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Uji Viskositas

Univariate Analysis of Variance

Between-Subjects Factors
Value Label N
Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kuning 1 F1 = 15% 6
2 F2 = 20% 6
3 F3 = 25% 6
Uji_Stabilitas 1 Pada Suhu Kamar 9
2 Sesudah Stabilitas 9

Descriptive Statistics
Dependent Variable: Nilai_Viskositas
Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kuning Uji_Stabilitas Mean Std. Deviation N
F1 = 15% Pada Suhu Kamar 25498.00 3.000 3
Sesudah Stabilitas Dipercepat 25492.67 1.528 3
Total 25495.33 3.615 6
F2 = 20% Pada Suhu Kamar 25489.00 1.000 3
Sesudah Stabilitas Dipercepat 25486.00 2.646 3
Total 25487.50 2.429 6
F3 = 25% Pada Suhu Kamar 25488.67 9.504 3
Sesudah Stabilitas Dipercepat 25482.33 2.517 3
Total 25485.50 7.120 6
Total Pada Suhu Kamar 25491.89 6.791 9
Sesudah Stabilitas Dipercepat 25487.00 4.950 9
Total 25489.44 6.289 18

Tests of Normality
Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kunin Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
g Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
Nilai_Viskositas F1 = 15% .203 6 .200 .960 6 .823
F2 = 20% .248 6 .200 .871 6 .230
F3 = 25% .195 6 .200 .888 6 .310
*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction
Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Uji_Stabilitas Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
Nilai_Viskositas Pada Suhu Kamar .172 9 .200 .933 9 .506
Sesudah Stabilitas Dipercepat .212 9 .200 .940 9 .586
*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variancesa,b

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
Nilai_Viskositas Based on Mean 2.268 5 12 .114
Based on Median 1.871 5 12 .173
Based on Median and with 1.871 5 3.580 .297
adjusted df
Based on trimmed mean 2.248 5 12 .116
Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of the dependent variable is equal across groups.
a. Dependent variable: Nilai_Viskositas
b. Design: Intercept + Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kuning + Uji_Stabilitas + Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kuning * Uji_Stabilitas

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: Nilai_Viskositas
Type III Sum of Partial Eta Noncent.
Source Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Squared Parameter Observed P
Corrected Model 440.444 5 88.089 4.556 .015 .655 22.782
Intercept 11694812005.556 1 11694812005.556 604904069.253 .000 1.000 604904069.253
Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kuning 324.111 2 162.056 8.382 .005 .583 16.764
Uji_Stabilitas 107.556 1 107.556 5.563 .036 .317 5.563
Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kuning 8.778 2 4.389 .227 .800 .036 .454
* Uji_Stabilitas
Error 232.000 12 19.333
Total 11694812678.000 18
Corrected Total 672.444 17
a. R Squared = .655 (Adjusted R Squared = .511)
b. Computed using alpha = .05

Parameter Estimates
Dependent Variable: Nilai_Viskositas
95% Confidence Interval Partial Eta Noncent.
Parameter B Std. Error t Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound Squared Parameter
Intercept 25482.333 2.539 10037.983 .000 25476.802 25487.864 1.000 10037.983
[Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kuning 10.333 3.590 2.878 .014 2.511 18.156 .408 2.878
[Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kuning 3.667 3.590 1.021 .327 -4.156 11.489 .080 1.021
[Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kuning 0a . . . . . . .
[Uji_Stabilitas=1] 6.333 3.590 1.764 .103 -1.489 14.156 .206 1.764
[Uji_Stabilitas=2] 0a . . . . . . .
[Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kuning -1.000 5.077 -.197 .847 -12.062 10.062 .003 .197
=1] * [Uji_Stabilitas=1]
[Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kuning 0a . . . . . . .
=1] * [Uji_Stabilitas=2]
[Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kuning -3.333 5.077 -.657 .524 -14.396 7.729 .035 .657
=2] * [Uji_Stabilitas=1]
[Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kuning 0a . . . . . . .
=2] * [Uji_Stabilitas=2]
[Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kuning 0a . . . . . . .
=3] * [Uji_Stabilitas=1]
[Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kuning 0a . . . . . . .
=3] * [Uji_Stabilitas=2]
a. This parameter is set to zero because it is redundant.
b. Computed using alpha = .05

