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Emir Abdelkader

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For the song, see Abdel Kader (song). For the Palestinian nationalist, see Abd al-Qadir al-Husayni.

Abd al-Qadir al-Jaza'iri

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Photographed by Étienne Carjat in 1865
Native name
þÿþæþóþªþßþ• þòþ¤þã þæþ‘þ• þ-þ©þŽþØþßþ• þªþ’þË
Birth name Abd al-Qadir ibn Muhyi al-Din al-Hassani
Born 6 September 1808
Guetna, Regency of Algiers
Died 26 May 1883 (aged 74)
Damascus, Ottoman Syria[1]
Buried El Alia Cemetery
Rank Emir

French conquest of Algeria

Capture of Mascara
Battle of Macta
Battle of Sig
Battle of Sidi-Brahim

Battle of Oued Aslaf

Battle of Agueddin
Awards Legion of Honour (Grand Cross)
Order of Pius IX
First Class of the Order of the Medjidie
Order of the Redeemer (Grand Cross)

þÿAbd al-Qadir ibn Muhyi al-Din (6 September 1808 26 May 1883; Arabic: þæþóþªþßþ• þòþ¤þã þæþ‘þ• þ-þ©þŽþØþ
þÿal-Qdir ibn Mu%y al-D+n), known as the Emir Abdelkader or Abd al-Qadir al-Hassani al-Jaza'iri, was an
Algerian religious and military leader who led a struggle against the French colonial invasion of Algiers in the
early 19th century. As an Islamic scholar and Sufi who unexpectedly found himself leading a military
campaign, he built up a collection of Algerian tribesmen that for many years successfully held out against one
of the most advanced armies in Europe. His consistent regard for what would now be called human rights,
especially as regards his Christian opponents, drew widespread admiration, and a crucial intervention to save
the Christian community of Damascus from a massacre in 1860 brought honours and awards from around the
world. Within Algeria, he was able to unite many Arab and Berber tribes to resist the spread of French
colonization.[2] His efforts to unite the country against French invaders led some French authors to describe
him as a "modern Jugurtha",[3] and his ability to combine religious and political authority has led to his being
acclaimed as the "Saint among the Princes, the Prince among the Saints".[4]
See also: Abdul Qadir

þÿThe name "Abdelkader" is sometimes transliterated as "»Abd al-Qdir", "Abd al-Kader", "Abdul Kader" or
other variants, and he is often referred to as simply the Emir Abdelkader (since El Jezairi just means "the
Algerian"). "Ibn Muhieddine" is a patronymic meaning "son of Muhieddine".
Early years
See also: Emir Mustapha
Photo from ca. 1860

Abdelkader was born in el Guetna, a town and commune in Mascara on September 6 1808,[5] to a religious
family. His father, Muhieddine (or "Muhyi al-Din") al-Hasani, was a muqaddam in a religious institution
affiliated with the Qadiriyya tariqa[6] and claimed descendence from Muhammad, through the Idrisid
dynasty.[7] Abdelkader was thus a sharif, and entitled to add the honorary patronymic al-Hasani ("descendant
of Hasan ibn Ali") to his name.[6]

He grew up in his father's zawiya, which by the early nineteenth century had become the centre of a thriving
community on the banks of the Oued al-Hammam. Like other students, he received a traditional and common
education in theology, jurisprudence and grammar; it was said that he could read and write by the age of five. A
gifted student, Abdelkader succeeded in reciting the Qur'an by heart at the age of 14, thereby receiving the title
þÿof %fi“; a year later, he went to Oran for further education.[6] He was a good orator and could excite his peers
with poetry and religious diatribes.[1] He is noted for numerous published essays about adapting Islamic law to
modern society.[8]

As a young man In 1825, he set out on the Hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca, with his father. While there, he
encountered Imam Shamil; the two spoke at length on different topics. He also traveled to Damascus and
Baghdad, and visited the graves of noted Muslims, such as ibn Arabi and Abdul Qadir Gilani, who was also
þÿcalled al-Jill+ in Algeria. This experience cemented his religious enthusiasm. On his way back to Algeria, he
was impressed by the reforms carried out by Muhammad Ali of Egypt.[citation needed] He returned to his
homeland a few months before the arrival of the French under the July Monarchy.
French invasion and resistance
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þÿEarly success (1830 1837)

