CK2 SFE Answers

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Starter Unit 6 dining room d 7 corridor c

8 library g
Vocabulary | Reach higher
1 1 jacket e 2 trainers b
Vocabulary | Support 2 1 in front of 2 behind 3 sweater c 4 dress a
3 between 4 next to 5 trousers h 6 jeans f
1 a eleven b twelve
c thirteen d fourteen
e fifteen f sixteen
Unit 2 7
2 1
T-shirt g 8 skirt d
skirt a 2 T-shirt d
g seventeen h eighteen Support | Vocabulary 3 dress b 4 jacket c
i nineteen j twenty
1 1 b 2 d 3 a 4 c 5 e
2 1 Monday 2 Tuesday
3 Wednesday 4 Thursday
6 h 7 f
2 1 sofa 2
8 g
cooker 3 bed
Unit 4
5 Friday 6 Saturday
7 Sunday 4 shower 5 fridge Vocabulary | Support
Vocabulary | Consolidate 1 1 a 2 d 3 b 4 c 5 e
Vocabulary | Consolidate 6 h 7 g 8 f
1 a eleven b twelve 1 1 hall 2 kitchen 3 garage 2 1 earrings 2 wig 3 necklace
c thirteen d fourteen 4 garden 5 attic 4 glasses 5 crown
e fifteen f sixteen 6 living room 7 bedroom
g seventeen h eighteen 8 bathroom Vocabulary | Consolidate
i nineteen j twenty e d u a p a b n b z
1 1 dark hair 2 straight hair
2 1 Monday 2 Tuesday g a r a g e a l e x 3 beard 4 long hair
3 Wednesday 4 Thursday f t i q d w t o d n 5 short hair 6 curly hair
5 Friday 6 Saturday y t c l f t h c r r 7 moustache 8 fair hair
7 Sunday l i v i n g r o o m 2 1 glasses 2 wig 3 earrings
s c i k u j o c o m 4 necklace 5 crown
Vocabulary | Reach higher
b w j l k f o j m u
1 a thirteen b eleven Vocabulary | Reach higher
g a r d e n m a f v
c fourteen d fifteen 1 1 moustache, dark hair
e twelve f nineteen c k i t c h e n y h
2 long hair 3 straight hair
g eighteen h sixteen h a l l n x f w c x
4 fair hair 5 curly hair
2 1 Monday 2 Tuesday 2 1 sofa 2 cooker 3 bed 6 short hair, beard
3 Wednesday 4 Thursday 4 shower 5 fridge 2
5 Friday 6 Saturday e d u a p a b n b z
7 Sunday Vocabulary | Reach higher g l a s s e s l a e
f t i q d w i g d a
1 1 attic 2 bedroom
y t c l f t h c r r
Unit 1 3 bathroom 4 garden
5 living room 6 hall l i r i n g r o o r
Vocabulary | Support 7 kitchen 8 garage s c o k u j o c o i
2 1 bed e 2 sofa d 3 fridge c b n w a i w q x e n
1 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 d 5 g
4 cooker a 5 shower b g a n d e n m a f g
6 h 7 e 8 f
c n e c k l a c e s
2 1 behind 2 between
3 in front of 4 next to Unit 3 h a l l
1 crown 2 necklace
n x f w c x

Vocabulary | Consolidate Vocabulary | Support 3 earrings 4 wig 5 glasses

1 1 corridor 2 library 1 1 dress 2 trainers 3 sweater
3 classroom 4 playground
5 toilet 6 gym 7 computer
4 skirt 5 jacket 6 jeans
7 T-shirt 8 trousers
Unit 5
room 8 dining room 2 a 3 b 2 c 1 d 4 Vocabulary | Support
2 1 behind the bin. 2 in front of
the computer. 3 between the Vocabulary | Consolidate 1 1 c 2 h 3 g 4 a
books. 4 next to the pencil 5 f 6 d 7 e 8 b
1 1 dress 2 trainers 3 sweater 2 1 comic d 2 board game b
4 skirt 5 jacket 6 jeans 3 guitar a 4 model c
Vocabulary | Reach higher 7 T-shirt 8 trousers
2 1 new 2 clean 3 dirty 4 old Vocabulary | Consolidate
1 1 playground h 2 gym b
3 classroom a 4 toilet e 1 1 play c 2 go a 3 do e
5 computer room f 4 swim d 5 play h 6 climb f
7 play g 8 sail b

