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l,rstening paper part

l: Exam skills
i Exercises
consists of:
1a Look at the note below and predict
=: short telephone conversations what
or messages. information you-willneeO
ro rm s,,.,,ug*
to tf.," g"p"
oi otr,., (one or two words "omp-1"r"
one or two words or
o. u nr_b-J,r''|v'!s
--e gaps.
a number b Briefly discuss your ideas
'e are with a partner.
i2 gaps _ four for each c
conversation. Listen to the conversation.
rear each conversation
d Listen again and complete
:ctised similar skil ls the form
in unit 14 (on page 6BJ and
, ion page 90J. e When you have
finished, compare the
of the note with the w words
't of the
exam tests vorrr )h;t;,,, .^ :r rracr r s. wa"'il
:.on is needed, ill?:: i:*r,:,:TT:TJr", "ffi
from your predictions?

i tswers must be speilecl Message

correctly. To: Fred- pearson
. rrifying the informat,.
lon you need before you From: Henry Schuster from Accounts
::t Message: Has query about at l
'r'ing wital informat. Contains l.tems uhich
were 3

is an essent,"r ,kil
r;lJffi:iiT:.,:,1:;,", Please call him on
his 4
ln the time before
j rry to predict the the recordin;,r';;;;;, ,", 2a As you saw fror
type of:
,-.rmation required, ct th typ
which would fit in the
p re d i

" ma"T};i;i,i"l#i,"1
possibitities [: ::r#,",
- :, adjective, etc.
space, e.g. noun,
partner. .il ;';::#,1""J,y,T[
predict what type J:,* :,.
r'ai/, you focus actively of information
on what you need to Vo,]irill n""0.
There may be several possibilities.
bk Listen to th
and complete the
. .:sted exam technique gaps in.h"
: re vou listen, read c "or;i:"";rdhg
the-question When you have finished,
check that your
.,., and iclentify what sort (the message or spelling is correct.
, ,-._,. "i,;ir;;;;;,, ,",
. wil
not repeat the exact
Sales Executive ref.
::.ron. However, the o
words of the Salary: d2Z,00O I
you *.it" in' il t-::t"lt of: selling 2 .
_, ds you hear.
;::""1 *:,XJ:X,ilil:.. l:o, other
and 3
mainry at conferences

- .:mber: you should

try to spell your answers
Working with both existing
and 4
frrectly. However, there are some acceptable To try a real exam
.:itons on spelling. task, go to page 154.
.econd time you listen,
check your answers,
any changes that you
think are necessary and
for the answers you
missed the first time
.l the listening p aper has finished,
you have
: Iinte to transfer your
answers to the answer
Use this time to
check that your answer
- grammatically, fi ts fits the
with the meanin g and
- . :ire spelled it correctly. that

Exam skills and Exam

practice 153
Listening Paper Part 1: Exam practice
Ouestions 1-12
o You will hear three telephone conversations or messages'
r Write one or two words or a number in the numbered spaces on the notes or
forms below
. You will hear each recording twice.

@''', Conversation 1 (Ouestions 1-4)

. Look at the notes below.
. you will hear a customer, lVark Fletch, calling a delivery company about payment for a delivery

Phone conversation with N/lark Fletch
Company: Kingstonelnc.
Re: collection of boxes from Kingstone's Northfield (1) this morning

. The items are going to Kingstone's (2) in seaport Business Park'

. Send the invoice to Kingstone's (3) .. . Department.
. Don't forget the agreed (4)

@ru Conversation 2 (Ouestions 5-8)

. Look at the notes below.
o you will hear a training manager leaving a message about a recent course for the HR department of a large

For: Joanna Brown, HR
From: Ron lVlarkham, Training lt/anager
Re: Training weekends a month ago
o Ron rang about the course his company ran on (5)
. Please can participants send in their (6)
. He wanted to know about how the workshop on (7) .. . went'
o The next course will be about (8) . . .

