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Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of
the rest.
1. A. neighbourhood B. moosewoods C. uprooting D. choosiness
v-nhổ rễ n- kén chọn
2. A. foliage B. sabotage C. mirages D. regimes
n- lá (cây) n-sự phá hoại n-ảo ảnh n-chế độ
3. A. oligarchy /k/ B. anarchism C. charismatic D. charlatan
n- nhóm đứng đầu /k/ /k/ n-lang băm
n- vô chính phủ adj-có sức hút
4. A. anachronism B. charabanc C. chauvinism D. chiffon
n-sai niên đại n-xe buýt có n- tư tưởng n- phụ kiện
ghế dài trọng nam quấn áo (nữ)
khinh nữ
5. A. luxurious B. execrable /s/ C. exonerate D. exhibitor
adj-tồi tệ v-miễn cho n-người trưng
Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.
6. A. ‘aphorism B. ex‘tremism C. ‘barbarism D. ‘feminism
n- châm ngôn n- chủ nghĩa n-ngôn ngữ n- thuyết nam
cực đoan thô tục nữ bình quyền
7. A. mayon‘naise B. inter‘twine C. ‘interview D. counte‘ract
v- đan vào v- chống lại
8. A. ‘hypocrite B. hyp‘notic C. D. hy‘pocrisy
n- kẻ đạo đức giả adj- thôi miên, hy‘potenuse n- thói đạo
buồn ngủ n- cạnh huyền đức giả
9. A. ‘negligible B. per‘ceptible C. co‘llapsible D.
adj-có thể thấy adj-có thể gấp dis‘cernible
rõ gọn lại =B
10. A. cou‘turier B. di‘spiriting C. mini‘ature D. bi‘partisan
n- người may y phục adj- làm nản adj-lưỡng/ 2
thời trang cho nữ lòng đảng

Choose the best options to complete the following sentences.


11. If you have a minor illness, it's usually better just to let nature take its
A. course B. time c. path D. way
Let nature take its course" = Hãy để nó diễn ra tự nhiên -> Cứ để mọi thứ phát triển một cách tự
nhiên, bình thường của nó; đừng cố gắng can thiệp hay thay đổi mọi sự/ thuận theo ý trời
12. She gets fifteen percent on every insurance policy she sells.
A. wary B. commission c. bonus D. pension
- salary /ˈsæl.ər.i/ (n): tiền lương
- commission /kəˈmɪʃ.ən/ (n): nhiệm vụ, ủy ban, tiền hoa hồng
- bonus /ˈbəʊ.nəs/ (n): tiền thưởng, lợi tức
- pension /ˈpen.ʃən/ (n): tiền trợ cấp, lương hưu
13. I’d like to buy the radio but I haven't got any money on me at the moment.
Could you for me for a day or two?
A bring it round B. lay it in c. take it in D. put it on one side
put/lay something on/to one side = to not use something, especially an amount of money, in
order to keep it for later use, để dành

lay st in: ghi bàn (bóng rổ),

14. Just think! Next month you'll be and it seems like only yesterday you were a baby.
A. in your teens B. in your teenage c. at your teens D. teenager
To be in one's teens =Đang tuổi thanh xuân, ở vào độ tuổi 13-19
15. It was such a shock to receive a letter like that .
A. in the red B. out of the blue c. in the pink D. over the moon
in the red', điều đó có nghĩa là họ đang mất tiền.
'in the pink', điều đó có nghĩa là họ có sức khỏe tốt
Over the moon = happy
Out of the blue = unexpectedly: tình cờ, bất ngờ

16. This is an exciting book which new ground in educational research.

A. breaks B. reaches c. scratches D. turns
Break new ground" -> Đề xuất sáng kiến để cải tiến, làm những điều mà từ trước chưa từng làm
được, thiết lập một kỷ lục mới hoặc là người tiên phong làm điều gì đó.

17. On Sunday Vivian studied for seven hours

A on end B. at once c. in full D. at length
on end =continuously: liên tục
at once = ngay lập tức
At length' nghĩa là dài dòng, đầy đủ, chi tiết; nghĩa khác là sau một thời gian dài, cuối cùng, rốt

18. A rude boy his tongue out at me.

A put B. stuck c. showed D. took
stick/put your tongue out= to make a rude sign by putting the tongue outside the mouth

19. Let's make a dash for the train now as the train seems to be off.
A. reducing B. slowing c. easing D. running
ease up/off =to gradually stop or become less: giảm dần, chậm lại
20. It was only when he had been unemployed for six months that Neil's situation hit .
A. base B. down c. home D. back
Hit home" = chạm vào ngôi nhà -> nghĩa là có ý nghĩa sâu sắc, làm bạn xúc động hoặc bạn đã hiểu
được tường tận bản chất của vấn đề/sự việc.
Choose the best options to complete the following sentences.
21. - “Eric is really upset about losing his job.” - “Well,.......... .............once myself, I can
A. Having been fired B. Fired c. Having fired D. Being fired
=>Rút gọn mệnh đề dạng bị động

22. Manufacturers often sacrifice quality .

A. for the larger profit margin
B. in place of to earn more money
c. to gain more quantities of money
D. and instead earn a bigger amount of profit
Scacrifice sth for sth = to give up something that is valuable to you in order to help another person:
hy sinh, đánh đổi

23. the film's director, Ben Affleck, was famously left off of the 85th Oscar's Best Director
list of nominees surprised everyone.
A. Due to B. That c. What D. Although
"That + mệnh đề" có thể làm chủ ngữ trong câu; chỉ cả một sự việc gây ra điều gì.
That the film's director, Ben Affleck, was famously left off the 85th Oscar's Best Director list of
nominees => đóng vai trò chủ ngữ surprised => động từ chính trong câu
Tạm dịch: Việc đạo diễn phim nổi tiếng Ben Aflleck bị loại ra khỏi danh sách ứng viên cho giải
Oscar lần thứ 85 ở hạng mục đạo diễn xuất sắc nhất đã làm mọi người ngạc nhiên.

