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What is the value of P if 4x^2 + 20x + P is a perfect square?

To determine the value of P such that the quadratic expression 4x^2 + 20x + P is a perfect
square, you need to complete the square.

A perfect square expression has the form (ax + b)^2, where a and b are constants. To make 4x^2
+ 20x + P a perfect square, we'll rewrite it in that form.

First, factor out the leading coefficient of 4:

4x^2 + 20x + P = 4(x^2 + 5x) + P

Now, to complete the square, we need to add and subtract a constant term inside the
parentheses such that it makes a perfect square trinomial. In this case, the constant to add and
subtract is (5/2)^2 = 25/4.

4x^2 + 20x + P = 4(x^2 + 5x + 25/4 - 25/4) + P

Now, we can rewrite the expression with the perfect square trinomial:

4x^2 + 20x + P = 4((x + 5/2)^2 - 25/4) + P

Distribute the 4 on the right side of the equation:

4x^2 + 20x + P = 4(x + 5/2)^2 - (4 * 25/4) + P

4x^2 + 20x + P = 4(x + 5/2)^2 - 25 + P

Now, for it to be a perfect square, the constant term (-25 + P) should be zero because perfect
square trinomials have a constant term of zero:

-25 + P = 0

Now, solve for P:

P = 25

So, the value of P that makes 4x^2 + 20x + P a perfect square is P = 25.

Solve the quadratic equation cx^2 - ax + b = 0

To solve the quadratic equation ��2−��+�=0cx2−ax+b=0, you can use the quadratic

In this formula, �a, �b, and �c are the coefficients from your quadratic equation

Now, plug in the values for �a, �b, and �c from your equation

�=−�a=−a �=�b=b �=�c=c

So, your equation becomes:


Simplify further:


Now, you have the solution for �x, and you can use this formula to find the values of �x by
substituting the values of �a, �b, and �c from your specific quadratic equation.

For what value(s) of K does the equation 3y^2 - 6y + k = 0 have two equal roots?
For a quadratic equation to have two equal roots, it must be a perfect square. In other words, the
discriminant (�2−4��b2−4ac) of the quadratic equation must be equal to zero, where �a,
�b, and �c are the coefficients of the quadratic equation ��2+��+�=0ay2+by+c=0.

In your case, the equation is 3�2−6�+�=03y2−6y+k=0, so:

�=3a=3 �=−6b=−6 �=�c=k

The discriminant, �D, is given by:


Substituting the values of �a, �b, and �c:




For the equation to have two equal roots, �D must be equal to zero:

Now, solve for �k:




So, the equation 3�2−6�+�=03y2−6y+k=0 has two equal roots when �=3k=3.

Solve the equations X + y = 3, X^2 + y^2 - 2y = 1

To solve the system of equations:

1. �+�=3x+y=3
2. �2+�2−2�=1x2+y2−2y=1

We'll use the first equation to solve for one variable and then substitute that into the second

From the first equation, we can express �x in terms of �y:


Now, substitute this expression for �x into the second equation:


Expand and simplify:


Combine like terms:


Subtract 1 from both sides of the equation:


Divide the equation by 2 to simplify it:


Now, we have a quadratic equation that can be factored:


Taking the square root of both sides:


Now, solve for �y:


Now that we have found the value of �y, we can substitute it back into the first equation to find


Subtract 2 from both sides:



So, the solution to the system of equations is �=1x=1 and �=2y=2.

Find the positive number n, such that thrice it's square is equal to twelve times the number.
To find the positive number �n such that three times its square is equal to twelve times the
number, you can set up an equation and solve for �n.

Let �n be the positive number. We can write the equation as follows:


Now, let's simplify this equation by dividing both sides by 3 to isolate (n:


Next, subtract 4n from both sides to get the equation in standard quadratic form:


Now, we can factor �n out:

Now, we have two factors:

1. �=0n=0
2. �−4=0n−4=0

For a positive number, we can ignore the first solution ( �=0n=0) because it's not positive.
Therefore, we take the second solution:


Add 4 to both sides:


So, the positive number �n that satisfies the given condition is �=4n=4.

What value of Q will make the expression 4x^2 + 5x + Q a complete square?

