Maspuah-RPP Descriptive Text About Animals (OK3-UPDATE)

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School : SMPN 1 Widasari

Subject : English
Class : 7 (Seven)
Text Type : Descriptive Text
Topic : Animals
Skill : Reading
Time Allocation : 3 Weeks x 2 Hours of Lessons x 45 Minutes

A. Main Competency
Understand simple reading texts in the form of descriptives related to

B. Basic Competency and Competency Achievement Indicators

Basic Competency Indicators

Respond simple reading texts in 1. Capture specific information in the

the form of descriptives related to reading text.
animals accurately and fluently. 2. Respond to reading texts simply.
3. Identify the types and names of
animals in the reading text.
4. Complete multiple choice questions
properly and correctly.

C. The Purpose of Learning

After following the learning process, students are expected to be able to :
1. Capture specific information in the reading text.
2. Respond to reading texts simply.
3. Identify the types and names of animals in the reading text.
4. Complete multiple choice questions properly and correctly.
D. The Materials of Learning
1. Description of descriptive text : is a text that describes a particular object
in detail. The study focus on animals.
2. Canva application.
3. The generic structure of descriptive text :
a. Identification is the part that contains a general description of an
object. Starting from the name, location, history, or other general
statements about the object.
b. Description is the section will contain a more detailed explanation of
the object, but based on the author's views.
4. Language Features of Descriptive Text :
a. Descriptive often uses adjectives, numbering, and, classifying. For
example; is really cool, it has very thick fur, etc.
b. Tense which is often used is simple present tense. However,
sometimes it uses past tense if the thing to be described doesn’t exist
anymore for example; go, fly, cook, etc.
c. Descriptive text uses thinking verbs (believe, think, etc.) and feeling
verbs (feel)
d. Descriptive text also uses adverbs to give information about character
or adjective that explained. Example; it is extremely high, it runs
definitely past, etc.
5. Example of Descriptive Text
The following is example of descriptive text :
My Lovely Cat
I have a stray cat as my pet. He is really playful, He loved to play
with me and the new things he found. He has orange and white fur, his fur
is so soft and I like to rubs it for him. He has a long tail. He likes to play
with it. He is also always try to catch his tail sometimes. I also like to hold
him in my hand, when i hold him like that he will fall asleep.
E. Method of Learning
Method of learning is Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP).

F. Media of Learning
1. Media
a. The worksheets
b. The assessment sheets
c. Canva application
d. Power Point (PPT)
2. Tools/Materials
a. Laptop
b. Projector
c. Whiteboard or Blackboard
d. Board marker or chalks
e. Pencil or pen

G. Learning Resources
1. Using Canva application and internet.
2. English Dictionary

H. Steps of Learning
No. Activities Description Time Allocation

1 Introduction 1. The teacher gives instructions 15’

for pray.
2. The teacher checks student
3. The teacher provides an
illustration regarding the
material to be studied.
4. The teacher conveys the
objectives learning.
2 Primary Activities 1. The teacher explains about the 60’
definition of descriptive text.
2. The teacher gives and shows the
example of descriptive text.
3. The teacher asks the students to
read the text about animal
4. The teacher explains about the
generic structures of descriptive
5. The teacher translates and
writes the difficult words on the
white board.
6. The teacher together with the
students discuss the generic
structure and language feature.
7. The teacher explains about the
tenses that are used in the
descriptive text.
8. The teacher gives the students
20 (twenty) questions and ask
them to answer the questions.
9. The teacher also asks the
students to identify the language
feature and generic structure of
the text.
10. The teacher asks the students
whether any difficult words or

3 Closing The teacher provides feedback 15’

1. The teacher checks the
assignments that students have
2. Teachers and students together
make conclusions.
3. The teacher gives the closing
greeting to the students.

I. Assessment of Learning Outcomes

1. The Observation Assessment
Observation assessment is based on observing students' daily attitudes
and behavior, both related to the learning process and in general. Direct
observation is carried out by the teacher. The following is an example of
an attitude assessment instrument :

Character Education Score

Range 1-4 Score
No. Names Score
Ho Co Cu Cr Re

1 Soedarmono 4 3 4 4 4 19 A

2 Martono 3 3 3 3 4 16 B
3 Amir 3 3 3 3 3 15 B

Notes :
Ho : Honesty
Cm : Communicative
Re : Responsibility
Ds : Discipline
Cm : Communicative

Assessment Criteria
Score Score Value
17-20 A
13-16 B
9-12 C
1-8 D

Notes :
1. Score 4 if 4 predicate elements are fulfilled.
2. Score 3 if 3 predicate elements are fulfilled.
3. Score 2 if 2 predicate elements are fulfilled.
4. Score 1 if 1 predicate element is fulfilled.

Elements of character:
1. Honest (Ho) :
a. Acknowledge things as they are
b. Work independently
c. Not cheating
d. Complete tasks on time
2. Communicative (Co) :
a. Actively ask the teacher
b. Actively answering teacher questions
c. Communicate in a friendly and polite manner
d. Act democratically
3. Curiosity (Cu) :
a. Pay attention to the teacher's explanation
b. Actively ask questions
c. Actively take notes and write
d. Actively doing tasks
4. Creative (Cr) :
a. Doing different tasks than usual
b. Always ask questions and answers
c. Frequently submit suggestions/input
d. Innovative
5. Responsibilities (Re) :
a. Complete tasks independently
b. Carry out obligations according to his role
c. Maintain a conducive classroom in the teaching and learning
d. Carry out class picket
Note : The predicate is written with the total score obtained, for
example A (19) so that it is easy for the teacher to recapitulate.
2. Post-Test Assessment
a. Technique : Written
b. Form : multiple choice
c. Grid : students read the invitation card, then answer the
questions provided by the teacher..
d. Instrument : example of post-test questions
e. Scoring Rubric of The Multiple Choice Test
No. Explanation Score
1 Correct content 1
2 Incorrect content or no answer 0

f. Pedoman Penilaian
1. Untuk tiap nomor, tiap jawaban benar skor
2. Jumlah skor maksimal 10x2 = 20
3. Nilai maksimal = 20
4. Nilai siswa = skor perolehan
Indramayu, July 2024

Guru Pamong Mahasiswa Bahasa Inggris

Iin Kurniawati, S. Pd. Maspuah

NIP. NPM. 882030120010

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