Main article: French conquest of Algeria
See also: Raid on Reghaïa (1837), Expedition of the Col des Beni Aïcha, and First Battle of Boudouaou

In 1830, Algeria was invaded by France; French colonial domination over Algeria eventually supplanted
domination by the Ottoman Empire and the Kouloughlis. There was a lot of pent-up resentment against the
Ottomans when the French arrived, and due to numerous rebellions in the early 19th century, the Algerians
could not oppose the French at all initially. When the French Africa Army reached Oran in January 1831,
Abdelkader's father was asked to lead a resistance campaign against them;[1] Muhieddine called for jihad and
he and his son were among those involved in early attacks below the walls of the city.[6]

It was at this point that Abdelkader came to the fore. At a meeting of the western tribes in the autumn of 1832,
he was elected Amir al-Mu'minin (typically abbreviated to "Emir") following his father's refusal of the position
on the grounds that he was too old.[9] The appointment was confirmed five days later at the Great Mosque of
Mascara. Within a year, through a combination of punitive raids and careful politics, Abdelkader had succeeded
þÿin uniting the tribes in the region and in reestablishing security his area of influence now covered the entire
Province of Oran.[6] The local French commander-in-chief, General Louis Alexis Desmichels, saw Abdelkader
as the principal representative of the area during peace negotiations, and in 1834 they signed the Desmichels
Treaty, which ceded near-total control of Oran Province to Abdelkader.[1] For the French, this was a way of
establishing peace in the region while also confining Abdelkader to the west; but his status as a co-signatory
also did much to elevate him in the eyes of the Berbers and of the French.[6]

Using this treaty as a start, he imposed his rule on the tribes of the Chelif, Miliana, and Médéa.[1] The French
high command, unhappy with what they now saw as the unfavorable terms of the Desmichels Treaty, recalled
General Desmichels and replaced him with General Camille Alphonse Trézel, which caused a resumption of
hostilities. Abdelkader's tribal warriors met the French forces in July 1834 at the Battle of Macta, where the
French suffered an unexpected defeat.[6]

France's response was to step up its military campaign, and under new commanders the French won several
important encounters including the 1836 Battle of Sikkak. But political opinion in France was becoming
ambivalent towards Algeria, and when General Thomas Robert Bugeaud was deployed to the region in April
1837, he was "authorized to use all means to induce Abd el-Kader to make overtures of peace".[10] The result,
after protracted negotiations, was the Treaty of Tafna, signed on 30 May 1837. This treaty gave even more
control of interior portions of Algeria to Abdelkader but with the recognition of France's right to imperial
sovereignty. Abdelkader thus won control of all of Oran Province and extended his reach to the neighbouring
province of Titteri and beyond.[1]
New state

The period of peace following the Treaty of Tafna benefited both sides, and the Emir Abdelkader took the
opportunity to consolidate a new functional state, with a capital in Tagdemt. He played down his political
power, however, repeatedly declining the title of sultan and striving to concentrate on his spiritual authority.[4]
The state he created was broadly theocratic, and most positions of authority were held by members of the
religious aristocracy; even the main unit of currency was named the muhammadiyya, after the Prophet.[11]

His first military action was to move south into the Sahara and al-Tijani. Next, he moved east to the valley of
the Chelif and Titteri, but was resisted by the Bey of Constantine Province, Hajj Ahmed. In other actions, he
demanded punishment of the Kouloughlis of Zouatna for supporting the French. By the end of 1838, his rule
extended east to Kabylie, and south to Biskra, and to the Moroccan border.[1] He continued to fight al-Tijani
and besieged his capital at Aïn Madhi for six months, eventually destroying it.
Map of Emir Abd al-Qadir state between 1836 and 1839
The Emirate of Abdelkader at its greatest extent

Another aspect of Abdelkader that helped him lead his fledgling nation was his ability to find and use good
talent regardless of its nationality. He would employ Jews and Christians on his way to building his nation. One
of these was Léon Roches.[1] His approach to the military was to have a standing army of 2000 men supported
by volunteers from the local tribes. He placed, in the interior towns, arsenals, warehouses, and workshops,
where he stored items to be sold for arms purchases from England. Through his frugal living (he lived in a tent),
he taught his people the need for austerity and through education he taught them concepts such as nationality
and independence.[1]
End of the nation
Artistic representation of Abd al-Qadir's surrender in 1847

