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User Guide
FPT Education OJT Management System

3.1 Overview

These are the 5 main roles in the system: Admin, Manager, Staff, Student and Guest. Below we will
guide you to use the main functions corresponding to the 5 roles of the system.

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3.2 Guest

3.2.1 Guest HomePage

Step 1: Via link

Figure 6.1. Guest HomePage

3.2.2 View Companies & Institutions

Step 1: Open link

Step 2: Click menu Companies & Institutions

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Figure 6.2. Companies & Institutions

Step 3: Click on button Show All Companies

Figure 6.3. “Show All Companies” action

3.2.3 Search Companies

Step 1: Enter search keyword on textbox

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Step 2: Click Search button
System will show list of companies matches with search condition or show message “Result: 0” when
no search result

Figure 6.4. Search Companies

3.2.4 Company Details

Step 1: Open link

Step 2: Click on Login button
Step 3: Login with FPT Google account (student account)
Step 4: Click menu “Companies & Institutions”
Step 5: Select a company and click on it
The system show company detail screen like that:

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Figure 6.5. Company Details

3.3 Student
3.3.1 Authentication & Authorization Sign in

Step 1: Open link

Step 2: Click on Login button

Figure 6.6. Sign in

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Step 3: Select validate google account or login with another google account

Figure 6.7. Sign in by Google account Sign out

Pre-condition: Login successfully

Step 1: Click on avatar
System show pop-up like that:

Figure 6.8. Sign out

Step 2: Click on “Log out”

System will return to Guest Homage
3.3.2 View Student Homepage

Step 1: Open link

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Step 2: Click on Login button
Step 3: Login with FPT google account (student account)
System shows user homepage like that:

Figure 6.9. Student HomePage

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3.3.3 Job Opportunities View Job Opportunities

Step 1: Open link

Step 2: Click on Login button
Step 3: Login with FPT Google account (student account)
Step 4: Click on Job Opportunities menu
System show list of job as below image:

Figure 6.10. Job Opportunities Search Jobs

Step 1: Open link

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Step 2: Click on Login button
Step 3: Login with FPT Google account (student account)
Step 4: Click on Job Opportunities menu
Step 5: Enter key word on search textbox
Step 6: Select Major, Company, Location

Figure 6.11. Jobs Filter

Step 7: Click Search icon

Show list of jobs matched with conditions or message “No all results matching” if have no search
result View Job Details

Step 1: Open link

Step 2: Click on Login button
Step 3: Login with FPT Google account (student account)
Step 4: Click on Job Opportunities menu
Step 5: Select a job and click on it
The system shows a job detail page. There are 3 cases:
a. Job have quantity > 0 and the expiration date is not less than the current date
System will show job detail with button “Apply CV Now” like that:

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Figure 6.12. Job have quantity > 0 and the expiration date is not less than the current date

When the system shows the button “Apply CV Now”, you can send a CV to apply for this job. See
detail in
b. Job have quantity <= 0
System will show job detail with text “No quantity available” like that:

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Figure 6.13. Job have quantity <= 0
c. The expiration date passes the current date
System will show job details with text “You cannot apply right now. Please try again later!” like that:

Figure 6.14. The expiration date passes the current date Apply Jobs

Pre-condition: Log in successfully with student account

Step 1: Click on Job Opportunities menu
Step 2: Select a job (job have quantity > 0 and the expiration date is not less than the current date)
and click on it
Step 3: Scroll to the bottom and click on button “Apply CV Now”
System show apply CV pop-up like that:

Figure 6.15. “Submit CV” popup

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There are 3 cases here:
a. You already have a CV on your device
Step 4: Click on button “Choose File”
System will show choose file window
Step 5: Select your CV file and click on button “Open”
Step 6: Click on button “Submit CV”
b. You already have a CV on system
Step 4: Select a CV and click on “Choose CV”
c. You don’t have CV and want to create new
Step 4: Click on button “Create CV Now”
Please see the details on Student/Create CV
3.3.4 Companies & Institutions View Companies & Institutions

Step 1: Open link

Step 2: Click on Login button
Step 3: Login with FPT Google account (student account)
Step 4: Click menu “Companies & Institutions”
The system show “Companies & Institutions” page like as below image

Figure 6.16. Companies & Institutions

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Step 5: Click on the button Show all Companies.
The system show list of all companies

