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In this video I learned a lot about the drugs situation here in the Philippines,why people turns to drugs

and what is the classification of drugs.We also need to know what could this drug do to our body and
course to our health. Drugs are often narcotic and addictive,and can control life in negative way. It is
important that people focus on raising awareness about the dangerous of drugs and drugs abuse.Take
note the regarding the issue of drugs education awareness is crucial in the life of people because certain
people are easily tempted.Well, for sure,a lot of us will say that temptation are hard to resist.Sometimes
curiosity may bring us to this situation.Drugs users use marijuana , shabu, etc.because they can boost
their confidence to face everyday and to have energy example to their work. Shabu is the must abuse
drug and similar effect of cocaine. Nowadays, Philippines is very rampant of drugs many teenagers uses
illegal drugs because of poverty they are force to use or deal prohibited drugs because of lack of source
of livelihood, lack of knowledge or information that illegal drugs can destroy everything and what are
the consequences that drugs comes to our lives and so many reasons why do people uses/turn to drugs
without even knowing that it can affect this to us of course, the influence of the surrounding. Friends
who have the biggest influence that the youth turn to used drugs because of ignorance. And the most
important is by the guidance of our parent to the right puth but some of parents neglected their
children because of concentrating their works and doesn't have time to their children to communicate
or talk to them. And that's the reason why young adults considered to entering prohibited drugs. And
because of that the Philippine had imposed just like The Dangerous Drug Act of 1972 was promulgated.
So I learned that Philippines is continuesly dealing with one of the most dangerous and illegal

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