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Prepared by:

Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed Hassan, Ahmed Samir Awed Ali , Saif Eldeen
Ashraf Mahmoud, Ahmed Adel Hassan Ahmed, and EmadEldein
Mohamed Elsayed Mostafa.

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,

Helwan University
1. Abstract:
The Newton-Raphson method,
is a technique to find an approximate solution (root) for equations where you
set a function equal to zero (f(x) = 0). It works by iteratively drawing a tangent
line to the function's curve. This tangent line gives you a better guess for the
root's location. The method is fast and tends to improve accuracy quickly with
each step.

Advantages of Newton Raphson Method:

- The method has one of the fastest convergences to the root.
- It is easy to program as it has a simple formula.
- It is used to further improve a root found by other methods.
- It requires only one guess to find the root.

The disadvantage of Newton Raphson method:

- Become too complex when the degree of the polynomial is too large.
- Maybe you divide by zero if the first derivative is zero.
- In case of multiple roots, this method converges slowly.
- Root jumping might take place thereby not getting intended solution.

- Newton Raphson method is used to analyze the flow of water distribution
networks in real life.
2. Formula:

3. Proof:

From graph:

Note: after calculating each Xn+1 calculate error to check if we will stop
4. Review literature:
- Newton Raphson is an open method.
- Newton Raphson use for non-linear equations.
- Evaluate f`(x)
- Calculate the next estimate of root.

- Find the absolute relative approximate error.

- Repeat this until you reach the required number of iteration or reach the
permissible error rate.

5. Questions:
1- normal question
Problem Statement: By using the Newton-Raphson method to estimate the root
of f(x) = e-x - x, employing an initial guess of x0 =0.
The first derivative of the function can be evaluated as
f `(x) = −e-x – 1
Substitute in Newton Raphson formula :
2- research question
Problem statement: You are working for ‘DOWN THE TOILET COMPANY’ that
makes floats for ABC commodes. The floating ball has a specific gravity
of 0.60.6 and has a radius of 5.5 cm5.5 cm. You are asked to find the depth to
which the ball is submerged when floating in the water.

The equation that gives the depth x in meters to which the

ball is submerged underwater is given

by: x3 – 0.165x2+3.993*10-4=0

Use the Newton-Raphson method of finding roots of

equations to find

a) the depth x to which the ball is submerged underwater. Conduct three iterations to estimate
the root of the above equation.

b) the absolute relative approximate error at the end of each iteration, and

c) the number of significant digits at least correct at the end of each iteration.

3- Engineering Example

6. Results:
As we see in the first question:
- We used x0 =0 “one initial point” and we calculated the first derivative for
the function
- and after each iteration we got a new value for x which is more near from
the root “f(x)=0”
- the root: -

- The true error is 0.5671430132959 – 0.567143290 = -2.767041x10-7

7. discus:
In second question “research question” we want to calculate the distance which
the ball is submerged under the water.
- First we prepare the equation:
- f(x)=x3 – 0.165 x2 + 3.993x10-4
- And calculate the first derivative
- And the stopping criteria is at least 4 significant digits
- And after 3 iteration x=0.06235
- And the root is 0.0623776815137

- The true error is |0.0623776815137-0.06238|

= -2.3184x10-6

8. conclusion:
We conclude that:
- Newton Raphson formula.
- Newton Raphson depend on the tangent of the function.
- Newton Raphson method has many advantages and applications.
9. MATLAB Source Code: Newton-Raphson Method:

% Setting x as symbolic variable

syms x;

% Input Section
y = input('Enter non-linear equations: ');
a = input('Enter initial guess: ');
e = input('Tolerable error: ');
N = input('Enter maximum number of steps: ');
% Initializing step counter
step = 1;

% Finding derivate of given function

g = diff(y,x);

% Finding Functional Value

fa = eval(subs(y,x,a));

while abs(fa)> e
fa = eval(subs(y,x,a));
ga = eval(subs(g,x,a));
if ga == 0
disp('Division by zero.');

b = a - fa/ga;
a = b;

if step>N
disp('Not convergent');
step = step + 1;

fprintf('Root is %f\n', a);

10. summary:
The Newton Raphson method formula was discussed along with its advantages,
disadvantages, and applications, in a few words. And we demonstrated the
theory and the evidence. We came across some cases and we encountered

we have some head points:

1- Formula:

2- Best advantage is using one initial point.

3- Worst disadvantage the Division by zero.

11. references:
 Steven Chapra, Steven C. Chapra, Raymond Canale, Raymond P.
Canale-Numerical Methods for Engineers, 6th Edition -McGraw-Hill
Higher Education (2009)
 HELM (2008): Section 12.3: The Newton-Raphson Method

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