To make the expression 4�2+5�+�4x2+5x+Q a perfect square trinomial, you need to
complete the square. The square of a binomial of the form ��+�ax+b is

Given your expression 4�2+5�+�4x2+5x+Q, you can see that it's almost in the form of a
perfect square trinomial. To complete the square, you need to add and subtract the appropriate

1. Start with your expression: 4�2+5�+�4x2+5x+Q.

2. Notice that the coefficient of �2x2 is 44, so you'll want to factor out a 44 from the first
two terms:


3. To complete the square, you need to add and subtract the square of half of the
coefficient of �x, which is (54÷2)2=(58)2=2564(45÷2)2=(85)2=6425:


4. Now, factor the perfect square trinomial and simplify:


5. Distribute the 44 inside the parentheses:

6. Simplify further:


7. Reduce the fraction:


To make the expression 4�2+5�+�4x2+5x+Q a perfect square trinomial, you need to

choose �Q such that it's equal to −2516−1625:


So, the value of �Q that will make the expression 4�2+5�+�4x2+5x+Q a perfect square is

Find the values of M which makes the following quadratic function a perfect square X^2 +
2(m+1)x + m + 3
To make the quadratic function �2+2(�+1)�+�+3x2+2(m+1)x+m+3 a perfect square, you
need to complete the square. A perfect square trinomial has the form (�+�)2(x+a)2.

Let's complete the square for your expression:


To complete the square, you need to add and subtract the square of half of the coefficient of the
linear term (2(m+1)). Half of 2(m+1) is (m+1), and its square is (m+1)^2. So, add and subtract


Now, group the perfect square trinomial and the constants:


Simplify the constants:


Combine like terms:

Now, to make this a perfect square, we need the constant term on the right side to be 0, just like
in a perfect square trinomial. So, set:


Solve for �m:


This is a quadratic equation in �m. We can solve it by factoring or using the quadratic formula.




Now, set each factor equal to zero:

1. �+2=0m+2=0 implies �=−2m=−2

2. �−1=0m−1=0 implies �=1m=1

So, the values of �m that make the quadratic function a perfect square are �=−2m=−2 and

The ages of Tosan and Isa differs by 6 and the product of their ages is 187.write their age in the
form (x, y) when x > y
Let's call Tosan's age "x" and Isa's age "y". According to the given information:

1. The ages of Tosan and Isa differ by 6 years, which can be expressed as: x - y = 6
2. The product of their ages is 187, which can be expressed as: x * y = 187

Now, you have a system of two equations with two variables:

1. x - y = 6
2. x * y = 187

You can solve this system of equations to find their ages. To do this, you can use the substitution

From equation 1, you can express x in terms of y: x = y + 6

Now, substitute this expression for x into equation 2:

(y + 6) * y = 187

Expand and simplify:

y^2 + 6y - 187 = 0

To solve this quadratic equation, you can use the quadratic formula:

y = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / (2a)

In this case, a = 1, b = 6, and c = -187. Plug these values into the formula:

y = (-6 ± √(6^2 - 4(1)(-187))) / (2(1))

Calculate the discriminant (the value inside the square root):

D = 6^2 - 4(1)(-187) = 36 + 748 = 784

Now, continue solving for y:

y = (-6 ± √784) / 2

y = (-6 ± 28) / 2

Now, you have two possible values for y:

1. y = (-6 + 28) / 2 = 22 / 2 = 11
2. y = (-6 - 28) / 2 = -34 / 2 = -17

Since ages are typically positive, we take the positive value for y, which is y = 11. Now, use the
equation x = y + 6 to find x:

x = 11 + 6 = 17

So, in the form (x, y) with x > y, Tosan is 17 years old, and Isa is 11 years old.

What will be the value of K so that the quadratic equation kx^2 - 4x + 1 = 0 has two equal roots?
For a quadratic equation to have two equal roots, the discriminant ( �2−4��b2−4ac) must be
equal to zero, where �a, �b, and �c are the coefficients of the quadratic equation

In your equation ��2−4�+1=0kx2−4x+1=0, you have:

�=�a=k �=−4b=−4 �=1c=1

The discriminant (�D) is given by:


Substitute the values of �a, �b, and �c:




For the equation to have two equal roots, �D must be equal to zero:


Now, solve for �k:




So, the value of �k that makes the quadratic equation ��2−4�+1=0kx2−4x+1=0 have two
equal roots is �=4k=4.

Find the solution of the equation X + 2√ x - 8 = 0

To solve the equation �+2�−8=0x+2x−8=0, you can use a substitution to simplify it.

Let �=�u=x, then �2=�u2=x. Now, rewrite the equation in terms of �u:


This is a quadratic equation in �u. You can solve it by factoring or using the quadratic formula.
Factoring is the simpler approach in this case:


Now, set each factor equal to zero:

1. �+4=0u+4=0 �=−4u=−4
2. �−2=0u−2=0 �=2u=2
Now that you've found the possible values for �u, remember that �=�u=x. Square roots are
always non-negative, so �u cannot be negative. Therefore, the valid solution is:


Now, substitute this value back into the equation to find �x:


Square both sides to isolate �x:



So, the solution to the equation �+2�−8=0x+2x−8=0 is �=4x=4.

Find the solution of the equation X - 8√x + 15 = 0

To solve the equation �−8�+15=0x−8x+15=0, you can use a substitution to simplify it.