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2 1 make a model 2 play the

guitar 3 read a comic
Grammar | Reach higher Unit 3
1 1 Who’s, That’s my brother.
4 play a board game
2 Who’s that? That’s my sister. Grammar | Support
Vocabulary | Reach higher 3 Who’s, That’s my cat. 1 1 What, I’m wearing b
4 Who’s that? That’s my cousin. 2 What, I’m wearing c
1 1 basketball c 2 play h 2 1 Where’s the cat? on c 3 What are, I’m wearing d
3 sail b 4 swim, lake d 2 Where’s the rabbit? under a 4 What are you, I’m wearing a
5 go, walk a 6 tree f 3 Where’s the hamster? in b 2 1 is 2 are 3 are 4 is
7 play, tennis g 8 do e
2 1 play the guitar 2 read a Grammar | Consolidate
comic 3 play a board game
4 make a model
Unit 1 1 1 What, I’m wearing a dress.
Grammar | Support 2 wearing, I’m wearing a
Unit 6 1 1 2 3 4
jacket. 3 you wearing, I’m
wearing trainers. 4 What are,
Vocabulary | Support 2 1 Yes, he is. 2 Yes, she is. wearing, I’m wearing trousers.
3 No, he isn’t. 4 Yes, she is. 2 1 My trainers are old. d
1 1 safari 2 funfair 3 village
4 mountains 5 aquarium 2 My sweater is new. a
Grammar | Consolidate 3 My trousers are dirty. c
6 skate 7 water 8 beach
1 1 isn’t 2 is 3 isn’t 4 is 4 My skirt is clean. b
2 1 by bus 2 by boat 3 by
train 4 on foot 5 by car 2 1 Yes, he is. 2 No, he isn’t.
Grammar | Reach higher
3 No, she isn’t. 4 Yes, she is.
Vocabulary | Consolidate 1 1 What are, I’m wearing
Grammar | Reach higher 2 What are you, I’m wearing
1 1 safari park 2 funfair
1 1 She isn’t 2 She’s 3 He’s 3 What are you wearing?
3 village 4 mountains
4 He isn’t I’m wearing 4 What are
5 aquarium 6 skate park
you wearing? I’m wearing
7 water park 8 beach 2 1 No, she isn’t. 2 No, he isn’t.
3 Yes, he is. 4 Yes, she is. 2 1 My jeans are dirty. c 2 My
2 1 by car 2 by bus 3 by
skirt is new. d 3 My sweater
train 4 on foot 5 by boat
is old. b 4 My trainers are
Vocabulary | Reach higher Unit 2 clean. a

1 1 safari park 2 funfair Grammar | Support

3 village 4 mountains
5 aquarium 6 skate park 1 1 There’s 2 There are
Unit 4
7 water park 8 beach 3 There are 4 There’s Grammar | Support
2 1 I go by boat. d 2 I go by 5 There’s 6 There’s
1 1 He’s got 2 He hasn’t got
train. a 3 I go by bus. e 2 1 No, it isn’t. 2 Yes, it is.
3 He’s got 4 She’s got
4 I go on foot. b 5 I go by car. c 3 Yes, it is. 4 Yes, it is.
5 She hasn’t got
5 No, it isn’t.
6 She hasn’t got

Starter Unit Grammar | Consolidate 2 1 Has / Yes, he has.

2 Has, got / No, he hasn’t.
1 1 There’s b 2 There are a 3 Has, got / No, she hasn’t.
Grammar | Support 3 There’s a 4 There’s b 4 Has, got / Yes, she has.
1 1 cousin 2 sister 3 brother 5 There are b 6 There’s a
4 dog 2 1 Is the bed in the bedroom? Grammar | Consolidate
2 1 b 2 c 3 a Yes, it is. 2 Is the fridge in the
1 1 has got 2 has got
bathroom? No, it isn’t.
3 hasn’t got 4 has got
Grammar | Consolidate 3 Is the sofa in the living room?
5 hasn’t got 6 hasn’t got
Yes, it is. 4 Is the shower in
1 1 Who’s, That’s c 2 Who’s, 2 1 Has, got / Yes, he has.
the garden? Yes, it is.
That’s d 3 Who’s, That’s a 2 Has, got / No, she hasn’t.
4 that, That’s b Grammar | Reach higher 3 Has, got / Yes, she has.
2 1 Where’s, on 2 Where’s, 4 Has, got / No, he hasn’t.
under 3 Where’s, in 1 1 There’s a 2 There are two
3 There’s a 4 There’s a Grammar | Reach higher
5 There’s a 6 There are three
1 1 He hasn’t got 2 She hasn’t
2 1 Is, is 2 Is, isn’t 3 Is, No, it
got 3 He’s got 4 She hasn’t
isn’t. 4 Is, No, it isn’t. 5 Is, No,
got 5 He hasn’t got
it isn’t.
6 She’s got 7 He’s got
8 She’s got
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2 1 Has, got / No, he hasn’t.

