LA Laila Palliero Vigo

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Erasmus+ learning agreement:

Long-term learning mobility of VET learners (ErasmusPro)

Project code:

Erasmus+ learning agreement

1. Purpose of the learning agreement

This learning agreement defines the conditions and expected outcomes of a learning
mobility organised within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme. Parties in this
agreement shall abide by the programme’s rules and quality standards.

2. Information about the learning mobility

Field Vocational education and training

Activity type: Long-term learning mobility of VET learners (ErasmusPro)
Mode: Physical
Start date: 03/07/2024
End date: 30/07/2024

3. Parties to the learning agreement

The learning agreement is concluded between the participant in the learning mobility, the
sending organisation and the hosting organisation.

3.1. Participant in the learning mobility

Full name: Laila Palleiro Vigo

Address: Residencial Zeus, 31, Dos Hermanas, 41703, España
Phone number(s): +34 644 42 58 98

Participant’s legal
Bernardo Palleiro Martínez, father
guardian full name:
Address: Residencial Zeus, 31, Dos Hermanas, 41703, España
Phone number(s): +34 696 297 517

3.2. Sending organisation

Organisation name: ESCUELA MERCANTIL

Address: Calle Luchana, 4, 41004, Sevilla

3.3. Hosting organisation

Organisation name: Neli Catalão

Erasmus+ learning agreement:
Long-term learning mobility of VET learners (ErasmusPro)
Project code:

Rua Visconde da Luz, 72 1º andar 3000-414 Coimbra


4. Learning context

At the sending organisation, the participant is currently enrolled in:

Title of the qualification / Technician in Commercial Activities (Técnico en
profession: Actividades Comerciales)
School year / grade: 1 year
Level in the European
EQF level 4
Qualifications Framework:

5. Learning outcomes

The parties have agreed that the following learning outcomes should be achieved during
the learning mobility:

Outcome 1: Marketing in the Commercial Activity

Relevant subject,
Marketing concepts, Small Business Management
skill or competence:

Identifies the marketing concept and its use in business,

analysing its main functions in companies and organisations.
Manages sales, collection and payment documents derived
from the sale of goods and/or services provided ,complying
with the applicable commercial and tax regulations.

Outcome 2: Storage Techniques

Relevant subject,
Storage Techniques, Technical Sales
skill or competence:
Plans the daily tasks necessary for operations and store
merchandise flows, optimizing the available resources Applies
goods reception and arrangement techniques in the
warehouse, monitoring the processing time and the storage
conditions depending on the characteristics of the goods.
Defines the preparation conditions of the orders, optimizing
Description: time and resources according to the current regulations.
Prepares commercial offers of industrial and primary sector
products, adapting the sales arguments to different types of
customers(retailers, wholesalers and institutional).
Makes commercial offers of services, adapting the sales
arguments to the specific features of the proposed service and
to the needs of each client.

Erasmus+ learning agreement:
Long-term learning mobility of VET learners (ErasmusPro)
Project code:

Performs activities of sales for technology products, using the

appropriate sales techniques and retrieving information on the
evolution and the current market trends for such goods.
Develops activities related to the sale of upmarket products,
applying techniques that ensure the transmission of quality
brand image and high reputation.

Outcome 3: Intercultural competences

Relevant subject,
Intercultural competences, dealing with customers
skill or competence:
Better intercultural competences through dealing with
customers and colleagues on an international level


Relevant subject, Knowledge about new online platforms like teams, OLS and
skill or competence: Microsoft applications
The student achieved new knowledge about online platforms
like teams, OLS and Microsoft applications


Relevant subject, Better knowledge of language, obtain new vocabulary related
skill or competence: to study sector
Improvement of language level due to a communication on a
Description: daily basis
Acquired knew technical vocabulary related to my study sector

6. Learning programme and tasks

To achieve the agreed learning outcomes, the participant will complete the following
activities and tasks during their mobility activity.

Activity / task 1: Workstation organization

Keep the workstation and sales floor area clean and organised
at all times.

Activity / task 2: Warehouse

Carry out good reception, location and dispatch in the
warehouse, taking into account their characteristics.

Activity / task 3: Goods handling

Arrange and label goods in the display shelves, taking into
account their characteristics.

Erasmus+ learning agreement:
Long-term learning mobility of VET learners (ErasmusPro)
Project code:

Activity / task 4: Customer care

Assist customers in locating desired shop items and provide
shopping advice.