@rt Conversation 3 (Ouestions 9-12)

a Look at the notes below,
o you will heara woman leaving a message for her colleague about some changes to a schedule.

Telephone message
To: Lars
From: Katrina
Subiect: Planning meeting

1 A problem occurred with the K26 during the ($ .. .. .. of the new components
2 The IVID's decided to (10) . . for a few weeks.
3 He wanted to use the assembly line to (1'l) of another product'
Please bring a summary of (12) . . to the next meeting'

154 Exam skills and Exam Practice

- sillening Paper Parl2: Exam skills al-L L=. ; can-paigl candioates
?a,r'r 2 consists of: vu, i!or,rvr rrpY oeductions delivery
payslip post program systems
. Sesfion 1: five short monologues (1-5), each of which target audience vacancy warehouse
- -sr be matched with one option from a list of eight
A an advertising executive
. !.:rion 2: nve other short monologues [1-5), each of B a transport manager
- - , :rust be matched with one option from a list of C a salary clerk
- . ..-HJ. D a software engineer
-.=:: :ach set of monologues twice. E a recruitment officer

. :-.-:rised slmilar skills in Unit 14 (page 68) and

Z @x Listen to these three speakers. Each one is
talking about someone they have to meet. Can you
-' page 88). infer who they will meet? Choose from the list of
' : :iil oi the exam tests your ability to: jobs in Exercise 1.

' -: -_-, Speaker 1:

. -r:.rstand the general ldea of what the speaker is Speaker 2:
::'. .ng (the actual words of the correct answer will Speaker 3:
-r be said)
. .:iognlse functions such as complaining, greeting,
3 Match these sentences (1-7) with the functions
they express (a-S) below.
..-:ologising, etc., topics and contexts (e.g. who is
.. eaklng, or what the situation is). 1 I wonder if you could pop down to the bank for
me later today.
Inferring 2 ['m fed up with being given all the most boring
jobs to do round this office.
3 I'm so sorry for ali the inconvenience. I'11 make
..\le sure it doesn't happen again.
Seen 4 Well, you see, we've got to upgrade the system, so
I'm afraid the computers will be down all weekend.
5 Why don't you see if Gray Associates will do it?
assistant (PA). They've always given us good results in the past.
6 I'm telling you. We don't know if that program is
compatible. If you install it, the whole system may
Suggested exam technique crash.
1 Read the options, underlining the key ideas, even if 7 Good morning. I was wanting some information
the key idea is the whole phrase. about flights to Hanover ... oh, and hotels as well.
2 Think quickly how each option might be expressed.
a apologising e requesting
3 While you listen, note down any vocabulary which
b complaining f suggesting
gives you clues.
c enquirlng g warning
4 Write your answers in pencil the first time you listen.
d explaining
Cross out the three letters in options A-H that do not
fit any of the questions (i.e. the three 'extra' optionsJ. 4 a Work in pairs. How might someone express
Use the second time to check and complete your each of these functions?
answers. A apologise for a mistake
Exercises B offer a discount
C demand a refund
1 lf you were listening, which of the words in the box D recommend a training course
would'you associate with each of the jobs in the E suggest an alternative solution
next column (A-E)?
b & Listen to three people speaking on the
telephone. What is the main reason for their
phone call? Choose one of the letters A-E.

To try a real exam task, go to page 156

Exam skills and Exam practice 155

Listening Paper Parl2: Exam practice
Ouestions 13-22
@2, Section 7 (Ouestions 73*17)
o You will hear five short recordings. Five people are talking about why they did a course.
. For each recording, decide the reason the speaker gives for doing the course,
o Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording.
o Do not use any letter more than once.
. You will hear the five recordinos twice.

A lt was taught by a well-known lecturer.

B lt was very reasonably priced.
13 .. C lt was designed to teach up-to-date computing skills
14 ... ..
D lt used the latest technology.
16 E lt was chosen by a line manager.
17 F lt was designed to meet individual requirements.
G It was being offered in a nearby location.
H lt was useful for people new to business.

