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ASME ¥14.40.1 ADOPTION NOTICE ASME Y14.40.1, Graphical Symbols for Diagrams, Part 1: General Information and Indexes, was adopted on 19 December 2002 for use by the Department of Defense, DoD. Proposed changes by DoD activities must be submitted to the DoD Adopting Activity: Commander, US. Army TACOM-ARDEC, ATTN: AMSTA-AR-QAW-E, Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000. Copies of this document may be purchased from The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 22 Law Drive, PO Box 2900, Fairfield, NJ 07007-2900; http:/ /, Custodians: Adopting Activity: ‘Army — AR ‘Army — AR Navy —SA ‘Air Force — 16 (Project DRPR-0369) DLA — DH Review Activities: Army — AT, AV, CE, CR, EA, MI, SM, TE Navy — AS, CH, EC, MC, 08, SH, TD, YD Air Force — 11, 13, 19, 68, 70, 71, 84, 99 DLA — CC, GS, IS NSA — NS AMSC N/A AREA DRPR DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD GRAPHICAL SYMBOLS FOR DIAGRAMS, PART 1: GENERAL INFORMATION AND INDEXES ASME Via. 1 202 (Wentical to Date of Issuance: July 11, 2003, The next edition of this Standard is scheduled for publication in 2007. There will be no addenda or written interpretations of the requirements of this Standard issued to this edition. ASME isthe registered trademark af The American Saciey of Mechanical Engineers, ‘This code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the citeia for Ametican National Standards. The Standards Committe that approves the code or standard was balanced to assute that individuals from competent and concerned interests have had an opportunity to participate. The proposed code or standard was made avalable for public review and comment that provides an opportnityfor addtional public input rom industry, academia, regulatory agencies, and the publica age. ‘ASME does not “approve.” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity, [ASME does not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent rights assertea in connection with any items mentioned in this cocument, and does not undertake to insure anyone utilizing a standard against ibility for Infringement of any applicable letters patent, nor assumes any such liability. Users ofa cade or standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infingement of such rights, is tentrely their own responsibly. Participation by federal agency representatve(s) or person(s) affiliated with industry Is not to be interpreted as goverment or incustry endorsement of this code or standard, ASME accepts responsibilty for only those interpretations of ths document issued in accordance withthe establishee [ASME procedures and policies, which precludes the issuance of interpretations by individuals. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form, Ian electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior written pemnssion of the publisher. ‘The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 100165990 Copyright © 2003 by THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. ‘Al rights reserved Printed in USA, Foreword Committee Roster . 1 10 Alphabetical Index “ . Index of Graphical Symbol Registration Numbers .. CONTENTS Scope ...... Reference Terms and Definitions Arrangement of the ASME Y14.40 Series of Standards ... Registration Numbers Presentation of Graphical Symbols. Application Rules and Examples. Use of Graphical Symbols. ....... Lettering. Indexes 30 FOREWORD This Standard is the adoption as an American National Standard of ISO 14617-1: 2002. The ASME Y14 Standards Committee, Engineering Drawing Practices and Related Documentation, is responsible for this Standard and supervises the United States participation in the ISO Technical Committee 10 activity responsible for the development and maintenance of its counterpart ISO 14617-1 through the US. Technical Advisory Group for 1SO/TC 10. ‘This Standard is identical to ISO 14617-1: 2002 as that term is defined in ISO/IEC Guide 21: 1999 and is part of a series of standards providing graphical symbols for diagrams in a variety of technical disciplines. The titles in this series include: Part 1: General Information and Indexes Part 2: Symbols Having General Application Part 3: Connections and Related Devices Part 4: Actuators and Related Devices Part S: Measurement and Control Devices Part 6: Measurement and Control Functions Part 7: Basic Mechanical Components Part 8: Valves and Dampers Part $ Pumps, Compressors and Fans Part 10: Fluid Power Converters Part Ii: Devices for Heat Transfer and Heat Engines Part 12: Devices for Separating, Purification and Mixing Part 15: Installation Diagrams and Network Maps Other parts are under preparation. Suggestions for improvement ofthis Standard are welcome. They should be sent to The Ameri- can Society of Mechanical Engincers, Attention: Secretary, Y14 Standards Committe, Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016. ‘This Standard was approved as an American National Standard on December 19, 2002. ASME Y14 STANDARDS COMMITTEE Engineering Drawing and Related Documentation Practices (the fotowing isthe roster ofthe Commitee at the time of approval of this Standard) OFFICERS F. Bakos, Choir KE Wiegandt, Vice Chair ) Gomez, Secretory (COMMITTEE PERSONNEL ‘A.B. Anderson, Dimensional Control System, Ine. J.B. Baker, Consultant F.Bakos, Consultant LV. Butegh, The Bosing Company R.A, Chadderdon, Southwest Consultants ME. Gurls Jr, Rexnord Industries, Inc. D.E Day, Monroe Community College B. Dinarde, US. Department ofthe Army, ARDEC CW. Ferguson, WH Education Services UW Foster, LW. Foster Associates, Inc J. Games, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers B.A. Harding, Purdue University 5. King, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahiren Division [A Krulikowski, General Motors Powertrain 1. . Lachut, Alstom Power inc P. J. MeCuistion, Ohio University E Nlemiec, MTO Products, inc. I.E, Wlegandt, Sandia