7. Monitoring, mentoring and support during the activity

7.1. Responsible persons at the hosting organisation

The following person(s) at the hosting organisation are tasked with introducing the
participant to their activities and tasks at the hosting organisation, providing practical
support, monitoring their learning progress, supporting them to achieve the expected
learning outcomes, and helping them to integrate into the daily routines and the social
context at the hosting organisation.

Full name: Neli Catalão

Job title: owner
Phone number(s): (+351) 966339836
Tutor who supports student with daily tasks, reviewing
learning outcomes, evaluation of the internship

7.2. Responsible persons at the sending organisation

The following person(s) at the sending organisation (school) are tasked with following the
participants’ progress and providing content or practical support from the side of the
sending organisation.

Full name: Ramón Conejero Fernández

Job title: Erasmus+ Coordinator
Phone number(s): 954222300
Main content supervisor, contact for administrative
Responsibilities: matters, contact in case of problems with the hosting

7.3. Accompanying persons

The following person(s) will accompany the participant during the mobility for 5 days.

Full name: Alejandro López Vega

Position or qualification:
Phone number(s): +34 639225030

Erasmus+ learning agreement:
Long-term learning mobility of VET learners (ErasmusPro)
Project code:

Provide support and assistance, facilitate effective

Responsibilities: learning during the mobility experience and ensure
participants safety

7.4. Mentoring and monitoring arrangements

As a minimum, the monitoring and mentoring arrangements will include the following
- The participant will be monitored and mentored by a tutor of the host organisation
during the whole period. Regular meetings will take place to review the work
progress and the learning outcomes
- The monitoring will focus on:
- Skills and abilities
- Techniques and procedures
- Tutors of the sending and hosting organization will be in contact by phone or
email to exchange experience and support the student if necessary

8. Evaluation of learning outcomes

After the mobility activity, the participant’s learning outcomes will be assessed in the
following way:

Evaluation format:
Structured report with an evaluation form at the end of the internship
Self-assessment elements of the students via online form
Evaluation from the tutor of the hosting organisation

Evaluation criteria:
Structured report with an evaluation form at the end of the internship
Describe at least one new and / or different task, the tasks that you have liked to
develop the most in your work and why, what qualities / skills / possibilities this
experience gives you with respect to colleagues who have not had the same
opportunity as you, what mobility has served you, what consequences it will have on
your day to day upon your return home

Self-assessment elements of the students via online form:

Job-related skills and competences acquired, Language skills, Computer skills,
Organisational skills, Social skills other skills

Evaluation from the tutor of the hosting organisation:

Adaptation to work placement, initiative, organisation of work, performance of the
tasks assigned, ability to take on responsibility, language level improvement,
personal and professional skills, self-confidence

Evaluation procedures:

Erasmus+ learning agreement:
Long-term learning mobility of VET learners (ErasmusPro)
Project code:

Structured report with an evaluation form at the end of the internship:

An online form with the above mentioned questions will be send to the student by the
tutor of the sending institution after the internship

Self-assessment elements of the students

An online form with the above-mentioned questions will be send to the student by
the tutor of the sending institution during the last week of the internship

Evaluation from the tutor of the Hosting organisation

Two weeks before the end of the internship the tutor of the hosting organisation
receive an evaluation document with the above-mentioned criteria’s. The student will
receive this during the last monitoring meeting with the tutor and the sending
organisation receives a copy.

9. Recognition of learning outcomes

The learning outcomes attained by the participant will be recognised in the following way:

Recognition conditions:
Recognition of the Learning Outcomes through the internship certificate EUROPASS
by the sending organisation

Recognition procedures:
The hosting and the sending organisations will be responsible for the recognition of
the Learning Outcomes. The sending organisation registrates the Learning Outcomes
at the Europass Mobility platform. The hosting organisation validates the Learning

Recognition documentation:
Internship certificate (Europass Mobility)

10. Reintegration at the sending organisation

Reintegration at the sending organisation:

With the end of the internship the student will finish his professional training at the
sending institution, unless the student has already graduated.

11. Signatures

The signatories confirm that they understood and approve the content of this agreement.


Erasmus+ learning agreement:
Long-term learning mobility of VET learners (ErasmusPro)
Project code:

Full name: Laila Palleiro Vigo

Date and place: 14.06.2024


Participant legal guardian (only to be signed if the student is minor)

Full name: Bernardo Palleiro Martínez, father

Date and place: 14.06.2024


For sending organisation

Full name: Ramón Conejero Fernández

Position: Erasmus+ Coordinator

Date and place: 14.06.2024


For hosting organisation

Full name: Neli Catalão

Position: owner

Date and place: 14.06.2024


Erasmus+ learning agreement:
Long-term learning mobility of VET learners (ErasmusPro)
Project code:

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