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Islamic education

STAI- YAPTIP West Pasaman



Hadiatul khoiroh , Uni sakiah

YAPTIP West Pasaman Islamic College (STAI).

J. Bundo Kanduong, Simpang Empat, West Pasaman


This journal contains a discussion of learning strategies for enforcing rules

through learning. Learning strategies are the steps taken by teachers to utilize
existing resources to achieve learning goals effectively and efficiently. PAI
learning strategies are traditional strategies, free strategies, reflective strategies
and internal strategies. The method used in this journal is a qualitative
descriptive method, with a library research approach. Based on the discussion in
this journal, it can be concluded that a method is an organized and well thought
out way to achieve a goal. In practice, use This habituation method is carried out
gradually. For example, in coaching prayer services. In the first stage, children
are introduced with form obligation in Islamic sharia, viz invited to pray. Way It
is good for children to get used to praying in congregation, after that children
begin to be introduced to the conditions for the validity of the prayer, its pillars
and prohibitions. The habituation method is carried out by training children
every day. Training means giving children special lessons or guidance to prepare
them for future occurrences of problems. Using this method requires practice
because by continuing to practice, you will get used to doing good things so that
it makes an impression on your child.
Keywords: Strategy, Learning, Practice
Islamic education
STAI- YAPTIP West Pasaman

A. Introduction
One of the efforts to realize character education is that students must be
provided with special education that carries the main mission of developing
noble morals. The issuance of Law Number. 20 of 2003 concerning the national
education system, reaffirms the function and goals of our national education. In
article 3, it is emphasized that national education functions to develop abilities
and shape the character and civilization of a dignified nation in order to educate
the nation's life, aiming to develop the potential of students to become human
beings who believe in and are devoted to God Almighty, have noble character,
are healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become
democratic and responsible citizens.
Religious education carries out a very noble mission in the development
of this nation. One effort that can be made to improve education is to build a
culture of noble morals among students. The activities of cultivating noble
morals are carried out in order to realize the goals of Islamic religious education
so that they can be realized in everyday life as the goals expected from Islamic
Letter Al Ahzab verse 21yang It means : Actually there has been Rosul
himself is a good role model. Referring to the verses mentioned above, education
has a very important role in shaping behavior, because morality is an instinct
(garizah) that humans are born with.
The goals of habituation in Islamic religious education include, as stated
by Al-Ghazali, every action Good Which already become habit, so morals That
Good will be imprinted in him. From this we can understand the secret behind
the Shari'a's command to do good, namely in order to change the heart from a
bad form (character) to a good one, even though someone does it with difficulty
and force, it will still make an impression on him and become part of his identity.

B. Theoritical review
1. Understanding Habituation
Islamic education
STAI- YAPTIP West Pasaman

Etymologically, the origin of the word habit is normal. In the

Indonesian dictionary, ordinary is usual or common, as always, and is
something that cannot be separated from everyday life. So habituation can be
interpreted as the process of making something/someone get used to it. Djaali
stated that habituation is a way of acting that is acquired through repeated
learning, which ultimately becomes permanent and automatic. 1According to
education experts Edward Lee Thoorndike and Ivan Pavlov, habituation as
well as role modeling is something that is really needed in education because
psychologically the reason underlying the importance of habituation is that
knowledge, education and behavior carried out by humans are generally
obtained according to their habits.
According to Thorndike's learning theory, namely association theory,
is the relationship between stimulus and response. This relationship becomes
stronger if it is repeated frequently and the appropriate response is by giving
rewards in the form of food or praise or other means that provide a feeling of
satisfaction and pleasure. 2Meanwhile, in Ivan Pavlov's theory, human
conditioning produces a response, or operant (an utterance or activity that
operates on the basis of the environment), the operant is learned through
reinforcement. This theory explains how various response tendencies are
achieved through learning. If the response is followed by a beneficial
consequence or also called reinforcement, then the response is strengthened
and if the response produces negative consequences or punishment, then the
response will weaken. Positive habits that are instilled in children
continuously or continuously will be able to develop good character and
character. 4According to al Ghazali, habituation is a method used to get a
child or person used to behaving and acting according to religious guidance.