National Laboratory B.A. Wilson, The Boeing Company P Wreede, Consultant SUBCOMMITTEE 40 — GRAPHIC SYMBOLS B.A. Harding, Chor, Purdue Univesity XC Boehme, National Fuid Power Association ¥. Charles, US. Department ofthe Army, ARDEC M.D. Harick, Boeing Commercial Aipianes H. 5. Lachut, Alstom Power Inc. FL Shell, J, Consultant 1. S. Wood, Consultant ASME ¥24.40.1-2002 GRAPHICAL SYMBOLS FOR DIAGRAMS, PART 1: GENERAL INFORMATION AND INDEXES 1 SCOPE This Standard serves as an introduction to all the other parts. In particular, it gives information on the creation and use of registration numbers for identifying graphical symbols used in diagrams, rules for the presentation and application of these symbols, and examples of their ‘use and application. It includes two indexes: an alpha- betic index and an index of registration numbers, both concerned uniquely with ASME Y14,40.2 to ASME ‘14.40.12, and an index of cross-references to related items found in other International Standards. For the fundamental rules of creation and application of graphical symbols in diagrams, see ASME Y14.40.0. 2. REFERENCE The following reference contains provisions that, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Standard. The latest edition shall apply. ASME Y14.40.0, Basic Rules for the Design of Graphical ‘Symbols for Use in the Technical Documentation of Products Publisher: The American Society of Mechanical Engi- ‘neers (ASME International), Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016; Order Department: 22 Law Drive, Box 2300, Fairfield, Nj 07007 3. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS For the purposes ofthis Standard, the following terms and definitions apply. 3a function: activity proper to anything, mode of action by ‘which it fulfills its purpose. EXAMPLE: to measure, to control, to indicate, 32 product: thing produced by natural process or manufac- ture; result EXAMPLE: an element, a component or a device. 33 ‘component: constituent part of equipment that cannot be physically divided into smaller parts without losing its character, 34 device: assembly of components to perform a required function. EXAMPLE: an actuating device, a centrifuge 35 clement: part of a component. EXAMPLE: @ filter clement in a filter, @ contact in an electrome- chanical relay. 36 ‘graphical symbol: visually perceptible figure used to ‘transmit information independently of language. 37 terminal line: line of a graphical symbol ending at a con- ect node. NOTE: A connect node isa location on a graphical symbol intended for connection. 38 connecting line: graphical symbol representing @ func tional connection, a mechanical link, a pipeline, a duct, or an electric connection, 4 ARRANGEMENT OF THE ASME Y14.40 SERIES (OF STANDARDS. ‘4.1 Domains of Application ‘The ASME Y14.40 series of standards consists of a number of separate standards (parts) covering graphical symbols for use in most technical fields 4.2 Subdivision of Parts Each Standard in this series is divided into sections that each deal with graphical symbols for a particular group of generic products or functions. When appro- priate, paragraphs are given subparagraphs, as follows using the example of para. 7 from ISO 14617-2: ASME ¥14.40.1-2002 Paragraph 7 Directions Subparagraph 7.1 Symbols of Basic Nature Subparagraph 7.2 Application Rules for the Symbols in Para, 7.1 Subparagraph 73 Symbols Giving Supplementary Information Subparagraph 74 Application Rules for the Symbols in Para. 73 Subparagraph 75 Application Examples ‘Where certain subparagraphs are further subdivided, this has been done along the following lines. Take, for example, 4.3 in ISO 14617-2: Subparagraph 43 Symbols Giving Supplementary Information Input and Output Labels General Functions Mathematical Operations ‘Change of Discrete State at Speci- fied Values of a Characteristic Quantity Subparagraph 43.1 Subparagraph 43.2 Subparagraph 43.3 Subparagraph 434 Subparagraph 43.5 Logic Negation, Logic Inversion, Inputs and Outputs for Auxiliary Power Supply ‘When a cross-reference is made to a particular graphi- cal symbol or application rule or application example, its location is given within parentheses after the registration number of the symbol, rule or example. EXAMPLE 1: "See RIOI (421)" directs the reader to application rule R1OI, located in para. 42.1, When cross-referencing to another part, (standard in this series), the part number is aso included. EXAMPLE 2: A cross-reference to symbol 142 in ASME Y14.40.2 is given as "See 142 (243.228)" 5 REGISTRATION NUMBERS: IMPORTANT: A direct relationship does not necessatily exist among graphical symbols, application rules, and application ‘examples using registration numbers that share the same numer- als. For example, while graphical symbol 101 correlates to both application rule R101 and application example X10, itcorelates 6 well to application examples X102 to X114; whereas symbol 114, to take just one other example, is unrelated to R114 and X114. 5.1. Graphical Symbol Each graphical symbol is assigned a unique registra- tion number. In principle, this number is arbitrarily cho- sen. No information can be derived from it. The registration number will remain unchanged throughout the lifetime of the corresponding graphical symbol, GRAPHICAL SYMBOLS FOR DIAGRAMS, PART 1: GENERAL INFORMATION AND INDEXES including in future revisions of this publication. If a graphical symbol is changed in the future, the registra tion number shall be supplemented with one or more characters. If the graphical symbol is substantially changed, it shall instead be given a new registration number, 5.2 Application Rule Each application rule has a registration number in the same way as the graphical symbols, except that the registration number staris with the letter R (eg,, R101). 5.3 Application Example Each application example has a registration number in the same way as the graphical symbols, except that the registration number starts with the letter X (eg, x101). 