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MR-NM2- 01-01 % REQUEST FOR INSPECTION S CI Req. No: NM2-SCLDA-1-FIL-IR-0085 To: NM2 Employer’s Engineer (LJ Hydro Consultancy) Date: 26/03/2024 Civil Geologist H&M = ESM — GHSE 2 ac © Survey © River Diversion © Power Intake © Access Road © Diversion Tunnel 11 Intake Slope 1c Temporary Access Road © Upstream Cofferdam © Intake Foundation © Operation Read © Downstream Cofferdam 5 Headrace Channel 1 Opecater Camas © Main Dam 2 Power Tunnel 1 Gene abpovreinse 2 Dam Body o Headrace Tunnel A Gene eumekeee © Left Dam Abutment 3 Vertical Shaft a les © Right Dam Abutment 18 Penstock Fe ee tnd © Auxiliary Dam 5 Powerhouse platform oe rae 1 Let Dam Abutment 1 overuse Platform © Batching Pant Right Dam Abutment 2 Powerhouse Building tebe © Spillway 2 Powerhouse Slope i Lebmntory © Spilluay © Tailrace Channel © Quarry works 0 Chute © Switehyard Oo H&M atthe Plunge Poo! 'Stiling Basin | Auxiliary Tunnel © E&Mat the © Spillway Slope o Adit 2 Adit a Oni 0 Adit © Other. ‘The NM2_EPC Contractor is hereby informing/requesting inspection _o |_o W_o Has follows: Location (Elevation, Station) | Item for Inspection | APs" | Proposed Date and Time Remarks Main Dam embankment Zone 2A from F 27103/2024 Layer TL-2A-41 to layer TL-2A-45 06:00 Location: Main Dam- Upstream 1) Inspection purpose: Ca-Punch List D-Re-evaluation of NCR ‘G-Materal's manufacturing at ste B-QC completion inspection E-Notlication of NCR deficiency of eoneetion | H-Fieid testing and inspection [C-Definition of construction detat__| F-General inspection during work Others. Requested by SCI AP/QCE/QC! ‘Name: Nguyen Van Kien Name: Received by EE: Employer / Engineer QU Remarks Signature:__ ‘sig Date:_//2/ 2024 SCI Joint Stock Company MR-NM2-07-02B SCI Inspections of Rock/Sand Embankment Works Ref. MDQ-NM2 Ref. RFI No. NM2-SCI-DA-3-FIL-IR-0052 Cheoklist No: NM2-SCI-DA-3-FIL-AE-0052 Main Dam Project : Nam Mo Hydropower Project Structure: Main Dam Zone 2A Location: Main Dam Upstream Required/Completed Inspections: [J PHsite [| Power Waterways ‘Switchyard |_| Other Date: 1B../.¢../2024 Reference DWG: NM2-SCI-DA-0-FIL-DG-0001-C-VFE | Corrections | Inspection " Completed | Correction | CO? AP | QCE Required Inspections NWA) (ven! No) | Resune | Camelot | Assented Jasats aki Is the rock/sand tested approved? Ves Ys | Is the limits of embankment | marked on both sides at regular Yes Yes J} | intervals ? } | Is the geotextile properly type? Vy Ve : / Is the geotextile joint in properly C ¢ method? | % ie Is the filter lift free of unsuitable \9 material? ¥s im I ? PO Is the layer properly thickness’ Vos Is the confined areas be compaction with properly Ves method? Is the dry density test result met Ms the required? | Ts the percentage of voids test vi ] result met the required? Me Remarks: Checked by AP Verified by QCE Approved by SQM Employer Eng’r Cy, Nguyen Trong Huan / Nguyen Van Kien te, Dinh Tuan Anh nosio/ Date: 23 [5/2024 Due: 26 J /eb24 Date: 2% [3 Jeary we a SC a NAM MO 2 HYDROPOWER PROJECT EPC CONTRACT Field compaction test Sample No: NMB-FC2A- O40) Project: Nam M02 - Hydropower Power Project Sample Description: Material for Zone 2A Sample location: TL glft — L.A Test Method: AASHTO -T 191 Sampling date: oY | (2 I oly4 Wet density Location of construction Re- regulation