The peace ended when the Duc d'Orléans, ignoring the terms of the Treaty of Tafna, headed an expeditionary
force that breached the Iron Gates. On 15 October 1839, Abd al-Qadir attacked the French as they were
colonizing the Plains of Mitidja and routed the invaders. In response the French officially declared war on 18
November 1839.[12] The fighting bogged down until General Thomas Robert Bugeaud returned to Algeria, this
time as governor-general, in February 1841. Abdelkader was originally encouraged to hear that Bugeaud, the
promoter of the Treaty of Tafna, was returning; but this time Bugeaud's tactics would be radically different.
This time, his approach was one of annihilation, with the conquest of Algeria as the endgame:[1]

I will enter into your mountains, I will burn your villages and your harvests, I will cut down your fruit trees.
þÿ General Bugeaud[12]

Abdelkader was effective at using guerrilla warfare and for a decade, up until 1842, scored many victories. He
often signed tactical truces with the French, but these did not last. His power base was in the western part of
Algeria, where he was successful in uniting the tribes against the French. He was noted for his chivalry; on one
occasion he released his French captives simply because he had insufficient food to feed them. Throughout this
period, Abdelkader demonstrated political and military leadership and acted as a capable administrator and a
persuasive orator. His fervent faith in the doctrines of Islam was unquestioned.

Until the beginning of 1842 the struggle went in his favor; however, the resistance was put down by Marshal
Bugeaud, due to Bugeaud's adaptation to the guerilla tactics employed by Abdelkader. Abdelkader would strike
fast and disappear into the terrain with light infantry; however the French increased their mobility. The French
armies brutally suppressed the native population and practiced a scorched earth policy in the countryside to
force the residents to starve so as to desert their leader. By 1841, his fortifications had all but been destroyed
and he was forced to wander the interior of the Oran. In 1842, he had lost control of Tlemcen and his lines of
communications with Morocco were not effective. He was able to cross the border into Morocco for a respite,
but the French defeated the Moroccans at the Battle of Isly.[1] He left Morocco, and was able to keep up the
fight to the French by taking the Sidi Brahim at the Battle of Sidi-Brahim.[1]
Portrait of Emir Abdelkader by Jean-Baptiste-Ange Tissier, in 1852

Abdelkader was ultimately forced to surrender. His failure to get support from eastern tribes, apart from the
Kabyles of western Kabylie, had contributed to the quelling of the rebellion, and a decree from Abd al-Rahman
of Morocco following the 1844 Treaty of Tangiers had outlawed the Emir from his entire kingdom.[11]

Abd al-Rahman of Morocco secretly sent soldiers to attack Abdelkader and destroy his supplies, six months
after Abdelkader routed the Moroccans and imprisoned them.[13] Following this failure by the Moroccans, an
assassin was sent to kill Emir Abdelkader. While the Emir was reading he raised his head and witnessed a large
powerful assassin armed with a dagger, however the assassin quickly threw the dagger to the ground and said:
þÿ I was going to strike you, but the sight of you disarmed me. I thought I saw the halo of the Prophet on your
þÿhead. [13] The nephew of Abd al-Rahman, Moulay Hashem was sent along with the governor of the Rif, El
Hamra in command of a Moroccan army to attack the Emir, however the Moroccans were severely defeated in
battle, El Hamra was killed, Moulay Hashem had barely escaped with his life and Abd al-Rahman accepted this
defeat.[13][14] The Moroccans led another offensive in the Battle of Agueddin in which they were defeated by
Abdelkader in all three military engagements, however Abdelkader soon made the choice to withdraw from
Morocco and enter French territory for negotiations.[13]