6 PRESENTATION OF GRAPHICAL SYMBOLS 6.4 General ‘The ASME Y14.40 series establishes graphical symbols. to be used in diagrams such as overview diagrams, flow diagrams, and circuit diagrams. 6.2 Graphical Symbols of Same Shape but Different Meaning Graphical symbols having the same shape but differ- cent meanings have different registration numbers. This implies that itis possible to distinguish between same- shape graphical symbols in a CAD (computer-aided design) system, provided that each symbol has been recalled from a CAD library using the appropriate regis- tration number. Fora person reading a diagram, the intended meaning can normally be recognized by the context of the dia- gram, When this is not possible, graphical symbols hav- ing the same shape shall be provided with supplementary information. For examples, see the sym- bols for connections in ASME Y14.403 and the rules for adding symbols giving supplementary information such as application rule R402 in the same part 6.3 Different Forms of Graphical Symbols In some cases, different forms of a graphical symbol can occur. These different forms are given separate regis- tration numbers. The primary reason for having two or ‘more forms for the same symbolization is that they con- vey differing amounts of information. Symbols having different forms and differing amounts of information (eg, those for use in overview diagrams and those for use in circuit diagrams) are marked Form 1, Form 2, ete. This marking is also used in some cases where the different forms contain the same amount of information, but where more than one form is justified because of different application methods in the rules for preparing diagrams. GRAPHICAL SYMBOLS FOR DIAGRAMS, PART 1: GENERAL INFORMATION AND INDEXES 6.4 Dimensions of Graphical Symbols, ‘The graphical symbols in the ASME Y14.40 series have been designed in accordance with the rules given in ASME Y14-40.0. The module size M = 2.5 mm has been used. For small graphical symbols, the symbol is shown double its normal size, applying the same module and the same line width. Such symbols are marked “200%.” For the auxiliary grid system defined in ASME Y14.40.0, the module 0.25 M has been used. 6.5 Descriptions, In those cases where ISO and IEC have the same term for different items, the term has been provided with ISO and IEC superscripts (e.g, line®° and line™), 7 APPLICATION RULES AND EXAMPLES ‘The application rules give information on how to design composite symbols and how to apply the graphi- ‘al symbols in a diagram. The application examples are to be regarded as guidelines. In order to facilitate their use, the application exam- plesare accompanied by information on which graphical symbols have been used to compose the examples shown, EXAMPLE: “101, 123” in 2458 signifi thatthe example X108 's built up from graphical symbols 101 and 123. 8 USE OF GRAPHICAL SYMBOLS 8.1 Choice of Graphical Symbots Rules for the choice of graphical symbols are given in the standards for the preparation of diagrams. 82 Dimensions of Graphical Symbols Symbols may be increased in size, for example, in ‘order to allow all terminals to be represented. They may also be reduced in size. In both cases, the original line ‘width shall be maintained. Further rules for the use of graphical symbol sizes and line widths are given in the standards dealing with the preparation of diagrams, ASME Y14.40.1-2002 8.3 Auxillary Lines In some cases the symbol has been shown together with auxiliary lines in order to indicate its correct loca tion in relation to other symbols or the recommended location of connecting lines. Such auxiliary lines are not ppart of the symbol and are shown dotted (very short dashes). EXAMPLE I: Symbol 181 —logic negation ~ shown at an outline of a symbol indicated by a dotted rectangle o 5 EXAMPLE 2: An auniliary line indicating the correct location of the symbol for @ connection to a two-way valve, symbol 2101 8.4 Variants of Graphical Symbols ‘The rules for diagram layout give the possibility of arranging circuits horizontally or vertically, and of arranging circuits for feedback and similar signals in a direction opposite to the normal one. For that purpose, different variants of the graphical symbols exist. The rules for the creation of the different variants are given in ASME Y14.4000. 9 LETTERING For lettering, see ASME Y14.400. 10. INDEXES ‘The alphabetic index can be used to find a graphical symbol for a certain component, device, or function wherever the meaning (description) is known. This index also covers the application examples. ‘The registration number index can be used to locate ‘a graphical symbol whose registration numberisalready known. ‘ASME Vi4.40.1-2002 ALPHABETICAL INDEX This alphabetical index can be used to find 2 graphical symbol fora certain component. device, or function iis meaning (description) Is. already known, The index also covers the application examples. Regis: Location Regi Tecaton tration (art talon are Description umber subpara) Description umber _subpara) Aenusic sinaling cevice 865651034 ~ Manual ~ in the frm of removable ‘ave area handle 696 45.16 ~ Double acing hyraulic actuator with = Manual ~ inthe frm of weacle 690 «53.10 aieren = 7663.41 = Manual ~ operated by paling 68 4533 ~ Double-acting pneumatic actuator with = Manual ~ operated by pushing 6224532 dierent = 722 46.12 — Manual ~ operated by pushing and ‘Acuatng sevice 7a 47a paling se 454 ~of doubleacting ciaphragm actuator ype X743 47'5.3. —_~ Manual ~ operated by turing 6854535 = of elec motor ype Xa131 645441 Manual - wth special shape for safety ~ of preumatie motor ype xa 4752 puupose 61 454.1 = ofsingeacting uid eyinder ype X74 47.5.1 ~ operating when actual temperature is ess ~ operated by pneumatic power stored dmecialue wy 4655 Inside actuator xra7 675.7 Single-acting diaphragm = 725 46115 ~ operating wit