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Last Saturday, I went to the supermarket to do my weekly shopping.

I made a list before

leaving to ensure I wouldn't forget anything important. When I arrived, the store was
quite busy, but I managed to find a parking spot quickly.

As I entered, I grabbed a shopping cart and headed straight to the produce section. I
picked up some fresh apples for 54 pesos, bananas for 27 pesos, and a bag of mixed
salad greens for 72 pesos. After that, I moved to the dairy aisle, where I selected a
carton of milk for 45 pesos, a dozen eggs for 54 pesos, and a block of cheddar cheese
for 90 pesos.

Next, I went to the bakery section and bought a loaf of whole grain bread for 49.50
pesos and a package of dinner rolls for 63 pesos. I then navigated to the meat
department and chose some chicken breasts for 144 pesos and a pound of ground beef
for 108 pesos.

In the frozen food section, I picked up a couple of bags of vegetables for 45 pesos each
and a tub of ice cream for 72 pesos. I also grabbed a few cans of soup for 31.50 pesos
each and a box of cereal for 63 pesos from the grocery aisles.

Finally, I remembered to get some household items like paper towels for 72 pesos and
dish soap for 49.50 pesos. I made my way to the checkout, unloaded my cart, and
waited in line. The cashier was friendly and quickly scanned all my items. I paid, loaded
everything into my car, and headed home.

It was a productive shopping trip, and I felt satisfied knowing I had everything I needed
for the week.

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