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Weekly Report RnD Department Oneject Indonesia

I. Summary
This week, for the New LCD UC1617S is still ongoing but there are many issues for the LCD,
starting to understanding the datasheet and apply it, it has a different result from the datasheet.

II. Results
For this week results, for trial using US1617S LCD is still ongoing. After get to know about the
Datasheet, first I tried to power the backlight for the LCD, the Datasheet said that the minimum
requirement is 6V and the maximum is 15V, so I tried it on the Power Supply. The Picture is shown

(a) (b)

Figure 1.(a)Power Supply trial on LCD (b)Measurement with Avometer

As seen on the picture above, the datasheet says that the Operational Voltage for LCD is
6V at least, but after tried it on Power Supply, it is 6V when measured with Avometer, but the LCD still
remain OFF. But after I connect to the PC it turns ON, but when I checked the voltage, it’s 0.6V, so I
made this wiring connection settings. The Pictures are shown below.
(a) (b)

Figure 2. (a) Wiring Connection without Power Supply (b) Measurement with Avometer

As seen on the pictures above, this is the Wiring Connection without Power Supply, this LCD
worked on 600mV. Even I tried 3.3V it won’t turned on. For the Backlight I used Voltage divider. The
upper Resistor is 1K ohm and the below Resister is 220 Ohm, so it got almost 600mV. It worked for
turning on the backlight.

And as for the Communication Protocol, I changed to SPI, after I checked the Datasheet, it has
different information compared to the Device, so it was still ongoing, for now.

III. Challenges and Issues

 Need to learn the SPI Communication for US1617S LCD
 Need to know more about US1617S Datasheet

IV. Next Progress

 Continue trial using SPI Protocol on US1617S LCD. (If it is failed, last resort is continue on
ST7675 LCD)
 Paralel with LCD ST7675 for displaying bitmap images

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