Progress Report - CaloFruit CH2-PS132!1!2

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Progress Report

Product-based Capstone Project

● Please make a copy of this document (do not ask for edit permissions)
● Discuss with your team prior to filling up this doc so that the content of this progress
is the same across all team members.
● Replace the highlighted part of this proposal with your team’s answers.
● See the limits of each answer below. You may exceed one page if necessary.
Maximum 2 pages.
● Submit this document individually to this form

Project Name : CaloFruit

Team ID : CH2-PS132
Team Member :
1. (ML) M239BSY0166 – Michael Wibisono – Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana - [Active]
2. (ML) M239BSY0167 – Arviko Praditya Ady Purwobaskoro – Universitas Kristen Duta
Wacana - [Active]
3. (ML) M312BSY1248 – Ryan Ramadhana – Universitas Sebelas Maret - [Active]
4. (CC) C183BSY3730 – Yusuf Aly Akbar Wicaksono – Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta -
5. (CC) C615BSY3826 – Alex Riyanto – Universitas Janabadra - [Active]
6. (MD) A239BSY2706 – Secondio Prawiro – Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana - [Active]
7. (MD) A256BSY2457 – Alfa Nashiha – Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon - [Active]

Project Schedule (based on project plan):

1 2 3 4 5
Progress Report
Product-based Capstone Project

Data Collecting

Data Exploration

Data Pre-processing

Data Modeling


Design UI

Implement Design

Implement Model

Implement APIs

Implement View Model


Development Backend
Progress Report
Product-based Capstone Project

Design Cloud
Architecture for

Preparing Continue
Environment with
Cloud Run

CC Deployment Model
Machine Learning

Deployment Backend

Testing Deployed

Setup dashboard for

monitoring cloud

Project Progress Description:

ML learning path has completed the task of searching for a dataset and exploring it. Currently,
we are working on pre-processing the data, designing the model architecture using a
pre-trained model, and trying pre-trained models such as VGG16, Resnet 50, etc. one by one
Progress Report
Product-based Capstone Project
to achieve the highest accuracy. We have decided to use pre-trained models due to our small
dataset. However, we have not yet started saving and deploying the model.

CC learning path has completed the task of creating a virtual machine for the server and is
now cleared to make an API backend app. We are currently working on creating APIs for Model
ML and Model MD. We have not yet started deploying the application on GCP, deploying Model
Machine Learning, and deploying Model Mobile Development. We need to wait for the ML
Learning path to give us the model.

MD learning path has completed the task of creating an application logo, wireframe design,
integrating wireframe into UI/UX, and creating a UI/UX Prototype. Currently, we are working on
slicing UI and integrating it with android apps. However, we have not yet started implementing
API and testing. We need to wait for the CC Learning Path to give us the API.

If the complete capstone is 100%, tell us how many percent of your group's project has
been completed. Please describe the reason for your percentage.
At the time of reporting, project progress should have reached at least 50% of the total
project scope
Our capstone project is currently around 50% complete. We have already gathered the
necessary dataset and are currently designing the model architecture for our model. We also
have our logo and UI/UX prototype ready, but we are still integrating it with our android
application. Additionally, we have set up our virtual machine for our server and backend, and
are currently working on our API ML Model and MD Model. We recently had a mentoring
session with our technical advisor, who provided us with some recommendations to help us
solve the problems we are currently facing such as pre-processing and labeling data.
Please attach your supporting evidence.

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