2. Uji_Stabilitas

Pairwise Comparisons
Dependent Variable: Nilai_Viskositas
95% Confidence Interval for
Mean Difference Differenceb
(I) Uji_Stabilitas (J) Uji_Stabilitas (I-J) Std. Error Sig.b Lower Bound Upper Bound
Pada Suhu Kamar Sesudah Stabilitas Dipercepat 4.889 2.073 .036 .373 9.405
Sesudah Stabilitas Dipercepat Pada Suhu Kamar -4.889* 2.073 .036 -9.405 -.373
Based on estimated marginal means
*. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level.
b. Adjustment for multiple comparisons: Least Significant Difference (equivalent to no adjustments).

3. Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kuning * Uji_Stabilitas
Dependent Variable: Nilai_Viskositas
95% Confidence Interval
Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kuning Uji_Stabilitas Mean Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound
F1 = 15% Pada Suhu Kamar 25498.000 2.539 25492.469 25503.531
Sesudah Stabilitas Dipercepat 25492.667 2.539 25487.136 25498.198
F2 = 20% Pada Suhu Kamar 25489.000 2.539 25483.469 25494.531
Sesudah Stabilitas Dipercepat 25486.000 2.539 25480.469 25491.531
F3 = 25% Pada Suhu Kamar 25488.667 2.539 25483.136 25494.198
Sesudah Stabilitas Dipercepat 25482.333 2.539 25476.802 25487.864

Post Hoc Tests


Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: Nilai_Viskositas
(I) (J) Mean Difference 95% Confidence Interval
Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kuning Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kuning (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
F1 = 15% F2 = 20% 7.83* 2.539 .009 2.30 13.36
F3 = 25% 9.83 2.539 .002 4.30 15.36
F2 = 20% F1 = 15% -7.83 2.539 .009 -13.36 -2.30
F3 = 25% 2.00 2.539 .446 -3.53 7.53
F3 = 25% F1 = 15% -9.83* 2.539 .002 -15.36 -4.30
F2 = 20% -2.00 2.539 .446 -7.53 3.53
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 19.333.
*. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level.
Profile Plots
Uji pH

Univariate Analysis of Variance

Between-Subjects Factors
Value Label N
Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kuning 1 F1 = 15% 6
2 F2 = 20% 6
3 F3 = 25% 6
Uji_Stabilitas 1 Pada Suhu 9
2 Sesudah 9

Descriptive Statistics
Dependent Variable: Nilai_pH
Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kuning Uji_Stabilitas Mean Std. Deviation N
F1 = 15% Pada Suhu Kamar 6.8800 .01000 3
Sesudah Stabilitas Dipercepat 6.8333 .03055 3
Total 6.8567 .03266 6
F2 = 20% Pada Suhu Kamar 6.7800 .02000 3
Sesudah Stabilitas Dipercepat 6.8067 .02517 3
Total 6.7933 .02503 6
F3 = 25% Pada Suhu Kamar 6.7933 .03215 3
Sesudah Stabilitas Dipercepat 6.7833 .02082 3
Total 6.7883 .02483 6
Total Pada Suhu Kamar 6.8178 .05094 9
Sesudah Stabilitas Dipercepat 6.8078 .03114 9
Total 6.8128 .04127 18

Tests of Normality
Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kunin Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
g Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
Nilai_pH F1 = 15% .207 6 .200* .918 6 .492
F2 = 20% .203 6 .200* .972 6 .907
F3 = 25% .153 6 .200 .957 6 .794
*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Uji_Stabilitas Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
Nilai_pH Pada Suhu Kamar .215 9 .200 .875 9 .140
Sesudah Stabilitas Dipercepat .154 9 .200 .980 9 .967
*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variancesa,b

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
Nilai_pH Based on Mean 1.016 5 12 .450
Based on Median .265 5 12 .923
Based on Median and with .265 5 7.726 .919
adjusted df
Based on trimmed mean .944 5 12 .488
Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of the dependent variable is equal across groups.
a. Dependent variable: Nilai_pH
b. Design: Intercept + Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kuning + Uji_Stabilitas + Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kuning *