Layer: [Sampling Location 1 2 3 [Weight of sand & equipment be fore Testing, gIA) + ASS Weight of sand & equipment after Testing, g [8] 20) } |Weight of sand in cone, g [C] 1274 1274 1274 Weight of sand in hole, g [D=A-B-C] by |Weight of wet Soil from hole, g [E] Ade, [Unit weight of Sand, g/cm3 [F] 1.327 1.327 1.327 Volume of Hole, cm3 (G=D/F] LDA | Wet Density, g/om3 [H=E/G] 0 3 Moisture content & Degree of compaction Determiration rare no 1 2 3 Weight of wet Soil+ Tare, g IW/1] ARGO Weight of Dry Soil + Tare, g [W2] 1500 Weight of Water, g [W3 = W1-W2] |Weight of Tare, g [W4] [Weight of Dry Soil, g [W5=Wv2-Wwa] Moisture content, % [P I3W5]*100, Dry Density, g/cms [i] = [HJ/(1+0.01°tM]) Libel | Max Dry Density, g/cm3 [L] jOptimum Moisture content, % |Compaction, % [K = I/L] Tested by Checked by QC Engineer ‘Witnessed By LJHC ea 5 Guy thy [RA (Lhe Sengdet Sigatre je / Vy mst eae a2 = Li bing 19 C/() Go Ly 23/3 Janay ey Soi NAMMO2HYDROPOWER PROJECT = G CI Location; Main dam upstream DA03 litem: Zone 2A, Patel:23./e:4,/2024 SITE MEASURMENT RECORD Material: Crushed sand Test method: Sand replacement Sample results ample i Weightof [Volumeof | Moisture Layer | 58°11 prevation |T™? | weight o | Weiehto eee [Dry density} Remarks No. sandafier | sample (em3) | content sand before | (9) co | em) test (g) | aaes | 3825 44go4 | 494 [44 Laboratory QC Engineer Employer's Engineer A bu — via nod f Songdoh Nguyen Quang Hoy Nguyen Van Kien [Date:_ Janey, Date: 25 /s /2024 Date: 23 /3 /.2d2g Dae:23 J3/2o2 | NAM MO 2 HYDROPOWER PROJECT ay SCI €& bassin conwer LS BCE EPC CONTRACT Field compaction test Sample No: NM2-FC2A- 50 Project: Nam Mo2 - Hydropower Power Project Sample Description: Material for Zone 2A Sample Location: T\ lf — hod ee = Test Method: AASHTO -T 191 Sampling date: 0B 10S Jodov4s Wet density Location of construction Re: regulation Layer. [Sampling Location 1 2 3 Weight of sand & equipment be fore Testing, [Al TOE Weight of sand & equipment after Testing, g [B) StH Weight of sand in cone, g [C] 1274 1274 1274 Weight of sand in hole, g [D=A-B-C] WANG |Weight of wet Soil from hole, g [E] SS Ry Unit weight of Sand, g/om3 [F] 1.327 1.827 1.327 Volume of Hole, om3 [G=DiF] AQ [Wet Density, gicm3 [H=E/G] ASA i Moisture content & Degree of compaction Determiration ! rare no 1 2 3 Weight of wet Soil+ Tare, g Wi] Ags [Weight of Dry Soil + Tare, g [W2] LL [Weight of Water, g [W3 = W1-W2] £0 Weight of Tare, g [Wa] 0 Weight of Dry Soll, g IW5=W2-wa) TIE Moisture content, % [M=WV3/WW5]"100 SA Dry Density, gicm3 [i] = [HI/(1+0.01° um) A246 Max Dry Density, g/cm3 [L] JOptimum Moisture content, % | |Compaction, % [K = W/L] {i ( Checked by QC Engineer Witnessed By LJHC LY VU en eae Date Riba | PP /ES/ D0, | w/a D2 ECP Govmecmene NAMMO2HYDROPOWER PROJECT =| Location: Moin dam upstream DAG tem: Zone 26 Datei S./c5.2024 SITE MEASURMENT RECORD Material: Croshed sant est method Sand replacement Sample rests tayee [82°] eran [7° [weignor [WORE [Volume ot T Meise To is] ema “ sand before | auigy | MPEG) | SE | eiemay test (g) TL-2A- Sobe ¥ 4.949 Soy | Jan] & Laboratory QC Engineer Employer's Engineer Le | & | Songded- ‘Nguyen Quang Huy Nguyen Van Kien’ Date: 23 /% /w24 Date: 2% /% /.2o2h Date: 2 (2Do2

