Egg Drop Rubric

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Drop the Egg Project Rubric

Grading Scale A (9.0 – 10.0) B (8.0 – 8.9) C (7.0 – 7.9) D/F (0.0 – 6.9)
Brainstorming Meets all Meets most Meets some Meets no
□ Three different prototypes are criteria criteria criteria criteria.
drawn in your notebook.
□ Each diagram contains a brief
explanation of how it will
Egg Drop Criteria/Constraints Meets all Meets most Meets some Meets
□ No more than 20 8 ½in by 11in criteria. criteria criteria little/no
pieces of paper may be used. criteria.
□ Only Elmer’s glue was used on
the egg drop prototype.
□ No more than 1 meter of
string may be used on your
Egg Drop Design/Preparation Meets all Meets most Meets some Meets
□ Final design includes the criteria. criteria. criteria. little/no
dimensions, materials to be criteria.
used, and parts of the
□ A full list of materials to be
Egg Drop Testing Meets all Meets most Meets some Meets
□ A detailed explanation on how criteria. criteria. criteria. little/no
the testing went is shown. criteria.
Results/Reflection Meets all Meets most Meets some Meets
criteria. criteria. criteria. little/no
□ Results paragraph statement
gives three good observations
on what did or didn’t work for
the egg drop prototype.
□ The reflection paragraph
shows at least three ways that
the prototype design can be
improved for next time.
□ The results and reflections
show proper grammar and

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