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1. A) Critically evaluate the role of the research question?


would you formulate and state the research question

The importance of the research question is being indentified in the context of many researches. They create a base to the research design and its outcomes. They have the major part in making important decisions about the research and making important changes to the research methods and structure. The research questions are affected with the decisions taken on the research design and methods. Many authors across the globe have adorned the importance of the research question in a research. They contribute to the major result or outcomes of the research. My considered area of research is the Innovation in technology in tourism industry. (Bryman, A. 1988)

Some qualitative researchers, however, prefer to avoid giving such a question focused research. In some versions of the basic theory, for example, began to study the problem of the liquidation process of development, investigation, only the most common way in the beginning. This seems to be one of the key information in the original version of the way, but in the back of some variants of the prominent role of research questions, in contrast to the previous survey (Strauss - Corbin, 1998) which cause a problem in the study of conversation analysis is the tradition of qualitative research, to avoid restrictions. Therefore, the distinction of being one of the traditional, related to "mood control" in the early stages of research

projects. However, most studies that describe the quality of this process, and quantitative research to achieve a large account in line with the major research questions. The purpose of this paper is not to criticize the view that such research questions occupies a central role. On the contrary, its purpose is the question of their status. In this way, gives an account of how descriptive of the research process of social scientific research. Obviously, this is likely to be in full consideration of the process, some social research.

However, in this article, we will look at this question, whether to offer these writers in their accounts the relationship between research questions, on the one hand, and research and design research methods on the front of other conditions of the foreign medical methods of social research assembling consists of making the process of

social research. Instead, it may be that it provides a unified account of the research process, rather than one description. It is these two issues, and questioning in the case of accounts of research questions in relation to other aspects of the research process, and recommended that the standard account, not descriptive, and provide focus in this article.

In this area in the background, and this is the principle which was held on a wide range of social studies research methods, and decides on the way to succumb to the research questions, and guide them and there is a problem for the study representative of the social practice. When researchers asked the community to reflect on their practice, they do not always provide the account of what they do or what they believe should be common practice in harmony with the privacy of discourse on the study of the problem areas lie in the promotion of the textbooks. On the contrary, it is a global discourse which is often encountered with some method or methods of research little or no mention of support for the research questions. (Bryman, A. 1988)


(B) Critically discuss the functions, characteristics and

formulation of a hypothesis
Introduction to the research hypothesis is a problem, usually formulated in the form of a question. May ask what, or why, something is happening.

This is a very broad indication is testable, and not by any reasonable scientific way. It's just a matter of principle arising from the review of literature and intuition. Many people believe that instinct and intuition, not scientific, but many of the greatest scientific leaps were the result of "hunches."

Hypothesis of the research is gradually reducing the problem to something testable and falsifiable. In the example above, it may be a researcher to speculate that the decline in fish stocks due to overfishing for long periods (Bryman, A. 1988). Scientists must generate realistic hypothesis and testable around they can build experience.

These are all acceptable words and they give each researcher a focus for building the search experience. Science tends to formalize the objects and the use of 'if' statement, and measure the impact of the manipulation of one variable on another, but perfectly acceptable in other forms. The research hypothesis should contain the

perfect prediction, which is the cause of a more formal preference. Must be testable hypothesis, but it must also be falsifiable to accept it and the real science. One of the scientists who focus on research to prove the hypothesis becomes a lost integrity and credibility. Screening tests for many of the cases, statistical trends, but rarely give a clear answer, with other factors that influence is often a result of the impact on results. While the instinct of the intestine and logic tells us that fish stocks are affected by overfishing, it is not necessarily true, and the researcher must consider this result. Perhaps environmental factors or causal effects of pollution and affecting fish stocks. Characteristics of a Hypothesis a) Hypothesis with good reasoning b) Providing a reasonable explanation for the intended outcome. c) It evidently explains the relationship between the defined variables. d) It also classifies the variables in undemanding to compute provisions. e) It should be testable in a realistic amount of period.

Formulation of a Hypothesis In order to find the formulation of the hypothesis is one of the most important initial steps. Help to formulate the hypothesis in the formulation of research

problem. Formulation of the hypothesis is not necessary, but an important step for research and potential research and fair and true without any hypothesis. It can be assumed that one and it can be as many as possible.

A hypothesis is a possible answer to the question of research. To be undertaken on the assumption or conjecture and on the basis of the study. This is to test the hypothesis of potential for rejection or approval. If you get accepted hypothesis that shows that if your intuition was right to reject, it still does not mean that the research did not have a valid, but means that the T in the opposite way you thought and perceived. If approved it or not, it gives you some of the conclusions, and adds to the existing body of knowledge.

