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Lesson 1 Vygotsky's

To make students feel more comfortable sharing their opinions in the arts classroom, you
can implement the following strategies:

1. Create a Safe and Supportive Environment:

- Foster a positive and inclusive classroom culture where all opinions are respected and
- Establish clear guidelines for respectful communication and encourage active listening.
- Emphasize that there are no right or wrong answers in art, and that everyone's
perspective is valid.

2. Use Icebreaker Activities:

- Begin each class with icebreaker activities that encourage students to share their
thoughts and opinions in a non-threatening way.
- Use prompts or discussion questions related to the art topic or theme to get students
comfortable with expressing their ideas.

3. Provide Multiple Modes of Expression:

- Offer a variety of ways for students to share their opinions, such as verbal discussions,
written reflections, visual representations, or group activities.
- Allow students to choose the mode of expression that they feel most comfortable with, as
this can help them feel more confident in sharing their thoughts.

4. Encourage Peer Collaboration:

- Foster a collaborative learning environment where students work together and support
each other.
- Assign group projects or activities that require students to discuss and share their
opinions with their peers.
- Provide opportunities for students to give and receive constructive feedback, which can
help build trust and encourage open communication.

5. Model and Validate Different Perspectives:

- Share your own opinions and perspectives on art-related topics, and encourage students
to do the same.
- Validate and acknowledge the diversity of opinions within the classroom, emphasizing
that there is no right or wrong answer.
- Encourage students to respectfully challenge and engage in discussions with their peers,
promoting critical thinking and a deeper understanding of different viewpoints.

Learn more:
1. [3 Strategies to Help Students Find Their Voice in the Art
2. [Supporting Creative Confidence in the Art Room -
3. [How to Encourage ALL Your Students to Create Art (even those who don't want to) - Ms

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