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J. Sleep Res.

(2009) 18, 357–364 Mice sleep: build up of process S

doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2869.2008.00728.x

Sleep and sleep homeostasis in constant darkness in the rat

Laboratory for Neurophysiology, Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands

Accepted in revised form 17 November 2008; received 9 July 2008

SUMMARY According to the two-process model of sleep regulation, a homeostatic Process S increases
during waking and decreases during sleep. The time course of Process S can be derived on
the basis of changes in vigilance states and changes in electroencephalogram slow-wave
activity (SWA, activity below 4 Hz) during non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. In
most mouse strains, an optimal fit between S and SWA was achieved with one increasing
(active during waking and REM sleep) and one decreasing time constant (active during
NREM sleep) for Process S. However, in the rat, systematic deviations in the light and
dark periods were observed, which were resolved by introducing different decreasing time
constants between the light and dark periods. The present study shows that this difference
between the rest (light) and active (dark) phases remains, and may even be larger, after
animals are adapted to constant dark conditions for at least a week. In addition, the data
show that the build-up rate of SWA at the onset of a NREM sleep episode is slow
compared with the increase rate under light–dark conditions, and that this build-up rate
changes with the circadian phase. The slow build-up rate introduces a systematic error
between the simulation of Process S and SWA in NREM sleep. The circadian modulation
of the build-up rate may, together with circadian changes in NREM sleep episode
duration, be the source of the necessity of introducing a difference in the decreasing time
constant between the rest and active phases.
k e y w o r d s electroencephalogram slow-wave activity, rat, simulation, sleep
deprivation, sleep homeostasis, sleep regulation

function of prior waking duration (Deboer and Tobler, 2003;

Dijk et al., 1987; Huber et al., 2000; Lancel et al., 1991;
In mammals slow waves (1–4 Hz) in the electroencephalogram Strijkstra and Daan, 1998; Tobler and Borbely, 1986), and a
(EEG) during non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep reflect nap in the afternoon results in attenuated SWA during NREM
synchronized burst-pause firing patterns of hyperpolarized sleep in the subsequent evening (Werth et al., 1996). SWA
thalamocortical neurons (Steriade et al., 1993). The activity of decreases over the course of a sustained sleep period,
these slow waves (slow-wave activity, SWA) can be quantified by independent of the circadian phase (Dijk and Czeisler, 1995).
a spectral analysis of the EEG. SWA positively correlated with These and other observations have been interpreted as
arousal thresholds (Neckelmann and Ursin, 1993) and nega- evidence that NREM sleep is homeostatically regulated and
tively with NREM sleep fragmentation (Franken et al., 1991a) that SWA reflects the need for NREM sleep (Borbely, 1982;
and is therefore seen as a measure of NREM sleep intensity. Daan et al., 1984; reviewed by Borbely and Achermann, 2005).
NREM sleep SWA is dependent on the duration of prior The dynamics of this homeostatic process (Process S) has been
waking and sleep. Sleep deprivation (SD) results in an increase studied extensively and mathematical models have been
in SWA in subsequent NREM sleep and this increase is a applied successfully in humans (Achermann et al., 1993), rat
(Franken et al., 1991b) and mouse (Franken et al., 2001;
Correspondence: T. de Boer, PhD, Laboratory for Neurophysiology,
Department of Molecular Cell Biology, LUMC S-05-P, PO Box 9600,
Huber et al., 2000).
2300 RC Leiden, The Netherlands. Tel.: +31 71 526 9771; fax: In contrast to the mathematical model applied in humans,
+31 71 526 8270; e-mail: where Process S is estimated based on the actual SWA

