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MODULE 2/2 Duration: 45 Menit

S - BE - Adjective Phrase ( Modifier - Adj)

Setelah selesai mengikuti pembelajaran ini, anda diharapkan mampu
memahami, menjawab latihan dan tes dengan dan menggunakan kalimat-
kalimat berpola S - BE - Adjective Phrase ( MODIFER - ADJ) dalam

Upon the learning, you are requested to be able to comprehend, answer

exercises, and test using, and make sentences patterned S - BE - Adjective
Phrase ( MODIFER - ADJ) in a dialog.

Learning Activity

Dalam modul ini anda akan mempelajari ungkapan-ungkapan menggunakan

pola S - BE - ADJECTIVE PHRASE( Modifier - ADJ) . Adjective phrase
(frasa adjektiva) adalah kelompok kata yang berfungsi sebagai adjektiva
dalam kalimat. Adjective phrase biasanya terdiri dari sebuah kata sifat
(adjektiva) sebagai inti dan dapat disertai oleh modifier (kata pengubah),
complement (pelengkap), atau keduanya, yang memberikan informasi
tambahan tentang kata benda yang dijelaskan.

In this module you will learn expressions using the S - BE - ADJECTIVE

PHRASE (MODIFER - ADJ) pattern. An adjective phrase is a group of words
that function as adjectives in a sentence. Adjective phrases usually consist of
an adjective as the core and can be accompanied by a modifier, complement,
or both, which provide additional information about the noun being described.

Contoh kata-kata Adjective Phrase

Examples words of Adjective Phrase

Adjective Phrase Adjective

(Modifier - Adjective )
Very Happy
Quite Intelligent
Extremely Tired
Really Nice
Absolutely Thrilled
Slightly Annoyed
Completely Satisfied
Terribly Boring
Moderately Difficult
Exceptionally Talented

 Struktur Dasar Kalimat Adjective Phrase (Modifier - Adjective)

 Subject + Be + Adjective Phrase (Modifier - Adjective)

1. I am very busy today. ( very adalah Modifier dan busy adalah Adjective)

2. She is quite anxious about the exam. ( quite adalah Modifier dan anxious

adalah Adjective)

3. They are extremely excited for the trip. (extremely adalah Modifier dan

excited adalah Adjective)

4. He is really talented in music. ( really adalah Modifier dan anxious

adalah Adjective)

5. We are absolutely delighted with the results. ( absolutely adalah

Modifier dan delighted adalah Adjective)

Pilih Adjective Phrase yang Tepat untuk Melengkapi Kalimat

Choose the Right Adjective Phrase to Complete the Sentence


 The meal was __________.

a) very delicious

b) really intelligent

 a) very delicious.

1. The park is __________ in the morning.

a) very crowded
b) b) quite noisy
2. She felt __________ after the long flight.

a) really refreshed

b) extremely tired

3. The test was __________ for the students.

a) very difficult

b) quite simple

4. · His explanation was __________ to understand.

a) terribly hard

b) absolutely easy

5. The performance was __________ to watch.

a) exceptionally boring
b) incredibly entertaining

6. The cake looks __________.

a) absolutely delicious

b) really cold

7. The room is __________ this afternoon.

a) quite warm

b) very bright

8. He is __________ at playing the guitar.

a) quite talented

b) extremely fast

9. The news was __________ for everyone.

a) quite shocking

b) very happy

10. The lesson was __________ for the beginners.

a) incredibly simple

b) extremely difficult

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