@r, Section 2 (Ouestions 18-22)

o You will hear another five recordings. Five people are talking about ways to promote products
o For each recording, declde what the speaker is recommending.
r Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording.
o Do not use any letter more than once,
. You will hear the five recordings twice.

A conducting some market research

B planning a new commercial
18 C giving some discounts
D organising a mailshot
21 E launching an economy line
22 F negotiating a sponsorship deal
G publishing information on the lnternet
H offering a free sample product

156 Exam skills and Exam practice

Listening Paper Part 3: Exam skills Exercise
:.:rt 3 consists of: 1 a You are going to hear an interview with Frances
. .r interview, discussion or conversation with two or Greene whose company supplies cosmetics
::rore speakers or a presentation or report with iust to hairdressers and beauty salons. Before you
rne speaker. listen:
. :ight multiple-choice questions where you must o underline the key words in these questions
:hoose A, B or C. o check with a partner, and then discuss how
.:u practised similar skills in Unit 6 (page 30) and in Frances might express each option in the
questions using other words.
-.:it 18 (page 87J.
- -tis part of the exam tests your ability to fo11ow a longer b k Listen and answer these questions.
.stening task, understanding the main points of what 1 How does Frances measure customer
.'re speakers say and listening for specific information. satisfaction in her business?
A She employs a market research firm.
Multiple-choice questions in the Listening paper B She carries out regular surveys.
Each question has three options. One is the correct C She maintains informal contacts with all
answer, the others are 'distractors'. You have to her customers.
distinguish the relevant information from the 2 What is the most common problem she has
distractors. Be careful when you listen, because the with customers?
speakers will usually mention something connected A They are late PaYing for goods.
r,vith the distractors. You must be alert in order to B They demand higher quality than she can
decide that they are the wrong answers. give.
C They only buy at certain times of the year.
Suggested exam technique 3 What is her most effective marketing tool?
A word of mouth
1 Use the pause between hearing the instructions and
B her website
listening to the recording to:
r read each question and underline the key ideas C direct mail
r quickly read the options A-C for the first few c Check in the transcript to see how each option
questions and think how these might be expressed. is discussed and which one is correct.
2 The speaker will probably say something about all
To try a real exam task, go to Page 158
three options. Listen carefully to discard the wrong
3 Remember: the speakers may not use the same words
as are used in the questions - you will have to listen
for the same meaning.
4 Use the pause between listening the first time and
listening the second time to check the questions
which give you problems.
5 The Listening paper needs a lot of concentration.
Make sure you keep concentrating hard until the
end of the paper!

Exam skills and Exam Practice 157

Exam practice
Listening Paper Part 3:

and views of management' for the correct answer'
one letter (A' B or C)
. For each question Zs-3i''"'x
. twice'
You will hear the recording I

in management was
leading a company through
23 Elaine's best experience \
A restructuring' I
B Privatisation' I

C flotation' I

growth of
the full impact of the 1

24 Elalnesays she failed to foresee I

A global exPansion' i
B micro marketing'
c personal comPuting
finalising a deal? t
25 What prevented Elaine from I

A failure to agree terms I

B external intervention I

c economic downturn
Elaine disagree with?
26 Which established view does
A lnnovation guarantees
B The customer is alwaYs
c Teamwork improves qualitY'
will dominate business in the future?
27 What does Elaine believe
A environmental concerns
B internet activitY
c brand loYaltY

A technical knowledge'
B interPersonal skills'
c own training.
Peter Drucker for the way
29 Elaine says she admires
A recommendedpositiveapproaches'
B dealt with practical considerations'
G exPlained comPlextheories'
focuses most often on
30 ln running GoTech' Elaine
A co-oPeration'
B measurements'
C valueformoney'

158 Exam skills and Exam Practice

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