MODUL AJAR - MASPUAH-revisi Uswa-1

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Name : Maspuah Class : VII

Education Unit : SMP Negeri 1 Widasari Time Allocation : 6 JP (4 x Pertemuan)
Subject : Bahasa Inggris Fase : D
Subject Element : Teaching Reading Comprehension in Descriptive Text

Pre-Activities (15 Minutes)
1. The teacher gives intructions for pray
2. The teacher checks students attendance
3. The teacher provids the illustration regarding the material to be studied
4. The teacher conveys to objectives learning

While The description of descriptive text.

Activities  The teacher use canva as the media to explains about the definition, purpose,
(60 Minutes) language features, and generic structure of descriptive text.
 The teacher use canva as the media to gives and shows the example of
descriptive text.
 The teacher asks the students to read and comprehend the text about animal
displayed on Canva.
 The teacher together with students discuss the generic structure and language
features of the text.
 The students write the difficult words related to the text.

Post-Activities (15 Minutes)

1. The teacher and students together make conclusion.
2. Reflection on thr students achievement/formative assessment, and the teacher reflection to
determine the achievement of the learning process and improvement.
3. Inform the learning activities that will be carried out at the next meeting.
4. The teacher ends the learning activity by providing messages and motivation to remain
enthusiastic about learning and ends with prayer.

Widasari, June 2024

Guru Pamong Mahasiswa Bahasa Inggris

Iin Kurniawati, S. Pd. Maspuah

NIP. 19850716 201408 2 001 NPM. 882030120010

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