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Assignment 6.

7: Levi’s Sustainability Initiatives

Levi Strauss & Co., commonly known as Levi's, is a globally recognized American clothing company
famous for its denim jeans. Levi's has a rich history da ng back to 1853 when it was founded by Levi
Strauss in San Francisco during the California Gold Rush. Ini ally, the company manufactured sturdy
workwear, including denim overalls, for miners. In 1873, Levi's and tailor Jacob Davis patented the
first blue jeans with copper rivets, which became the iconic Levi's 501 jeans. Levi's is primarily
known for its denim jeans, but the company also offers a wide range of clothing and
accessories for men, women, and children. This includes jackets, shirts, T-shirts, shorts, skirts,
and various denim-related products like denim jackets and vests.

Levi's sustainability ini a ves are a significant aspect of the company's ethos and business strategy.
Here's an overview of their strategies and ini a ves:

Forbes Study on Fashion Industry Sustainability Ini a ves:

The Forbes study highlights 11 major companies in the fashion industry that are leading sustainability
ini a ves. These companies priori ze environmental and social responsibility in their opera ons.

Key aspects of these ini a ves include using non-toxic dyes, sustainable fabrics, and implemen ng
water-saving technologies.

Levi's is one of the companies recognized for its commitment to sustainability, par cularly in
reducing water usage and implemen ng eco-friendly prac ces in its manufacturing processes.

Water Conserva on: Levi's has been ac vely working to reduce water usage in its manufacturing
processes. The company has implemented techniques such as Water<Less™, which involves reducing
the amount of water used in finishing denim products. By innova ng produc on techniques and
u lizing water-saving technologies, Levi's has achieved significant reduc ons in water consump on
per garment.

Process: Levi's implemented the Water<Less™ technique to reduce water usage in denim produc on.

Subprocesses: Research and Development: Levi's invested in R&D to develop water-saving

techniques and technologies.

Supplier Collabora on: Levi's worked closely with suppliers to adopt Water<Less™ processes in their
manufacturing facili es.

Monitoring and Op miza on: Levi's con nuously monitored water usage and op mized processes to
further minimize consump on.

Example: Levi's reduced water usage by 96% in its Water<Less™ collec on compared to tradi onal
denim produc on, saving billions of litres of water annually.

Sustainable Materials: Levi's is commi ed to sourcing sustainable materials for its products. This
includes using organic co on, recycled denim, and other eco-friendly materials. By incorpora ng
sustainable materials into their supply chain, Levi's reduces the environmental impact associated
with conven onal material sourcing.
Process: Levi's transi oned to using sustainable materials such as organic co on and recycled denim.

Subprocesses: Supply Chain Assessment: Levi's assessed its supply chain to iden fy sources of
sustainable materials.

Supplier Engagement: Levi's collaborated with suppliers to ensure the availability and quality of
sustainable materials.

Consumer Educa on: Levi's educated consumers about the benefits of sustainable materials and
their impact on the environment.

Example: Levi's launched the Levi's Wellthread™ collec on, featuring garments made from recycled
denim and sustainable fabrics, showcasing their commitment to sustainable materials.

Chemical Management: Levi's priori zes the use of non-toxic dyes and chemicals in its
manufacturing processes. This helps to minimize environmental pollu on and ensures the safety of
workers and consumers. By adop ng safer chemical prac ces, Levi's demonstrates its commitment
to environmental and human health.

Process: Levi's priori zed the use of non-toxic dyes and chemicals in its manufacturing processes.

Subprocesses: Chemical Screening: Levi's screened chemicals to ensure they met safety and
environmental standards.

Supplier Cer fica on: Levi's worked with cer fied suppliers who adhered to strict chemical
management protocols.

Worker Training: Levi's provided training to workers on safe chemical handling and disposal prac ces.

Example: Levi's achieved Bluesign® cer fica on for its denim finishing processes, guaranteeing the
use of safe and sustainable chemicals throughout produc on.

