Week 11

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Inglés III- Sección 20369

(AC-S11) Week 11 - Task: Assignment - Old vs. Modern





Setting: Classroom during a technology discussion.


 Jean: Student A, comparing old and new versions of a laptop.

 Deysi: Student B, comparing old and new versions of a smartphone.
 Jose: Student C, comparing old and new versions of a gaming console.


Jean: Hey everyone, I'll start. Here's an old laptop from the early 2000s. It was bulky
and heavy. Now, look at this modern laptop. It's lighter, faster, and much more

Deysi: Wow, that's quite a contrast! Speaking of contrasts, I'll be comparing old and
new smartphones. The old one was much smaller and had limited features. Now, take
a look at the latest smartphone model. It's sleeker, more powerful, and has a larger
screen. Plus, it comes in various colors, unlike the old one.

Jose: Impressive! Now, let's shift our focus to gaming consoles. Here's an image of an
old gaming console from the '90s. It had basic graphics and limited game options. Fast
forward to today, and we have the latest gaming console, which offers realistic
graphics, advanced features, and a wide range of games to choose from.

Jean: Comparing the prices, the old laptop was significantly more expensive than
today's models due to advancements in technology and manufacturing processes.

Deysi: Absolutely, and the same goes for smartphones. The old one cost a fortune, but
now, with technological advancements, the latest models are more affordable and offer
better value for money.

Jose: And don't forget about the size! The old gaming console took up a lot of space,
while the new one is much more compact and can fit seamlessly into any entertainment

Jean: In conclusion, technological advancements have made old devices obsolete,

paving the way for sleeker, more powerful, and affordable versions that enhance our
digital experiences.

Deysi: Couldn't agree more! It's fascinating to see how far technology has come and
how it continues to shape our lives for the better.

Jose: Absolutely, technology never ceases to amaze us with its constant evolution and

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