Nurul Ihsani, Nina Kurniah, et al, "The Relationship between Habituation Methods in
Learning and Early Childhood Discipline", 2018.
Ali Makki, "Getting to Know the Figure of Edward Lee Thorndike's Flow of
Functionalism in Learning Theory", PANCAWAHANA: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol.14, No.1,
April 2019, (2019)
Haslinda, "Classical Conditioning", Network Media Journal Vol: 2 No. 1, (2019).
Imas Jihan Syah, "The Habituation Method as an Effort to Cultivate Children's Discipline
in the Implementation of Worship (Study of the Prophetic Hadith Concerning Commands for
Teaching Children to Perform Prayers)", Lamongan Islamic University Indonesia, (2018)
Islamic education
STAI- YAPTIP West Pasaman

Armai Arief said that habituation is a method that can be used to accustom
students or someone to think, behave and act in accordance with the guidance
of Islamic teachings. 6In general, the definition of habituation can be
interpreted as a method that can be used to accustom students to think, behave
and act in accordance with the demands of Islamic teachings.7
Habituation is a very important educational method. To develop
someone to have commendable qualities, it is not possible with just an
explanation of understanding, so you need to get him used to doing good
things. It is hoped that later he will have these qualities and stay away from
despicable qualities. 20 A person who already has certain habits will be able
to carry them out well. easy and happy. Even things that have become habits
at a young age are difficult to change and will continue until old age.
So Muhubin Syah stated that the aim of implementing habituation is
none other than to form a good habit, which habit will not remain in a child if
it is not done repeatedly so that an action is carried out without him planning
it. And on this basis, it is necessary to carry out habituation methods in
cultivating the character of a student so that they have good traits or habits.
Habituation is an activity that is carried out continuously in a child's
daily life so that it becomes a good habit. This habit includes aspects of moral
development, religious values, morals, socio-emotional development and
independence. Positive habits from an early age can have a positive influence
on the future.8
Novan Ardy Wiyani stated that habituation is considered very
effective when applied to early childhood. This is because young children
have strong memory records and immature personality conditions, so they are
easy to regulate with the various habits they carry out every day. 9Habituation
Abu Muhammad Iqbal, "Al Ghazali's Concept of Thought on Education", (Madiun: East
Java, 2013), 246
Siti Aisyah, "Implementation of Habituation Methods to Develop Students' Religious
Character in Moral Learning at SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Sambi Boyolali", Muhammadiyah
University of Surakarta, (2015).
M. Habibur Rohman, 'The Effect of the Habit of Reading the Qur'an Every Morning on
Students' Mental Readiness for Learning at Kyai Hasyim Tenggilis Middle School, Surabaya',
UIN Sunan Ampel, (2019)
Mohammed Noer Cholifudin Zuhri, "Studies About Effectiveness Tadarus The Qur'an in
Coaching Morals in Middle School 8 Yogyakarta," Scholar, Vol 11 NO 1 (June 2013), 118
Nova Ardy Wiyani, Psychology Development Child Age Early (Yogyakarta: Gava Media,
Islamic education
STAI- YAPTIP West Pasaman

done from an early age will bring these hobbies and habits into a kind of
custom so that they become an inseparable part of their personality.10
According to Sapendi, habituation is an activity of doing the same
things over and over again seriously. objective strengthen or perfect
something Skills to get used to it. In other words, habituation is a way of
educating children by instilling a habitual process.11
Habit can be interpreted as a method in education in the form of a
process of cultivating habits. The essence of habituation is repetition. If
Teacher every enter class say regards, This can be interpreted as an effort to
get used to it. 12The habituation method is a form of education that is carried
out in stages and makes habituation an educational technique that is carried
out by getting used to good qualities as a routine. The result of habituation is
the creation of a habit for students.
According to the author, habituation is anything that is done repeatedly to
get individuals used to behaving, behaving and thinking correctly. The process
of habituation is based on experience, while what is used is something that is
2. Understanding Method Habituation
Etymologically, method comes from the word method, which means a
systematic way of working to facilitate the implementation of activities to
achieve a goal. 13Etymologically, habituation comes from the word "usual" in
the Big Indonesian Dictionary, "usual" is 1). Common or common, 2). As
usual, 3). It is something that is inseparable from everyday life. So habituation
can be interpreted as the process of making something or someone become
accustomed to it. By carrying out these habits, students can think positively,
know good and bad behavior, and can control their actions so that they
comply with the provisions taught. Habit is something that is deliberately

