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Clinical Research

Accuracy of Orthopantomography for Apical

Periodontitis without Endodontic Treatment
Cosimo Nardi, MD,* Linda Calistri, MD,* Silvia Pradella, MD, PhD,* Isacco Desideri, MD,†
Chiara Lorini, PhD,‡ and Stefano Colagrande, MD*

Introduction: This study aimed to evaluate the diag-
nostic accuracy of orthopantomography (OPT) for the
detection of clinically/surgically confirmed apical peri-
A pical periodontitis (AP)
is a periapical bone
lesion arising from an end-
Apical periodontitis is a very common and often
asymptomatic clinical problem that has to be
odontitis (AP) without endodontic treatment using odontic infection determined
treated, especially when anticancer therapy is
cone-beam computed tomographic (CBCT) imaging as by microorganisms pene-
expected. Therefore, there should be a reliable
the reference standard. Methods: One hundred twenty trating into the root canal
imaging technique available to detect apical
patients without endodontically treated AP (diseased up to the apex (1). The
periodontitis. Can OPT fulfill this task?
group) were detected via CBCT imaging using the periap- defense mechanism in the
ical index system. They were divided into groups of apical periodontium leads
10 each according to the size of the lesion (2–4.5 mm to resorption of the apical bone, which appears as a radiolucency around the root on
and 4.6–7 mm) and the anatomic area (incisor, canine/ radiographs (2, 3).
premolar, and molar) in both the upper and lower arches. AP is often asymptomatic and generally recognized by incidental findings during
Another 120 patients with a healthy root and periapex routine radiographic examinations using periapical radiography and orthopantomog-
(healthy group) were selected. Each diseased and healthy raphy (OPT) (4). These techniques have significant limitations because of
patient underwent OPT first and a CBCT scan within 2-dimensional imaging of 3-dimensional structures, anatomic noise, superimposition,
40 days of the OPT. The periapical index system was and geometric distortion effect (5–7). In addition, to be radiographically visible,
also used to assess AP by OPT. Sensitivity, specificity, periapical radiolucency should reach nearly 30%–50% of the bone mineral loss
positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and (8). For all these reasons, AP might be present even when it is not radiographically iden-
diagnostic accuracy for OPT images with respect to tified (9). This is especially the case if AP is confined within the cancellous bone, without
CBCT imaging were analyzed. The k value was calculated the involvement of the cortical bone (10–12).
to assess both the interobserver reliability for OPT and Recently, cone-beam computed tomographic (CBCT) imaging has proven to
the agreement between OPT and CBCT imaging. Results: perform well for the volumetric study of bone structures (13), including the detection
OPT showed low sensitivity (34.2), negative predictive of periapical bone lesions (14–16). Furthermore, CBCT imaging involves a low
value (59.3), and diagnostic accuracy (65.0) and high radiation dose compared with multislice computed tomographic imaging (17), is
specificity (95.8) and positive predictive value (89.1). only moderately affected by metal artifacts (18), offers a high spatial resolution
Interobserver reliability for OPT was substantial (0.075–0.4 mm isotropic voxel) (19), and allows accurate 2-dimensional/3-
(k = 0.71), and agreement between OPT and CBCT imag- dimensional measurements without distortion and magnification (20–22).
ing was fair (k = 0.30). The best and worst identified AP Nevertheless, the routine use of CBCT imaging in endodontic practices is not justified
were located in the lower molar area and the upper/lower (23). This imaging technique must be performed only in patients with unclear or con-
incisor area, respectively. Conclusions: OPT showed tradictory clinical signs and symptoms using a small field of view (FOV) (24).
high specificity and positive predictive value. However, Biopsy represents the only way to get a histologic confirmation of AP, but it is an
overall, it was not an accurate imaging technique for invasive procedure and complications can occur. Therefore, definite indices based on
the detection of untreated AP, especially in the incisor the radiologic features of the periapical bone lesions are generally used to detect and
area. (J Endod 2017;43:1640–1646) classify AP in routine clinical practice (25–27).
Only 1 article compared the accuracy of OPT and CBCT imaging for the assessment
Key Words of AP (28) although it did not distinguish among lesions of different sizes. The aim of
Apical periodontitis, cone-beam computed tomographic this retrospective study was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of OPT in the detection of
imaging, diagnostic accuracy, orthopantomography, clinically/surgically confirmed AP without endodontic treatment using CBCT imaging as
panoramic radiography, periapical index the reference standard.

