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Year 10 History Exam Study Guide

Your exam will cover both units from this semester course. The first unit was on World War
II. The second unit was Building Modern Australia and focussed on civil rights.
Below is a study guide for the World War II unit.

World War II Study Guide

Week 2: WW II Overview PowerPoint

 Causes of WWII
 Motivation for dictators at the start of WWII
 Significant events and battles
 Leaders of Italy, Germany, Russia, Australia, United States
Week 3: Australian Involvement in WWII

 Where did Australians fight? (especially Europe, the Pacific, North Africa)
 Bombing of Darwin
 Alliance with the United States
Week 4: Turning Points

 Kokoda Campaign
 Pearl Harbor attack
 Fall of Singapore
 Blitzkrieg/Invasion of Poland
 D-Day
Post WW2

 Shift of Australian alliance away from Britain to USA (ANZUS alliance/treaty)

 Effects of post-WW2 relationship between Asia and Australia
 Australia’s involvement in the founding of the United Nations
 Post-WW2 immigration to Australia from Europe and Asia
 Experiences of First Nations Australians after WW2
 Impact of WW2 outside of Australia (USA, Europe, Britain, Japan, China, etc.)

Questions You May See on Your Exam

1. What were the causes of WWII?

2. What brought the United States into WWII? How did the US support the war effort
before they officially declared war?
5. How did Australia view Japan’s imperial actions in the Pacific? What was
Australia’s biggest concern?

6. What was the conflict in 1942 over Australian soldiers between British Prime
Minister Winston Churchill and Australian Prime Minister John Curtin?

7. Why did Australia move to strengthen their alliance with the United States?

8. Did Australia have conscription in WW2? How did this differ from WW1?

9. Explain what happened in each of the events below, include an explanation of any
impact of the event on Australia or the war effort.
a) Bombing of Darwin

b) Japanese submarine attack on Sydney

c) Battle of Brisbane

d) the Brisbane line

10. How did the lives of First Nations Australian men and women in the Australian
workforce change during WW2 and after?

11. Be able to provide a summary of the following events and explain how they were
turning points in the war.
Example: Guadalcanal Battle of Battle of El
Battle of Campaign Stalingrad Alamein
The German
bombed Britian
in 1940. Britain
was able to
survive this
bombing, and it
showed that
the Germans
would not have
an easy go of
defeating the
Bombing of Pearl Harbor Battle of the Fall of Singapore
Hiroshima and attack Coral Sea

D-Day Blitzkrieg Kokoda Warsaw Ghetto

Campaign Uprising

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