SRR 01

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1. Teacher's Permission: Always get your teacher's okay before entering the science
room, especially if they aren't already there.
2. No Running or Horsing Around: Science labs can get crowded with equipment, so
keep things calm and walk carefully.
3. Follow Instructions: Listen closely to your teacher's instructions for each
experiment. There might be specific steps to follow for safety reasons.
4. Report Broken Equipment: If you notice any broken glassware or malfunctioning
equipment, let your teacher know right away.
5. Clean Up After Yourself: After your experiment, clean up your work area and
dispose of materials as instructed by your teacher.
6. Treat Equipment with Care: Science equipment can be delicate, so handle it gently
and only use it for its intended purpose.
7. No Food or Drink: Keep your science experiments separate from your lunch! Eating
and drinking are not allowed in the lab.
8. Listen Up: Pay attention to your teacher's explanations and discussions.
9. Ask Questions: Curious minds are welcome in science! If you have a question, don't
hesitate to ask your teacher.

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