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This is a body of the executive arm of government that is responsible for policy implementation. The
civil service is divided into departments called ministries. E.g Ministry of Education, Ministry of
information, Ministry of Finance etc

The political head of the Ministry at the federal level is called the Minister while at the state level is
called Commissioner.
The Administrative head of the ministry who is also the Chief Accounting Officer is the Director
General/permanent secretary.

Administrative class: This is the highest class and they are mostly Director Generals, Deputy Director
Generals, Principal Officers, etc. They are involved in policy making, advising the ministers or
commissioners, and in other areas of administration.

The professional class: They are mainly recruited as professionals of different category For example
lawyers, doctors, engineers, etc.

The executive class: They are senior executive members and They are responsible for the
implementation of government policies

The clerical class: They are Clerical assistants, typist, etc. They are involved in routine work like moving
of files from one. desk to the other, etc.

These are government establishment or enterprise set up by Act of Parliament to
provide essential services to the people eg Water Corporation, Federal Radio
Corporation of Nigeria, Nigerian Railway Corporation, Nigeria Ports Authority,
National Electric Power Authority (NEPA),etc.

public corporations are managed and supervised by board of directors,

appointed by the government for a specific period of time and the head of the
board is the chairman.

1. Political head: The minister is the over all political head of the corporation and gives policy
guidelines of the corporation
2. The chairman: He is the chairman of the administration and he is a government appointee.
3. The Board of Directors / Governing board: This is the policy making body of the corporation
and they are appointed by the government
4. The managing Director / General manager: They assist the board in the day to day
administration of the corporation

1. Workers in civil service are called civil servants While workers in public corporations are called
public servant:
2. The administrative lead of civil service is called Director General while Corporation is called
chairman board of directors
3. The remuneration of public corporation is higher and civil service is low
4. Workers in the civil service is recruited by civil service commission while that of Corporation is
appointed by the government

In government, public administration covers the ….
A. Army, Prison officers and police officers
B. Civil service, Public Corporation and Local Government
C. Ministry of Education, Health and Agriculture
D. Schools, Hospitals and Health centers

Under the 1963 constitution the local government authority were created mainly to deal with matters of
local concern eg markets, feeder roads and motor parks
In 1976 local government were made the third tier of government after the central and state

Powers of LGA
1. Make Bye-Law
2. Punish offenders ( they are tried in customary court within the set up)
3. Imposition of levy

1. Bringing Govt closer to the people
2. Local participation (opportunity for local people to participate in politics)
3. Employment
4. Community Development

1. Provision of Health centers and water
2. Naming of street
3. Registration ( Birth, Death and marriage)
4. Collection of rates, radio and television licenses

Sources of Revenue
1. Allocation from federal accounts
2. Grants
3. Imposition of levy
4. Collection of rates ( Radio, television, market shops and motor parks)
5. Commercial ventures ( transportation, recreation centers etc
6. State allocation ( 10% generated revenue is from the state govt
7. Defaulters of Bye laws ( fines )

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