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Weekly Report RnD Department Oneject Indonesia

I. Summary
This week, I’m helping to make the hardware for glucometer using LCD ST7565. The PCB has
arrived and I’m soldering all the components. And the result the hardware is completed after doing
some troubleshooting on the hardware.

II. Results
For this week results, first, this is the blank PCB that arrived, both top and bottom layers, the
pictures are shown below.

(a) (b)
Figure 1.(a)PCB Top Layer (b)PCB Bottom Layer

As seen on these pictures above, this is the PCB that manufactured by Spectrum in Bandung, and I’m
just helping to solder the components, and it was completed. The pictures are shown below.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 2.(a) Hardware Top Layer (With LCD) (b) Hardware Top Layer (without LCD) (c) Hardware Bottom Layer

As seen on these pictures above, these are the Hardware Glucometer that I made. There are some
jumper cable for troubleshooting but it can be useful functionally, after I tried to power up the LCD, it
works. So this hardware is ready to be programmed in device.

III. Challenges and Issues

 Saving Features for both RTC and Glucose measurment
 Apply the system on the Menu
 When Compile the code there are Issues that the IC/PCB became short

IV. Next Progress

 Continue to make saving features and apply it on the main menu program.
 Need to fix the Result Seven Segment Font.
 Troubleshoot the short from PCB

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