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Year 9 Personal Learning Checklist (PLC) 2021-22

Subject: Physical Education Assessment Area 1: Knowledge & Topics: Anatomy & Physiology / Safety in
Understanding Sport

Muscle identification – Joints of the body – Bones of the body –

● Biceps (elbow flexion - shooting in basketball ● Hip (ball & socket - flexion, extension,
[preparation]), abduction, adduction, rotation), Humerus, Radius, Ulna;
● Triceps (elbow extension - shooting in basketball ● Shoulder (ball & socket - flexion, extension, Femur, Patella, Tibia, Fibula;
[execution]), abduction, adduction, rotation),
● Gastrocnemius (ankle plantar-flexion - point toes in ● Elbow (hinge - flexion, extension),
trampolining), ● Knee (hinge - flexion, extension)
● Tibialis Anterior (ankle dorsi-flexion - downward phase of
a squat),
● Hamstrings (knee flexion - kicking a football
● Quadriceps (knee extension - kicking a football
● Hip Flexors (hip flexion - high knees [leg lift]),
● Gluteals (hip extension - high knees [leg lower]),
● Hip Adductors (hip adduction - toward [sidesteps/star
● Hip Abductors (hip abduction - away [sidesteps/star
● Deltoid (shoulder flexion - raise arm to receive a pass),
● Latissimus Dorsi (shoulder extension - lower arm to waist
[seat landing]), Cranium;
● Pectorals (shoulder adduction - press ups), Rib Cage;
● Abdominals (hip flexion/extension - sit-ups/crunches) Pelvis;
Metacarpals, Carpals;
Metatarsals, Tarsals; Phalanges

Knowledge of technique - Knowledge of dangers - appropriate behaviour Knowledge of rules - understand what is and
how to perform the skill; to reduce injury risk for the activity; to spot dangers; risk assess is not allowed; to play by the rules for the
e.g. broken apparatus/equipment safety of self and others

Specialist clothing - helmets/pads/shin guards/mouth Jewellery - removal/tape/cover jewellery; to Correct clothing - trainers vs studded
guards; to protect certain parts of the body reduce injury risk footwear; to meet the demands of the
Hair/head scarves - covered or tied back; surface
tucked in; to allow full visibility at all times
Year 9 Personal Learning Checklist (PLC) 2021-22
Subject: Physical Education Assessment Area 1: Knowledge & Topics: Fitness / Attacking & Defending
Understanding Principles / Guidance

Training Types: Fitness Terms: Fitness Tests:

● Circuit - series of workstations (working all major ● BPM (beats per minute) - no. of times heart ● Cooper run - 12 minutes run test
muscles/joints); beats per minute; (measures aerobic endurance);
● HIIT - high intensity interval training (periods of ● MHR (maximum heart rate) - max. no. of times ● Multi stage fitness test ("bleep test") -
very hard work and rest); heart beats per minute [calculated as 220-age]; shuttle run test (measures VO2 Max);
● Continuous - sustained activity without rest ● WHR (working heart rate) - BPM whilst ● Sit and reach test - flexibility test (range
(develops aerobic endurance); exercising of movement at the hip/trunk);
● Weight - resistance work (develops strength and ● RHR (resting heart rate) - BPM at rest; ● Sit-up/press-up/step-up test - 30/60
power); ● Borg Scale (rate of perceived exertion - WHR ÷ second test, max. repetitions in a given
● Fartlek - 'speed play', variable terrain (develops 10) - a subjective fitness score from 6 (no effort) time (measures muscular endurance);
aerobic endurance); to 20 (max. effort); ● Standing broad jump - test of leg power
● Plyometric - bounding, hopping, jumping ● Aerobic (with oxygen) - sustained exercise e.g. (jump forward from two feet and land on
(develops power) marathon; two feet)
● Anaerobic (without oxygen) - flat-out exercise
e.g. sprint

Warm-Ups: Principles of Training: FITT Principle:

● Phase 1 - Pulse raiser - increase HR; O2; body ● Specificity - activity must match the sport (work ● Frequency - how often you train (e.g. 3
temp. (shuttles, high knees, side steps); the correct muscles/energy systems); times a week);
● Phase 2 - Stretching - active/passive [static] or ● Progressive overload - gradually increase ● Intensity - how hard you train (e.g. 60%
dynamic [ballistic] (hamstring stretch, intensity/volume of training (increase steps/reps, MHR; 3 sets x 10 repetitions; metres
lunges/squats); weight, distance); ran);
● Phase 2 - Joint mobilisation - joint loosening (leg ● Reversibility [rest & recovery] - training effects ● Time - how long you train (e.g. 45
swings, open/close gates); are reversed (if injured/sick benefits are lost); minute session);
● Phase 3 - Movement - skill/drill practice (lay-up ● Tedium - variance in training (to reduce boredom, ● Type - method of training (e.g.
drill, footwork drill) use music, train with others) continuous; circuit; interval; HIIT)