2014), 195
Nurul Ihsani, et. al., "Connection Method Habituation in Learning with Early Childhood
Discipline", Potentia scientific journal, Vol 3 No 1 (2018), 50-51
Sapendi, "Internalisation Values Moral Religion On Child Age Early", At-Turats, Vol 9
No 2 (December 2015), 27
Ahmad Interpretation, Knowledge Education Islam in Perspective Islam (Bandung:
Rosdakarya Youth, 2010), 144
Ahmad Munjin Nasih and Lilik Nur Kholidah, Methods and Techniques for Learning
Islamic Religious Education, (Bandung: PT Refika Aditama, 2013), p. 19
Islamic education
STAI- YAPTIP West Pasaman

done repeatedly so that something can become a habit. Habituation means

experience while getting used to is something that is practiced because of it.
The description of habituation is always one with the description of the need
to practice the goodness that is known.
Habituation is one of the educational tools that is very important as a
start and as a basis for education. Good habits are important for the formation
of children's character, and will also continue to influence the child until his
old age. Instilling habits in children is difficult and sometimes takes a long
time. However, everything that has become a habit is difficult for us to
change. Therefore, it is better than already having bad habits.
Scholars define habituation with many definitions, including the
a. Habit is the repetition of something continuously over a period of time in a
long way and without connection with reason, or it is something that is
embedded in the soul and things that are repeated repeatedly and accepted
by habit.
b. Habit is something that happens over and over again without any
connection with reason in the sense of fiqh and ushul fiqh. "Things" here
include habits of words and actions. Repeatedly showing that something is
barkali-kai. Thus, something that happens once or rarely does not fall into
the definition of habit.
c. Habit is repeating the same thing many times over a long period of time.
d. Habit is a state of mind that encourages him to carry out actions without
thinking and considering.
e. Habit is a state of mind that causes actions easily without the need to think
and consider. If this situation gives rise to good and praiseworthy actions
according to conditions and reason, it is called good morals, whereas if bad
actions arise, that situation is called bad morals.
Meanwhile, habituation methods according to experts include:
a. According to Binti Maunah, "habituation is a method that can be used to
accustom students to think, behave and act in accordance with the guidance
of Islamic teachings."
Islamic education
STAI- YAPTIP West Pasaman

b. According to Ahmad Tafsir, habituation is repetition. If the teacher enters

the class saying hello every time, it can be interpreted as an effort to get
used to it. If students enter the class without saying hello, the teacher
reminds them that when they enter the room they should say hello.14
c. Armai Arief, "habituation is a way that can be done to get students used to
thinking, behaving and acting in accordance with the guidance of the
Islamic religion"
d. Syaiful Bahri Djamarah, "habituation is education. For young children.
Habituation is an activity that will belong to the child in the future.15
From the various definitions above, it can be concluded that
habituation is something that is done repeatedly, gradually over a long period
of time in accordance with norms and religion, so that something desired
becomes accustomed to and is embedded in the heart and actions. The
habituation method is a method that can be used to accustom children to
think, behave and act in accordance with the teachings of the Islamic religion.
This method is very practical in coaching and forming the character of early
childhood in improving habits in carrying out tasks and activities at school.
The essence of habituation is actually based on experience. Habit is
something that is practiced, therefore, the description of habit becomes a
series of the need to carry out habits that are carried out every day. The
essence of habit is repetition. In developing attitudes, the habituation method
is very effective because it will teach children good habits from an early age.
Habits are the skills to do and say something, so that the child likes the right
way. Habit is essentially a deeper implication than cultivating ways of doing
and saying things.16
The application of this habituation method can be done by getting
children used to doing positive things in their daily lives. By carrying out
habits routinely every day, students will do it themselves, consciously without
coercion. With direct habituation, children have been taught discipline in
Ahmad Tafsir, Educational Science in an Islamic Perspective, (Bandung; PT Teen
Rosdakarya, 2010), p. 144
Syaiful Bahri Djamarah and Aswan Zain, Teaching and Learning Strategies, (Jakarta;
Rineka Cipta, 2010), p. 62
Muhammad Fadilah and Lilif Mualifatu Kholida, Early Childhood Character Education
Concepts and Applications in PAUD, (Jogjakarta: Ar-Ruzz, 2013), p. 172
Islamic education
STAI- YAPTIP West Pasaman