touch effect x74 4754 316 Bass ~ Spring operated ~ with manual spring ne 84548 enarang ws 4755 wis essa ~ Sprng operated ~ wth sping charging by = Single-acing hyratic = nr 46a? electric motor X76 67.5.6 = Single-acting pneumatic ~ 78 4618 ~ Springtoaded ~ x00 7455 jen ‘Acting devices a ee ie ‘Actuator lc actuators, Pneumatic = Device for reste access ~ 62 esatz ——_eatutor, Monaly ~ boubieacting diaphragm ~ ns sits ethonels en poube acing = of Fuld cyinderype 2107 8457 es = Doubieacting hyerautie ~ ne 4633 ee = Doub ating, Morale ~ with diferent a4 active areas 71 #6aat ren ~ Double-acting, pneumatic ~ 7m 6110 Howe Dubie acing preumasic~ with diferent = nontneat = a ed active areas 72 eaa2_— fendnes eee ~ Mowiargetoperated ~ ns 4616 eau ania ~ Fluid-levetoperated ~ 715 46.1.5 8534 a Restor wth continous v0 3553" ~ Wig fom of doubleacting uid gaan ~ Restorwith electicmetoroperted- 205. 255.5, 72a 46426 pesistor with manual ~ yan 2554 Xoio7 easa7 ——~ Resstorwith preset - xan 2551 = in the form of a hydraulic motor with ~ Resistor with ~ in five steps, X202, 25.5.2 alternative directions of flow 2407 46.1.7 See also Variability = inthe for of a pneumatic motor x72 4652, Adjustable cpacty = inthe frm of pneumatic motar wth = fyralie pump with ~ 2101 10454 alerativ drections of fw 2408 463.18 2402 104.52 = Inthe form of single- acting Rud ~ Lui pump with ~ aot 9454 ojinder 7m 46413 y2302 9452 = Manual ~ eet 454 overcenter hydraulic pump with 2407 1045.7 = Manual ~ inthe form of key e757 Adjustable gain = Manual ~ inthe frm of lever eo 4518 Amplifier wth ~ x00? 2557 = Maal =n the fm of pedal 68945119 Adjustable hydraulic rotary torque conveter 2431. 105.34 ASME ¥14.40.1-2002 [ALPHABETICAL INDEX Regis. Location Regis. Location traton at tration ar Descition sumber_subpara) Description umber subpar) Adjustable resto ave) 10211 8653.2 ANDelements X22 8653.2 ~ Component consisting of two identical ~ X346 241.53, ~ with acustabie flow i one erection ane wu7 215A restricted Now i the other XQN3 66533 ANDurcion logic) 142 243.228 Acjustable speed 673312 = Hyraue motor wth ~ yours 104515 Ange Hyaraule pump ven by sha with - 2404 104.54 ~ Measuring transducer for ~ 1769 5.45.19 ~ Ligulé pump even by sha with ~X2303 94.5.3 Angled globe type sprngioaded vacuum ‘sorption pump 235 95.15 ‘valve operating when pressure ister 236 95.16 than set value was 84535 ‘ected area 2177 863.7 Angled two-way vane n02 843.2 ‘condone for pneumatic systems 2691 127.1.1 ——_Ant-ciocwise rotation 1250 2755 Ai in cooler with inauced drat x2505 114555, wast 2756 ‘Nr bear x2674 12654 x26 1045.26 ‘Alarm wou 104527 ~ High pressure ~ woe 675.22 x2n9 10459 indicating and vansiting of tev, x2022 1045.22 registering and ~ H1065. 675.25 x2423- 10-4523 Aaming 105 673.14 Antisiphon tap 2038 753.2 ‘Alvor nothing relay ‘Approximately constant frce, ation, or ~ Electromechanical wih some contacts tow m3 2683 delayed X65) 4453 ee Electomechanical,~ the whole relay = Acted ~ a7 8637 delayed when cols energized Hos 4454 reas erative directions "Double acting hyrale seuatr with ~ Direction of propagation, energy F signal aiferentacive~ ma 4641 fw, ~ Gatdupien 250 27.4.8 ~ Doubleacting pneumatic actuator with e433 cient active ~ mm 46a32 Gas pump, compressor, fan with ~offlow 2308 9:42.8 ——_Arestor = hyaraulle pumpimoter wih ~ of fow 2613104113 ~ Fame ~ 2036 75:10 Harte motor wih of flow 2407 1041.7 Automatic actuators “6 ~ Hyde pump wth - of flow 240330433 ——_Automatie closing im genera, exceat for energy and signal ~ Quickrelease coupling element of female fow ms 2745 ‘ype with 567 3816 246 27.1.8 = Quiceelease couping element of male ~ Limited iculr motion in = was) 2758 ‘ype with = sos 3815 ~ Liuid pump wit ~ of fom B03 941.3 ~ Gulckrlease coupling clement which Fs ~ of erular mation 256 27.14 into anarher coupling element of the ~ of propagation, enery,o signal flow same type with = ses 3817 thatdupien 25027... Automatic operation Ma 243.230 ~ Pneumatie motor with ~ of flow 2408 1041.8 — of nal controling element 102 6612 = Pneumatic pump, compressor with ~ of ~ of pump xi031 665.11 ‘tow 2404 104.14 of valve convoled by analogue signat 1028. 6-658 ~ Preumatic pump/mator with ~ offlow 2414 10-4.1.14 N05 665.35 = Rectinear mation in = wit intermediate ~ of valve with inte number of sable diel ass 275.1 postions n1034 665.14 sampincason M5 243.25 M1036 665.16 67331 of valve with automatic return to closed Arpt esr S122 positon m1025 6656 892. 51212 ~ of vave wth automate return ta open ~ oiferenil ~ xai0 5.12510 postion x07 6657 Sunming ~ ¥909 5:12.59 — of valve with automatic et towards = with adjustable gain x7 2557 20sed positon x1029 6659 = with retum channel 893 5.12.3 ~ of vaNe with automatic etm towards a9 Santa ‘open poston x1030 665.10 ~ with the gin compensated for equency ~ of valve with to stable postions, variations m0 245.20 open and closes x1032 665.12 Analogue signal mh 26814 1033 665.13 643.5 Automatic retum Analogue signal processing ~ Contot-smith operated by turing with ~ ~ Devies for ~ 512 from two extreme postions, W686 4556 [ALPHABETICAL INDEX. ‘ASME ¥14.40.1-2002 Regis Location Regis: Location tration (Part tration art. Description umber _subpara) Description ‘number _subpara) = device 654k Bistable element 6634 = RS x2 245.2 ~ Directional contra valve with ~ Kees 4558 Bleed line 42 34.110 ~ Single-acting hydraui cylinder with X2442 1065.2 Blind 203 75.4.17 ~ Manually operated contrlswitch with = X685 45.5.5 = flange pair 517 3617 ~ Manually operated valve with ~ x1022 665.2 = Spectacle ~ in closed position 208 7518 ~ valve with diaphragm actuator and ~ -X2101 4.5.12 Spettacle~ in open position 2005 75.119 ‘Auliary location Blocking device 664 44.120 ~ In central control room 1102 67.342 6639 ~ im local control room or on local control Beiter asa 47.1.4 panet 1104 67.344 —_~ feedwater vessel with deerator xa071 7-65.11 ‘Ausliary power supply = of elecrode pe x9533 1175.3 ~ Input or