 2008 European Sleep Research Society 357

358 T. de Boer

expressed by the subjects (Achermann et al., 1993), the models simulation, (2) a circadian modulation is present in vigilance
in rodents estimate Process S purely on the basis of prior state episode frequency and duration, (3) a circadian modu-
sleep–wake history and correlate the resulting level of Process lation is present in the increase rate of SWA at the onset of an
S with the expressed SWA (Franken et al., 1991b, 2001; Huber NREM sleep episode.
et al., 2000; Vyazovskiy et al., 2007). In these simulations, the
time course of S is determined iteratively on the basis of the
vigilance states. During waking and REM sleep, S increases
according to a saturating exponential function with an upper All experiments were performed under the approval of the
asymptote of 1 (Franken et al., 1991b; Huber et al., 2000) or Animal Experiments Ethics Committee of the Leiden University
an upper asymptote derived from the SWA data (Franken Medical Center. Male Wistar rats (n = 11), 300 g at the time of
et al., 2001; Vyazovskiy et al., 2007). During NREM sleep, S surgery, were implanted under deep anesthesia with EEG and
decreases according to an exponential function with a lower electromyogram (EMG) electrodes. For the EEG, screw elec-
asymptote of 0 (Franken et al., 1991b; Huber et al., 2000) or a trodes (Plastics One, Roanoke, VA, USA) were screwed through
lower asymptote derived from the data (Franken et al., 2001; the skull on the dura over the right parietal cortex and the
Vyazovskiy et al., 2007). The time constants of the increase (si) cerebellum. For the EMG, two wires with suture patches
and decrease (sd), and the initial value at the start of the (Plastics One, Roanoke) were inserted between the skin and neck
experiment (S0) are estimated by optimizing the linear corre- muscle tissue.
lation between S and SWA and minimizing the mean square of Electroencephalogram and EMG recording techniques were
the difference between S and SWA on the basis of hourly as described previously (Deboer et al., 2003, 2007). In short,
values. the EEG and EMG were continuously recorded and amplified
For mice, this approach was sufficient to reach an optimal fit (amplification factor 2000), band-pass filtered (0.5–30 Hz,
in most strains (Franken et al., 2001; Huber et al., 2000). )40 dB ⁄ decade) and subjected to analog-to-digital conversion
However, in the rat, an additional modulation of sd was needed (sampling rate 100 Hz). All data were recorded simultaneously
(Franken et al., 1991b). SWA was consistently higher than S in in 10-s epochs and stored on a computer hard disk.
the light period and lower than S in the dark period. Similarly, The animals were connected to the recording system by a
in a simulation of the effects of a 6-h SD at the start of the dark flexible cable and a counterbalanced swivel system, and then
period, SWA was lower than S in the dark period in the rat allowed to remain on the cable for at least 1 week (9–15 days)
(Vyazovskiy et al., 2007). Absence of light was shown to before the start of the recording. During that time and during
increase SWA in the rat (Alfoldi et al., 1990; Tobler et al., 1994) the experimental recordings, the animals were maintained in
and therefore a higher sd was assumed in the light compared continuous darkness. Drinking rhythms were continuously
with in the dark period. This adaptation increased the success of recorded and an estimate of the circadian phase was obtained
subsequent simulations considerably (Franken et al., 1991b). by visual inspection of drinking onset. Under constant
Besides the influence of light on sleep and SWA (Alfoldi conditions, a 24-h baseline day was recorded. Subsequently,
et al., 1990; Tobler et al., 1994) it was proposed that the the animals were sleep deprived for 6 h, starting at rest onset
discrepancies between S and SWA could be caused by a (CT 0), followed by 18-h recovery.
difference in the duration of NREM sleep episodes between the During the 6-h SD, the animals were observed with an
light and dark periods. In addition, at the start of an NREM infrared camera in addition to the online EEG recording.
sleep episode, it takes a couple of minutes before SWA reaches Whenever the animals appeared drowsy or the EEG exhibited
an asymptotic level (AL) (Trachsel et al., 1989). When the slow waves, they were mildly disturbed by moderate noise, by
increase rate differs between the light and dark periods, this the experimenter entering the recording room, and, if neces-
will cause an under- or overestimation of Process S, depending sary, by introducing fresh food, fresh drinking water or nesting
on the time of day. material into the cage. The animals were never touched, and
To eliminate the effect of light and other exogenous stimuli, never disturbed during feeding and drinking.
animals were released in constant dark conditions for at least a Offline EEG power density spectra were calculated with a
week and a baseline day was recorded followed by an SD of Fast Fourier Transform routine within the frequency range of
6 h and a recovery period of 18 h. The time course of SWA 0.25–25.0 Hz in 0.1-Hz bins. EMG signals were integrated
within an NREM sleep episode was analyzed and the hourly over 10-s epochs. Three vigilance states, waking, NREM sleep
values of SWA were simulated with and without a circadian and REM sleep were determined on the basis of standardized
modulation of sd. The environmental conditions are, from a EEG and EMG criteria for rats (Deboer et al., 2003, 2007;
chronobiological point of view, adequate to rule out any Franken et al., 1991a). Epochs containing artifacts in the EEG
environmental influence on daily modulation of vigilance signal were excluded from the analysis of the spectrum.
states or EEG variables, which means that any daily modu- All EEG power density data were standardized relative to
lation observed must be endogenous, e.g. from within the the mean 24-h baseline value in NREM sleep (=100%).
animal itself (Mistlberger and Rusak, 2005). The present Hourly values of vigilance states and SWA in NREM sleep
conditions enable to determine whether under constant dark were calculated. To analyze changes in SWA at transition into
conditions: (1) a circadian modulation is still necessary in the NREM sleep, NREM sleep episodes lasting at least 7 min were

