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Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Licenciatura en la Enseñanza del Inglés

Semantics and Pragmatics

The teaching of vocabulary

Navarro Quiriz Fernando Adolfo (202072156)

An attempt has been made, in both cases, to recover Steven Krashen's position
regarding the presentation of information and what the student is expected to do to
reinforce the understanding of the topics and the acquisition of vocalulary.

These are two proposals whose themes seek to capture the student's
intention through interactions with images or, where appropriate, with videos or
readings. There is also an effort to present the topics in clear and simple language
to help their understanding.

We have recovered the proposal of presenting semantically unrelated

vocabulary as well as semantically related vocabulary, proposing, in both cases,
sets of different vocabularies and topics.

Example of teach for students of English with vocabulary semantically


Topic: food.

(First: a introduction using a short general explanation on the topic, talking, in this
case, about the most popular foods in the United States.

The top 5 of popular foods in United States are Hot dog, Pizza (Special
Chicago Style), Buffalo wings, Fried chicken, the Sandwich (special grilled cheese)
and, obviusly hamburger. Like many elements of that culture, these foods have
origins in other continents, the majority arrived in America through migration and
the slave trade. In the United States, its usual presentations have been modified to
adapt them to the taste of North Americans. As an example, hamburgers, in some
places, have lost some liquids that were used to marinate the meats for their
preparation. Something similar happens with hot dogs, the preparation of the
sausage is far from traditional European recipes, mainly German.
(Highlight vocabulary, in this case, food was used to list the words that need to be
retained. all of them related to the main theme.)


Sausage, Meat, chicken, wings, hamburger,

(Images were used to facilitate the relationship between the vocabulary and its

Activity: look for some recipes for 3 popular dishes in the United States,
identify their ingredients and make a list of them.

(The activity is parallel to the class, the aim is for the student to continue
associating vocabulary with a specific topic. putting emphasis on releated
Example of teach for students of English with vocabulary semantically

Topic: Random

1960s counterculture, a broad-ranging social movement in the United States,

Canada, and western Europe that rejected conventional mores and traditional
authorities and whose members variously advocated peace, love, social justice,
and revolution. The 1960s counterculture movement, which generally extended
into the early 1970s, was an alternative approach to life that manifested itself in a
variety of activities, lifestyles, and artistic expressions, including recreational drug
use, communal living, political protests, casual sex, and folk and rock music.

The movement was perhaps best encapsulated by the phrase “turn on, tune
in, drop out,” coined by the American psychologist Timothy Leary, who
demonstrated contempt for authority and championed the use of LSD and other
psychoactive drugs. U.S. Pres. Richard Nixon famously called Leary “the most
dangerous man in America.” The counterculture movement featured artists such as
Andy Warhol, who was famous for his Pop art works. Adherents advocated
freedom of expression and a distrust of those in power

(First, a text is presented, which may or may not be accompanied by a video

or documentary fragment, on a general topic, especially if it is a matter of popular
interest or that can group together different themes such as music, art, society. ,
politics, all around a common issue although not necessarily related to each other.
In this way, the student could associate vocabulary about music with social
movements, some historical period or with the name of a certain artist.)
Vocabulary: counterculture, movement, protests, psychoactive, folk, Pop art,

(The vocabulary list can be accompanied with images. or, open new topics with
each concept, since being unreleated semantically, each word has the possibility of
exploring its own relationships and themes to further enrich the vocabulary.)

Activity: Search for songs representative of the counterculture of the 60s, as

well as works by artists and relevant historical events in the decade.

(The activity aims to reinforce the retention and connection between semantically
unrelated vocabulary in order to generate a broader understanding not only of the
meaning of the words, but also in terms of more complex topics.)

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