output for ~ 18324353 - of fred ype xasat 1075.1 averaging = with dome 2532 14-712 Device for ~ 903 5425.3 — with supetheater x2534 1175.4 = function component M105 245.5 Boaters 7 Backpressure contol valve, seltoperating X2132 84.542 Bore Backup = Reduced ~ 2130 843.210 = function pee? Boss with = Temperature indication and contol ~ insertion pipe 035513 performed by computer wth ~ by discrete ~ Temperature sensor in a ~ well xe. 555.1 device x1081 69.51 well aor 55.13 8 2068 76.18 Brake Bag nter X2606 1245.6 ~ applied in unactuated state 2012 44s Ball 2014 74.1.20 743.28 2015 7.41.21 ——_~ alisengagea in unactuate state pot eae Ball ype 222 943.22 paar ~ control valve, operated by diaphragm ~ Solenoid-operated ~ applied at no-oltage 652° 445.2 actuator or by manual actuator X2138 845.48 Branches ~ Spring loaded-non-rturn valve X2115 84525 — — Connection with m parallel identical 601. 3-9: = three way valve with double acting ~ Fight connections, four of them branching. X602 39.5.2 cofinder actuator XQ107 845.17 Three parallel identical ~ Xeor 395.1 arel 2067 7617 Branching of a bundle xeor 3.957 Basic elements (for actuators and actuating xe0s 3.958 ‘evices) ae razed joint 5153615 Bath scrubber ¥2622 1245.22 Butler head 2007 74.113 Beam ‘utter = Non-guided, electromagnetic ~ a Maar ~ Hyrule ~ x2007 7.45.7 Bearing 2006 7.41.12 ~ Spring equipped ~ 72006 Bed iter Bundle = of fxed ype X2609 1245.9 ~ Branching of a= x67 395.7 ~ of fuiized type x2610 1245.10 xeos 395.8 Bed fiter element ~ fale rom or entrance imo a = os 3913 = of fixed type 2603 1241.4 Bunker 2066 76.1.4 = of fluidized type 2604 12415 ~ Open - w2074 7.65.16 Belows. Burst of sinusoidal ow 26 26:16 = Sxpansion ~ 533 37.43 Bus Det iter X2608 1245.8 Bidirectional information ~ type us 343.7 Bias 162 243.3.2 —— Unidirectional infomation ~ type 2 3.43.6 67.33.16 Buttery type 2126 843.26 ~ Device for ~ X908 5125.4 Cable (pipe unit) 9343.18 ~ function component x03 2453 = Four pipelines forming a unit mai 3.45.14 Bidirectional information bus type 433437 = four pipelines, two of them forming @~ X422. 3-45.15 Bimeral 327 240.5 Cam deiven mechanical counter with output, Binary logic elements sat closing at each m events 1877 5.857 Binary logic functions eee es] cam profie 73 613 Binary signal 236 26.1.16 7413 6437 = ane roller xm 465.1 Biologic fiter X2634 1245.24 Camoperated actuator 7a end Biologic type 2623124321 Candle filter 72606. 1245.6 ASME Y14.40.1-2002 [ALPHABETICAL INDEX Reis Location Regis. Location talon are tation art Description umber _subpara) Description rumber_subpara) cp Cistem for atmospheric pressure 2061 ~ End ~ 518 3618 Clock 842 Capacitive ype lee 54.319 = Master 313 canilay ype 4323432 oeks Carve ter ¥2606 1245.6 Clckwise rotation x9 Cascade contol 1250 ~ Temperatureow ate ~ x1105 6105 1051 Garantie ype 26611253. x2306 ~ Purifier of ~ x2651 1255521 10305, ental contol room 12305 = Ray location in 3 = no 67342 x2405 Primary location ina ~ so. 67343 x2406 = Temperature indication in a ~ mors 67535 x07 = Temperature inccaon in 3 Closed end of pipeline or duct 503 instrument not accesible 0 operator X1076 675.38 Closed fw path nz Conetugl iter X2614 1245.14 Closed flow path of aleakifee valve 2473 convituge Closed tank for atmospheric pressure ——_X2061 ~ Decanter ~ x0620 124520 Guten Wih-speea ~ 126191245519 —"isengaged in unattusted state 2009 = rotor 2608 12419 Change ~ engaged in unacuated state 2010 ~ of pipe dimension; pipe reducer s16 3636 Change of state when the characteristic fyeendcsomee deere ita quansty votage X61 45.1 ~ 's approximately equal tothe set value 175. 24345 cgi, ~ Ig equal to the set value 17h 2434.4 ON ating oF cooing ~ poor ea.3 = passes the set value from above 7224342 Coumn 24.316 = Tay ~, factionating ~ 12625. 124,525, ~ passes the set value from below a 24344 " * ais X5626 1245.26, Bese te Greet et olde toa ane ‘Combined non-return valve and manually Boimersetaetom sone ars aaa ite ona Sees carl aap srsoaa set value 733 46.119 een 2582 11-10.1.2 een = meal espucine pions sen 123088 approximately equal to the set value 15 243.45, Internal ~ with rotating pistons x258211-10.5.2 ~ Change of state when the - is equal to ae wo 6316 the set value 17h 243.44 673.311 ~ Change of state when the ~ passes the ‘Compensated ‘set value from above 172 ~~ Amplifier with gain ~ for frequency Ferenc vaio 24510 change of sate wen he = pases the Separating 24 = Mult-leaf ~ x2151 85.5.1 score ne Three-way ~ with diaphragm actuator -X2152 85.5.2 Diaphragm eet = Two- or three-way ~ M51 BSAA pean een ome ns 6s eMMpantedcesupeheatrcontelvane M2136 base Desupeneaer contol valve, canhagm: ~ fe ast operated X2136 8- Diaphr ae aan De-superheater, humiditor +X2503 11-4.5.3 waphragm actuator 2432231 Groaing save foro. sesia 51235 foto e452 searer : yoy asa ert eeater vessel with = feorojresise seat fos Graaa Decanter centrifuge 72600 1245.20 Difference pressure transmitting and Delay 1230 243.29 indication ‘X1054 6-7.5.14 Differential Delay device 51 AG ~ amplifier X9105-12.5.10 663.1 — pe 793 5-4,3.2.3 on ur woes Sasi8 — with delay in both directions 653 441.8 Diffusion-ejector pump 2333 95.1.3 66.3.3 Digital signal 235 26.1.15 Dek clement wih swichon dey 10S Das a Delayed output M3 24.85.13. = Conversion analogue to ~ 1071 675.31 Det or denn in oan of be = sie 3646 eae oon 65544131 mt any oped recta cess ntalvane mies e65.14 ~ és poston, sown in esreged ines eests Gece posto, sown in ened oe poston Gr aaas Soraya pnp an 27535 u ASME Y24.40.1-2002 [ALPHABETICAL INDEX Regis- Location Regis- Location tration art. tration (Pa number _subpara) Description rnumber _subpara) ~ in general except for energy ane signal ~ Propagation, energy, or signal low in two flow aa 27a simultaneous ~ ul-duples) 21 2719 ma 274.2 e436 ~ Motor rotting in anti-clockwise ~ with ~ Rectlnear motion in two ~ with dwell x257 275.12, pump in clockwise ~ 7050 27.55 See also Alternative directions yas. 275.6 