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selected based on episode duration criteria published previ- si = 8.6 h, sd = 3.2 h and S0 = 0.55. This resulted in a
ously (Deboer and Tobler, 1996; Huber et al., 2000). The significant correlation between SWA and S (r = 0.555).
analysis was performed on consecutive 6-h intervals of baseline However, SWA was consistently higher than S in the rest
(CT 0–6; 6–12; 12–18; 18–24) and recovery (CT 6–12; 12–18; period and lower than S in the active period (Fig. 1, top
18–24). The time course of SWA within the NREM sleep panel). Systematically varying si, sd and S0 did not result in
episode was approximated by fitting a saturating exponential one single optimal solution (data not shown); however, a local
function (Eqn 1) to the empirical values (Trachsel et al., 1989):

SWA ¼ Að1  et=T Þ þ SWA0 ð1Þ (a)

where SWA is relative SWA, A is the asymptote, t is the time

after an NREM sleep episode onset counted in 10-s epochs, T
is the time constant of increase and SWA0 is the initial value of
SWA at t = 0 (onset of NREM sleep). The parameters to be
determined are A and T. The AL of SWA is the sum of A and
In the simulation of Process S, the time course of S was
determined iteratively on the basis of vigilance states (Franken (b)
et al., 1991b; Huber et al., 2000). In 10-s epochs scored as
waking or REM sleep, S increased according to a saturating
exponential function with an upper asymptote 1 (Eqn 2). In
epochs scored as NREM sleep, S decreased according to an
exponential function with a lower asymptote of 0 (Eqn 3). S
was computed according to Franken et al. (1991b) and Huber
et al. (2000):
Stþ1 ¼ 1  ð1  St ÞeDt=si ð2Þ
Dt=sd (c)
Stþ1 ¼ St e ð3Þ

where St and St+1 are values of S for consecutive epochs, si

and sd the time constants of the increase and decrease,
respectively, and Dt the 10-s time interval of the iteration. For
all animals, the same parameters were used. Initially, the time
constants (si = 8.6, sd = 3.2) and the initial value
(S0 = 0.55) were taken from the publication by Franken
et al. (1991b). Subsequently, the time constants si and sd and
the initial value S0 were estimated by optimizing the linear
correlation between the hourly values of SWA in NREM sleep
and S in baseline and recovery for all animals. Finally, si and Figure 1. A 48-h record of EEG slow-wave activity (SWA, EEG
power density between 1.1 and 4.0 Hz) and simulation of Process S
S0 were set to 8.6 h and 0.55, and sd was increased in the rest with the time constants obtained by Franken et al. (1991b). Curves
phase (CT 0–12) and reduced in the active phase (CT 12–24) connect 1-h mean values (±SEM) for 24-h baseline, 6-h SD and 18-h
according to the values provided by Franken et al. (1991b). To recovery. SWA in NREM sleep and the level of Process S are expressed
compare SWA and S, SWA was transformed according to a as a percentage of the 24-h baseline value (=100%, see Materials
linear regression. For plotting purposes, data from Process S and methods). (a) Comparison between SWA and Process S without
circadian modulation of the decreasing time constant sd. (b) Com-
were standardized relative to the mean 24-h baseline values of parison between SWA and Process S with circadian modulation of sd,
S. Values of r presented are mean r-values over all animals where sd = 3.9 during the rest phase and 2.5 during the active phase
after FisherÕs z transformation of the individual r-values. (Franken et al., 1991b). (c) Comparison between SWA and Process S
Overall effects were analyzed by two-way anova with factors after optimizing the circadian modulation of sd, where sd = 4.8 h
ÔtimeÕ (1- and 6-h intervals) and ÔconditionÕ (baseline or during the rest phase and 1.57 h during the active phase. Triangles in
panel A indicate where SWA was increased above baseline values
recovery day). Contrasts were tested by post hoc two-tailed t- during recovery (open triangles P < 0.05; solid triangles P < 0.01,
test only if the main factor or interaction of the anova reached two-tailed paired t-test after significant anova). Asterisks indicate sig-
significance. nificant differences between data and simulation (P < 0.05, two-tailed
paired t-test after significant anova). Note that SWA is consistently
higher during the rest phase and consistently lower during the active
RESULTS phase compared with the simulation of Process S in the top panel. This
difference decreases when a circadian modulation of sd is introduced
The first simulation of Process S was based on the initial values (middle panel) and virtually disappears when this difference is
and time constants obtained by Franken et al. (1991b). In this, optimized (bottom panel).