24. The hotel didn ’t my expectations.

A. come up to B. get up to c. come down to D. get down to
Come up to one’s expectations: tốt đẹp như mong đợi. = live up to one’s expectation
25. Automobile production in the United States .
A. have take slumps and rises in recent years
B. has been rather erratic (adj – thất thường) recently
c. has been erratically lately
D. are going up and down all the time
Dấu hiệu recently -> dùng thì HTHT, rather = adj = khá ….
26. , dolphins have no sense of smell.
A. As known as far C. It is known as far
B. As far as is known D. Known as far as it is
As far as is known = as far as + S + know = Theo như ai biết….
27. Consumers are getting more and more
A. environment awareness c. environmentally aware
B. aware environmental D. environmental aware
Kiến thức: adv+ V -> environmentally aware= nhận thức về môi trường
28. -"Do you mind if 1 take a seat?" - " .
A. No, do as you please B. Yes, do as you please
c. No 1 mind D. Yes, I don't mind
No, do as you please: Không đâu, miễn là bạn thấy thoải mái, hài lòng

29. Mrs Black: "I would like to try on this dress, please." - Saleswoman:” ”
A. That's right, madam B. Why not?
c. I'd like to D. By all means, madam
by all means = of course; certainly (granting a permission).: chắc chắn/ tất nhiên rồi.
30. Do cover up your computer and workspace every night if it is located in your bedroom
you ’ll feel the constant need to work.
A. instead B. likewise c. in case D. or else
or else =used to say what will happen if another thing does not happen, nếu không
instead of: thay vì
in case: trong trường hợp
likewise: tương tự như vậy
31. The babysitter has told Billy’s parents about his attention-seeking behaviour and how he
starts as soon as they leave home.
A. pulling up B. acting up c. knocking off D. playing down
Act up = If a person, especially a child, acts up, they behave badly/ If a machine or part of the body
acts up, it does not perform as well as it should: trở nên hư hỏng (người/ vật)
Pull up =Đi chậm và dừng hẳn xe
Knock off =Hoàn thành công việc trong ngày, giảm giá một thứ gì đó
Play down =Cố gắng làm cho thứ gì đó bớt quan trọng đi
32. In 1919, Sir Reginald Fleming Johnston was as a tutor to Puyi, who was the last emperor
of China.
A. brought about B. taken on c. caught out D. kept in
Take on = to accept a particular job or responsibility: đảm nhiệm
Bring about: Làm cái gì xảy ra
Catch on: trở nên phổ biến, thịnh hành

Keep in = nhốt, giam giữ (ai)

33. Johnston a full account of his time at the imperial palace in his book Twilight in the
Forbidden City.
A. passed for B. cleared out c. made off D. wrote up
pass for: được coi là
clear out dẹp đi

Make off with st: ăn trộm cái gì và bỏ trốn

write up: Viết, soạn thảo
Dịch nghĩa: Johnston đã viết bài thuật lại đầy đủ về thời của anh ta ở cung điện hoàng gia trong
cuốn sách Twilight in the Forbidden City
34. The noise from the unruly fans celebrating their team ’s victory didn ’t until early in the
A. shut off B. give away c. let up D. fall over
Let up: dừng lại, trở nên yếu đi.

Shut off: tạm thời đóng cửa và ngừng hoạt động.

Give away: đưa cho người khác; lan truyền.
Fall over: mất thăng bằng và ngã xuống; háo hức làm gì.
Dịch: Tiếng ồn từ những người không hoan nghênh kỷ niệm chiến thắng của đội họ đã không dừng
lại cho đến sáng sớm
35. The water heater is again, so I think that we should call a plumber to get it fixed properly.
A. taking on B. falling back c. playing up D. breaking out
Play up: gây khó chịu, rắc rối.
Take on: trở nên phổ biến; đảm nhận.
Fall back: lùi lại phía sau.
Break out: trốn thoát; bùng nổ, xuất hiện.
Dịch: Cái bình nước nóng lại gặp rắc rối một lần nữa, vì vậy tôi nghĩ rằng chúng ta nên gọi một
thợ sửa ống nước để nó được sửa đúng.

36. The police have to on drug smuggling (buôn lậu thuốc phiện).
A. clamp down B. scale down c. pin down D. close down
clamp down on something = to take strong action to stop or limit a harmful or unwanted
activity: kiểm soát chặt chẽ hơn, ngăn chặn…

37. Harris's assertion (lời khẳng định) is hardly by the facts.

A. spoken out B. fallen out c. knocked out D. borne out
bear someone/something out= to support the truth of something: ủng hộ bản chất/
đứng về phía sự thật

38. He got it into his head he was being for promotion.

A. passed over B. got over with c. smoothed over D. taken over
pass someone/something over =to ignore or not give attention to someone or
something, phớt lờ

Get over with =Làm điều gì dó khó chịu mà vẫn phải làm thay vì trì hoãn nó
smooth something over=to make problems, difficulties, or disagreements less serious or easier
tosolve, usually by talking to the people involved
take over = tiếp quản
39. There are hundreds of huge old houses in the south east that people are to sell at a profit.
A. building up B. coming up against c. holding up D. doing up
do something up = to repair or decorate a building so that it looks attractive
build up = Phát triển (một công ty), tăng thêm