vise = of circular mation 255 27.113 = Rupturing ~ 2035 75.19 12432 type 226 843.26 ~ of mass flow in pipeline x20 275.1 ~ with rife 2608 1244.7 = of mass flow in valve x03 275.2 Disc and plate (knife) separator nes 1245.5, = of propagation, energy, oF signal low Dish washer X2624 1245.24 (simple) ms 2747 Displacement type: See Positive ~ 6432 Displacer mm 7446 ~ Unspecified ~ of ieular motion 256 27322 - pe. mm $4332 12434 Display unit Bsr 5911 ~ Working ~ of hyéraule power ws 2713 Displaying discrete state 1052 6731.2 Working ~ of pneumatic power ae 2714 Displays 59 Directional conto valve Dividing to 24334 = Direc hyeraulialy operated ~ x2166 865.14 673315 ~ Direct hydraulically operated Division diferent affecting areas X26 865.15 - Device for~ x902 5125.2 ~ Direct preumatcally operated ~, Dome spring return to resting postion 2162 865.12 ~ Bollerwith ~ 2532 174.2 ~ Directonalleak‘ree contol valve, Double Lbore in four-way valve m5 8439 ‘wo ports, two positions X2183 865.123 Double.acting diaphragm actuator 76 ~ Elecrcally opercted ~ X2177 865.117 Double acting Mud cylinder 724 X2178 865.118 ~ Actuator form of ~ x73, 4653 ~ Electohydraulcaly or manually operated x7153 8553 spring return 22168 865.18 ~ with adjustable cushions X246 1065.4 ~ Elecropneumatically operated -, = ath double-ende piston rod x20 10653 spring return X2167 865.7 Doubleactng hydrauli actuator n9 6619 ~ Leakeree ~ wth two ports and two ~ with diferent active areas mm 46.11 positions X2183 865.123 Doubleacting hyéraulic cylinder 242 1061.5 ~ Leveroperated -, detained in all postions X2169 865.19 ~ diferent piston areas, adjustable ~ Lever operated -, three postions, cushions X2Heh 10654 spring return X2163 865.13 ~ of telescopic ype 250 1061.9 ~ Manually operated -, detained in both DDouble-acting pneumatic actuator 70 462.0 positions. restricted access to actuator X2170 8-65.1.10 _— with diferent active areas 72 46.432 ~~ Manually operated ~, spring return to Double-acing pneumatic cyinder 2s 1061.6 resting postion X2161 865.1 ~ of telescopic type 2651 1061.10 ~ Manually or electrically operated ~ ~ with double-ended piston rod x2403 1065.3 spring return 22166 865.6 Drain funnel 2040 7-5:1.16 ~ with four ports and three distinct Drain ine am 34130 positions, automatic retum to mic Dit position x2003. 7.45.3, = to the let permitted 660 6436 ~ with four postions, operated by lever, 6637 ‘one stable poston and automatic ret Duet 405 3425 from other positions xes 4.55.8 = Closed end of ~ sos 3513 ~ with pilot valve X2171 865.111 — elements 7 X2172 8652.12 ~ Insulated - x82 1052 X2173 865113 ~ Planned ~ 42 34a XO174 865.114 — with thermal insulation xan 3.457 ~ with three ports three postions ROL 8651.2 Duets X9182 865.122 ~ Groupof ~ 406 3.4.16 = with three ports, two positions X2179 8651.19 ~ Group of planned ~ a3 3419 x2180 = Joint of ~ sor 3511 Directional serv-contol valve with negative Duplex: See Full duplex ‘overapping in mid-pastion ¥2176 8651.16 dwell Directional servo-conto valve with postive ~ at retum point x57 275.2 ‘overapping in mié-postion XO175 865.1.15 —— Intermediate ~ x55 275.0 Directions _ M = Intermediate -, altemative dhections 256 2-75.11, 2 ‘ALPHABETICAL INDEX ASME Y16,40.1-2002 Regis: Location Regis Location tration Part tration art: Description umber _subpara) Description number _subpara) fect ‘erative directions of ~ 502718, ~ Magnetic held ~ 9243.26 6433 = Proximity ~ 1224327 — Direction of - m9 2747 = Touch = 122 243.28 6432 Ejector pump 2331 9521 ~ Directions of ~ simuttaneously In both Flectic electode type ie 11734 iectons possible rst 274.9 Electric heating element type we 11733 6434 Elect induction liquid pump 2352, 9-612 Engines with reciprocating or rotary pistons. - 41-10 2353 9.6.13 Entrainment pumps 95 Electic induction type ee 14735 Entrance into a bundle 603 39.1.3 Elect que pum 2351 96.11 Entrapment pump 7335955 Electric motor and pump, motor rotating Entrapment pumps 95 anti-clockwise, pump rotating clockwise ¥250 Envelope (tank) por 292.4 x51 2756 ata Electric pumps 36 12412 Electic type ws 3435 Envelopes. 29 Electic variable 1055 673.15 Equipment yor 24a Electrically insulating mechanical ink, sha, Evy wire 40h 341.4 fven flow ~ Flexible ~ Xana 345.4 ~ Liguié pump with substantial ~ x7309 945.9 Electrothermal ype lec 12-438 Events Electrode furnace 2536 1175.6 — Number of ~ 1076 673.126 Electrode type Exhaust valve = Conductive ~ eC 5.43:1.14 = Pllotoperated non-retum valve 12733 865.43 = eletie ~ le 1273.4 Bit toma bunele os 3913 Electrohyérauically operated two-stage Expansion pressure rll valve X2196 865.26 — ~ bellows 5333713 x2197 865.27 — (oop sar 37a.t lectrohyeraulcally or manually operated = sleeve 532 374.2 irectional control valve wth sping return External combustion engine 2503 4013 to resting postion (mid-postion) x2168 865.18 Extremely Electromagnetic high 10m 673.24 = Non-guided ~ beam a 3447 1085 673.25 = separator 12628 17.45.28 low 1089 673.29 = type Hee 435 1090 67.3210 Electromechanical alt ornothingeelay Facsimile 151 243.235 ~ some contacts delayes X65} 445.3 Fan 2302 9.41.2 = whole relay delayed X64 44.54 = with altemative directions of flow 2304 9414 Electomechenical counter x87} 585.3, Feedback contre = indicating when the pulse disappears ~ Row rate ~ xu101 6104 (Gostponed action) xs7e 585.4 x1108 6108 ~ electical reset 10 0 x876 585.6 = Flow rate ~ and automatic ciosing xi107 6107 manual reset to 0 x875 585.5 = Row rate ~, square root value X1106 6106 Electromechanical indicator 866 5403.2 ——— of electric reactive power xa061 675.21 ~ with automatic return x893 51051 Feedback contller ass Sana = without automatic retum (manual reset) x894 896 5az16 Electromechanical position indicator 865 5101.3, xen 5475.11 Electropneumatcally operated ~ for rotational speed xo 5428.2 ~ contactor xs 3455 = with Pio characteristic and many Inputs X9135-12.5.13 = contol vaive with spring return x267 8651.7 Female ype Electrostatic ~ Quickrelease coupling element of = 564 = separator x2627 12.45.27 filter x2601 12-45. = ype Hee 43a x2602, 12-452 Emergency acting 1076 6731.26 ~ Bag~, candle ~, leaf -,cartidge~ X2606 1245.6 Emergency sop ~ Bed ~, fixed ype X2609 1245.9, = Manual actuator with special shape 691 5.1.11_—~ Bed ~ Muldzed type X2610 1264.5.10 Enabling input 126 243212 ~ Belt~,roll~ 2608 1245.8 End ~ Biologie - x2634 12.45.34 = cap 518 363.8 ~ Centrifugal ~ xa614 12.45.14 = Gosed ~ of pipeline or duct sos 3513 = Compression = x2612, 12.4512 Energy flow = press yoert 1245.11 3 ASME Y14.40.1-2002 [ALPHABETICAL INDEX exis locaton esis cation traion Gat. teston a Descrintion number subpar) Desetion umber _subpara) = with rotting erum 260312653 ~ Pressure compensated ~ wane 86534 wth tating ru and scraper ave 12454 wns 86535 with sory X2607 12457 —_~ Pressure compensated -, with overiow 9 fier element 2602 12413 resent wane 86538 bed = Tied ype 3603 S414 10719 86539 bed © fuldiaed ype 3608 12415 Row divider, pressure compensated = 2720 8653.10 Final coroling element Fou elbow type 76 $43.48 Automatic operation of = 1022 661.2 ‘ow nore mm 7543 '~ Manual operation of ~ 1021 66.1.1 = Critical THe 75K Final controling elements = Faw rate measuring vanscuce, Eieanaaee is senor of ype x70 5.45.40 acta ys02 Sousa ow nore ype 7 54315 Fired heater X2537 117.57 = Ciitical ~ TH 54316 Fired type a1 11732 Flow path His Cases - nr = Boller of = x25311-7.5.1 = Closed ~ leak-free 2173 Fittings 37 = Open = oo = for sensors and measuring transducers 55 Flow straightener 2032 7-5.1.6 ‘Fixed portion of a connector pair 576 38.18 Flow rate een fag 76 74as ——~ fombuting faora ers ee 702675830 feedback contol xa108 610.4 ~ Blind ~ pair 5 paces aree caienee ae an acest = feedback control, square root Xi106 610.6 owe Sit 3622 T Feedback cont automate cosing 1107 ee 5133613 | ination xaos Flewble coupling siz 361.9 ~ Measuring wansdues, sensor offlow Flexible, elecicaly insulting mechanical ae os Tink, shat noe use 4 , ne Flexible mechanical link x402 34.5.2 ransmimung ang fee tering of ratio no oz 3452 gut opened acon ne Fouble pipeline, hose Ey ere Xa12 345.42 ~ Actuating device, the main element of Febie pipelines, wo of them of exible ees Ae ee ape kay 34533 _"Acugtorin he fom of adoubleacing~ 3713 653 4523439 Klunrin reform oft sigteacing= 729 464.13 35 ~ Aetator inte frm af a singe acting ~ : epee HEA 64544 See als yale onder, Preumate ow as Radon 06 ee xpnreinaely constant ~ 223 eng Fuldonders ue motor : ~ Burst of siusoial = m6 2616 Panerai ~ constant ~ mm 2611 uaa 104 PAS Fluid-level-operatec actuator 5 46.1.5 10433 741A m2 2612 force 1073 67310 343.9 Approximately constant ~ 2 2613 104.34 ~~ Constant ~ 2 26.1.1 ~ Hyeraulc pump with puseshaped ~ x2410. 104510 3432 = fyéraue pump wth Sinusogsl= pet? 104532 teas = pulsesnaped~ ms 2635 am dei2 5434 9433 10435 10.434 ~ Sawtooth shaped ~ Wr 2617 — pulseshaged ~ ns 2615 = Sinusoidal = am 26a EvEvy 10435 10436 ~ to open air 2174 8634 ——_~ Sawtooth shaped ~ nr flow contol vave = Sinusoaat~ Em ~ Pressure and tenperatue compensates - 12216 86536 12217 86537 fournayvale 2108 “4 [ALPHABETICAL INDEX ‘ASME ¥14.40.1-2002 Tes Location Teale tcaon talon ae talon “ane bascipton ponber_sibpan) Descpon imber_spen ath actaing dee of eece mer contre toe ata5 e4515 = abel sor 243.2 raion qose, 67316 aletnex 0 dria Pactoratng column foes ass eas eh pasie fr es Yaere tasae Hand oss 6738 recee Bsr train ane 2552 1nes2 “Manual actuator inthe frm at teers ie oat es 456 renveey ‘oo Sobaiy —_Heschange reso Tras rae we 729 teablene spe was tsa 23% Gtaaune ove a iasa2 ranctnalcnncton wor Sant orpure wpe bie tate SELL oem te fir naa fanaa ks and unons - os = eget pre eater mie Sa fonconal pe om nor i736 — Pure ~ 4310 343.1 1243.7 2031 wm cotatapes tubes a tsa functor! it wo S23b Sanson tes bit tistt cea te mo Siem te tow paths yaso2 nasa Functions. 2a 1243.7 = = wth shaped tubes wis ths oath ~ nos 75a Heatexcannes a funcee rou 75aag TS pected den He ve ote = 3598713 rpane si thea a 7 fase ines cam = eve senng 62 oretiguatr USSD 1853 Rn wth asi ~ voor assy Hepa us a car Gas discharge tube 322,230.42 = Fired ~ 2537 11-7.5.7 = Protective ~ x321 2-10... Heating Aig va nant tic ~ deman e ue unas = wane 7656 aang or that ve fost 6734 oS ostive dspaconet ype eee “Maateratne cheers offow aoe aaa ~ PEMA som 67324 eee ~ limitation: See below cs bins Be ration fara era Gas-lift pump 2334 95.1.4 ala 7 Gate noe ris sasz4 1 yaya commnem seeing ee a Sie fost e737 fer eras ear bal High tintation 1332432219 Seca = 2008 m4 = Mechanical igen speed on ty Saa.220 IRecutpt sie than tat onthe np 232 a aw gua General purpose valves ~ Device for ~ ¥o05 5:12.56 Generator: See Tachometer generator, = pevie fr ~ input value can be negative x908 5-12.58 ‘Steam generator, ee Highspeed centtuge xasig 1245.19 Getter ion pump 2338 95.18 Wigher or tower quantity level Getter pump BI 9515 = Transition to a~ m2 243.218 dar 337 re Giobe type 2121 84.3.2. Higher quantity level, Ssfonteum vate of = fons t4sa3 futons 10 24azs6 = Sotnelended sey ave of = yo basa ead 1 feonynave afin euceacting ater ten canine X2106 845.16 ~ Selection of - 198 24,3.2.26 ou @7339 Saetnes, dce fos 3416 tase pe nas 84329 = Flac eins, ets a3 3ei9 fumes kaa tread 8 ASME Y14.40.1-2002 ‘ALPHABETICAL INDEX esis Wcation weg cation tration Part tration art number _sbpara) Description umber subpara) tumor 12503 1145.3 Hyaule stepping motor wou 104521 sumaty 2063 673.113 fale torque convener ‘rau actuator a hajstable~ vow 10552 Dube acing ~ 79 4639 hycrule ype on 3434 ~ Doubleacing = wih aifrent seve areas 72% 6.41 Hyiencvahe knar 8754 = Single-acting = nz «en? ke 8752 Hyer bur K2007 745.7 203 8753 ‘rau conroting unt mor 2457 rams 8754 frau ender byl valves "7 Double acing = nur 10615 tees tm 243.220 = ouble acing - of telescope ype 24030819 67333 = boubleacting- with deren piston Ideal branenes areas and cushions x2ess 10654 “Connection wth 9 paral, «3934 = Shgteacine~ of ecesion ype 244i 1061-1 Connection wth thee paral ~ near 3953 = Sinleacing~ of reaction Ye 2466 1061.3 Wemeat tems = Sige acng~ of retraction pe wth Leia poner spe return xn 10652 on Saeco = Shgleacing ~ oteescopicype 244310637 Yan or mare Sanaa Myaaite mote bios 304s seaeenias neta n te for of ~ 20? 