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360 T. de Boer

maximum was obtained close to the values obtained by reaching the fastest T in the first 6 h of the active phase (40 s)
Franken et al. (1991b). It therefore was decided to continue and slowing after that (1 min and 33 s). The changes over the
with those values. Making sd variable by increasing sd in the day in T were significant (P < 0.05, anova factor Ôtime of
rest phase (sdr) and decreasing sd in the active phase dayÕ); however, T was not influenced significantly by SD,
(sdr = 3.9, sda = 2.5, Franken et al., 1991b) reduced the reaching similar values in recovery after SD compared with
amount of 1-h intervals with significant differences between S that at baseline.
and SWA and increased the value of r to 0.682 (Fig. 1, middle Slow-wave activity in NREM sleep was significantly
panel). Subsequently, the difference in sd between the rest and increased for several hours immediately after SD (Fig. 1).
active phases was iteratively increased, keeping the other Moreover, NREM sleep and REM sleep were increased above
variables (si and S ) constant. This resulted in an optimal baseline levels for several 1-h intervals throughout the 18-h
solution with sdr = 4.8, sda = 1.57. Only a few 1-h intervals recovery period (Fig. 3). The first and second 6-h intervals
still show a significant difference between S and SWA and the after SD showed significant increments in NREM and REM
value of r increased to 0.749 (Fig. 1, bottom panel). sleep, compared with that at baseline (Table 1).
The average time course of SWA within the first 7 min after Waking episode duration was significantly shorter in the rest
the start of a NREM sleep episode is shown in Fig. 2. SWA phase compared with that in the active phase (P < 0.05, anova
exhibited an initial rapid increase after NREM sleep onset and factor Ôtime of dayÕ), but the frequency of waking episodes did
reached an AL within 2–5 min. During baseline, the AL not change over the day (Table 2). As a mirror image, NREM
(Table 1) decreased from the first 6 h (143%) to the second 6 h sleep episode duration was significantly longer in the rest phase
(100%), remained constant from the second to third 6-h compared with that in the active phase (P < 0.05, anova
period (93%) and increased again from the third to fourth factor Ôtime of dayÕ). NREM sleep episode frequency decreased
6-h period (127%). These changes in the AL over the baseline significantly from the rest to active phase (P < 0.05 anova
day were significant (P < 0.05, anova factor Ôtime of dayÕ). factor Ôtime of dayÕ). Similarly, REM sleep episode frequency
After the 6-h SD, the AL was significantly increased to 167% and duration decreased significantly from the rest to the active
in the second 6-h period of the rest phase (CT 6–12) and phase (P < 0.05 anova factor Ôtime of dayÕ). SD mainly
then decreased progressively reaching levels significantly influenced vigilance state episode frequency with less waking
below that at baseline in the last 6 h of the active period episodes and more NREM and REM sleep episodes in the
(101%). The amount of waking interspersed in the NREM recovery period (Table 2). Waking episode duration was
sleep episodes did not differ within the first 5 min after significantly reduced in the first 6 h of the active phase of the
the start of the NREM sleep episodes across the circadian recovery period.
The time constant T of the increase in SWA at the onset of
NREM sleep changed significantly over the day (Table 1) with
the slowest T in the first 6 h of the rest phase (2 min and 13 s). The present analysis shows that SWA in the NREM sleep
T was shorter in the second 6-h interval (1 min and 25 s) EEG needs time to come to full expression after the start of a

Figure 2. Time course of slow-wave activity

(SWA; EEG power density between 1.1 and
4.0 Hz) within NREM sleep episodes during
baseline (circles) and recovery after 6-h SD
(dots). Plotted are the first 7 min of NREM
sleep episodes with a minimal duration of
7 min and the preceding minute of waking or
REM sleep. SWA is expressed as a percentage
of the 24-h baseline value of SWA in NREM
sleep (=100%). From left to right, consecu-
tive 6-h intervals are plotted. Data points
represent mean values of SWA of successive
10-s epochs (±SEM). Arrows indicate the
value of the rise rates (T) for baseline (arrows
point up) and recovery (arrows point down).
Horizontal thin solid lines indicate ALs of
SWA for baseline (BL) and recovery (RE-
C) ± SEM (dotted lines). Values of T and the
ALs are given in Table 1.