come up against sb/sth=to have to deal with a problem or difficulty

hold up=to remain strong or successful
40. It's difficult to her to fixing a date for a meeting.
A. put down B. take down c. pin down D. cut down
Pin down to = to make someone provide details about something or make a decision
about something: bảo ai cung cấp chi tiết về việc gì/ đưa ra quyết định
Put down: Giết con gì đó vì nó bị ốm
Take down: rời đi, đem đi, ghi chú
Cut down: Giảm bớt, cắt bớt (chi tiêu, ...)
Read the text below and decide which answer best fits each space.
Now the latest corporate team-building technique that is becoming increasingly popular
in management world is sitting for hours round a table making shapes out of Lego, the well-known
building bricks that so many children have grown up with. But don't be (1) fooled by those
familiar green and yellow plastic blocks - this is Lego for adults, and among senior executives it
is the hottest management (2) tool since the go-everywhere laptop. Companies are now (3) eager
to sent senior staff along to learn what Lego can do for their corporate ethos, and management
consultants are even (4) dedicating themselves to running Lego sessions to (5) meet the demand.
They claim that the multicoloured bricks can (6) help free managers from a limited imagination.
What does this mean in (7) reality. For a start, staff (8) joining a session are encouraged to
'unlock their creative potential' while they build models to understand how their businesses work.
By (9) representing their firms as three-dimensional structures, they can build models which are
metaphors for the issues that often occur at (10) work such as what makes an ideal employee or
whether the sales force is larger than necessary.
41. A. fooled B. attracted c. concerned D. directed
Don’t be fooled by: đừng bị đánh lừa bởi
Attract (v): thu hút
Concern (v): quan tâm, lo lắng
Direct (v): hướng về
42. A. instrument B. equipment c. tool D. gadget
Management tool (n): công cụ quản lý
Instrument (n): dụng cụ, nhạc cụ
equipment (n): thiết bị
gadget (n): tiện ích
43. A. agreeable B. excited c. eager D enthusiastic
be agreeable to something =to be willing to do something or willing to allow something to be done:
sẵn lòng làm điều gì

44. A. dedicating B. specialising c. concentrating D. focusing

dedicate (someone or something) to (someone or something) = To devote oneself to a
particularcourse of action.: cống hiến
45. A. supply B. recognise c. fill D. meet
Meet the demand: đáp ứng nhu cầu
46. A. help B. support c. aid D. assist
Help (v): giúp đỡ support (v): ủng hộ aid (v): viện trợ assist (v): hỗ
47. A. theory B. reality c. practice D. truth
In reality: thực tế
48. A. joining B. entering c. participating D. following
join the session: tham gia cuộc họp
49. A. demonstrating B. representing c. illustrating D. symbolising
represent (someone or something) as (something)=1. To depict, portray, or describe someone,
something, or oneself as a particular kind or type of thing.// 2. To act or serve as some kind of
delegate, advocate, or agent on behalf of someone or something.
50. A. times B. once c. work D. last
at work: doing a job
Read the text below and decide which answer best fits each space.
The classical composer Ernst Hoffsberger, who passed away earlier this week, truly (51)
revolutionised the world of contemporary classical music and was a source of inspiration to a
whole generation of (52) budding young artists in various fields. In many ways his three
symphonies completely (53) overshadowed the achievements of all other composers of the late
twentieth century and by (54) fusing the classical genre with jazz, rock and latterly hip-hop, his
work at times bore little (55) resemblance to what is commonly considered to be a classical
sound. Born in California just after the Second World War, Hoffsberger had a strict religious (56)
upbringing during which he was taught classical piano by his father. He first found work as a(n)
(57) freelance, journalist, playing and composing music in his free time. During the late sixties,
he worked together in (58) collaboration with a number of other amateur musicians before finally
(59) turning professional with the first public performance of his inspirational.
Tenor Sax Concerto in 1971. From then on, throughout the seventies and eighties, each
new work seemed to surpass the limits of the orchestral medium and also helped to bring classical

music to a wider audience. What many people consider Hoffsberger's defining quality that kept
his music fresh and original was that he never lost the human (60) touch which gave him the ability
to sit down and jam with musicians and artists from all walks of life.
51. A. revolutionised B. restored c. renovated D. refurbished
Revolutionize (v): to completely change something so that it is much better
Refurbished (v): made to look new again by work such as painting, repairing, and cleaning
Renovate (v): to repair and improve something, especially a building
Restore (v): to return something or someone to an earlier good condition or position
52. A. branching B. budding c. blooming D. bursting
Budding = growing or developing
53. A. overcame B. overshadowed c. overturned D. overwhelmed
Overshadow= to cause someone or something to seem less important or less happy: làm lu
54. A. adjoining B. attaching c. co-joining D. fusing
fuse with (something) = To connect or bond two things: kết nối với
55. A. similarity B. familiarity c. resemblance D. identification
Bear a resemblance to" = mang nét tương đồng -> cho thấy sự giống nhau, đặc biệt là ở diện
mạovẻ bề ngoài với ai đó hoặc cái gì đó.
56. A family B. background c. childhood D. upbringing
Childhood (n): thời thơ ấu
57. A. non-contract B. off-the-books c. freelance D. odd-job
odd jobs =small jobs of different types, especially those that involve repairing or cleaning things:
việc linh tinh, lặt vặt…
off the books = in a way that is not officially written down in a person's or company's
58. A. collaboration B. combination c. coordination D. contribution
In collaboration with: kết hợp với
59. A. taking B. getting c. making D. turning
go/turn professional =to start to play a sport or game as a job that you get paid for
60. A. touch B. feeling c. contact D. aspect
the human touch =a friendly and pleasant way of treating other people that makes them feel relaxed