2 Has, got / Yes, she has.
2 1
Do you go to the / Yes, I do.
Do you go to the / No, I don’t.
Unit 2
3 Has, got / Yes, he has. 3 Do you go to the / Yes, I do. Skills | Support
4 Has, got / No, she hasn’t. 4 Do you go to the / No, I don’t.
1 b
Grammar | Reach higher 2 1 big small 2 fabric stone
Unit 5 1 Pupils’ own answers.
3 straw wood
3 Pupil 1 asks Where do you live?
Grammar | Support 2 1 Do you go to the village by
Pupil 2 points to a picture
boat? No, I don’t. 2 Do you
1 1 want to 2 don’t want to and answers I live in a (flat).
go to the mountains by train?
3 don’t want to 4 want to Pupils take turns asking and
Yes, I do. 3 Do you go to the
5 don’t want to 6 want to answering.
beach by car? No, I don’t.
2 1 Do you / Yes, please. 4 Do you go to the skate park
2 Do you / No, thank you. on foot? Yes, I do.
3 want to / Yes, please.
Skills | Consolidate
4 want to / No, thank you. 1 1 b 2 c 3 a

Grammar | Consolidate
Unit 1 2 1 house 2 big 3 wood /
straw 4 straw / wood
Skills | Support
1 1 want to 2 don’t want to 3 Pupil 1 points to a picture and
3 don’t want to 4 don’t want 1 1 2 3 4 5 asks Where do you live? Pupil 2
to 5 want to 6 want to 2 1 c 2 b 3 a 4 d answers I live in a (house). It’s
2 1 Do you / Yes, please. 3 Pupil 1 points to a picture and made of (wood). Pupils take
2 Do you / No, thank you. asks Can I go to (the toilet), turns pointing, asking and
3 want to / No, thank you. please? Pupil 2 answers Yes, answering.
4 want to / Yes, please. you can. Pupils take turns
pointing, asking and answering.
Skills | Reach higher
Grammar | Reach higher 1 1 2 3 4
1 1 c I want to 2 e I don’t want 5 6
to 3 d I don’t want to Skills | Consolidate 2 Pupils’ own answers.
4 a I want to 5 f I want to 1 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 e 5 d 3 Pupil 1 points to a house and
6 b I don’t want to asks Where do you live? Pupil 2
2 1 put 2 line 3 play
2 1 Do you want to make a 4 wash 5 listen answers I live in a (house). It’s
model? Yes, please. 2 Do you made of (wood). Pupil 1 asks
3 1 d 2 c 3 b 4 a
want to read a comic? No, Is it (small)? Pupil 2 answers
thank you. 3 Do you want to Pupils match the speech No, it isn’t. It’s (big). Pupils
play the guitar? Yes, please. bubbles to the artwork. Pupil 1 take turns pointing, asking
4 Do you want to play a board points to picture d and asks Can and answering.
game? No, thank you. I come in, please? Pupils take
turns asking and answering.
Unit 3
Unit 6 Skills | Reach higher Skills | Support
Grammar | Support 1 1 Line up. c 2 Put your hand 1 1 Pupils draw a dress, sunhat
1 1 True 2 False 3 False up. b 3 Play nicely. e and sunglasses. 2 Pupils draw
4 True 5 True 6 False 4 Wash your hands. a trousers, trainers and a jacket.
2 1 Do you go / Yes, I do. 2 Do 5 Listen to others. d 2 1 cold 2 jacket 3 hat
you go / Yes, I do. 3 Do you 2 1 play 2 line 3 wash 4 head
go / No, I don’t. 4 Do you go / 4 listen 5 put 3 Pupil 1 points to picture a and
No, I don’t. 3 Pupil 1 points to picture a and says Put on your (scarf) and
asks Can I come in, please? then mimes the action. Pupil
Grammar | Consolidate Pupil 2 answers Yes, you can. 2 points to picture b and says
1 1 I go to the mountains in Welcome. Pupil 2 points to Take off your (jacket) and then
summer. 2 I don’t go to the picture b and asks Can I (go mimes the action. Pupils take
beach in winter. 3 I don’t go to the toilet), please? Pupil 2 turns pointing, saying and
to the skate park in winter. answers Yes, you can. Go on! acting out.
4 I go to the funfair in summer. Pupils take turns pointing,
asking and answering.

