos adultos?)

Task 2: Debate the statements below with your teacher. (Tarefa 2: Debata as declarações
abaixo com seu professor.)

1. “Home is where the heart is”.

(“Lar é onde o coração está.”)

2. People who travel a lot don't feel connected to their home.

(Pessoas que viajam muito não se sentem conectadas com seus lares.)

3. People don’t get a strong connection to a place or to other people like in the
(As pessoas não adquirem uma conexão forte com um lugar ou com outras
pessoas como no passado.)

4. The road is the best home.

(A estrada é o melhor lar.)

5. "It takes hands to build a house, but only hearts can build a home".
(“É preciso mãos para construir uma casa, mas apenas corações podem
construir um lar.”)
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Part 4 | Vocabulary Practice (Parte 4 |Prática de Vocabulário)

Task: Use the words below to fill the blanks in the sentences. Don’t forget to use the proper
form of the word. (Use as palavras abaixo para preencher os espaços nas frases. Não esqueça
de usar a forma apropriada da palavra.)

guided to home joy may heart

as well as long ago to belong anywhere target

1. To be with my family brings me_________________________.

2. You need to go to the doctor and check your_________________________.

3. Adam was lost, but luckily he was_______________________by a nice woman back to

his hotel.

4. I_________________________go to the party tonight. I am not sure.

5. Let’s go_________________________. I just don’t want to stay at home.

6. I used to smoke_________________________.

7. This restaurant serves meat_________________________vegetarian food.

8. Do these glasses_________________________to you?

9. The FBI is_________________________in on a dangerous terrorist.

10. If you walk on the street alone at night, you are an easy________________________to

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Part 5 | Writing (Parte 5 | Escrita)

Homework: Write an original sentence using each word from the vocabulary section.
(Lição de casa: Escreva uma frase original usando cada palavra da seção de vocabulário.)

1. _______________________________________________________________


2. _______________________________________________________________


3. _______________________________________________________________


4. _______________________________________________________________


5. _______________________________________________________________


6. _______________________________________________________________


7. _______________________________________________________________


8. _______________________________________________________________


9. _______________________________________________________________



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