Read the text below and choose the best answer to each question.
Many species of fish, particularly smaller fish, travel in schools, moving in tight formations
often with the precision of the most highly disciplined military unit on parade. Some move in
synchronized hordes, while others move in starkly geometric forms. These may take the shape, for
example, of wedges, triangles, spheres, or ovals. In addition to the varieties of shapes of schools
of fish, there are countless varieties of schooling behaviors. Some fish coalesce into schools and
then spread out in random patterns, while others move into close formations at specific times, such
as feeding times, but are more spread out at other times. Some move in schools composed of
members of all age groups, while others move in schools predominantly when they are young but
take up a more solitary existence as they mature. Though this behavior is quite a regular, familiar
phenomenon, there is much that is not completely known about it, particularly the exact function
that it serves and what mechanisms fish use to make it happen. Numerous hypotheses have been
proposed and tested concerning the purpose of schooling behavior in fish. Schooling certainly
promotes the survival of the species, but questions arise as to the way the schooling enables fish
to have a better chance of surviving. Certainly, the fact that fish congregate together in schools
helps to ensure their survival in that schooling provides numerous types of protection for the
members of the school.. One form of protection derives from the sheer numbers in the school.
When a predator attacks a school containing a huge number of fish, the predator will be able to
consume only a small percentage of the school. Whereas some of the members of the school will
be lost to the predator, the majority of the school will be able to survive. Another form of
protection comes from the special coloration and markings of different types of fish. Certain
types of coloration or markings such as stripes or patterns in vibrant and shiny colors createa visual
effect when huge numbers of the fish are clustered together, making it more difficult for a
potential predator to focus on specific members of the school. A final form of protection comes
from a special sense that fish possess, a sense that is enhanced when fish swim in schools. This
special sense is related to a set of lateral line organs that consist of rows of pores leading to fluid-
filled canals. These organs are sensitive to minute vibrations in the water. The thousands of sets
of those special organs in a school of fish together can prove very effective in warning the school
about an approaching threat.
The purpose of schooling behaviour is not the only aspect of schooling that is not fully
understood. It is also unclear exactly how fish manage to maintain their tight formations. Sight
seems to play a role in the ability of fish to move in schools, and some scientists believe that, at
least in some species, sight may play the principal role. However, many experiments indicate that
more than sight is involved. Some fish school quite well in the dark or in murky water where
visibility is extremely limited. This indicates that senses other than eyesight must be involved in
enabling the schooling behavior. The lateral line system most likely plays a significant role in the
ability of fish to school. Because these lateral line organs are sensitive to the most minute
vibrations and currents, this organ system may be used by fish to detect movements among
members of their school even when eyesight is limited or unavailable.

61. All of the following are stated in paragraph 1 about schooling EXCEPT that
A. it is quite common
B. it can involve large numbers of fish
C. It can involve a number of different fish behaviors
D. It is fully understood
Thông tin: Though this behavior is quite a regular, familiar phenomenon, there is much that is not
completely known about it,…
Tạm dịch: Mặc dù hành vi này là một hiện tượng khá phổ biến, quen thuộc, nhưng có nhiều điều
về nó chưa được biết một cách đầy đủ,…
62. The word "hordes" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to……..
A. shapes B. masses C. pairs D. patterns
Clue: Some move in synchronized horders, while others move in starkly geometric forms.= Một
số di chuyển theo đám đồng bộ, trong khi số khác di chuyển theo dạng hình học rõ ràng.
63. Which fish would be least likely to be in a school?
A. A large, older fish B. A smaller, colorful fish
D. A tiny, shiny fish C. A young, hungry fish
Thông tin: Many species of fish, particularly smaller fish, travel in schools, moving in tight
formations often with the precision of the most highly disciplined military unit on parade… such
as of all age groups, while others move in schools predominantly when they are young
Tạm dịch: Nhiều loài cá, đặc biệt là những loài cá nhỏ hơn, di chuyển trong đàn, di chuyển trong
đội hình chặt chẽ thường với độ chính xác như của một đơn vị quân đội có kỷ luật cao nhất trong
cuộc diễu hành… chẳng hạn như ở tất cả các nhóm tuổi, trong khi những con khác di chuyển trong
đàn chủ yếu khi chúng còn nhỏ
64. The word it in paragraph I refers to………
A. existence B. behavior C. fish D. function
Thông tin: Though this behavior is quite a regular, familiar phenomenon, there is much that is
not completely known about it, particularly the exact function that it serves and what mechanisms
fish use to make it happen.
Tạm dịch: Mặc dù hành vi này là một hiện tượng khá phổ biến, quen thuộc, nhưng có nhiều điều
về nó chưa được biết một cách đầy đủ, đặc biệt là chức năng chính xác mà nó phục vụ và cơ chế
nào cá sử dụng để thực hiện

=> it đề cập đến hành vi (behavior)

65. It can be inferred from the passage that, when a predator attacks,……..
A. it cannot possibly consume all members of a school if the school is large enough
B. it rarely manages to catch any fish that are part of a school.
C. it is usually successful in wiping out the entire school
D. it attacks only schools that lack sense organs
Thông tin: When a predator attacks a school containing a huge number of fish, the predator will
be able to consume only a small percentage of the school. Whereas some of the members of the
school will be lost to the predator, the majority of the school will be able to survive.
Tạm dịch: Khi kẻ săn mồi tấn công một đàn cá chứa một số lượng cá khổng lồ, kẻ săn mồi sẽ chỉ
có thể săn được một tỷ lệ nhỏ của đàn. Trong khi một số thành viên của đàn sẽ bị chết trước kẻ săn
mồi, phần đông cá trong đàn sẽ có thể sống sót.
66. It is stated in paragraph 2 that………
A. fish in schools rarely have distinct markings

B. schooling fish tend to have mutedcoloration

C. the effect of coloration is multiplied when fish are massed together
D. the bright coloration makes it easier for predators to spot fish
Thông tin: Certain types of coloration or markings such as stripes or patterns in vibrant and shiny
colors create a visual effect when huge numbers of the fish are clustered together, …
Tạm dịch: Một số loại màu sắc hoặc dấu hiệu như sọc hoặc hoa văn với màu sắc rực rỡ và sáng
bóng tạo ra hiệu ứng thị giác khi một số lượng lớn cá hợp lại với nhau, …
67. The word "minute" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to
A. timely B. tiny C. careful D. instant
Clue: These organs are sensitive to minute vibrations in the water. = Những cơ quan này rất nhạy
cảm với những rung động nhỏ trong nước.
Minute = tiny = nhỏ bé
68. The author begins paragraph 3 with 'It is also unclear' in order to indicate that …..
A. contradictory information is about to be presented
B. it is necessary to clarify a previously made point
C. a second issue is about to be presented
D. it is unclear how a problem can be resolved