On 23 December 1847, Abdelkader surrendered to General Louis Juchault de Lamoricière in exchange for the
promise that he would be allowed to go to Alexandria or Acre.[1] He supposedly commented on his own
surrender with the words, "And God undoes what my hand has done", although this is probably apocryphal. His
request was granted, and two days later his surrender was made official to the French Governor-General of
Algeria, Henri d'Orléans, Duke of Aumale, to whom Abdelkader symbolically handed his war-horse.[11]
Ultimately, however, the French government refused to honour Lamoricière's promise: Abdelkader was shipped
to France and, instead of being allowed to carry on to the East, ended up being kept in captivity.[1][11]
Imprisonment and exile
Tomb at the Château d'Amboise of 25 members of Abdelkader's retinue who died during their imprisonment,
including one of his wives, one of his brothers, and two of his children
Abdelkader and his family and followers were detained in France, first at Fort Lamalgue in Toulon, then at Pau,
and in November 1848 they were transferred to the château of Amboise.[1] Damp conditions in the castle led to
deteriorating health as well as morale in the Emir and his followers, and his fate became something of a cause
célèbre in certain circles. Several high-profile figures, including Émile de Girardin and Victor Hugo, called for
greater clarification over the Emir's situation; future prime minister Émile Ollivier carried out a public opinion
campaign to raise awareness over his fate. There was also international pressure. Lord Londonderry visited
Abdelkader in Amboise and subsequently wrote to then-President Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte (whom he had
known during the latter's exile in England) to appeal for the Emir's release.[11]

Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte (later the Emperor Napoleon III) was a relatively new president, having come to
power in the Revolution of 1848 while Abdelkader was already imprisoned. He was keen to make a break with
several policies of the previous regime, and Abdelkader's cause was one of them.[11] Eventually, on 16 October
1852, Abdelkader was released by the President and given an annual pension of 100,000 francs[15] on taking an
oath never again to disturb Algeria. He then took up residence in Bursa, today's Turkey, moving in 1855 to
Amara District in Damascus. He devoted himself anew to theology and philosophy, and composed a
philosophical treatise, of which a French translation was published in 1858 under the title of Rappel à
l'intelligent, avis à l'indifférent (Reminder to the intelligent, notice to the indifferent), and again in 1877 under
the title of Lettre aux Français (Letter to the French). He also wrote a book on the Arabian horse.

During his stay in Syria, 'Abd al-Qadir became an active Freemason and was close to the French intellectual
circles.[16][17] He was a prominent member of the lodge of the 'Pyramides', which was directly under the
patronage of the Grand Orient of France.[18] While in Damascus, he also befriended Jane Digby as well as
Richard and Isabel Burton. Abdelkader's knowledge of Sufism and skill with languages earned Burton's respect
and friendship; his wife Isabel described him as follows:

þÿ He dresses purely in white &enveloped in the usual snowy burnous &if you see him on horseback without
þÿknowing him to be Abd el Kadir, you would single him out &he has the seat of a gentleman and a soldier. His
mind is as beautiful as his face; he is every inch a Sultan.[19]

Anti-Christian riots of 1860 in Damascus

See also: 1860 Mount Lebanon civil war

In July 1860, conflict between the Druze and Maronites of Mount Lebanon spread to Damascus, and local
Druze attacked the Christian quarter, killing over 3,000 people. Abdelkader had previously warned the French
consul as well as the Council of Damascus that violence was imminent; when it finally broke out, he sheltered
large numbers of Christians, including the heads of several foreign consulates as well as religious groups such
as the Sisters of Mercy, in the safety of his house.[12] His eldest sons were sent into the streets to offer any
Christians under threat shelter under his protection, and Abdelkader himself was said by many survivors to have
played an instrumental part in saving them.

[W]e were in consternation, all of us quite convinced that our last hour had arrived [...]. In that expectation of
death, in those indescribable moments of anguish, heaven, however, sent us a savior! Abd el-Kader appeared,
surrounded by his Algerians, around forty of them. He was on horseback and without arms: his handsome
figure calm and imposing made a strange contrast with the noise and disorder that reigned everywhere.
þÿ Le Siècle newspaper, 2 August 1869[20]

Reports coming out of Syria as the rioting subsided stressed the prominent role of Abdelkader, and considerable
international recognition followed. The French government increased his pension to 150,000 francs and
bestowed on him the Grand Cross of the Légion d'honneur;[15] he also received the Grand Cross of the
Redeemer from Greece, a Star of Magnificence from the Masonic Order of France, the Order of the Medjidie,
First Class from Turkey, and the Order of Pope Pius IX from the Vatican.[12] Abraham Lincoln sent him a pair
of inlaid pistols (now on display in the Algiers museum) and Great Britain a gold-inlaid shotgun. In France, the
episode represented the culmination of a remarkable turnaround, from being considered as an enemy of France
during the first half of the 19th century, to becoming a "friend of France" after having intervened in favor of
persecuted Christians.[21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28]

In 1865 he visited Paris on the invitation of Napoleon III and was greeted with both official and popular respect.
In 1871, during an insurrection in Algeria, he disowned one of his sons, who was arousing the tribes around
Death and burial

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Abdelkader died in Damascus on 26 May 1883 and was buried near the great Sufi ibn Arabi in Damascus.