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Table 1 Amount of vigilance states and the rise rate (T) and Table 2 Episode frequency and duration of the different vigilance
asymptote of SWA in the course of an NREM sleep episode in 6-h states in 6-h intervals
Episode duration (min) Episode frequency (h)1)
Waking NREM REM Asymptote
(%) (%) (%) T (min) (%) Waking NREM REM Waking NREM REM

Baseline Baseline
1 31.2 (2.3) 57.3 (1.8) 11.5 (1.0) 2.22 (0.23) 143.7 (14.1) 1 2.3 (0.1) 7.5 (0.4) 2.1 (0.1) 7.8 (0.3) 5.1 (0.2) 3.4 (0.3)
2 25.2 (1.1) 60.4 (1.2) 14.3 (0.5) 1.42 (0.14) 99.6 (8.7) 2 1.4 (0.1) 7.0 (0.4) 1.9 (0.1) 9.8 (0.5) 5.8 (0.3) 4.5 (0.3)
3 67.6 (4.0) 28.6 (3.1) 3.8 (1.0) 0.67 (0.08) 92.6 (4.9) 3 6.5 (0.9) 5.0 (0.5) 1.6 (0.1) 7.0 (0.6) 4.0 (0.3) 1.4 (0.3)
4 61.7 (3.4) 33.6 (2.7) 4.6 (0.7) 1.56 (0.24) 126.8 (14.6) 4 5.4 (0.5) 5.5 (0.3) 1.6 (0.2) 6.8 (0.4) 4.1 (0.3) 1.8 (0.3)
SD recovery SD recovery
1 92.2 (1.0) 7.8 (1.0) 0 (0.0) – – 1 – – – – – –
2 15.7 (1.8)* 67.0 (1.5)* 17.3 (1.0)* 1.24 (0.13) 166.6 (7.6)* 2 1.5 (0.3) 8.4 (0.4) 2.2 (0.1) 6.1 (0.4)** 5.0 (0.2)* 4.8 (0.3)
3 50.8 (3.2)* 41.3 (2.6)* 7.9 (0.8)* 0.77 (0.14) 93.5 (8.1) 3 3.7 (0.3)** 5.4 (0.4) 1.7 (0.1) 8.0 (0.4) 5.2 (0.2)** 2.9 (0.3)**
4 58.4 (2.5) 36.4 (2.1) 5.2 (0.5) 1.20 (0.29) 101.1 (17.4)* 4 4.3 (0.3) 5.1 (0.4) 1.7 (0.2) 8.2 (0.6)* 4.7 (0.2)* 2.0 (0.2)

Significant differences from baseline (*P < 0.01, two-tailed paired *P < 0.05 or **P < 0.01 indicate significant differences from
t-test after significant anova). baseline (two-tailed paired t-test after significant anova).
NREM, non-rapid eye movement; REM, rapid eye movement; SD, NREM, non-rapid eye movement; REM, rapid eye movement; SD,
sleep deprivation. sleep deprivation.

NREM sleep episode. In our experimental conditions, it took

2–5 min before SWA reached plateau levels and this duration
was a function of the time of day, but not of sleep pressure or
previous time awake. A similar analysis at the end of a
NREM sleep episode did not reveal an effect of SD or the time
of day on the drop of SWA at the end of an NREM sleep
episode (data not shown). In the simulation of Process S, sd is
ÔonÕ from the first scored 10-s NREM sleep epoch. The level of
SWA is thought to represent the decrease rate of Process S.
However, the present rodent models do not represent what is
happening with SWA (and therefore the decrease rate of
Process S) at the onset of a NREM sleep episode. This may be
one of the reasons why there is a systematic circadian
modulation of the difference between S and SWA in the initial
This is schematically drawn for the baseline situation in
Fig. 4. sd of Process S (in gray) is here set to the AL of each
NREM sleep episode in the 4.6-h baseline episodes obtained
in Fig. 2. The actual mean values of SWA are plotted in
front of it, relative to this AL. Because SWA needs time to
build up to its full expression for several minutes, the
simulation is systematically overestimating SWA during the
first minutes of a NREM sleep episode. After optimizing of
sd and si, this will result in a systematic underestimation of
sd. This by itself will not cause a circadian modulation in the
difference between S and SWA. However, the rise rate of
SWA at the onset of a NREM sleep episode is shown to
change over the circadian day and therefore the amount of
underestimation of sd also changes with the time of day.
Fig. 4 clearly shows that the differences in the area under the
Figure 3. Time course over 48 h of waking, non-rapid eye movement curve between SWA and the ALs are larger in the first and
(NREM) sleep and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep across the last 6-h episodes compared with 6-h episodes between CT6
baseline day, during 6-h sleep deprivation and 18-h recovery in 1-h and CT18 and this difference is significantly changing with
mean values (±SEM). The vigilance states are expressed as a per-
the time of day (P < 0.05, anova). This circadian change in
centage of total recording time (=100%). Asterisks indicate where
recovery significantly differed from baseline (P < 0.05, two-tailed T introduces circadian fluctuations in the accuracy of the
paired t-test after significant anova). simulation when a constant sd is applied.