Attacking Principles: Defending Principles: Types of Guidance:

● Penetration - attacking, incisive play (fast break, ● Delay - hold up play/attack (press the ● Verbal - spoken/auditory feedback
through-ball); ball/player); (comment on the performance);
● Depth/support - provide a deeper outlet (sit ● Depth - provide a deep defence (stay ● Visual - images/video feedback (show a
deep/back, offer support); back/retreat in defence); video of the performer);
● Width - create width, use of wide players ● Balance - match defenders with attackers ● Manual - manipulate to body into position
(wingers, wing defence/attack) (player to player defence) (place limbs in correct place);
● Mechanical - use of external aid/harness
(trampolining - somersault)
Year 9 Personal Learning Checklist (PLC) 2021-22
Subject: Physical Education Assessment Area 1: Knowledge & Topics: Component of Fitness / Projectile
Understanding Motion / Muscular Contractions / Analysis

Components of Fitness - Principles of Projectile Motion - Muscular Contractions -

● Aerobic Endurance (strength & health of heart & ● Height of release (height of release of ● Concentric (shortening) - e.g. bicep curl
lungs - eg. running, swimming, cycling); body/object) - release object at its highest [as it flexes],
● Muscular Endurance (muscles ability to repeat position, ● Eccentric (lengthening) - e.g. quadriceps
contractions - eg. continuous running, lifting, ● Angle of release (angle of release of during squat [downwards],
jumping); body/object) - release angle 36-42 degrees, ● Isotonic (moving) - e.g. running, jumping,
● Power (combination of speed and strength - eg. ● Speed of release (velocity of release of ● Isometric (without motion) - e.g. plank
boxing, triple jump); body/object) - release object at its fastest
● Speed (how quickly an object/body moves - eg.
● Muscular Strength (the force generated by a
muscle - eg. weightlifter);
● Flexibility (range of movement at a joint - eg.
gymnast, dancer, trampoline);
● Agility (move and change direction quickly and
with control - eg. footballer, hockey player, skiing);
● Balance (static v dynamic - to keep the body
stable - eg. gymnast [still], skiier [moving]);
● Coordination (to move 2 or more body parts - eg.
tennis [hand-eye]);
● Reaction time (the time taken to respond to a
stimulus - eg. starting gun, whistle, lights in F1);
● Body composition (body mass index - measure of
fat-free mass [muscles], vital organs and fat - eg.
dancer [low BMI], boxer [high BMI])

Analysis - Key terms -

● Identify strengths (to know what you are good ● Formations (how a team sets up) - e.g. defence,
at), attack, midfield, 4:4:2, 3:4:3,
● Identify weakness (to focus on areas to ● Tactics/strategy (how to outwit a team/player) -
improve), e.g. Gegenpress in football, counter,
● Apply corrective measures (to modify a skill) ● Set play (a series of predetermined moves) - e.g.
corner, centre pass, free kick,
● Aesthetically pleasing (something that looks
good) - e.g. pointed toes in seat landing
Year 9 Personal Learning Checklist (PLC) 2021-22
Subject: Physical Education

Assessment Area 1: Knowledge & Assessment Area 2: Practical Skills Assessment Area 3: Fitness

Can be improved by : Can be improved by : Can be improved by :

● Focus and concentration in lessons ● Focus and concentration in lessons ● Attending 6 minute run club
● Performing actions & movements in lessons ● Joining after school clubs ● Increasing exercise out of school
● Linking actions & movements with muscles & ● Joining clubs outside school ● Walking / running / cycling
joints ● Watching sport on TV / videos ● Participating in online activity classes eg Joe
● Revision; repetition and recall ● Performing actions & movements in lessons Wicks etc
● Choral recital in lessons ● Linking actions & movements with muscles & ● Workout at home
● Note taking (use the PLC) joints ● Aim to be active for an average of 60 minutes
● Sketching/drawing diagrams of skeleton ● Completing student-led warm-up phases per day
● Use of organiser PE pages ● Completing PLC RAG & acting on feedback ● Design your own Fitness Circuit (organiser
● Completing PLC RAG & acting on feedback page)
● Try to drink 8 glasses of water a day (less fizzy
● Aim to eat a healthy, balanced diet with 5
● Consider walking or cycling to school

Theory Test 3 result (out of 25): RAG PE & Games RAG Fitness Test 4 result (out of 25): RAG





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