His body was recovered in 1965 and is now in the El Alia Cemetery in Algiers. This transfer of his remains was
controversial as Abd el-Kader had clearly wanted to be buried in Damascus with his master, ibn Arabi.
Image and legacy

Abdelkader saving Christians during the Druze/Christian strife of 1860. Painting by Jan-Baptist Huysmans.
Abdelkader saving Christians during the Druze/Christian strife of 1860. Painting by Jan-Baptist Huysmans.
Two Colt Dragoon revolvers, Lincoln's gift to the Emir
Two Colt Dragoon revolvers, Lincoln's gift to the Emir
Abdelkader in Damascus during 1862
Abdelkader in Damascus during 1862
Memorial of Emir Abdelkader in Sidi Kada
Memorial of Emir Abdelkader in Sidi Kada
þÿ Portrait of Abd el-Kader (1864) by StanisBaw Chlebowski
þÿ Portrait of Abd el-Kader (1864) by StanisBaw Chlebowski

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From the beginning of his career, Abdelkader inspired admiration not only from within Algeria, but from
Europeans as well,[29][30] even while fighting against the French forces. "The generous concern, the tender
sympathy" he showed to his prisoners-of-war was "almost without parallel in the annals of war",[31] and he
was careful to show respect for the private religion of any captives.

In 1843 Jean-de-Dieu Soult declared that Abd-el-Kader was one of the three great men then living; the two
others, Shamil, 3rd Imam of Dagestan and Muhammad Ali of Egypt also being Muslims.[32]
þÿ¿Abd al-Qdir was involved in research that went into the Bulaq Press's 1911 third edition of Ibn Arabi's
Meccan Revelations.[33] This edition was based on the Konya Manuscript, Ibn Arabi's revised version of the
text, and it subsequently became standard.[33]

The town of Elkader, Iowa in the United States is named after Abdelkader. The town's founders, Timothy
Davis, John Thompson and Chester Sage, were impressed by his fight against French colonial power and
decided to pick his name as the name for their new settlement in 1846.[34]

In 2013, the American film director Oliver Stone announced the pending production of a filmed biopic called
The Emir Abd el-Kader, to be directed by Charles Burnett.[35] To date the film has not been made.

The Abd el-Kader Fellowship is a postdoctoral fellowship of The Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture at
the University of Virginia.[36]

On 6 February 2022, a French sculpture of Abdelkader was reported vandalized on 5 February in Amboise,
central France. The vandalism occurred amid the presidential election campaign, during which immigration and
Islam have been significant issues for specific candidates.[37]
See also

Invasion of Algiers in 1830

Emir Mustapha
Reghaïa attack (1837)
Expedition of the Col des Beni Aïcha (1837)
First Battle of Boudouaou (1837)
Mokrani Revolt
French Algeria