carrying out and completing an activity. Because habituation is based on

repetition, the habituation method is also useful for strengthening
memorization. Habituation is considered very effective if it is applied to
young students. Because they have a strong memory record and an immature
personality condition, they are easily absorbed in the habits they carry out
every day. Therefore, as a start in the educational process, habituation is an
effective way to instill moral values into the child's soul. . These values that
are embedded in him will then be manifested in his life since he begins to
move into adolescence and adulthood.
Rasululloh also used the habituation method by repeating the same
prayer over and over again. As a result, he really memorized the prayer and
his friend. This shows that frequent repetition will result in memories so that
you will not forget. Habituation does not require information or arguments,
explanations or logical arguments. Habits will work and have an effect solely
on that habit. Habituation is actually based on experience. What is habitual is
something that is practiced. Therefore, the description of habituation is always
one with the description of the need to practice the goodness that is known.
A method is an organized and well-thought-out way to achieve a goal.
In the opinion of Mahmud Yunus quoted by Armai Arief, a method is "the
path that a person wants to take so that a person reaches a certain goal,
whether in a corporate environment, commerce, or in the field of science and
Etymologically, habituation comes from the word "usual". In the Big
Indonesian Dictionary, "usual" means 1) Ordinary or common, 2) As usual, 3)
It is something that cannot be separated from everyday life. The prefix "pe"
and the suffix "an" indicate the meaning of the process. So habituation can be
interpreted as the process of making something or someone become
accustomed to it.
Habitual activities can be carried out in the environment school or at
home, which can be implemented as follows:
a. Routine, that is habituation Which done scheduled. Like: flag ceremonies,
gymnastics, congregational prayers, maintaining cleanliness and personal
Islamic education
STAI- YAPTIP West Pasaman

b. Spontaneous, is an unscheduled habit of occurring special. Such as:
formation behavior give greetings, throwing rubbish in its place,
queuing, dealing with disagreements .
c. Exemplary behavior is a habit in the form of daily behavior such as:
dressing neatly, speaking well, reading diligently, praising the goodness
and/or success of others, arriving on time.
Education religion as far as possible Possible taught with practice.
When students learn about wuḍu, ṣalat, prostration recitations or prostration
for sahwi, for example, they should be presented through practice. Likewise,
in an effort to get used to noble morals, such as trustworthiness, honesty,
keeping promises and other commendable habits such as cleanliness, table
setting etiquette, eating together, good company, giving respect to friends,
teachers and good manners in various meetings. Get used to charity, such as
collecting social assistance funds, student box funds and Red Cross funds and
so on.
According to Armai Arief, so that the habituation method runs well and
meets the objectives, the steps in implementing the habituation method are:
a. Start getting used to it before it's too late. Age since childhood is assessed
as time very right for apply approach This, because every child has a
strong enough record of accepting the influence of the surrounding
environment and this will directly shape a child's personality. Positive and
negative habits will emerge according to the environment that forms them.
b. Habituation should be carried out continuously, regularly and
programmed. So that in the end a habit will be formed intact, permanent
And consistent. By Because That Supervision factors are very
determining in achieving the success of this process.
c. Habituation should be monitored closely, consistently and firmly. Don't
give students ample opportunity to break the habits they have instilled.
d. Habits that were initially only mechanistic should gradually be changed to
habits that are not verbalistic and become habits that are accompanied by
the child's own conscience.
Islamic education
STAI- YAPTIP West Pasaman

Like other approaches in the educational process, the habitual

approach cannot be separated from two conflicting aspects; namely
advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of the habitual method in
religious education are as follows.
a. Can save power And time Which Good.
b. Habituation is not only related to external aspects, but is also related to
internal aspects.
c. Habituation in history has been recorded as the most successful method in
forming students' personalities.
Meanwhile, the weaknesses of this habituation method are: requires
educators who can truly be used as role models in instilling values in students,
therefore educators are needed who are able to harmonize words and actions.
According to the author, the habituation method is doing something
over and over again. This means that what the child does in learning is
repeated continuously until he can truly understand it and it can be embedded
in his heart.

3. Method Habituation In Education Religion Aspects of Worship

Habituation in religious education should start as early as possible. At
the age of 6-12 years (primary school age), children's thinking develops
towards concrete, rational and objective thinking. His memory improves very
strong, so that child truly in learning stage .17
The essence of habituation is repetition. In developing attitudes, the
habituation method is actually quite effective. Children who are accustomed
to waking up early, will wake up early as a habit, this habit (waking up early),
miraculously, also influences the course of their lives.
In Al-Qur'an letter 31st Luqman paragraph 17 also explained:

‫ٰذ‬ ‫ٰل‬ ‫ٰل ْأ‬

‫ٰي ُبَنَّي َاِقِم الَّص وَة َو ُم ْر ِباْلَم ْع ُرْو ِف َو اْنهنِ اْلُم ْنَك ِر َو اْص ِبْر َع ى َم آ َاَص اَبَۗك ِاَّن ِلَك ِم ْن َعزْ ِم اُاْلُم ْو ِر‬