There is still a hypothesis that has been tested repeatedly by researchers to test different to make them healthier, but if he agreed to the hypothesis hectares in the way that has become law, it is best to test adds to the available knowledge, rather

than to agree on something that has been approved it before many times.

2. Critically evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the primary data collection methods you have illustrated.
Quantitative research studies in which the data can be analyzed in terms of the numbers are. It can also be qualitative research that the events, individuals, and so forth without the use of numerical data can be described scientifically and Qualitative research is more open and responsive to your subject in the context. Both types of research are valid and useful. They are not mutually exclusive. It is possible to use both methods to a single probe.

Qualitative research is harder, more stressful and time-consuming than other types. Qualitative research, people who care about it is suitable for, take it seriously, and are ready for commitment

Quantitative research, as the term suggests, and as numerical data is concerned with the collection and analysis. Qualitative research, on the other hand, as many forms, chiefly non - numeric, as possible to gather information and analysis is concerned with to achieves.

A systematic investigation of the research is to find an answer to the problem. Professionals in the fields of social science research, like research in other disciplines are generally followed the traditional scientific method is objective. Scientific method, quantitative research methods employed in the effort to establish general laws or principles. Primary data is the surveys, questionnaires and interviews collected through such methods and it comes with a variety of advantages and disadvantages. The main benefit of a primary data gathered by researchers is the amount of control. Primary data collection is a disadvantage that a lot of time consumes. In addition to the consumption of time, researchers have accumulated large amounts of data they will collect primary data.

In my research area, the primary research methods chosen are group interviews and surveys. The area of study demands the data to be not specifically rely on the

secondary data which has its own contemporary manner. The research area is also important to determine the research methods which should be adopted to reach an outcome of the research. Group interviews with the staff and experts in the tourism sector were given different set of interview questions which would enable to get the result daunted by the research. Surveys were conducted to know the customer perception of the innovation standards in the technology in the tourism sector. The tourism sector which is widely spread across the globe has begun to understand the innovation and recent technological upgrades. This topic needed detailed survey results and group interviews to analyse the trend of innovation in the tourism industry. ( Brotherton, B. 2008)


The advantages of the primary research methods is that the data collected or the group interviews are operated at good convenience and the response would be rather be collective in the process. The respondents of the interviews and surveys would be comfortable giving their answers to the question and to formulate commendable research methods. The research methodology like the interviews and surveys will give a perception on the innovation and the sector personnels would turn out to be valuable in all structures. (Delanty, G. 2005)


One of the major drawbacks in these research methods are that they are more time consuming than other research methods. To get the viewpoint of the people involved will be more time consuming and will increase the time period involved in the research. This will also enable to increase the risk element as they can go above the time limit or schedule. One of the other major drawbacks in this research methodology is that they are specifically involved with certain groups which will again increase the limitations in the group. This methodology cannot apprehend different perceptions as they totally depended on certain groups. This can also be minimised as they are destined to give important results to the research. (Delanty, G. 2005) The importance of the research question is being indentified in the context of many researches. They create a base to the research design and its outcomes. They have

the major part in making important decisions about the research and making important changes to the research methods and structure. The research questions are affected with the decisions taken on the research design and methods. Many authors across the globe have adorned the importance of the research question in a research. They contribute to the major result or outcomes of the research. My considered area of research is the Innovation in technology in tourism industry. (Delanty, G. 2005)

3. Explain why a researcher would choose to select a sample from the population rather than take a census
A sample is a finite part of a statistical population whose properties are studied to gain information about the whole (Webster, 1985). A population is a group of individuals persons, objects, or items from which samples are taken for measurement for example a population of presidents or professors, books or students. Sample survey research, which involves getting information from some members of the population, is based on. Obtained from the whole population, it is a sample, but not a census. Some surveys, in fact, very small populations (such as all members of an organization) are based on census and sample survey.

Sampling probability sampling, quota sampling, purposive sampling, and volunteers as samples can be prepared in many different ways. (Delanty, G. 2005)

Probability samples: With a probability sample, every member of the population (or known) in the sample have an equal chance of being included. The results are calculated to compensate for sample imbalance. With a probability sample, the first step usually tries to find a sampling frame: a list of all members of the population. Using this list, individuals or families are numbered, and numbers are selected at random to determine the survey. (Delanty, G. 2005)

Quota samples: In the early days of survey research, quota sampling was very common. Population list is not used, but the quota is usually based on Census data, it is. For example, suppose the general population being surveyed, and 50% of them are male, and half of each sex aged over 40.It is usually interviewers who decides how and where they find respondents. In this case, age and sex are referred to as control variables. The quota sampling is important to use appropriate control variables. If so, in that category should be a control variable must achieve balanced numbers. A common example is when a defendant choosing a home.