Clue: The purpose of schooling behavior is not the only aspect of schooling that is not fully
understood. It is also unclear exactly how fish manage to maintain their tight formations.= Mục
đích của tập tính tạo thành đàn không phải là khía cạnh duy nhất của việc tập tính tạo thành đàn
chưa được hiểu đầy đủ.Người ta cũng không rõ chính xác làm thế nào cá kiểm soát để duy trì sự
hình thành chặt chẽ của chúng. Thị giác dường như đóng một vai trò trong khả năng cá di chuyển
trong đàn và một số nhà khoa học tin rằng, ít nhất là ở một số loài, thị giác có thể đóng vai trò
=> Vì vậy tác giả tác giả bắt đầu đoạn 3 với “It is also unclear” để chỉ ra rằng vấn đề thứ 2 sắp
được trình bày về cách cá kiểm soát để duy trì sự hình thành chặt chẽ
69. The word "murky" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ….
A. cloudy B. warm C. clear D. deep
Thông tin: Some fish school quite well in the dark or in murky water where visibility is extremely
Tạm dịch: Một số đàn cá hoạt động khá tốt trong bóng tối hoặc trong nước đục, nơi tầm nhìn cực
kỳ hạn chế.
70. It is NOT stated in the passage that the lateral line system
A. contains lines of pores
B. can detect movement in the water
C. quite possibly helps fish to remain schools
D. in fish is similar to sense organs in other animals
Clue: The lateral line system most likely plays a significant role in the ability of fish to school.
Because these lateral line organs are sensitive to the most minute vibrations and currents, this organ
system may be used by fish to detect movements among members of their school even when
eyesight is limited or unavailable.

= Hệ thống đường ống bên rất có thể đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong khả năng của cá đối với
bầy đàn. Do các cơ quan đường ống bên này nhạy cảm với các rungđộng và dòng chảy nhỏ nhất,
hệ thống cơ quan này có thể được cá sử dụng để phát hiện chuyển động giữa các thành viên trong
đàn ngay cả khi thị lực bị hạn chế hoặc không có.
Read the text below and choose the best answer to each question.
The word "biodiversity" is a term heard with increasing frequency in the ongoing debate
over how best to protect the world's environment, and more specifically, how to preserve its rapidly
dwindling numbers of plant and animal species. In very general terms, "biodiversity" refers to the
numbers plant and animal species that can be found in a particular habitat or ecosystem. This is
apparently a very simple concept, but the simplicity of it belies its significance. A better popular
understanding of the real meaning of biodiversity and of its importance to the circumstances in

which we presently find ourselves is critical to the success of efforts to protect the environment,
and therefore essential to our own survival.
Global biodiversity, which is the total number of plant and animal species existing on the
planet at any one time, can only be estimated; and only very roughly estimated at that.
Undoubtedly, many species remain to be discovered. Some of these, such as insects and
microscopic life, are small enough to have escaped our notice, while others dwell in areas we have
only begun to explore; the species inhabiting the deepest ocean depths, for example. It must also
be remembered that we are in the midst of a mass extinction event. Species are now disappearing
at a rate estimated to be between 1,000 and 10,000 times faster than the average for the history of
life on earth. Taken together, these two uncertain elements prevent the global biodiversity estimate
from becoming much more than an educated guess. The current best estimate is somewhere in the
neighborhood of 100 to 200 million species.
This number, while it may be of some interest to nonscientists, isn't of much real value to
researchers. They are generally more concerned with local biodiversity. Despite the apparent
enormity of the number of species that inhabit the earth as a whole, local biodiversity - the number
of species found in any one habitat - fluctuates greatly as we cross the boundaries separating the
ecosystems that make up the Earth's biosphere. It reaches its highest levels on the coral reefs and
in the tropical rain forests where there may be thousands of species per acre.
Of course, it is this value the measure of local biodiversity - that is most useful for anyone
concerned with assessing the health of an ecosystem or protecting it from destruction. In measuring
the biodiversity of a particular ecosystem, biologists are usually quite impartial when weighing the
relative significance of each species. Most are assigned a value of one, the total number of species
then representing the target value. However, there are two conditions under which one species may
be weighted more heavily than others. This would certainly be the case for any species that by
virtue of its genetic uniqueness would constitute a special loss to the global gene pool in the event
of its extinction. The tuatara is a good example of just such a species. As the only surviving
member of a family of reptiles that, except for it, died out 60 million years ago, the tuatara qualifies
on grounds of genetic uniqueness to be weighted more heavily in calculating the biodiversity of
its habitat.
A species may be accorded bonus points in the biodiversity equation for another reason as
well; it may be deemed more significant by virtue of the role it plays in the ecosystem. An example
of this would be the California sea otter. [1] The preferred food of this species of marine mammal
is the sea urchin; a marine invertebrate, which feeds on a certain type of sea grass known as kelp.
[2] Were it not for the otter's contribution in controlling the sea urchin population, the undersea
kelp forest would surely be decimated by a dramatic increase in the population of sea urchins. [3]
This would remove a key supporting element - the kelp from the habitat of many fish and
invertebrate species that depend on it. [4] This, in turn, would fundamentally alter an entire
undersea habitat and undoubtedly put a risk a number of different species that have adapted to its
peculiar characteristics. Therefore, the behavior of the otter in actively maintaining the local
diversity of species dictates that it should be assigned a higher biodiversity value.