"Abdelkader". Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. I: A-Ak - Bayes (15th ed.). Chicago, Illinois: Encyclopædia
þÿBritannica, Inc. 2010. pp. 18 19. ISBN 978-1-59339-837-8.
Division, American University (Washington, D. C. ) Foreign Areas Studies; Army, United States (1965). U.S.
Army Area Handbook for Algeria. U.S. Government Printing Office. Archived from the original on 4 October
2023. Retrieved 21 May 2024.
þÿBrower, Benjamin Claude (1 January 2011). "The Amîr ¿Abd Al-Qâdir and the "Good War" in Algeria,
þÿ1832-1847". Studia Islamica. 106 (2): 169 195. doi:10.1163/19585705-12341257. ISSN 1958-5705. Archived
from the original on 19 January 2021. Retrieved 19 January 2021.
Bouyerdene 2012, chapter 3
Most modern sources give 6 September 1808; but the precise date is not clear. The earliest Arabic sources note
his birth as taking place variously between 1221 and 1223 anno hegirae (i.e. AD 1806-1808), with biographical
works written by his sons specifying Rajab 1222. For a full discussion of the problem, see Bouyerdene 2012,
ch.1 note 14.
Ahmed Bouyerdene, Emir Abd el-Kader: Hero and Saint of Islam, trans. Gustavo Polit, World Wisdom 2012
Par Société languedocienne de géographie, Université de Montpellier. Institut de géographie, Centre national de
la recherche scientifique (France) Publié par Secrétariat de la Société languedocienne de géographie, 1881.
Notes sur l'article: v. 4, page 517
Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire. p. 43.
Ritter, Yusuf. Travels in Algeria, United Empire Loyalists. Tikhanov Library, 2023. "Travels in Algeria, United
Empire Loyalists" Archived 2 November 2023 at the Wayback Machine
Service Historique de l'Armée de Terre, Fonds Serie 1H46, Dossier 2, Province d'Oran, cited in Bouyerdene
Bouyerdene 2012, chapter 4
Bouyerdene 2012, chapter 5
The Life of Abdel Kader, Ex-sultan of the Arabs of Algeria: Written from His Own Dictation, and Comp. from
Other Authentic Sources. P.253-256. Archived 9 April 2023 at the Wayback Machine Charles Henry Churchill
Chapman and Hall, 1867
Abd-el-Kader, sa vie politique et militaire.P.305 Archived 11 May 2023 at the Wayback Machine Alexandre
Bellemare Hachette.
J. Ruedy, Modern Algiera: The Origins and Development of a Nation, (Bloomington, 2005), p. 65; Chateaux of
the Loire (Casa Editrice Bonechi, 2007) p10.
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Wissa, Karim (1989). "Freemasonry in Egypt 1798-1921: A Study in Cultural and Political Encounters". British
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Isabel Burton, Inner Life of Syria, Palestine and the Holy Land, 1875, vol. II, cited in Mary S. Lovell, A Rage
to Live: A Biography of Richard and Isabel Burton (1998), Abacus 1999, p. 513
Cited in Bouyerdene 2012, chapter 5
"[Les nationalistes] refusent de reconnaitre le rôle d'ami de la France joué par l'émir à Damas sous le Second
Empire. En 1860, en effet, Abd-el-Kader intervint pour protéger les chrétiens lors des massacres de Syrie, ce
qui lui valut d'être fait grand-croix de la Légion d'honneur par Napoléon III", Jean-Charles Jauffret [fr], La
Guerre d'Algérie par les documents, Volume 2, Service historique de l'Armée de terre, 1998, p.174 (ISBN
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concours nous a été précieux dans les circonstances difficiles" in Archives diplomatiques: recueil mensuel de
diplomatie, d'histoire et de droit international, Numéros 3 à 4, Amyot, 1877, p.384
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John W. Kiser, Commander of the Faithful, the Life and Times of Emir Abd El-Kader: A Story of True Jihad,
Monkfish Book Publishing Company, 2008
þÿN. Achrati, Following the Leader: A History and Evolution of the Amir Abd al-Qadir al-Jazairi as Symbol,The
Journal of North African Studies Volume 12, Issue 2, 2007 : "The French continued to pay his pension and
monitor his activities, and 'Abd al-Qadir remained a self-declared 'friend of France' until his death in 1883."
Louis Lataillade, Abd el-Kader, adversaire et ami de la France, Pygmalion, 1984, ISBN 2857041705
Priestley, Herbert Ingram (1938). France Overseas: A Study Of Modern Imperialism, 1938. Octagon Books. p.
40. ISBN 978-0-7146-1024-5. "[Abdelkader was] transferred to Damascus by Napoleon III. There he became a
friend of France, saving twelve thousand Christians from the Turks at the time of the massacres in Damascus,
and refused to ally himself with the insurgents in Algeria in 1870."
Morris, Robert (2015). Freemasonry in the Holy Land: or, Handmarks of Hiram's Builders. Westphalia Press. p.
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Bouyerdene, p45-47 "scrupulous respect for the law, the foundation of which is humanity and justice"
Charles Henry Churchill, Life of Abd el-Kader: Ex-Sultan of the Arabs of Algeria, 1887
Alexandre Bellemare, Abd-el-Kader sa vie politique et militaire, Hachette, 1863, p.4
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February 2024. Retrieved 31 August 2022.
"History of Elkader, IA". Archived from the original on 29 April 2017. Retrieved 22 January 2014.
Sneider, Jeff (8 October 2013). "Oliver Stone to Executive Produce Biopic of Algerian Leader Emir Abd
el-Kader". TheWrap. Archived from the original on 14 October 2015. Retrieved 25 October 2013.
"Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture". Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture. Archived from the
original on 29 November 2019. Retrieved 29 June 2019.