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362 T. de Boer

Figure 4. Time course of slow-wave activity (SWA; EEG power density between 1.1 and 4.0 Hz) within NREM sleep episodes during the baseline
day (white area). Plotted are the first 7 min of NREM sleep episodes with a minimal duration of 7 min and the preceding minute of waking or
REM sleep. From left to right consecutive 6-h intervals are plotted. Data points represent mean values of SWA of successive 10-s epochs. SWA is
expressed as a percentage of the AL of SWA plotted in Fig. 2 (=100%). The gray area behind SWA represents the hypothetical level of Process S.
Discrepancies between hourly values of the model and SWA are probably caused by differences in the build-up rate of SWA at entrance into
NREM sleep, which changes as a function of the time of day. The difference between model and data is significantly smaller between CT12 and
CT18 (smaller gray area) compared with that between CT0 and CT6 (larger gray area, P < 0.05, Duncan after significant anova).

The rise rates of SWA at the initiation of NREM sleep in the tions did not result in one single optimum solution may be
present experiment are considerably slower than those obtained caused by a difference in the increase rate of SWA at the
previously by Trachsel et al. (1989). The main difference entrance into NREM sleep, which was markedly slower
between the two experiments is the availability of light in the compared with the values found by Trachsel et al. (1989)
rest phase in the previous experiments (Trachsel et al., 1989). In obtained under LD conditions. As mentioned previously,
the absence of light, rats are known to express more SWA during slower increase rate will increase the discrepancy between data
NREM sleep in the rest phase (Tobler et al., 1994). Possibly, the and simulation and will reduce the fit between data and
absence of light during the rest phase enables the increase in T. In simulation.
that case, plateau levels will be reached later, resulting in an Applying a different method, Franken et al. (2001) were able
increase in SWA in the mean hourly values compared with SWA to successfully simulate Process S in mice. The latter may
in the light condition. This finding is in accordance with the indicate a species difference between rats and mice. However,
notion that the daily changes in the rise rate influence the success Huber et al. (2000) were able to apply the present method to
of the simulation. Longer rise rates in the present study, C57 ⁄ BL6 and the 129 ⁄ SvJ mouse strain, but were not able to
particularly at the beginning of the rest phase, are paralleled by a simulate the time course of SWA in the 129 ⁄ Ola mouse strain,
larger difference between sdr and sda compared to Franken et al. indicating that the applied simulation method may be an
(1991b) where the animals were in a light–dark cycle. important factor as well. In addition, NREM sleep episode
A second modulating source could be NREM sleep episode duration is more than 2 min shorter in 129 ⁄ Ola mice
duration, which also shows a circadian modulation with compared with that in C57 ⁄ BL6 and 129 ⁄ SvJ mice (4.7, 7.1
shorter episodes in the active phase compared with that in the and 7.1 min, respectively; Huber et al., 2000) supporting the
rest phase. With shorter episodes, the relative contribution of notion that this variable may influence the success of the
the rising phase of SWA becomes larger. simulation. Whether 129 ⁄ Ola mice display a slower increase
The present method of simulation has been applied earlier in rate of SWA at the entrance into NREM sleep remains to be
Sprague–Dawley rats (Franken et al., 1991b) and in three determined.
different mouse strains (Huber et al., 2000) kept under It has been suggested that quality of waking also may cause
12-h : 12-h LD conditions. Although the strain and LD differences in the sleep homeostatic response, with more
conditions differed from Franken et al. (1991b), the present exploratory behavior, or social stress inducing higher SWA
simulations were able to find a local maximum close to the in subsequent NREM sleep (Huber et al., 2006; Meerlo et al.,
values obtained by Franken et al. (1991b). That the simula- 1997). As rats probably explore more during the active phase

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