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Am Married with two (2) kid's and my husband is not around , he’s on a business

trip and wont be back till next year in which i need someone to come f*ck me and be
my friends with benefit, to Can you do that for me ,nothing more than someone to
f*ck me when i need to be f*cked since my husband ain't around.

But see I dont want this to brake my marriage, All i just want is , to always come
f*ck me and i also dont want my kids knowing about this cos my kids also watch me
time to time due to this happened to me before and i dont want to be catch again
ok, and this must be a secret between you and me, and I hope you understand me

what do you do for a living ?

Been a long time I talked to my mom on phone I only text her

And it’s all because of my silly bastard husband

He’s the reason of all this,

Haven’t had s×× for years now, I’m always tired of masturbating

when you're coming branch at the store or gas station ⛽ and get Any amount of
giftcard you wish so my daughter will go to the neighborhood and play game with her
iPad so that it can be a secret between me and you, the steam card or Google play
card is for my daughters Go and play game in the next neighborhood so that we can
enjoy ourselvesself with no caught up ,and i hope you understand me.

Baby you will have to get them the steam gift card and once they get the steam
gift card they can go and play the video game with their friend Collins down the
street and that's because I need to get them out of the house and they love playing
game so they can get busy with their game , So once their one playing game I'd be
home alone before you get here or right away when, then we will have more time to
fuck and enjoy each other's company , doq you understand....

I am bought this ones for them last week but it has expired now

You can get the card at store or gas station

you will go to store or gas station ⛽, you will buy one of those two you will go
toq store or gas station ⛽, you will buy one of those two cards I sent you, when
you get it you send the card code to me and after I will give it to my kid and
later on I will take my kid to my neighbour and after some minutes I will tell you
to come over ok,

Seee I am a woman of my word and I do believe in karma ok and also I don't
tarnished my image all because of money or gift card ok, so don't think am after
your card or something ok,I don't want my kids what's happened between us and I
don't want them to no what's happened because I don't want it to brake my marriage
I just need a f**ck not that I want to brake my marriage play try I hope you
trying to get what am trying to say?

Listen baby

Some bad peoples have spoil the good don’t compare everybody in same
way....we are different...I know how hard everyonmind your words at me okay I'm not
after your card, okay just need someone to come and f**ck if is not because of my
kids I can't ask you for that okaye work hard before that get there own money so I
can’t just sit here to make anyone sad because I wanna happy......

i cant give you my number and I don't like to o because time to time my kids watch
me if you contact me if my daughter pick what did you want me to say and I don't
want my kids what's happened between us and I don't want them to no what's happened
because I don't want it to brake my marriage I just need a f**ck not that I want
to brake my marriage play try I hope you trying to get what am trying to say?

Tesco store

Netto store

Aldi store

Edeka store

Asda store

Esso store

Lidl store

Rewe store

Epay store

Gas station


Or some other big stores ok baby


You have to get the card for my neighbor children also so that they can play the
game together and my neighbor children are 3 and she can allow my kids to stay with
her honey

Honey now I’m with my neighbor but she said I need to get the same game card for
her kids too so that they can play the game together, do you have any extra cash
with so you can buy just only £50 for her kids please baby

I know how you feel but when I get there my neighbor let me know that before she
can allowed my kids to stay with her and I have to get her children card too so
that they can play the game together and stay with her tonight and

Immediately you get the card just scratch it and send it to me so that I give it to
my neighbor so that I can come back home and wait for you at my doorstep honey


Honey I have to take my kids to my sister's place tomorrow honey

My neighbor said she can't allow my kids to stay with her again due to her husband
he will soon get home now

So have to take them to my sister's place tomorrow morning honey


Honey I think I’m gonna take the kids to my mom for five months so they can stay
there with mam while you are here with me for month’s then we fuck each other for
days and night but honey I have no transportation money to take them there and I do
not have car so I will need like 100 euro to take them there for the transportation

Now I’m here at my mom house with the kids but my mom said she had no food athome
and she’s out of money honey what do we do now because I have to be home to suck
your dick and drive you crazy honey I will need a little more money from you so I
could give my mam for the food stuff for the kids

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