Supply Chain Transparency: Levi's is transparent about its supply chain prac ces and collaborates
with suppliers to improve sustainability standards. This includes monitoring and addressing social
and environmental issues throughout the supply chain, such as labor rights, fair wages, and
environmental impact.

Process: Levi's promoted transparency throughout its supply chain to address social and
environmental issues.

Subprocesses: Supplier Audits: Levi's conducted audits to assess suppliers' compliance with
sustainability standards.

Stakeholder Engagement: Levi's engaged with stakeholders to gather feedback and address concerns
related to supply chain prac ces.

Transparency Repor ng: Levi's published annual sustainability reports detailing its supply chain
ini a ves and performance.

Example: Levi's collaborated with the Be er Co on Ini a ve (BCI) to ensure responsible co on

sourcing, suppor ng farmers' livelihoods and environmental conserva on.
Circular Economy Ini a ves: Levi's is exploring ini a ves to promote a circular economy, where
products are designed for durability, reuse, and recycling. This includes programs like Levi's Second-
hand, which facilitates the resale and repurposing of pre-owned Levi's garments. By promo ng
circularity, Levi's aims to minimize waste and extend the lifespan of its products.

Process: Levi's embraced circular economy principles to minimize waste and extend product

Subprocesses: Product Design: Levi's designed products for durability, reparability, and recyclability.

Take-Back Programs: Levi's implemented take-back programs to collect and recycle old garments.

Collabora on with NGOs: Levi's partnered with NGOs to promote circularity and advocate for policy

Example: Levi's Second-hand pla orm facilitates the resale and repurposing of pre-owned Levi's
garments, diver ng tex les from landfills and reducing environmental impact.

Community Engagement: Levi's engages with stakeholders, including customers, employees, and
local communi es, to raise awareness about sustainability issues and encourage responsible
consump on prac ces. Through ini a ves like sustainability educa on programs and community
partnerships, Levi's fosters a culture of sustainability beyond its own opera ons.

Process: Levi's engaged with communi es to raise awareness and promote sustainable prac ces.


Educa on Programs: Levi's conducted workshops and educa onal campaigns on sustainability topics.

Local Partnerships: Levi's collaborated with local organiza ons to address community needs and
environmental issues.

Volunteer Ini a ves: Levi's encouraged employees to par cipate in community service projects
related to sustainability.

Example: Levi's partnered with the Surfrider Founda on to organize beach cleanups and promote
ocean conserva on awareness among coastal communi es.

Innova on and Collabora on: Levi's invests in research and development to drive innova on in
sustainable fashion. This includes collabora ng with technology partners, academia, and industry
peers to develop new materials, processes, and solu ons that reduce environmental impact.

Process: Levi's fostered innova on through collabora on and investment in sustainable technologies.


Research Partnerships: Levi's collaborated with universi es and research ins tu ons to develop eco-
friendly materials and produc on methods.

Technology Adop on: Levi's invested in advanced manufacturing technologies to improve efficiency
and reduce environmental impact.
Cross-Industry Collabora on: Levi's partnered with other fashion brands and technology companies
to share best prac ces and accelerate innova on.

Example: Levi's introduced Levi's Future Finish™, a waterless garment finishing technique developed
in collabora on with a technology partner, reducing chemical usage and water consump on in
produc on.

Overall, Levi's sustainability ini a ves reflect a holis c approach to environmental stewardship,
social responsibility, and business innova on. By integra ng sustainability into its core business
prac ces, Levi's aims to create posi ve impact across its value chain while mee ng the growing
demand for environmentally conscious fashion. By systematically implementing these processes
and subprocesses, Levi's has successfully integrated sustainability into its operations,
achieving tangible results in water conservation, material sourcing, chemical management,
supply chain transparency, circular economy initiatives, community engagement, and
innovation. These efforts demonstrate Levi's commitment to environmental stewardship and
responsible business practices, setting a benchmark for the fashion industry and inspiring
positive change across the value chain.

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