Let �=�u=x, then �2=�u2=x. Now, rewrite the equation in terms of �u:


This is a quadratic equation in �u. You can solve it by factoring or using the quadratic formula.
Factoring is the simpler approach in this case:


Now, set each factor equal to zero:

1. �−5=0u−5=0 �=5u=5
2. �−3=0u−3=0 �=3u=3

Now that you've found the possible values for �u, remember that �u is the square root of �x.
Square roots are always non-negative, so both solutions are valid:

1. �=5u=5 implies �=5x=5, so �=52=25x=52=25.

2. �=3u=3 implies �=3x=3, so �=32=9x=32=9.

So, the solutions to the equation �−8�+15=0x−8x+15=0 are �=25x=25 and �=9x=9.
Find the value of K which will make the quadratic expression 9x^2 - 12x + K is a perfect square
To make the quadratic expression 9�2−12�+�9x2−12x+K a perfect square, you need to
complete the square. A perfect square trinomial has the form (��+�)2(ax+b)2.

Here's how you can complete the square for your expression:

1. Start with the expression: 9�2−12�+�9x2−12x+K.

2. First, factor out the leading coefficient of 9 from the first two terms:
3. To complete the square, add and subtract the square of half of the coefficient of �x,
which is (43÷2)2=(23)2=49(34÷2)2=(32)2=94:
4. Now, factor the perfect square trinomial inside the parentheses:
5. Simplify further:
6. Reduce the fraction:

Now, for the expression to be a perfect square, the constant term (-4 + K) should be zero,
because perfect square trinomials have a constant term of zero:


Now, solve for �K:


So, the value of �K that makes the quadratic expression 9�2−12�+�9x2−12x+K a perfect
square is �=4K=4.

The graph of f(x) = X^2 - 5X + 6 crosses the x-axis at the points

To find the x-intercepts (or zeros) of the function �(�)=�2−5�+6f(x)=x2−5x+6, you need
to solve for �x when (f(x) = 0.

So, set �(�)f(x) to zero and solve for �x:


Now, you can factor this quadratic equation:

Now, set each factor equal to zero:

1. �−2=0x−2=0 implies �=2x=2

2. �−3=0x−3=0 implies �=3x=3

The x-intercepts of the function �(�)=�2−5�+6f(x)=x2−5x+6 are �=2x=2 and �=3x=3.

So, the graph crosses the x-axis at the points (2, 0) and (3, 0).

Solve the following equations (3x - 2)(5x-4)=(3x-2)^2

To solve the equation (3�−2)(5�−4)=(3�−2)2(3x−2)(5x−4)=(3x−2)2, you can first notice
that both sides of the equation have a common factor of 3�−23x−2. You can divide both sides
by this common factor to simplify the equation:


Now, cancel out the common factor:


Next, solve for �x by isolating it on one side of the equation.

Subtract 3�3x from both sides:


Combine like terms:


Now, add 4 to both sides:




Finally, divide both sides by 2 to solve for (x):


So, the solution to the equation (3�−2)(5�−4)=(3�−2)2(3x−2)(5x−4)=(3x−2)2 is

Find the value of the constant K for which the equation 2x^2 + (k+3)x + 2k = 0, has equal roots
For the quadratic equation 2�2+(�+3)�+2�=02x2+(k+3)x+2k=0 to have equal roots (i.e.,
be a perfect square or have a discriminant of zero), you can apply the discriminant formula:

The discriminant (�D) for a quadratic equation in the form ��2+��+�=0ax2+bx+c=0 is

given by:


In your equation, �=2a=2, �=�+3b=k+3, and �=2�c=2k. To have equal roots, �D

should be equal to zero.

So, let's set up the discriminant and solve for �k:


Now, expand and simplify:


Combine like terms:


Now, for the equation to have equal roots, �D must be equal to zero:


To solve this quadratic equation, you can either factor it or use the quadratic formula. In this case,
factoring is straightforward:


Now, set each factor equal to zero:

1. �−1=0k−1=0 implies �=1k=1

2. �−9=0k−9=0 implies �=9k=9

So, there are two values of �k that make the equation 2�2+(�+3)�+2�=02x2+
(k+3)x+2k=0 have equal roots: �=1k=1 and �=9k=9.
What is the value of P if 4x^2 + 20x + P is a perfect square?
To determine the value of P such that the quadratic expression 4x^2 + 20x + P is a perfect
square, you need to complete the square.

A perfect square expression has the form (ax + b)^2, where a and b are constants. To make 4x^2
+ 20x + P a perfect square, we'll rewrite it in that form.

First, factor out the leading coefficient of 4:

4x^2 + 20x + P = 4(x^2 + 5x) + P

Now, to complete the square, we need to add and subtract a constant term inside the
parentheses such that it makes a perfect square trinomial. In this case, the constant to add and
subtract is (5/2)^2 = 25/4.