71. What was the author's main purpose in writing the passage?
A. To explain why biodiversity is essential to our survival.
B. To explain the concept of biodiversity.
C. To show why local biodiversity is more important than global biodiversity.
D. To clarify the dangers that result from declining biodiversity.
Giải thích: Đoạn văn chủ yếu tập trung vào việc nhấn mạnh tầm quan trọng của đa dạng sinh học,
cả về cách hiểu khái niệm và nhận ra tầm quan trọng của nó đối với việc bảo tồn môi trường và sự
tồn tại của chính chúng ta. Tác giả thảo luận về định nghĩa đa dạng sinh học, ước tính đa dạng sinh
học toàn cầu, sự kiện tuyệt chủng hàng loạt đang diễn ra và vai trò của các loài trong việc duy trì
sự cân bằng của hệ sinh thái. Xuyên suốt đoạn văn, mục đích chính của tác giả là truyền đạt bản
chất quan trọng của đa dạng sinh học để bảo vệ môi trường và đảm bảo hạnh phúc của chính chúng
72. The word "dwindling" in the passage is closest in meaning to
A. extinct B. diverse C. proliferating D. diminishing

Thông tin: The word "biodiversity" is a term heard with increasing frequency in the
ongoing debate over how best to protect the world's environment, and more specifically, how to
preserve its rapidly dwindling numbers of plant and animal species: Từ "đa dạng sinh học" là
một thuật ngữ được nghe với tần suất ngày càng nhiều trong các cuộc tranh luận đang diễn ra
về cách tốt nhất để bảo vệ môi trường thế giới, và cụ thể hơn là làm thế nào để bảo tồn số lượng
các loài động thực vật đang ngày càng suy giảm nhanh chóng.
73. It is implied in the passage that we don't have an accurate measure of global
biodiversity because
A. the number of species is constantly changing.
B. populations of animals move from place to place.
C. we don't know the ecological role played by all species.
D. the definition of biodiversity is not clear enough.
Thông tin: Global biodiversity, which is the total number of plant and animal species existing on
the planet at any one time, can only be estimated; and only very roughly estimated at that.
Undoubtedly, many species remain to be discovered: Đa dạng sinh học toàn cầu, là tổng số loài
thực vật và động vật tồn tại trên hành tinh tại bất kỳ thời điểm nào, chỉ có thể được ước tính; và
chỉ ước tính rất đại khái ở mức đó. Không còn nghi ngờ gì nữa, nhiều loài vẫn chưa được khám

74. The word "enormity" in the passage is closest in the meaning to

A. important B. quality C. vastness D. accuracy
Thông tin: Despite the apparent enormity of the number of species that inhabit the earth as a whole,
local biodiversity - the number of species found in any one habitat - fluctuates greatly as we cross
the boundaries separating the ecosystems that make up the Earth's biosphere: Bất chấp sự khổng
lồ rõ ràng về số lượng loài sinh sống trên toàn bộ trái đất, đa dạng sinh học địa phương - số lượng
loài được tìm thấy trong bất kỳ môi trường sống nào - dao động rất nhiều khi chúng ta vượt qua
ranh giới ngăn cách các hệ sinh thái tạo nên sinh quyển của Trái đất.
75. According to the passage, the largest number of species would be found
A. on the coral reefs.
B. in the boundary areas between local systems.
C. in the undersea kelp forests.
D. in fresh water lakes and streams.
Thông tin: It reaches its highest levels on the coral reefs and in the tropical rain forests where there
may be thousands of species per acre: Nó đạt đến mức cao nhất trên các rạn san hô và trong các
khu rừng mưa nhiệt đới, nơi có thể có hàng nghìn loài trên một mẫu Anh.
76. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT important in
assessing biodiversity?
A. The special function a particular species plays in an ecosystem.
B. The number of species present in an ecosystem.
C. The genetic uniqueness of the species within an ecosystem.
D. The size of the area an ecosystem covers.
Thông tin:
+ Câu A: A species may be accorded bonus points in the biodiversity equation for another reason
as well; it may be deemed more significant by virtue of the role it plays in the ecosystem: Một loài
cũng có thể được thưởng điểm trong phương trình đa dạng sinh học vì một lý do khác; nó có thể
được coi là quan trọng hơn nhờ vai trò của nó trong hệ sinh thái.
+ Câu B: Most are assigned a value of one, the total number of species then representing the target
value: Hầu hết được gán một giá trị là một, tổng số loài sau đó đại diện cho giá trị mục tiêu.
+ Câu C: This would certainly be the case for any species that by virtue of its genetic uniqueness
would constitute a special loss to the global gene pool in the event of its extinction: Điều này chắc
chắn sẽ xảy ra đối với bất kỳ loài nào do tính độc đáo về di truyền của nó sẽ tạo ra một tổn thất
đặc biệt đối với nguồn gen toàn cầu trong trường hợp nó bị tuyệt chủng.

77. The author mentioned the sea urchin in the last paragraph in order to
A. illustrate the richness of life in California waters.
B. illustrate the special importance of a particular species.
C. increase the reader's awareness of the sea urchin's endangered status.
D. advocate the protection for the kelp forest environment.
Thông tin: Trong đoạn cuối, đoạn văn đề cập đến nhím biển như một ví dụ để làm nổi bật tầm quan
trọng đặc biệt của một loài cụ thể, rái cá biển California, và vai trò của nó trong việc kiểm soát
quần thể nhím biển. Đoạn văn giải thích rằng nếu không có sự đóng góp của rái cá trong việc kiểm
soát quần thể nhím biển, rừng tảo bẹ dưới đáy biển sẽ có nguy cơ bị tàn phá. Ví dụ này nhấn mạnh
tầm quan trọng của một số loài nhất định và vai trò của chúng trong việc duy trì sự cân bằng và đa
dạng của một hệ sinh thái: Trong đoạn cuối, đoạn văn đề cập đến nhím biển như một ví dụ để làm
nổi bật tầm quan trọng đặc biệt của một loài cụ thể, rái cá biển California, và vai trò của nó trong
việc kiểm soát quần thể nhím biển. Đoạn văn giải thích rằng nếu không có sự đóng góp của rái cá
trong việc kiểm soát quần thể nhím biển, rừng tảo bẹ dưới đáy biển sẽ có nguy cơ bị tàn phá. Ví
dụ này nhấn mạnh tầm quan trọng của một số loài nhất định và vai trò của chúng trong việc duy
trì sự cân bằng và đa dạng của một hệ sinh thái.
78. The word "impartial" in the passage is closest in meaning to
A. neutral B. subjective C. theoretical D. uncertain
Thông tin: In measuring the biodiversity of a particular ecosystem, biologists are usually quite
impartial when weighing the relative significance of each species: Khi đo lường tính đa dạng sinh
học của một hệ sinh thái cụ thể, các nhà sinh vật học thường khá vô tư khi cân nhắc tầm quan trọng
tương đối của từng loài.
79. Which of the following statements is supported by the passage?
A. Local biodiversity may change, but global biodiversity does not.
B. All species have the same significance when considering biodiversity.
C. The concept of biodiversity is of little value to ecologists.
D. The earth is experiencing a reduction in global biodiversity.
Thông tin: Species are now disappearing at a rate estimated to be between 1,000 and 10,000 times
faster than the average for the history of life on earth: Các loài hiện đang biến mất với tốc độ ước
tính nhanh hơn từ 1.000 đến 10.000 lần so với mức trung bình trong lịch sử sự sống trên trái đất.
80. Look at numbers [1], [2], [3], [4] in paragraph 5 of the passage. Where
would the following sentence best fit?
The effect of this would be a dramatic loss of local biodiversity.