Volunteers who volunteer ratio is the main source of problems with samples. If too few volunteer for the survey population, you would wonder what was special about them. There usually is finding out how those who are different from those who do not voluntarily is no way. But if the entire population of the volunteers participating in the survey, there is no problem. In some circumstances, volunteer samples may be useful. For example, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation two critical radio network, Radio National and Classic FM listeners' poll panel. To recruit people for the panel, network ads, asking those interested to contact ABC. All people who do not volunteer for the panels need to be accepted. (Delanty, G. 2005)

Pros and Cons of Sampling One of the major drawbacks in these research methods are that they are more time consuming than other research methods. To get the viewpoint of the people involved will be more time consuming and will increase the time period involved in the research. This will also enable to increase the risk element as they can go above the time limit or schedule. One of the other major drawbacks in this research methodology is that they are specifically involved with certain groups which will again increase the limitations in the group. This methodology cannot apprehend different perceptions as they totally depended on certain groups. This can also be minimised as they are destined to give important results to the research. (Delanty, G. 2005) The importance of the research question is being indentified in the context of many researches. They create a base to the research design and its outcomes. They have the major part in making important decisions about the research and making important changes to the research methods and structure. The research questions are affected with the decisions taken on the research design and methods. Many authors across the globe have adorned the importance of the research question in a research. They contribute to the major result or outcomes of the research. My considered area of research is the Innovation in technology in tourism industry.

4. A) Common scales of measurement that may be used in a survey instrument.

Numbers and sets of numbers, including statistical information, specific attributes that are of interest to researchers. Possible score equal intervals that are equal distance from each other. When we combine these three properties of the scale, we can determine that there are four scales of measurement. Low nominal scale, which represents only a name and therefore has none of the three properties can be seen. Thurstone Scales Likert scale examples of this type of technology will be included. Temperature, however, because there is no absolute zero (theoretically) have no sense of where the temperature does not exist.

Finally, the fourth and highest level of measurement is the ratio scale. Age, height, weight, and 100 point score on a test example would be the ratio of scales. Proportion with the scale, we also have a point where none of scale exists when a person is born, his or her age is zero. (Delanty, G. 2005)

This measure - individuals, events, or assigning numbers to attributes of objects according to a set of logical rules. A particular set of rules defining the scale of measurement, four of these scales - nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio are used to quantify the variables in the behavioural sciences. ( Brotherton, B. 2008)

Number of nominal scales is arbitrarily assigned a specific variable code. Here is some of the interview schedule. When individuals or objects or some feature of the orders, which are ranked according to the ordinal measurement. For example, a consultant who facilitates a group is a continuum / introversion to extroversion can be with their students. Customer is the most introverted and the extroverted customer highest rank of one is assigned.

Ordinal scale problems with the skills cannot be evenly spaced .Problems in the ranking of the groups can be compared. Thus, in order of rank, length of gaps can be uneven And ranking the variables used to being ranked does not reflect anything about the quantitative. This is a numeric value that uses equally spaced. Examples










Examples of ratio scales are measures such as height and weight Both interval and ratio scale properties and the statistical methods use interval. ( Brotherton, B. 2008)

4. Principal attributes of a well-designed questionnaire

When considering a survey as a research method you have to get the principal attributes in the right area. The


Bryman, A. (1988) Quantity and Quality in Social Research. Unwin Hyman. Creswell, J. (2003) Research Design - Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. 2nd edn. London: Sage. Collis J. & Hussey R. (2003) Business Research - A Practical Guide for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students 2nd edn. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Delanty, G. (2005) Social Science: Philosophical and Methodological Foundations. 2ndedn. Open University Press. Gilbert, N. (2008) Researching Social Life. 3rd edn. London: Sage May, T. (2001) Social Research: issues, methods and process. Buckingham Open University Press Maykut, P. and Morehouse, R. (1994) Beginning Qualitative Research - A Philosophic and Practical Guide, The Falmer Press. Brotherton, B. (2008) Researching Hospitality and Tourism: A Student

Guide. London: Sage. Bryman, A. (2004) Social Research Methods. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford

University Press. Jennings, G. (2001) Tourism Research. Milton: John Wiley and Sons. Phillimore, J. and Goodson, L. (eds) (2004). Qualitative Research in Tourism: Ontologies, Epistemologies and Methodologies. London: Routledge.

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