461.37 pact on process fore erate ~ Reversible = 22420 10-4.5.20 Inline rotary mixer X2672 12-6.5.2 = Rotodynamic ~ X2M14 10-4516 An-iine static mixer 2673, 1265.3 Semirotany ~ 2415 10-61-15 Indicating 148 -2- = Stepping ~ waar toast dy teers = wh acsabe speed X25 104515 _ ang yansmiting of ee reste = with anticlockwise rotation Kauis iousts Tent prunes naar iousar gene ~ with antcackwise rotation, independent Cae ae 2733 Girecion of ow xg 104539 Orton se vesseh ~ with postive displacement wth temperature arsmiting and ~ xi0s9 675.19 falustobecapncy wae soasaa—__ emanate a ee X21 1045.18 _ of citerential pressure X1054 67.514 tvératc power source: See Working Semen aeaaersl eee eee neo. rosa ~ ot level in vessel 195767537 ~ sven by a shaft with adjustable speed 2404 1045.4 _— ‘Of level in vessel by viewing ae ae eae X2404 10454 Toy poston without detention oa saaie Teme NM able cpacty SEAT. TOSS postions of convlled element 701-533 = Reversible ~ x2408 1045.8 ae Rotodynamic ~, external leakage ‘X2403 10-4.5.3 73 453.3 = with altemnative ditections of flow 2403 10-4.1.3 704 453.4 with buttin elecee maar (wet a) 2425 1045.25 ~ Temperature ~ and contol permed by eran Weiss 14525” computer wth backup by duct devee X1081 69.5.4 Xhos tosse —penure-ina cain conan 07S 67535 = wih postive apacement, adusale = Temperate =n een antl oom th ce cen aay Matanen ta tosis oper Xi076 67536 Xai ieee ~ Temperate na lca eon oom or ~~ with positive displacement, pulsating low X2620 1045.10 ‘on a local control panel 1077 675.37 T Aah pete caplacement, nceta Indeaton and feedback conto of reactive tow oui 104san Bower mos 67521 See also Liquid pump Indicator Hydraulic pump/motor 2409 1043.9 _—_~ Electromechanical postion ~ 865 $101.3 = with alternative directions of flow. 2413 10-4.1.13. = Electromechanical ~ 864 = wth Snt-cacase rotation xai22 i052 ~ Eecromecharieal ~ wih automate retun X893 Xa123 104523 ~ Hlacomechaleal~ without automate wth tert crecons of flow batt joatta teu (manual ese) xa94 fyi tay treue convener 2634 30513, ~ Mechanica = 003 ~najsable = X2431 10854 Overcuent relay wth mechanical fyeraulic sensory motor 2435 30.41.15 ~wihoutaulomave rer (manal ese X895 505.3 X22 104512 Induction 16 [ALPHABETICAL INDEX ASME Y14.40.1-2002 Rees Location Regis- Location tration (Part- tration (Part Description umber _subpara) Description number subpara) ~ Electric ~ pump 2382 96.1.2 ~ Rectlinear motion with ~ x54 275.9 2353 96.13 Internal combustion engine 2582, 1110.1.2 = Beatie ~ ype eC 14735 — with reciprocating pistons) x51 11405. Infinite number of intermediate positions of with rotting pistons x2562.11-10.5.2 vave 275 8635 Internal connection 4st 343.16 x1026 6656 ~ ina pressure relief valve M35 3.45.18 Information bus Inversion of bigiteciona type a3 3.437 = Logic - 382 24,352 ~ of unidirectional type ar 343.6 lon exchange separator 92633 1245.33 Information processing function toe 6744 lon exchange type 2624 1243.12 ~ performed by time-sharing 3082 67.42 lonizing radiation = with enabling x08 6753 ~ Senso: for ~ W764 5.45.16 ~ with negated enabling (disabling) x1080 6754 ~ ype ke 1734 = with negated input xo 675.1 hem ~ with negated output x1042 = Ope - only oa aaa = with retained output signal x104s tems Information processing functions = Three identical ~ 3as Danas Inherent variability 206 “wo Identical ~ baz Danae = Non-linear ~ 205 = Two oF mace identical ~ saa DTA Input aus 2145 = by keyboard 153 243.237 jacket 2131 843.241 = Compensating = 127 243.213 jacketed (sleeved) pipeline xu09 345.9 = Enabling ~ 126 243.212 — with thermal insulation Xe10 3455.10 = for auxliay power supply 18324353 Jet motor 276 19.4.4 = label 106 243:1 = Tutbofan~ 2575 119.15 Input and output circuits Joint ~ Signal corverer, measuring transducer ~ screwed sie 3614 without connection between — 5 54.5 = welded, brazed, or soldered sis 3615 756 5416 Joint of Insertion pipe gor $512 ~ connections sor saa ~ Boss with — 803 $5.23 a2 = Temperature sensor in an ~ xe02 555.2 multiple electrically insulating mechanical Instrument Tinks x509 355.9 Indicating ~ 2 574.2 multiple functional links, links, or = Integrating ~ a4 S714 Pipelines X508 35.5.6 = Recording ~ 335713 ~ mechanical parts permitting motion ofthe Insulated pipeline or duct xa 21052 pats in two or more dimensions 2005 35.1.2 insulating ana = Flecticaly ~ mechanical ink, shah, wie 40 key = materia, 325 20.1.3 — Manual actuator in the form of a~ or 4547 Insulation Keyboare Jacketed (sleeves) pipeline with thermal ~ Xe10. 34.5.0 Input by ~ 153 -24.3.237 ~ Pipeline or duct with thermal ~ x32 3457 keite = Pipeline with thermal ~, heated or cooled = Dise with = 2608 12417 bya separate circuit wos 34.5.8 Lebore Integra, total 1067 —_~ Double ~ in fourway valve ms 843.19 Integrating 4067 673.117 ~ in thee or four-way vatve m3 843.17 Integrating measuring instrument we S74 Label Intensifer ~ Input or output ~ 106 2438.4 ~ Continuous pneumatic hydraulic Label grouping 107 2431.2 pressure = 2636 105.14 mis 245.14 Linear preumaticchydraulic pressure ~ 2632 10:5.1.3. —_Latching device 66s 444.17 Interiockng device 666 481.22 66.38 663.10 ~ Conto-switch with ~ X67 64.5.7 Intermediate dwell = shown in disengaged postion 662 44.1.8 = Rectlinear motion In altemative directions ~ shown in engaged position 6 aaaag with = x256 275.11 Launcher 2082 75.1:16 = Rectlinear mation with ~ X05 275.10 Leaf fter 12606 1254.56 Intermediate postions Leakctee valve = Infinite number of = of valve 2175 8635 ~ Goose flow path of ~ ns 8633 Intermediate stop Leakage connection v

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