Weekly Report R&D Bima

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Oneject Research and Development Project

Weekly Report

1. Last week's progress was still collecting data sample using external opamp lm358 and test
with solution where there are 3 levels which can represent the lowest to the highest value
before testing using blood.
Research results
2. Before that there was a change electrode in the test.

Figure 1.1 Before Figure 1.2 After

In figure 1.1 the working electrode position is at pin 2 or in the middle, producing a
signal shape as contained in last week's report, I tried swapping it between the working
electrode and the reference electrode and it produced a better signal where there is a
trigger and the peak drops slowly as shown written on Amperometric analysis method
below this.

Figure 2. Representative currents from EBGTS. Currents from high, medium, and
low glucose using Amperometric analysis.
Figure 3.1 Testing using glucose control solution level 1 (25-56 mg/dL)

Figure 3.2 Testing using glucose control solution level 3 (102-138) mg/dL
Figure 3.1 Testing using glucose control solution level 4 (298-403) mg/dL

Taking the test in accordance with the amperometric analysis method where the data is
taken at 5 seconds after the peak trigger that occurs where the voltage value is directly
proportional to the blood sugar level and then the average is taken and used as a mg/dL
measurement value. It can be seen that there is linearity in the waveform the higher the level
control solution the voltage shows a high value and vice versa the lower the voltage will
be lower.


1. Look for equation and compare with Benechek or other glucometer brands
2. Measurements are in the ±15 range of values with other glucometer brands

Next steps

1. Record data and summarize it into excel to get the right equation.
2. Test with blood and comparing the value with other glucometer.

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