A. [1] B. [2] C. [3] D. [4]

Thông tin: [4] This, in turn, would fundamentally alter an entire undersea habitat and
undoubtedly put a risk a number of different species that have adapted to its peculiar
characteristics. The effect of this would be a dramatic loss of local biodiversity: ngược lại, về cơ
bản sẽ làm thay đổi toàn bộ môi trường sống dưới đáy biển và chắc chắn gây nguy hiểm cho một
số loài khác nhau đã thích nghi với các đặc điểm đặc biệt của nó. Hậu quả của việc này sẽ là sự
mất mát nghiêm trọng về đa dạng sinh học của địa phương.
Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE WORD
for each space.
Blue whales, the world's largest animals, have been (1) sighted again in British waters for
the first time in at least twenty years. Indications that a population of blue whales was inhabiting
the waters west of Scotland (2) came for the first time from the United States Navy, whose
surveillance system picked (3) up the songs of a lot of different whales. American zoologists
subsequently (4) identified the blue whale song among them. Now marine biologist, Carol Booker,
has actually seen a blue whale there herself. She has no (5) doubt about what she saw, because
they have (6) distinctive fins which are very small for their size. She says, 'Worldwide they were
almost extinct and it seemed they had completely vanished from the North Atlantic, so you
can (7) imagine how I felt actually seeing one! However, it is certainly too soon to say if it is an (8)
indication of a population recovery.' She goes on to say, 'What it does show (9) is the importance
of this area of the ocean for whales, and (10) how essential it is to control pollution of the seas.'
Bigger than any dinosaur known to man, blue whales are the largest animals ever to have lived on
earth. A blue whale is more than six metres long at birth and, when fully grown, its heart is the
same height as a tall man and weighs as much as a horse.
1. sighted = nhìn thấy
2. came = đến, xuất hiện
3. up -> pick up = lựa chọn
4. identified = nhận đinh, xác định
5. doubt -> have no doubt about sth = không còn nghi ngờ gì về
6. distinctive= khác biệt, riêng biệt
7. imagine= tưởng tượng

8. indication -> an indication of = a sign that something exists, is true, or is likely to happen
9. is -> Mệnh đề danh ngữ
10. how-> How + adj/adv + S + v
11. attributed -> attribute something to someone =to think that someone or something has a
particular quality or feature
12. authenticity = tính xác thực
13. above -> above suspicion: không thể nghi ngờ được
14. exhibition -. On public exhibition = được biểu diễn ngoài công chúng
15. tight safe = an ninh thắt chặt
16. nothing -> come to nothing = thất bại
17. whereabouts = the place where a person or thing is
18. alleged = bị cáo buộc
19. proclaimed = tuyên bố
20. counterfeit = giả
The paintings of Leonardo da Vinci have always attracted controversy. Only 14 works have
ever been (11) attributed to him and experts have questioned the (12) authenticity of several.
Not even the Mona Lisa is (13) above suspicion. The painting is neither signed nor dated and no
record of payment to Leonardo has ever been found. Believed to be the portrait of the wife of
Florentine merchant Francesco del Gioconda dating from 1502, it has been on public (14)
exhibition in the Louvre since 1804. Now housed in a bullet-proof glass case, it has
always been surrounded by (15) tight security.
Even so, on 24th August 1911, it was stolen. Initial leads came to (16) safe and no clues
to the thief's motives or the (17) nothing of the picture materialized for 15 months. In
November 1913, Florentine art dealer Alfredo Geri received a letter from someone claiming they
had the Mona Lisa and were prepared to sell it back to Italy for 500,000 lire. Geri contacted the
director of the Uffizi museum who arranged a meeting with the (18) whereabouts vendor.
He turned out to be an Italian carpenter Vincenzo Peruggia, who made the painting's
protective wooden box for the Louvre and was able to steal it because he knew the museum's
routine so well. The Mona Lisa he produced was (19) proclaimed genuine by the Uffizi and sent
back to Paris. But a British conman, Jack Dean, later insisted that he had helped Peruggia steal the
painting but substituted a copy before Peruggia took it to Italy. Could it be that the painting seen
by thousands of visitors every day in the Louvre museum is a total (20) counterfeit?

PART 1: Complete each sentence, using the correct form of the word in parentheses.
1. Low income, increasing pressure and little administrative support make teachers
disheartened (HEART) with their profession.
2. One of the local newspapers poured scorn on the referee for his partiality (PART) in the
lastgame. The man was accused of favouring the home team.
3. The company has an annual turn-over (TURN) of £25 million.
4. Various malpractices (PRACTICE) by police officers were brought to light by the enquiry.
5. It was impossible to read the pedestal inscription for it had been defaced (FACE) by some
mindless vandal.
6. (CONCEIVE) preconceived ideas may influence on what we are going to do.