) 2024 Date: 3 /> /sp24 IDate: 3) /3 /202eb ‘The Consortium SCI MR-NM2-07-02 Ref. MDQ-NM2 Inspections After Embankment and | *ef RF! No. __ Backfilling Works Checklist No: AE» (Y] Main bam site [_] PHsite [| PowerWaterways [—] switchyard [_] other Project: Nam Mo 2 Hydropower Project Dawe: 3 4/.5/ Jo24 Structure: Dow A’ Layars DL 2A aS Sub contract: Bee Location:__Marw Daw Reference DWG: sate Required/Completed Inspections: i Corrections | Inspection Required Inspections |N/A] ae Correction | Carried out | Accepted | yatnis | ical "a (Yes/No) _| (Yes/No) Initials | Initials Embankment / Backfilling Works Lines Ye Yos, Grades as Ue Elevation Yen Yon Slope Protection Ns Type...» Drainage Type .. Others: NIN Remarks: Checked by AP | Verified byQCE | Approved bySQM | — Employer Eng’r GS eae ; Dink Sutin Vqueo Tours thin) Na Van bo Suh ctrl Date: x) Ja Jxp2q | Pate: 3) Jy /enrm | Date: 3 / Jxv24 | Due: 31/97 e02 Ye Woe DAN’ Ra Ne {G00 mate pret ate seen, HOVEUFLr-veL wey they sequin ‘8B 08 anes oe pon ue 0=H 29630 soup, fe eta {wep 0 Jo weagacn ae slay et lvenieert COORDINATE OF DAM EMBANKMENT SURFACE OF ZONE 24 LAYER:TL-2A-43 No. x vi iE 1 402034.448 2110002.094 1274.835 2 402035.446 2110001.079 1274.841 3 402042.078 2110007.264 1274,792 4 402042.863 2110006.105 1274.805 5 402052.142 2110012.393 1274.846 6 402051.357 2110013.552 1274.846 q 402060.513 2110019.757 1274.804 8 402061.298 2110018.598 1274.793 9 402071.077 2110025.225 1274,833 10 402070.291 2110026.384 1274,802 1 402080.254 2110031.445 1274.847 12 402079.391 2110032.551 1274815 SCI Surveyor QC Engineer Employer's Engineer - Qu assiod Monee | Semi Vo Khowh T ean Te Vea Vied Date: | |) 244 Date: 31/3 /zp24 Date: | J /-2024 SCI Joint Stock Company MR-NM2-07-02B Inspections of Rock/Sand Embankment Works Ref. RFI No. Checklist No: NM2-SCI-DA-3-FIL-AE-0052 Ref. MDQ-NM2 NM2-SCI-DA-3-FIL-IR-0052 Y] main Dam PH Site Power Waterways Project : Nam Mo Hydropower Project Structure: Main Dam Zone 2A .....- Location: Main Dam Upstream Required/Completed Inspections: Reference DWG: NM2-SCI-DA-0-FIL-DG-0001-C-VFE Switchyard [| Other Date: 2,./.%./2024 Corrections | Inspection Completed | Correction AP QCE Required Inspections NIA} (Yes/No) | Required ase fe es Initials} Initials Is the rock/sand tested approved? Yos Is the limits of embankment \ \ marked on both sides at regular Ves yes intervals? | pe Is the geotextile properly type? Yo Veg | | | Is the geotextile joint in properly | St method? Mes % Is the filter lift free of unsuitable a Lb TY material?” ¥ ys |] 4 Is the layer properly thickness? Ys i Vos / Is the confined areas be } compaction with properly Yes Mes | | method? Is the dry density test result met | the required? ys ys Is the percentage of voids fest | result met the required? Yes ys Remarks: Checked by AP Verified by QCE ‘Approved by SQM Employer Eng'r |e eet / Songded- : - ie Nguyen Trong Huan Nguyen Van Kien Dinh Tuan Anh Date: 31 />/2024 Date: 3) /2 202-4 Date: 3[ /2/ 2024 Date: 1 7% /2024) we i. SC NAM MO 2 HYDROPOWER PROJECT EPC CONTRACT Field compaction test Sample No: NM2-FO2A-.08 2 Project: Nam Mo2 - Hydropower Power Project Sample Description: Material for Zone 2A Sample Location: Losey = 2-4 Bee Test Method: AASHTO-T 191 Sampling date: 2.4 )0% [Jory Wet density Location of construction Re- regulation [Laver [Sampling Location 1 2 3 Weight of sand & equipment be fore Testing, g [A 1 [Weight of sand & equipment after Testing, g [B] BAG Weight of sand in cone, g [C] 1274 1274 1274 Weight of sand in hole, g [D=A-B-C] 482 |Weight of wet Soil from hole, gE] 439 Unit weight of Sand, g/cm3 [F] 1.327, 1.327 1.327 Volume of Hole, oms (6=D/F] 2205.5 Wet Density, gioms [H=E/G] 4.990 Moisture content & Degree of compaction Determiration Tare no 1 2 3 Weight of wet Soil + Tare, g [W1} AAS Weight of Dry Soil+ Tare, g [W2] mo Weight of Water, g [W3 = W1-W2} 6 |Weight of Tare, g [Wa] oO [Weight of Dry Soil, g [W5=W2-Wa] Wto [Moisture content, 9% IM=W3/W5]*100 €.36 Dry Density, g/cm3 [1] = [H](1+0.01*[M]) A Sky Max Dry Density, gem3 [L] Optimum Moisture content, % |Compaction, % (K = W/L} Tested by Checked by QC Engineer Witnessed By LJHC Name Pee dn_rue | Tran Vou Ve Sondel Sinaue qa aA wie ee C & Date 54/3/ Jo24 | 34] 02f outs BI / & /a024p sil CY Wome NAMMO2HYDROPOWER PROJECT §=G(_| Location: Main dam upstream DAO tem: Zone 2A Datel:3-L/e%./2024 SITE MEASURMENT RECORD Material: Crushed sand Test method: Sand replacement Sample results Sample Time Weightof [Volume of | Moisture Layer | SPP") Etevation WeightoF | sand ater | sayplecemsy | content [Density Remaks sand before mm) | em3) test() e% test(@) TV —2p-ag Qa s24¢ | 400 | Laboratory (OC Engineer Employer's Engineer ba a oe Songdlel Nguyen Quang Huy Nguyen Van Kien Date: 31/3/2024. pate: 3 /% / 2024 IDate:_ 31 Jo /-2024) SCI Joint Stock Company MR-NM2-07-02 — Ref. MDQ-NM2 Ref. RFI No. Inspections After Embankment and Backfilling Works | Checklist No: [2] main Dam site [—] PHsite [—] Powerwaterways [| switchyard [~] other Date 31/3/2024 Project : Nam Mo Hydropower Project Structure: Main Dam Zone 2A. bayse. LTDA JA I. Location: Main Dam Upstream Reference DWG: NM2-SCI-DA-0-FIL-DG-0001-C-VFE Required/Completed Inspections: Corrections | Inspection Required Inspections | N/A (aa Correction | Caried out | Accepted | 02. | OC as (es/ Noy _| (Yes/No) Embankment / \ Backdilling Works i Lines Ye ws | i Grades _ | ye ye L | Elevation yy yo | | Slope Protection | ‘Type. 1 Drainage Type se [ Others: il ) } [ / I Remarks: [Checked by AP_| Verified by QCE | Approved by SCM Employer Eng'r C \/ oes nage Re / Sangdel Z Nguyen Trong Huan | Nguyen Van Kien | Dinh Tuan Anh Date:...221.../03/2024 | Date:..22.../03/2024 Date:..2f..../03/2024 Date:.%1..../03/2024 feet] ele rereumene cu] mua emanate [___ @ecnaaRR mw a IDS Porn = sono famoaon] We | RL ies os aT Oo 7 a i VE Suez wea UENO HEE ‘parttime seem | / SOSeLHe-Se wow safe saqur / {Wop ou 90 wesnsdn lp ojo weed ve oe 9203) Pex 30 ueaasdn Bz 9499204 We 3NOZ INSWDINVENS NWO NIV HOS SNIGIAIG SAW COORDINATE OF DAM EMBANKMENT SURFACE OF ZONE 2A. LAYER:TL-2A-44 No. X BY: Zz 1 402034.078 2110002.205 1275.130 2 402034.989 2110001.132 1275136 3 402038.068 2110004.909 1275.099 4 402039.080 2110003.904 1275.145 5 402042.971 2110008.232 1275.118 6 402043.756 2110007.073 1275,100 ie 402049.135 2110012.409 1275.104 8 402049,921 2110011.251 1275.107 9 402057.105 2110017.810 1275.099 10 402057.890 2110016.651 1275.151 Il 402065.354 2110023.401 1275.135 12 402066.139 2110022.242 1275.101 13 402072.162 2110028.014 1275.143 14 402072.947 2110026.855 1275.142 15 402079.471 2110032.968 1275.104 16 402080.362 2110031.880 1275.151 SCI Surveyor QC Engineer” Employer's Engineer MNeo- BZ vw can Vo