"Emir Abdelkader: French sculpture of Algerian hero vandalised". BBC News. 6 February 2022. p. 1.
Archived from the original on 23 April 2023. Retrieved 6 February 2022.

Bibliography and further reading

Ritter, Yusuf. Travels in Algeria, United Empire Loyalists. Tikhanov Library, 2023. "Travels in Algeria,
United Empire Loyalists"
Bouyerdene, Ahmed Emir Abd el-Kader: Hero and Saint of Islam, trans. Gustavo Polit, World Wisdom 2012,
ISBN 978-1936597178
Churchill, Charles Henry Life of Abd el-Kader: Ex-Sultan of the Arabs of Algeria: written and compiled
from his own dictation from other Authentic Sources, Nabu Press 2014, ISBN 978-1294672289, Reprint from
Chapman and Hall 1867
Danziger, Raphael. Abd al-Qadir and the Algerians: Resistance to the French and Internal Consolidation.
New York: Holmes & Meier, 1977.
Dinesen, A. W. Abd el-Kader, 1840 (reprint 2006), ISBN 8776950301
Dupuch, Antoine-Adolphe (1849). Abd-el-Kader au château d'Amboise. Bordeaux: Imprimerie de H. Faye.
OCLC 457413515.
Dupuch, Antoine-Adolphe (1860). Abd-el Kader : Sa vie intime, sa lutte avec la France, son avenir.
Bordeaux: Lacaze. OCLC 493227699.
Étienne, Bruno. Abdelkader. Paris: Hachette Littérature, 2003.
Kiser, John W. Commander of the Faithful: The Life and Times of Emir Abd El-Kader, Archetype 2008,
ISBN 978-1901383317
Marston, Elsa. The Compassionate Warrior: Abd El-Kader of Algeria, Wisdom Tales 2013, ISBN
Pitts, Jennifer, trans. and ed. Writings on Empire and Slavery by Alexis de Tocqueville. Baltimore: Johns
Hopkins University Press, 2000.
þÿ Woerner-Powell, Tom. Another Road to Damascus: An integrative approach to ¿Abd al-Qdir al-Jaz'ir+
þÿ(1808 1883), De Gruyter 2017, ISBN 978-3-11-049699-4

External links
Wikisource has original works by or about:
Abdelkader El Djezairi
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Emir Abdelkader.

"Alexis de Tocqueville's First Letter on Algeria". Retrieved 21 October 2023.

Abd Al-Kadir's Struggle for Truth
Science sacrée, Revue d'études traditionnelles
When Americans Honored an Icon of Jihad - John Kiser's video on Emir Abdelkader al-Jazairi
Famous Quotes by Abd al-Qadir
Emir Abdelkader collected news and commentary at The New York Times
Texts on Wikisource:
"Abd-el-Kader" . Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. I (9th ed.). 1878. p. 30.
"Abd-el-Kadir". The Nuttall Encyclopædia. 1907.
"Abd-el-Kader". Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. I (11th ed.). 1911. p. 32.
"Abd-el-Kader". The New Student's Reference Work. 1914.
"Abd-el-Kader". Collier's New Encyclopedia. 1921.


Conflicts between France and Algeria

Authority control databases Edit this at Wikidata

1808 births1883 deaths19th-century Algerian peopleAlgerian guerrillasAlgerian resistance leadersAlgerian

SufisGrand Cross of the Legion of HonourHashemite peopleHeads of state in AfricaHistory of
DamascusAlgerian independence activistsPeople from Mascara ProvinceSupporters of Ibn ArabiReligious
leaders in AfricaEmirate of Abdelkader

This page was last edited on 16 June 2024, at 07:38 (UTC).

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