7. The cup was positioned precariously (CARIOUS) on the edge of the table.
8. It's undeniable that the misdiagnosis (DIAGNOSE) of the local incompetent healer was
responsible for her sudden death.
9. The new by-pass (PASS) has certainly made things a lot easier in the town centre since it has
taken away all the through-traffic.
10. Are you sure the mileometer/ milometer (MILE) is working properly on this truck? It must
have done more than twenty thousand.
1. disheartened= having lost confidence, hope, and energy, làm nản lòng
2. Partiality = the fact of unfairly preferring or approving of something, thiên vị
3. turn-over = doanh thu
4. Malpractices = failure to act correctly or legally when doing your job, often causing
injury or loss, sử dụng sai
5. defaced= to damage and spoil the appearance of something by writing or drawing on it, làm
mất vẻ đẹp
6. preconceived = (of an idea or an opinion) formed too early, especially without enough
thought or knowledge, nhận thức trước
7. Precariously = in a dangerous state because of not being safe or not being held in place
firmly, hiểm nghèo, nguy hiểm
8. Misdiagnosis = a decision that a person has a particular illness or condition, when in fact they
have a different one, sự chẩn đoán xem
9. by-pass = to avoid something by going around it/ to ignore a rule or official authority, đi đường
10. mileometer/ milometer= a device in a vehicle that measures and shows the distance it
travels, đồng hồ đo dặm (trên ô tô)

11. unbiased = able to judge fairly because you are not influenced by your own opinions, không
thiên vị
12. untangles = to remove the knots from an untidy mass of string, wire, etc. and separatethe
different threads, gỡ rối
13. clarity = the quality of being clear and easy to understand, tính minh bạch, tính rõ ràng
14. in-depth (n): done carefully and in great detail, cẩn thận, chi tiết
15. unsurpassed = better than anyone or anything else, vượt trội
16. contentious (adj): causing, involving, or likely to cause disagreement and argument, gây tranh
17. refugees = a person who has escaped from their own country for political, religious, or
economic reasons or because of a war, người tị nạn
18. subscription (n): to pay money to an organization in order to receive a product, use a
service regularly, or support the organization, n-sự đăng ký
19. delivery (n): the act of taking goods, letters, parcels, etc. to people's houses or places of
work, sự giao hàng
20. unquestionably (adv)= in a way that is obvious and impossible to doubt, 1 cách rõ ràng

refuge clear subscribe bias contend

deliver surpass tangle question deep

One way to stay abreast of and have intelligent opinion on global issues is by reading The
World Today. By doing this you will receive a regular and (11) unbiased briefing on the people
and events that shape our world. Each week, this publication (12) untangles the important issues
through concise, informative and challenging articles. The most complex subjects are presented
with (13) clarity, so you will acquire an (14) in-depth and focused knowledge of countries,
industries and topics of worldwide concern. The World Today is (15) unsurpassed for the quality
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The following passage contains 10 errors. Identify and correct them.

Child workers, some as young as 10, have been found to work in a textile factory in
conditions described as close to slavery to produce clothes that appear destined for one the major
high street retailers.
Speaking to a British newspaper, the children described long hours of unwaged works and
threats and beatings. The company said it was unaware that clothing intended for its stores had
been improper subcontracted to a sweatshop that used child labour. It farther announced it had
withdrawn the garments involved until it had investigated the alleged breaches of the ethic code it
imposed on manufacturers three years ago.
The discovery of these children working in appalled conditions in the Shahpur Jat area of
Delhi has renewed concerns about the outsource by some large retail chains of their garment
production to India, recognised by the United Nations as one of the world's hotspots for child
labour. According to one estimate, over 20 per cent of India's economy are dependent on children,
which comes to a total of 55 million youngsters under 14 working.
Consumers in the West should not only be demanding answers from retailers about how
their goods are produced but also should be looking into their consciences at how they spend their
money and what cheap prices in the West are worth the suffering caused by so many children.
1. Line 1: to work→ working
2. Line 5: works → work= công việc # works = tác phẩm nghệ thuật
3. Line 6: improper → improperly => dấu hiệu adv + V
4. Line 7: farther-> further = hơn nữa # farther = xa hơn
5. Line 8: ethic -> ethical = liên quan đến đạo đức # ethic = đạo đức, đạo lý
6. Line 10: appalled→ appalling (adj) = very bad
7. Line 11: outsource → outsourcing (n ) = việc thuê ngoài
8. Line 14: are-> is => Dấu hiệu chủ ngữ “over 20 per cent of India's economy”
9. Line 18: what → whether= liệu rằng
10. Line 19: by -> to => cấu trúc: cause sth to sb
1. The response to our appeal was so great that we had to take on more staff.
→Such was the response to our appeal that we had to take on more staff.
Cấu trúc đảo ngữ Such …. that …
2. I had spent every last penny of my money. WHATSOEVER
→I had absolutely no money left whatsoever.
Have no sth left = không còn lại thứ gì
3. Owing to illness, Sally was unable to sing the solo, as arranged. HAVE
→Sally was to have sung the solo but she fell ill.

Be to do sth = sắp sửa làm gì

4. Fancy you and I having the same surname! SHOULD
→It's odd (that) you and I should have the same surname!
It's odd (that)= Thật là lạ khi….
5. The mechanic put a lot of effort to repair the engine of my car. PAINS
→ The mechanic was great pains to repair the engine of my car.
take (great) pains to do something=to try very hard to so something
6. Several years of heavy working in the harmful conditions of the coalmine have undoubtedly
undermined my father's health." TOLL
→ Several years of heavy working in the harmful conditions of the coalmine have undoubtedly
taken their toll on my father's health.
taken their toll on= damage sth: phá huỷ…
7. She just came to see me when she had nothing to do.
→Only when she was at a loose end did she come to see me.
at a loose end= có thời gian rảnh
8. The personnel officer promised him that she wouldn't tell any one that he had been in the
prison. WORD
→ The personnel officer gave him her word that she wouldn't tell any one that he had been in the
Give sb one’s word = hứa với ai rằng
9. She is not upset; she is only pretending. ACT
→ She is not upset; she is only putting on an act.
Put on an act = giả vờ
10. He was finally able to adjust himself to the new working condition. SWING
→ He finally got into the swing of the new working condition.
get into the swing of it/things = to start to understand, enjoy, and be active in something

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