I Kiss Your Chest My Hands Go Down Searching For You Man Hood Touching

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I kiss your chest my hands go down searching for you man hood touching ever

so softly I begin to move further down to your belly kissing you, my hands
searching and finding you I move further and further down your body learning very
inch of it further and futher I go down kissing licking you, the I begin to take
you ..............

I want to close my eyes while I rest my head on your chest and breath in your scent
that what I would love to be doing right now if nothing else, just learn to love

i would enjoy you putting your head on my chest and i have my arms around you and
we just talk about anything and everythnhg for we are so both comfortable with each
other...even if we don't have sex..just enjoying each other and knowing one

then i can take my pants off with my mouth and find your very wet and hot zone and
kiss it softly and gently ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you know i wont stop lol..

And u spreading my legs and kiss the inside of my thighs and taste the moistness
U have for me waiting for your tongue to taste you do not stop your body thrusting
from my tongue lashing.

i want too watch u explode in ectasy from your body is quivering and i won't get
you loose me,, sliding up ur body and kissing and licking every inch of you I hold
your hand down and I begin too tease you.. I place my hardest between your legs
making bed for me

I tease you but I don't give in to your pleas or begging me softly place myself
with in your opening and slowly enter and pull back watching you moan and wanting
you to beg for me

baby I am suppose to touch you are you visualizing I wish I could talk to you
right now and hear your moans and groans silence mu with my kisses and enter u ...
thrust myself into u and begin to take u

fucking me as long as u can control it..u want you come but u would like you I get
off of you and begin to kiss you all over working my way down down down kisss and
licking me till u reach my clits, you kiss it all over then u start to lick it up
and down like my favorite
then i take u too feel the warmth of ur mouth..then u slowly penetrate your cock in
me.you begin to moan and groan pulling me close not wanting u to stop u do this
while massaging my butt cheek till they are as red and you telling me are cumming
like that watching u take control of u

you see we wetting all over our body and the sheet and u held you down with ur
body as we are fucking you shaking while close your eyes and lift ur body with each
stroke soooooooooo wet and just before U have an orgasm I pull my fingers to
rubbing my clits there to bring u to your climax ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what a
Hard Cock..

you you heart racing so hard my body quivering and thrusting helpless at you
will....ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh baby yes that feels so gooooood yes

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