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Practice FRQ:



Practice Multiple Choice:

You may find it here:

All you have to do to prepare is read the textbook until you understand the physics then do
some problems and make sure to do all the challenge problems as they really help cement
understanding. Look at the solutions only after you are totally stuck. After you've gone through
the whole curriculum do the practice frq timed. The multiple choice is not publicly released but
you may find it on the struggle buddies repo. Multiple choice is generally less thinking and
easier than frq if you know all the concepts.

Mechanics curriculum:

● 1 Physics and Measurement
● 2 Motion in One Dimension
● 3 Vectors
● 4 Motion in Two Dimensions
● 5 The Laws of Motion
● 6 Circular Motion and other Applications of Newton’s Laws
● 7 Energy of a System
● 8 Conservation of Energy
● 9 Linear Momentum and Collisions omit 9.9 Rocket Propulsion
● 10 Rotation of a Rigid Object About a Fixed Axis
● 11 Angular Momentum
● 12 Static Equilibrium and Elasticity omit 12.4 Elastic Properties of Solids
● 13 Universal Gravitation
● 15 Oscillatory Motion omit 15.4 Comparing Simple Harmonic Motion with Uniform
Circular Motion omit 15.7 Forced Oscillations

15.6 Damped Oscillations can probably be omitted

Electricity curriculum

● 23 Electric Fields
● 24 Gauss’s Law
● 25 Electric Potential
● 26 Capacitance and Dielectrics omit 26.6 Electric Dipole in an Electric Field, and 26.7 An
Atomic Description of Dielectrics
● 27 Current and Resistance omit 27.3 A Model for Electrical Conduction, 27.4 Resistance
and Temperature, 27.5 Superconductors,
● 28 Direct-Current Circuits
● 29 Magnetic Fields omit 29.6 The Hall Effect
● 30 Sources of the Magnetic Field omit 30.6 Magnetism in Matter
● 31 Faraday’s Law
● 32 Inductance

32.6 The RLC Circuit can probably be omitted

Damped oscillators and RLC (which is also a damped oscillator) are rarely tested (I’ve never
seen them on frq/mc) when they are tested, you can usually figure it out from the given
information, but background never hurts.

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