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: Nilai_pH
Type III Sum of Partial Eta Noncent.
Source Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Squared Parameter Observed Power
Corrected Model .022 5 .004 7.436 .002 .756 37.179 .97
Intercept 835.451 1 835.451 1418690.274 .000 1.000 1418690.274 1.00
Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kuning .017 2 .009 14.783 .001 .711 29.566 .99
Uji_Stabilitas .000 1 .000 .764 .399 .060 .764 .12
Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kuning .004 2 .002 3.425 .067 .363 6.849 .53
* Uji_Stabilitas
Error .007 12 .001
Total 835.480 18
Corrected Total .029 17
a. R Squared = .756 (Adjusted R Squared = .654)
b. Computed using alpha = .05

Parameter Estimates
Dependent Variable: Nilai_pH
95% Confidence Interval Partial Eta Noncent.
Parameter B Std. Error t Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound Squared Parameter Observ
Intercept 6.783 .014 484.158 .000 6.753 6.814 1.000 484.158
[Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kunin .050 .020 2.523 .027 .007 .093 .347 2.523
[Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kunin .023 .020 1.178 .262 -.020 .067 .104 1.178
[Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kunin 0a . . . . . . .
[Uji_Stabilitas=1] .010 .020 .505 .623 -.033 .053 .021 .505
[Uji_Stabilitas=2] 0 . . . . . . .
[Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kunin .037 .028 1.309 .215 -.024 .098 .125 1.309
g=1] * [Uji_Stabilitas=1]
[Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kunin 0a . . . . . . .
g=1] * [Uji_Stabilitas=2]
[Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kunin -.037 .028 -1.309 .215 -.098 .024 .125 1.309
g=2] * [Uji_Stabilitas=1]
[Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kunin 0a . . . . . . .
g=2] * [Uji_Stabilitas=2]
[Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kunin 0a . . . . . . .
g=3] * [Uji_Stabilitas=1]
[Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kunin 0a . . . . . . .
g=3] * [Uji_Stabilitas=2]
a. This parameter is set to zero because it is redundant.
b. Computed using alpha = .05
2. Uji_Stabilitas

Pairwise Comparisons
Dependent Variable: Nilai_pH
95% Confidence Interval for
Mean Difference Differencea
(I) Uji_Stabilitas (J) Uji_Stabilitas (I-J) Std. Error Sig.a Lower Bound Upper Bound
Pada Suhu Kamar Sesudah Stabilitas Dipercepat .010 .011 .399 -.015 .035
Sesudah Stabilitas Dipercepat Pada Suhu Kamar -.010 .011 .399 -.035 .015
Based on estimated marginal means
a. Adjustment for multiple comparisons: Least Significant Difference (equivalent to no adjustments).

3. Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kuning * Uji_Stabilitas
Dependent Variable: Nilai_pH
95% Confidence Interval
Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kuning Uji_Stabilitas Mean Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound
F1 = 15% Pada Suhu Kamar 6.880 .014 6.849 6.911
Sesudah Stabilitas Dipercepat 6.833 .014 6.803 6.864
F2 = 20% Pada Suhu Kamar 6.780 .014 6.749 6.811
Sesudah Stabilitas Dipercepat 6.807 .014 6.776 6.837
F3 = 25% Pada Suhu Kamar 6.793 .014 6.763 6.824
Sesudah Stabilitas Dipercepat 6.783 .014 6.753 6.814

Post Hoc Tests


Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: Nilai_pH
(I) (J) Mean Difference 95% Confidence Interval
Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kuning Salep_Rebung_Bambu_Kuning (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
F1 = 15% F2 = 20% .0633 .01401 .001 .0328 .0939
F3 = 25% .0683* .01401 .000 .0378 .0989
F2 = 20% F1 = 15% -.0633 .01401 .001 -.0939 -.0328
F3 = 25% .0050 .01401 .727 -.0255 .0355
F3 = 25% F1 = 15% -.0683 .01401 .000 -.0989 -.0378
F2 = 20% -.0050 .01401 .727 -.0355 .0255
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .001.
*. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level.

Profile Plots

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