From the *Department of Experimental and Clinical Biomedical Sciences, Radiodiagnostic Unit n. 2 and †Department of Experimental and Clinical Biomedical Sci-
ences, Radiotherapy Unit, University of Florence–Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Careggi; and ‡Department of Health Science, University of Florence, Florence, Italy.
Address requests for reprints to Dr Cosimo Nardi, Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche Sperimentali e Cliniche, Radiodiagnostica 2, Universita di Firenze, AOU
Careggi, Largo Brambilla 3, Firenze 50134, Italy. E-mail address:
0099-2399/$ - see front matter
Copyright ª 2017 American Association of Endodontists.

1640 Nardi et al. JOE — Volume 43, Number 10, October 2017
Clinical Research
Material and Methods treated, root canal treatment, and size (Fig. 1). One hundred twenty pa-
tients (67 women and 53 men) 22–84 years old (mean age = 57 years)
Patients were enrolled in the disease group. One AP lesion was selected for each
Between November 2011 and December 2016, we selected from of them. The clinical queries for the CBCT examinations were implant
our CBCT database all patients with at least 1 not endodontically treated planning (76 patients), dental extractive planning (34 patients), and
radiolucent periapical bone lesion using the following key words: radio- focal bone lesions (10 patients). This study was approved by the
lucent periapical bone lesion, apical periodontitis, endodontically research ethics committee, and informed written consent was obtained

Records identified by CBCT database searching

247 patients with:

- at least one not endodontically treated radiolucent periapical bone lesion from 2 mm to 7 mm
- OPT carried out during the earlier 40 days

- 51 patients without an endodontic infection clinically confirmed

or a periapical infection surgically removed

196 patients with 272 clinically/surgically confirmed AP and assessed by two radiologists

- 13 AP with no agreement on PAI values between the

two radiologists

259 AP with concordant PAI values between the two radiologists

- 25 AP with PAI 2-3

234 AP with PAI 1 or PAI 4-5

51 incisors 72 canines/premolars 111 molars

16 upper arch, 2-4.5 mm 31 upper arch, 2-4.5 mm 49 upper arch, 2-4.5 mm

11 upper arch, 4.6-7 mm 13 upper arch, 4.6-7 mm 16 upper arch, 4.6-7 mm
14 lower arch, 2-4.5 mm 18 lower arch, 2-4.5 mm 33 lower arch, 2-4.5 mm
10 lower arch, 4.6-7 mm 10 lower arch, 4.6-7 mm 13 lower arch, 4.6-7 mm

Selection of AP:
- only one lesion per patient
- better visual assessment (i.e. high image quality without motion or metal artifacts)
- shorter period of time between CBCT and OPT

10 AP for each arch and size 10 AP for each arch and size 10 AP for each arch and size

120 AP enrolled by CBCT by two radiologists, subsequently assessed by OPT by others three radiologists

Figure 1. A flowchart of the selection criteria for enrolling patients and AP.

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Clinical Research
Hi-Res-Regular and Hi-Res-Enhanced by the producer, lasting 26 and
36 seconds and comprising 360 and 480 basis image frames, respec-
tively. Furthermore, they had a small FOV (6  6 cm or 8  8 cm),
110 kV, and 7.1–14.3 mA. All CBCT volumes were reconstructed
with a 0.15-mm isometric voxel size.
OPT and CBCT images were displayed on a 20-inch medical
monitor with a 3-megapixel Barco display (Barco, Kortrijk, Belgium)
and 2048  1536 resolution. The software programs originally sup-
plied with the systems were used for image evaluation.