Kheu To Tren Vow Vivd Date: 3{ /4/ 20.24 Date: 3/ (£02 cp Date: 3/ /4/£0zep SCI Joint Stock Company MR-NM2-07-02B SCI Inspections of Rock/Sand Embankment Works Ref. MDQ-NM2 Ref. RFI No, NM2-SCI-DA-3-FIL-IR-0052 Checklist No: NM2-SCI-DA-3-FIL-AE-0052 (Y1 Main Dam Project : Nam Mo Hydrop: Structure: Main Dam Zo (J pusite [_] Power waterways ower Projeet ne 2A. Lae (—] switchyard [—] other Date: 34../.3,/2024 Reference DWG: NM2-SCI-DA-0-FIL-DG-0001-C-VFE Location: Main Dam Upstream Required/Completed Inspections: Corrections | Inspection Completed | Correction AP | QCE Required Inspections NIAT (Yes/No) | Required | Comes ont Accepted |rnitils| tna Is the rock/sand tested approved? Yes Vs Is the limits of embankment ) y marked on both sides at regular Ves yes | intervals? i Is the geotextil ly type? | s the geotextile properly type Ves Ys | Is the geotextile joint in properly - bl method? Yer Ys || Is the filter lift free of unsuitable | material? Ye | ye |p Is the layer properly thickness? Yes Is [ Ts the confined areas be | compaction with properly Yes, Ves method? Is the dry density test result met the required? Yo ys || | Is the percentage of voids test | result met the required? Ys Ys v Remarks: aA Checked by AP Verified by QCE Approved by SQM Employer Eng’r J = z / Songdeh Nguyen Trong Huan Nguyen Van Kien Dinh Tuan Anh Date:) | / 4024 Date: 4/4/01 Date:3) /.3/ 2024 | Dare: 3) J /2p22p ne = Ww NAM MO 2 HYDROPOWER PROJECT we i. SCI tt enecomaac Field compaction test Sample No: NM2-FO2A-..0S% Project: Nam Me? - Hydropower Power Project ‘eit Sample Deseription: Material for Zone 2A | Sample Location: Lower TL 2A Test Method: AASHTO-T 101 Sampling date: 31/031 Lory Wet density Location of construction Re- regulation Layer: | |Sampling Location 4 2 3 Weight of sand & equipment be fore Testing, g [A] TEL [Weight of sand & equipment after Testing, 9 [8] 308. Weight of sand in cone, 9 [C] 1274 1274 1274 Weight of sand in hole, g [D=A-B-C] 60; ij Weight of wet Soil from hole, a [E] 408 [Unit weight of Sand, g/cm3 [F] 1.327 1.327, Volume of Hole, cm3 [G=DiF] Ad60.* Wet Density, glom3 [H=E/G] 2-0%f Moisture content & Degree of compaction Determiration [Tare no 4 2 3 (Weight of wet Soil + Tare, g [W1] 229) Weight of Dry Soll + Tare, g (W2) wed [Weight of Water, g WS = W1-W2] a Weight of Tare, g [W4] 0 [Weight of Dry Soil, g IWS=W2-W4] ADS [Moisture content, % IM=W3/W5]*100 4.96 Dry Density, g/cm3 [1] = [H](1+0.04*[M]) AGES itt Max Dry Density, gem [L] i JOptimum Moisture content, % [Compaction, % [K = UL] Tested by Checked by QC Engineer Witnessed By LJHC Name Deo van rot {Tron Vow Viv Songdeb sie Fg ( ow nai’ ae he a 34/31de2d4 sdf 03/ 2024 al J» /epep 4 4 Y it. NAM MO 2 HYDROPOWER PROJECT SCI Location: Main dam upstream DA 03 tem: Zone 2A Date 1isr/2024 SITE MEASURMENT RECORD Material: Crush sand | Test method: Sand replacement ‘Sample results Sample Time Weightot [ Volumeot ) Moisture Layer Elevation Weight of | [Dry density] Remarks te sand before | aggre” | samletems) | coment ems) test (g) [Herp-9sf { | 98ee | 3586 [957 AA [4960 | Laboratory QC Engineer Employer's Engineer A bea EK met Songded Ngego Ceang Hog WNaqepa Vou Kew [Date: 3) Jo/ede4 Date:_| /o/ed2<) Date: 3) /% /20- 004 Date:_3) / 3) 29244 Date: 31/3 /zazp

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