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Legislation is a general

term covering laws

enacted by Parliaments,
plus laws made by
persons or bodies Rights Protected by
granted law-making Statue Law:
powers by the What is Legislation Rights in
Parliament. It is also -The Charter Act
referred to as Acts or Victoria contains twenty These are the
Statutes. Before an Act rights that right to vote
is passed, it is promote and (Section 41), Disadvantages
presented to protect the protection of Statute Law
Parliament as a Bill. values of against in Protecting
of Statute
freedom, respect, acquisition of Rights is that
Law in
equality and property on Parliaments
What are 2 Protecting
Legislation in Australia dignity. The unjust terms can also
strengths rights is that
is Federal Legislation as Victorian (Section 51 ament
and two the Law's are
its enacted by the Is Legislation in Government, (xxxi)), the right statutes to
weaknesses not Bias or
Parliament, the Australia Federal or local councils and to a trial by jury take rights
of statute Prejudice,
Legislation is referred State? other public (Section 80), away, and
law in Parliament
to as the "Acts" or the authorities must freedom of that they
protecting can pass
"Statutes" consider how religion (Section don't always
rights? legislation
human rights are 116) and allow a person
quickly when
protected when prohibition of who's rights
the need
creating discrimination are breached
legislation, on the basis of to claim
implementing State of damages
policies or residency
delivering (Section 117).

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