"O my son, establish prayer and command (humans) to do good and

Ahmad Interpretation, Knowledge Education in Perspective Islam, (Bandung:
Rosdakarya Youth, 2010), p. 144.
Islamic education
STAI- YAPTIP West Pasaman

prevent (them) from doing evil and be patient with what befalls you. Indeed,
these are things that are required (by Allah).” (Al-Qur'ān Surah Luqman:
In the school environment, methods of habituating religious education
to aspects of worship include getting used to praying together in the school
prayer room, saying greetings when entering class, reciting basmalah and
hamdalah when starting and ending lessons.
In practice, the use of this habituation method is carried out gradually.
For example, in coaching prayer services. In the first stage, children are
introduced to a form of obligation in Islamic sharia, namely being invited to
perform prayers. A good way is for children to get used to praying in
congregation, after that children begin to be introduced to the conditions for
the validity of the prayer, its pillars and prohibitions .
In relation to providing religious material to students, apart from
developing their understanding, they also provide religious training or
habituation related to worship, such as carrying out Salat, pray And read
Al-Qur'an. In In addition to getting used to worship, we also get used to
doing social worship, which concerns morals towards fellow human beings,
such as: respecting parents, teachers and other people, providing assistance to
people who need help, being honest and being trustworthy (responsible).18
The habituation method is carried out by training children every day.
Practice means give children lesson special or guidance to prepare them to
face future problems . Using this method requires practice because by
continuing to practice, you will get used to doing good things so that it makes
an impression on your child. 18
It is hoped that this approach will have a positive impact on students.
Because often holding religious training, over time children who get used to it
will get used to doing things that religion likes.
According to the author, the habituation method for tadarus, dhikr and
prayer is carried out for children so that they always learn things related to
tadarus, dhikr and prayer. With this, children can face various events in the
Shamsu Joseph, Psychology Development Child And Teenager, (Bandung: Rosdakarya
Youth, 2011), p. 183
Islamic education
STAI- YAPTIP West Pasaman

C. Writing method
In this journal, the author uses a qualitative descriptive approach.
Qualitative, descriptive research is a problem formulation that guides research to
explore or photograph the social situation that will be studied thoroughly, broadly
and in depth. According to Bogdan and Taylor quoted by Lexy.J. Moleong, a
qualitative approach is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the
form of written or spoken words from people and observed behavior.
The approach used in this journal is library research. Library research
(library research) is research carried out using literature (libraries) in the form of
books, notes or reports of research results from previous research. According to
M. Nazir, literature study is a data collection technique by conducting a review
study of books, literature, notes and reports that are related to the problem being
solved. Literature study is an important step where after a researcher determines
the research topic, the next step is to conduct studies related to the theory and
research topic.

D. Results and Discussion

1. Results
Religious Culture (religious culture) in this research has the same
meaning as religious atmosphere or religious atmosphere. The globalized
world brings consequences of increasingly intense interactions between nations
and cultures, so that there is no place to hide oneself, for this reason the
Muslim work ethic must be able to embody the signs or verses of the Koran as
a source of great inspiration and motivation to interact, even compete in the
form of or a global scale with the central goal or theme of Rahmatal Lil
Alamin. Religious culture in schools refers to a system of values, beliefs and
norms that are collectively accepted, and implemented with full awareness as
natural behavior, which is formed by an environment that creates the same
understanding among all elements and parties related to the school, both
Islamic education
STAI- YAPTIP West Pasaman

principals, teachers, students and if necessary form the same community

opinion as the school
The application of religious culture in Islamic religious education can
run well. This is proven by the existence of a conducive learning environment,
supportive regulations set by the school to create good order and discipline,
with sanctions that have been set for students who violate the rules. Apart from
that, there is also the role of active educators in controlling and supervising
students when carrying out religious activities at school, providing motivation
related to Islamic teachings. And the availability of infrastructure that supports
guidance in the implementation of religious culture that has been determined
by the school.
As with the implementation of religious culture that has been
implemented, including: Praying together and reading short letters (Ad-dhuha-
An-nas) before learning begins, prioritizing the culture of smiles and greetings,
dhuha prayers in congregation, noon prayers in congregation, prayers and dhikr
are finished prayer, Islamic religious studies and Ramadan Islamic boarding
schools. In its implementation, the program that has been determined runs well
due to several other supporting factors. The availability of adequate physical
facilities with a large enough mosque provides its own benefits and advantages
that can support the success of carrying out existing religious activities. Both
when performing midday prayers and midday prayers in congregation. On the
other hand, the active role of educators in carrying out supervision and control
with a predetermined schedule means that the implementation of religious
activities in the school environment can be well conditioned. From the
conditioning of the students when they left the classroom until the students
entered the mosque, everything went well under the supervision of the teacher
on duty that day. Although there are some students who are sometimes difficult
to condition. But the majority of students are obedient and obedient to what the
teacher has ordered.
Implementing religious culture itself requires an active role not only
from the school but also from parents and the local community. In reality,
students do all this based on orders, not personal awareness, therefore the
Islamic education
STAI- YAPTIP West Pasaman