Study Design and Assessment of AP

The 120 AP lesions were divided into 60 lesions of the upper arch
and 60 lesions of the lower arch. In each arch, 30 small lesions from
2.0–4.5 mm and 30 large lesions from 4.6–7.0 mm were selected.
These, in turn, were divided into 3 groups of 10 in the incisor,
canine/premolar, and molar areas, respectively. Finally, the lesions
affecting the cortical bone were distinguished from those affecting
only the cancellous bone. The 120 patients with AP had not received
any root canal therapy; the presence of periapical infection was
confirmed either clinically or surgically.
AP was assessed using the periapical index (PAI) system of
Ørstavik et al (25) applied to CBCT imaging (28). PAI is a 5-score scale
based on periapical radiographs of histologically confirmed AP: 1,
normal periapical structures; 2, small changes in bone structure; 3,
changes in bone structure with some mineral loss; 4, periodontitis
with a well-defined radiolucent area; and 5, severe periodontitis with
exacerbating features. In the current study, a PAI of 2 and 3 and a
PAI of 4 and 5 were grouped together. Therefore, our PAI system was
divided into 3 scores: PAI 1, PAI 2 to 3, and PAI 4 to 5.
Figure 2. Cutout OPT that shows both a tooth without the crown and the In CBCT imaging, only PAI 1 and PAI 4 to 5, corresponding to the
other structures within the range of 8 mm mesially and distally from the
root apex.
healthy group and diseased group, respectively, were selected. PAI
scores of 2 to 3 were discarded to avoid unclear or poorly defined
changes in the bone structure. AP was measured using a standardized
from all patients. Moreover, 120 patients with a healthy root and peri- and reproducible method (29). It was oriented 3-dimensionally to
apex (ie, the control group [the healthy group without AP]) were make the intersection between the sagittal and coronal planes coincide
selected using CBCT imaging also. They had the same mean age/sex with the longitudinal axis of the interested tooth. The axial plane was
and the same number/subdivision of the teeth as the diseased group. automatically oriented perpendicularly to the other 2 planes. The di-
Each of the 240 patients (120 diseased and 120 healthy) underwent mensions of the AP lesions were recorded, taking into account the
an OPT first and a CBCT scan within 40 days of the OPT. largest measurement observed in 1 of the 3 planes.
Once all the diseased and healthy teeth were chosen on CBCT
scans, the corresponding OPT images were electronically cut by means
Devices of the software originally supplied with the systems in order to display
OPT was performed via the Orthoceph OC200 D (Instrumentarium only the dental root (no crown should be shown) and surrounding tis-
Dental, Tuusula, Finland). It was a digital orthopantomograph with a sues up to 8 mm mesially and distally from the root apex (Fig. 2). This
rotation time of 17.6 seconds, 66 kV, and 4.5–6.8 mA. CBCT imaging was done to avoid the observers being influenced by an eventual crown
was performed via the NewTom 5G (QR srl, Verona, Italy) equipped treatment/disease or the overall status of the patient’s mouth. All 240
with a pulsed pyramidal X-ray beam (360 rotation), a very small focal roots cut out from OPT were evaluated using the PAI system divided
spot (0.3 mm), and an amorphous silicon flat-panel detector into 3 scores: PAI 1, PAI 2 to 3, and PAI 4 to 5. PAI 2 to 3 scores
(20  25 cm). The protocols used for imaging were named were included into AP as well as PAI scores 4 to 5. No image was

TABLE 1. True Positives, False Positives, True Negatives, and False Negatives for Orthopantomography (OPT) in Relation to Cone-beam Computed Tomographic
(CBCT) Imaging
CBCT imaging
Diseased (PAI 4–5), n (%) Healthy (PAI 1), n (%) Total
Positive (PAI 2–3 + PAI 4–5) 41 (34.1) 5 (4.2) 46
Negative (PAI 1) 79 (65.9) 115 (95.8) 194
Total 120 (100) 120 (100) 240
PAI, periapical index.

1642 Nardi et al. JOE — Volume 43, Number 10, October 2017
Clinical Research
TABLE 2. Sensitivity, Specificity, Positive Predictive Value (PPV), Negative Predictive Value (NPV), Diagnostic Accuracy, and Kappa Value for Orthopantomography
in Relation to Cone-beam Computed Tomographic Imaging
Anatomic area/lesion size Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV Accuracy Kappa
Both arches 34.2 95.8 89.1 59.3 65.0 0.300
Upper arch, incisive area 15.0 95.0 75.0 52.8 55.0 0.100
Upper arch, canine 35.0 100 100 60.0 67.5 0.350
premolar area
Upper arch, molar area 20.0 95.0 80.0 54.3 57.5 0.150
Lower arch, incisive area 15.0 85.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 0.000
Lower arch, canine- 60.0 100 100 71.0 80.0 0.600
premolar area
Lower arch, molar area 60.0 100 100 71.4 80.0 0.600
Small lesions (2–4.5 mm) 20.0 95.8 70.6 70.6 70.6 0.193
Large lesions (4.6–7 mm) 48.5 95.8 85.3 78.8 80.0 0.495
Apical periodontitis were divided by the anatomic area and the size of the lesions.