4x^2 + 20x + P = 4(x^2 + 5x + 25/4 - 25/4) + P

Now, we can rewrite the expression with the perfect square trinomial:

4x^2 + 20x + P = 4((x + 5/2)^2 - 25/4) + P

Distribute the 4 on the right side of the equation:

4x^2 + 20x + P = 4(x + 5/2)^2 - (4 * 25/4) + P

4x^2 + 20x + P = 4(x + 5/2)^2 - 25 + P

Now, for it to be a perfect square, the constant term (-25 + P) should be zero because perfect
square trinomials have a constant term of zero:

-25 + P = 0

Now, solve for P:

P = 25

So, the value of P that makes 4x^2 + 20x + P a perfect square is P = 25.

The solution of the equation x^2 - 2x = 8 is ?

To solve the quadratic equation �2−2�=8x2−2x=8, you can start by moving all the terms to
one side of the equation to set it equal to zero:

Now, you can solve this quadratic equation by factoring, completing the square, or using the
quadratic formula. In this case, I will factor the equation.

To factor, look for two numbers that multiply to -8 (the constant term) and add up to -2 (the
coefficient of the linear term). These two numbers are -4 and 2 because (-4) * 2 = -8 and (-4) + 2
= -2.

So, you can rewrite the equation as:


Now, you can set each factor equal to zero:

1. �−4=0x−4=0 �=4x=4
2. �+2=0x+2=0 �=−2x=−2

So, the solutions of the equation �2−2�=8x2−2x=8 are �=4x=4 and �=−2x=−2.

Solve the equation Y - 11√y + 24 = 0

To solve the equation �−11�+24=0y−11y+24=0, you can use a substitution to simplify it.

Let �=�u=y, then �2=�u2=y. Now, rewrite the equation in terms of (u:


This is a quadratic equation in �u. You can solve it by factoring or using the quadratic formula.
Factoring is the simpler approach in this case:


Now, set each factor equal to zero:

1. �−3=0u−3=0 �=3u=3
2. �−8=0u−8=0 �=8u=8

Now that you've found the possible values for �u, remember that �u is the square root of �y.
Square roots are always non-negative, so both solutions are valid:

1. �=3u=3 implies �=3y=3, so �=32=9y=32=9.

2. �=8u=8 implies �=8y=8, so �=82=64y=82=64.

So, the solutions to the equation �−11�+24=0y−11y+24=0 are �=9y=9 and �=64y=64.
Find the possible value of M with which X^2 + (m-2)x + m + 1 = 0 has two equal roots.
To have two equal roots for the quadratic equation �2+(�−2)�+�+1=0x2+
(m−2)x+m+1=0, the discriminant must be equal to zero. The discriminant ( �D) for a quadratic
equation ��2+��+�=0ax2+bx+c=0 is given by:


In this case, �=1a=1, �=(�−2)b=(m−2), and �=(�+1)c=(m+1). To have equal roots, we

need �D to be zero:


Now, solve for �m:


Expand and simplify:


Combine like terms:



Factor �m out:


Now, set each factor equal to zero:

1. �=0m=0
2. �−8=0m−8=0

For a quadratic equation to have equal roots, you only need the discriminant to be zero, so the
solutions for �m are:

1. �=0m=0
2. �=8m=8

So, the possible values of �m for which the equation �2+(�−2)�+�+1=0x2+

(m−2)x+m+1=0 has two equal roots are �=0m=0 and �=8m=8.
The solution to the quadratic equation 5 + 3x - 2x^3 = 0
To find the solution to the quadratic equation 5+3�−2�3=05+3x−2x3=0, you need to first
rearrange it to a more recognizable quadratic form. This equation is a cubic equation, so you
might not be able to solve it by factoring, but you can use numerical methods to approximate
the solution. Here's a way to solve it:

1. Rearrange the equation to isolate the cubic term on one side:


2. To find an approximate solution, you can use numerical methods, like the Newton-
Raphson method or a graphing calculator. Using a graphing calculator or software can be
the most convenient way.
3. Using a calculator or software, you can find an approximate solution, which is
approximately �≈−1.634x≈−1.634. Keep in mind that cubic equations can have one or
more real roots, and there may also be complex roots.

So, the approximate solution to the equation 5+3�−2�3=05+3x−2x3=0 is


Solve the equation (x-2)(x-3)=12

To solve the equation (�−2)(�−3)=12(x−2)(x−3)=12, you can expand and simplify the left
side and then proceed to solve for (x:


Expand the left side using the distributive property:


Combine like terms:


Now, subtract 12 from both sides to set the equation equal to zero:



Now, you can factor this quadratic equation:


Now, set each factor equal to zero:

1. �−6=0x−6=0 �=6x=6
2. �+1=0x+1=0 �=−1x=−1

So, the solutions to the equation (�−2)(�−3)=12(x−2)(x−3)=12 are �=6x=6 and


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