habits that have been implemented at school are conveyed to parents so that
they can still control their children so that they behave in accordance with the
values of Islamic teachings. The application of religious culture in Islamic
religious education is expected to shape students to behave in accordance with
the norms of Islamic teachings. So that student behavior in the eyes of society
can be in accordance with applicable norms. For this reason, the school
collaborates with parents and the community where students live to help each
other in supervising students outside the school environment. Because
basically there are still people who control students' behavior while at school,
but when students are outside the school environment, educators find it
difficult to monitor students' behavior. So when there is student behavior that is
inappropriate in the eyes of the community where they live, especially parents,
they can immediately report it to the school. It is hoped that cooperation from
parties outside the school will help the success and smoothness of the training
carried out for students.

2. Discussion
There are various kinds of sanctions given by educators to students who
violate, in the form of gentle reprimands, warnings, and summons to the
parents of students who have committed continuous violations. The sanctions
themselves are educational, not physical. It is hoped that these sanctions can
raise awareness among students which will later provide direction and
guidance towards the growth of students' attitudes and behavior to become
even better. In this way, the aim of implementing religious culture in Islamic
religious education can run smoothly. Meanwhile, evaluation of religious
culture in Islamic religious education outside the school environment can be
seen from the daily attitudes and behavior of students both in the school
environment and outside. Educators collaborate with parents and the
community where students live to determine the development of changes in
students' attitudes and behavior while outside the school environment. So, if
there are attitudes and behavior of students who violate/violate rules outside
Islamic education
STAI- YAPTIP West Pasaman

the school environment, whether from the community or from parents, they can
immediately report it to the school so that the students concerned can be guided
and directed so that they do not violate the rules or carry out actions that are
not pleasing to them. to the community and to parents, in particular, the
implementation of religious culture in the school environment itself has been
carried out through attendance that has been made. With the absence of
educators, they can control and supervise students who commit violations
against religious activities. With the existence of Religious Culture, students
have shown changes in attitudes and behavior in a better and positive direction.
The existence of various established religious cultures has been regulated
in terms of time and implementation by the school. By implementing religious
culture in schools, it can provide benefits and have a positive impact on the
students themselves.
The implementation of Religious Culture is running smoothly. With this
Religious Culture activity, students are more active and diligent in carrying out
activities related to religious culture. The various activities above can be said to
be religious culture because these various activities have been implemented. So
that until now Religious Culture activities have become one of the existing
characteristics. Teachers and students carry out these activities in accordance
with existing rules. The teacher is also an example and the teacher is also the
evaluator of this activity. In this activity, the teacher applies the habituation
method. The implementation is scheduled and each activity is evaluated either
through direct observation or through attendance provided. So that Religious
Culture activities run as expected. With this Religious Culture activity,
students become more active and disciplined in learning
E. Conclusion
Habituation is an activity that is carried out continuously in a child's daily
life so that it becomes a good habit. This habit includes aspects of moral
development, religious values, morals, socio-emotional development and
independence. Positive habits from an early age can have a positive influence in
the future. Habituation can be interpreted as a method in education form process
planting habit. The essence of habit is repetition.
Islamic education
STAI- YAPTIP West Pasaman

The habituation method is a form of education that is carried out in stages

and makes habituation an educational technique that is carried out by getting
used to good qualities as a routine. The result of habituation is the creation of a
habit for students.
A method is an organized and well-thought-out way to achieve a goal. In
practice, use This habituation method is carried out gradually. For example, in
coaching prayer services. In the first stage, children are introduced with form
obligation in Islamic sharia, viz invited to pray. Way It is good for children to get
used to praying in congregation, after that children begin to be introduced to the
conditions for the validity of the prayer, its pillars and prohibitions. The
habituation method is carried out by training children every day. Training means
giving children special lessons or guidance to prepare them for future
occurrences of problems. Using this method requires practice because by
continuing to practice, you will get used to doing good things so that it makes an
impression on your child.

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