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Regional Institute of Education,


C1 assessment

Indian Constitution assignment

Article Review

Harshitha S
Review of article Feminism and Rights of Women in

I came across an article written by Ms Puja Mondal in the following linkand I
selected this article for review as I found some of the constitutional guiding
factors on women rights in Indiais depicted.

Summary of the article

Ms Mondaldefines about various types of feminism and opines that it is a
typical misconstrued word where equal rights & opportunities of economic,
political, social are being defined, established & safeguarded through set of

Discussion of the article

Para 1 to 3 focusses on three ideological propositions of feminism i.e., liberal,
Marxist and radical. In para four and onwards, she makes a comparative study
of literacy rates amongst females, highlights & briefly discuss about the laid
down constitutional, economic and political rights, level of awareness in the
minds of women folk in the light of her research, discusses about the
treatment women in the society and her recognition of the work of women as
‘use’ and not ‘exchange’ value. Further discusses about the government
measures and denial of women rights by men folk though at one place she
accepts the fact of denial of rights by women to women. She further
underlines the necessity of strict punishment for denial.

Review of article
Though the efforts made by the author to present schematic account of
feminism in India, the problems faced, their lack of awareness & remedies
suggested etc., is appreciable, it could still have been more methodological &
systematised presentation with more input. For example, on literacy issue, she
has taken into consideration the year 1999. To supplement it, I have studied
Census conducted by Government of India in 2011. As publicised in the census
report, literacy rate is 64.64% in 2011 census as compared to 53.67% of 2001.
Even literacy rate in rural sector also shows an increasing trend i.e, 57.93% in
2011 compared to that of 43.13% in 2001. As the awareness is directly
proportional to the literacy rate, I can very well say that feminists are more
conscious about their rights now a days.

The author further could have disseminated the fact that the principle of
gender equality is enshrined in the Indian Constitution in its Preamble,
Fundamental rights, Fundamental duties & Directive Principles. Constitution
empowers right of equality under article 14, prohibit discrimination on the
ground of sex & political rights under article 15 with special provision to
women & children under article 15(3), equal opportunity under article 16,
freedom of speech under article 19, protection of life & personal liberty under
article 21 and right to property under article 300A. Within this frame work
State adopts measures aiming towards women’s advancement in different
spheres. She could have thrown more light on the various Acts enacted by the
State. Ex. ESI Act, Plantation Labour Act, Marriage Act, Hindu Succession Act,
Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, Dowry Prohibition Act, Maternity Benefit Act,
Protection of women from Domestic Violence Act etc.

In the conclusion of the article, she puts the blame on the males for the denial
of rights to women. She gives generalized opinion about male’s denials due to
personality disorders like passiveness, suspicion, economic dependence,
domineering nature, social maturity, stressful family situations etc. Identifies
six types of denial rights ie., money, pleasure & power oriented, victim
precipitation, pathological and result of stressful family situations.

She could have given more reform oriented suggestions to resolve these male
issues. Now women being a mother is more educated & knowledgeable about
the pathological, psychological & economic impacts on the male children. It
can be counteracted at the nip of the bud.
In conclusion, it is a fact that all women wishes to have equality yet settle for
less due to unconscious bias & internalized misogyny. Distinctive Indian
women considers that feminism as some snooty & exclusive cult. Though mind
sets are changing it is not as quick & rampant as they should. Unless we know
our rights we cannot fight for them. Steps are to be taken by the Government,
educated women or NGOs to evaluate the basic concept &need of feminism,
rights of women in India and enlighten ignorant women more vigorously.
Misconception about feminism has to be evacuated from the society.


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