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There are many ways to make
RICE MILK milk from raw grains such as
rice. We have chosen as a
generic recipe the one which
LECHE DE ARROZ we have found results in a
creamy, sweet milk and which
is also suitable for sensitive

Soaking: Grains such as rice,

do not need to be soaked, but
they should be washed
thoroughly prior to using.


• 1 litre of hot water (80ºC)

• 40g of raw grain e.g. rice
• Pinch of salt

Water temperature:
Hot water (approx. 80ºC). In
order to know the right water
temperature without using a
thermometer, either use water
that is about to boil or bring
water to boiling point, remove
from heat and let it rest from
3 to 5 minutes.
1. In order to make milk from raw grains, start by filling the Vegan Milker container with ½ litre
of hot water.
2. Then, place the filter in the container and add the ingredients as well as any flavour enhancer
of your choice. Hand blend for 2 minutes until the grains are fully grinded.
3. Add the remaining ½ litre of water (either hot or at room temperature, it does not matter) and
blend for a further 10 seconds in order to homogenise the drink.
4. Remove the filter and press the pulp gently with the mortar to filter out the remaining milk.
5. Pour the milk in a saucepan and cook over low heat from 7 to 10 minutes, stirring
occasionally. If not to be drunk immediately, leave the milk to cool and store it in the fridge.

80 °C

1 2 3 4 5

Uncooked grain milk (alternative) recipe: in this case, 100g of raw grains can be used. The
grains need to be soaked in water overnight or for 8 - 12 hours and follow the recipe above
omitting step 5. Store in the fridge and stir well before drinking.

Careful! Cereal milk made by following the generic recipe achieves a creamy texture and
neither settles after letting to rest nor changes its texture after heating. However, when following
the uncooked grain milk recipe, the milk settles after storing it in the fridge, therefore it needs to
be stirred well before consumption. If heating the uncooked grain milk in a saucepan, stir
constantly ton a medium head to remove lumps to ensure that it does not achieve an excessively
thicken texture and end up turning into custard.

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