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Skills | Consolidate 3 Pupil 1 points to picture a and 2 Pupils’ own answers.

asks Can you (dance)? Pupil 2 3 1 b 2 a 3 d 4 c
1 1 2 3 4
answers I’m brave. Yes, I can Pupils act out the mini
5 6
do that and then mimes dialogues. Pupil 1 points to the
2 1 spring, rains, boots the action. The pupils take
2 winter, windy, jacket boy in b or d and asks Whose
turns asking, answering and turn is it? Pupil 2 points to
3 Pupil 1 says It’s (hot and acting out. the girl in pictures a or c and
sunny) and then mimes the
answers It’s (my / your) turn.
weather. Pupil 2 says Take off
Unit 5 Pupils take turns asking and
your ( jacket) and then mimes
the action. Pupils take turns
talking about the weather and Skills | Support
acting out. 1 Unit 6
Skills | Reach higher Skills | Support
1 1 d 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 c 6 b
1 1 1 2 3 4

2 1 it’s very cold 2 I wear a 2 1 by bike 2 by bus
hat 3 it’s rainy 4 to protect 3 by underground train
my feet 5 I wear a jacket
3 Pupil 1 points to a place in the
3 Pupil 1 says It’s (cold and picture and asks Where’s the
windy) and then mimes the (funfair)? Using the key, Pupil 2
weather. Pupil 2 says Take off
your (sunhat). Put on your
( jacket). and then mimes the
2 3 gives directions: (Go straight on.
Turn left.) The (funfair’s) there.
Pupils take turns pointing,
actions. Pupils take turns asking and giving directions.
talking about the weather and 2 1 play the piano 2 play
acting out. football 3 play table tennis
4 dance
Skills | Consolidate
3 Pupils act out the mini
Unit 4 dialogues. Pupil 1 points to a 1 1 ferry 2 bike 3 coach
picture and asks Whose turn 4 underground train
Skills | Support is it? Pupil 2 answers It’s (my) 2 1 mountains by bus
1 1 b 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 b turn. Pupils take turns asking 2 aquarium on foot
2 1 circle 2 ovals 3 Draw and answering. 3 beach by bike
4 rub out 5 Colour 3 Pupil 1 points to a place in
Skills | Consolidate the picture and asks Where’s
3 Pupil 1 points to a picture and
asks Can you (swim)? Pupil 1 1 skeleton 2 muscles the (funfair)? Pupil 2 gives
2 answers Yes, I can do that. 3 bones 4 joints directions: (Go straight on.
Pupils take turns asking and 2 1 bones and muscles in my Turn left.) The (funfair’s) there.
answering. hands / d 2 bones and Pupils take turns pointing,
muscles in my feet and legs / b asking and giving directions.
3 joint that connects my arm to
Skills | Consolidate my hand / c 4 all my bones,
joints and muscles / a Skills | Reach higher
1 a 4 b 5 c 2 d 3 e 1
3 1 b 2 a 1 1 ferry 2 bike 3 coach
2 1 circle 2 line 3 oval
Pupils act out the mini 4 underground train
4 Rub out 5 Colour
dialogues. Pupil 1 points to a 2 Pupils’ own answers.
3 Pupil 1 points to a picture and
picture and asks Whose turn 3 Pupil 1 points to a place in
asks Can you (ride a horse)?
is it? Pupil 2 answers It’s (my) the picture and asks Where’s
Pupil 2 answers Yes, I can do
turn. Pupils take turns asking the (skate park)? Pupil 2 gives
that and mimes the action.
and answering. directions: (Go straight on.
The pupils take turns asking,
answering and acting out. Then turn right.) The (skate
park’s) there. Pupil 1 says OK.
Skills | Reach higher Let’s go! Pupils take turns
Skills | Reach higher 1 1 skeleton 2 bones pointing, asking for and giving
3 Joints 4 hands directions.
1 a 4 b 5 c 2 d 3 e 1
5 feet 6 Muscles
2 1 Draw a circle. 2 Draw a line. a skeleton b muscles
3 Draw an oval. 4 Rub out c bones d joints
the line. 5 Colour the circle.
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