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By the end of the lesson
students will be able
to use noun clauses
on emergency issues.

Mary left John a message about a road
accident. Later on, John phones Mary back
and talks to her. Use the words below to
complete their conversation.

John: Mary. Is that you? It’s John. How are you?

Mary: Oh, John. It’s good to hear from you. I think we were very lucky. As I told
you in my message, Mike and I were traveling over that (1) ________________ on
Route 6 when a big truck came (2) ________________ towards us. Imagine how we
felt when it
(3) _____________ over on to our (4) ________________ of the road.

John: You must have been so (5) ________________.

Mary: Oh, I was! There was (6) ____________ for us to go. We couldn’t do anything
to prevent the (7) ______________. The truck just crashed into the side of our car.
Someone stopped at once and called an (8) ______________ and they (9)
_____________ us to the hospital.

John: Are you still in the (10) _______________? Can I come and take you home?

Mary: Oh, yes, please. That would be great. Mike’s being kept in the hospital
with a (11) _______________ leg, but I can’t wait to get home.
Noun clauses
• When we provide information, we can use expressions
such as :
- I know…
- I am sure…
- I think…

• Then we add the conjunction “that”

• Or we can also use Wh-words .

What is a noun clause?
A noun clause is a dependent clause which takes the
place of a noun in another clause or phrase.

I have no idea where the bank is

I am sure that Santa Claus doesn’t exist.

I don’t know what you want.

Independent clause + conjunction or that + noun clause

Note 2:
question words do not follow
the normal question pattern.

Giving information: wh-words

I have no idea what time it is.

I don’t know where the ER is.
I have no idea which bus takes you
to the hospital.
Asking for information
(Wh- words)

“Can you tell me…” Use these expressions if you want

“ I wonder…” to know more information.
“ Do you know…”

For instance:
- Excuse me, can you tell me what time it is?
- Do you know where the ER is?
- I wonder which bus takes me to the hospital.
Put the words in the correct order / accident / the / me / can / tell / happened / you /

2. do / any / why / you / speeding / have / was / idea / he /

3. wonder / where/ I / is/ hospital/ the

4.not/ sure/ she/ is/ when/ baby/ be/ will/ born/the

4. tell/ can/why/ you/my/ me/ hurts/ leg

Listening practice
You are going to listen
to a conversation
between an operator
and a little boy.

Listen again and answer the following questions

✗ What is the service the boy needs?

✗ What happened?
✗ What is the telephone number the boy is calling from?
✗ How old is the patient?
✗ How far did the patient fall?
✗ What part of the patient's body is injured?
✗ What recommendations does the operator give the boy?

Imagine you are a witness at the scene of the car
accident shown in the picture below.
Write a short dialogue between yourself and the
police officer who is called to the scene.

Police officer: Can you tell me what

You: _______________


You may use these expressions or any
other you consider suitable.

• I was driving when…

• The police officer asked me where…
• I was shocked …
• I don’t know…
• I am not sure…

That´s it!


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