Figure 6.17. “Show All Companies” action Search Companies

Step 1: Open link

Step 2: Click on Login button
Step 3: Login with FPT Google account (student account)
Step 4: Click on menu Companies & Institutions
Step 5: Enter search keyword on textbox

Figure 6.18. Search Companies

Step 6: Click Search button

The system show list of companies match with conditions or show message if have no search result Company Details

Step 1: Open link

Step 2: Click on Login button
Step 3: Login with FPT Google account (student account)
Step 4: Click menu “Companies & Institutions”
Step 5: Select a company and click on it

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The system show company detail screen like that:

Figure 6.19. Company Details

3.3.5 News View List of News

Pre-condition: Login successfully with student account

Step 1: Click on menu “News”
The system show list of news page like as below image:

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Figure 6.20. List of News View News Details

Pre-condition: Login successfully with student account

Step 1: Click on menu “News”
Step 2: Select a news and click on it
The system show news detail page like as below image:

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Figure 6.21. News Details

3.3.6 Profile Update Profile

Pre-condition: Login successfully with student account

Step 1: Click on avatar
System will show a drop list:

Figure 6.23. Profile menu

Step 2: Click on “Profile”

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System shows your profile:

Figure 6.24. Student profile

Step 3: Enter all new informations

Step 4: Click on button “Save Profile”

3.3.7 My CV View List of CVs

Pre-condition: Login successfully with student account

Step 1: Click on menu “My CV”
System shows your list of CVs like as:

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Figure 6.25. List of CVs Search CV

Pre-condition: Login successfully with student account

Step 1: Click on menu “My CV”
Step 2: Enter keyword on search text box

Figure 6.26. Search input

System will show list of CVs matching search keyword or show message “ No matching records
found” when have no search result like that:

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Figure 6.27. Message “No matching records found” when have no search results Create CV

Pre-condition: Login successfully with student account

Step 1: Click on menu “My CV”
Step 2: Click on button “Create new CV”
System shows create new CV page like as:

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Figure 6.28. Create CV

Step 3: Enter all fields

Entered information will display on preview (CV on right screen)
Step 4: Click on button “Submit”
System return list of CV and created CV display on list
You also can download your CV by clicking on button “Download PDF” Update CV

Pre-condition: Login successfully with student account

Step 1: Click on menu “My CV”

Step 2: Select a CV and click on edit icon

System shows edit CV screen like that:

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Figure 6.29. Update CV

Step 3: Enter new information

Entered information will display on preview (CV on right screen)
Step 4: Click on button “Submit”
System return list of CV and created CV display on list
You also can download your CV by clicking on button “Download PDF” View CV Details

Pre-condition: Login successfully with student account

Step 1: Click on menu “My CV”

Step 2: Select a CV and click on see details icon

System shows CV detail screen like that:

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Figure 6.30. View CV Details Delete CV

Pre-condition: Login successfully with student account

Step 1: Click on menu “My CV”

Step 2: Select a CV and click on delete icon

System shows confirm pop-up like that:

Figure 6.31. Confirmation notification

Step 3: Click on button “OK”

If user click on button “Cancel”, system return list of CVs and this CV isn't deleted View List of Applied CVs

Pre-condition: Login successfully with student account

Step 1: Click on menu “My CV”
Step 2: Click on menu “CV Applied”

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Figure 6.32. CV Applied

System shows list of apply with status:

Figure 6.33. List of Applied CVs

In which:
- Submitted: CV has been submitted but has not been reviewed
- Accepted: CV accepted by Staff
- Rejected: CV was rejected by Staff due to unsatisfactory requirements, you need to redo a
new CV
- Passed: You have passed the interview, you can work at the company apply
- Not Passed: You failed the interview View Applied CV Details

Pre-condition: Login successfully with student account

Step 1: Click on menu “My CV”
Step 2: Click on menu “CV Applied”

Step 3: Select an Applied CV and click on see details icon

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System shows Applied CV details screen like that:

Figure 6.34. Applied CV Details

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Figure 6.40. Message “No matching records found” when have no search results

3.3.9 FAQs View List of FAQs

Pre-condition: Login successfully with student account

Step 1: Click on menu “FAQs”
The system show list of FAQs page like as below image:

Figure 6.41. List of FAQs View FAQ Details

Pre-condition: Login successfully with student account

Step 1: Click on menu “FAQ”
Step 2: Select a FAQ and click on it
The system show FAQ detail page like as below image:

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Figure 6.42. FAQ Details

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