discarded by OPT; no measurement of the size of the lesions was perfect agreement, respectively. A P value #.05 was considered to be
performed by OPT. statistically significant.
In summary, 2 dental radiologists enrolled the 240 teeth/patients
using CBCT imaging (120 diseased and 120 healthy) so that the
diseased group had 10 AP lesions for each of the 3 anatomic areas Results
(incisor, canine/premolar, and molar) in both the upper and lower Observer/Device Agreement
arches and for each of the 2 sizes of lesions (2–4.5 mm and The Cohen kappa values showed a substantial agreement between
4.6–7 mm). This was achieved in order to have unambiguous subdivi- the 3 observers (observer 1 vs observer 2: k = 0.63; observer 1 vs
sions of the lesions for each area and size. observer 3: k = 0.77; and observer 2 vs observer 3: k = 0.74). True
positives, false positives, true negatives, false negatives, sensitivity, spec-
ificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, diagnostic ac-
Observers and Statistical Analysis
curacy, and kappa values for OPT images with respect to CBCT images
All CBCT and OPT examinations were performed by the same tech- are provided in Tables 1 and 2. Only specificity and positive predictive
nical staff with 10 years of experience in dental imaging to achieve stan- value had high values (95.8 and 89.1, respectively).
dardization of the execution method. For both the diseased and healthy
groups, each root of the selected tooth was assessed by OPT indepen-
dently by 3 radiologists skilled in dental maxillofacial imaging (31, 18, Assessment of AP
and 12 years of experience, respectively). They were appointed over True positives (Table 3) were about one third of the cases
and above the 2 radiologists assigned to the selection of AP and were (34.2%), of which slightly more than half were underestimated as
blinded to any information about both the patient and the PAI value PAI 2 to 3 (Fig. 3A–C). In the upper arch (Table 4), the true positives
of the CBCT examinations. The largest (ie, the most represented) were 15.0%, 35.0%, and 20.0% in the incisor, canine/premolar, and
OPT PAI value was taken when the opinion was not unanimous. An molar area, respectively, and 0% (0/20) and 23.1% (3/13) for the
assessment in consensus was made if the 3 opinions differed from small and large lesions affecting just the cancellous bone, respectively.
each other. In the lower arch (Table 5), the true positives were 15.0%, 60.0%, and
Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive 60.0% in the incisor, canine/premolar, and molar area, respectively,
value, and diagnostic accuracy for OPT images with respect to the CBCT and 23.1% (6/26) and 61.2% (11/18) for small and large lesions
reference standard images were calculated. Moreover, the Cohen kappa affecting just the cancellous bone, respectively.
value was calculated to assess the agreement between OPT and CBCT
imaging. These analyses were fulfilled in the total sample and stratified
for both the size and area of the lesions. Analysis of the Errors
In the whole sample, interobserver reliability for the OPT PAI sys- OPT generated 5 false positives, 4 of which were judged as PAI 2 to
tem–categoric variable defined by the 3-score scale (PAI 1, PAI 2–3, 3 and only 1 as PAI 4 to 5. Three of these false lesions were identified in
and PAI 4–5) was also calculated using the Cohen kappa. Kappa values the lower incisor area (Fig. 4). False negatives comprised about two
of 0.01–0.20, 0.21–0.40, 0.41–0.60, 0.61–0.80, 0.81–0.99, and 1 thirds of the cases. Most of the AP lesions (43.0%, 34/79) were not
represented slight, fair, moderate, substantial, almost perfect, and recognized in the upper and lower incisor areas.

TABLE 3. Synopsis of the True Positives (Apical Periodontitis Judged as Periapical Index 4–5 and Periapical Index 2–3) by Orthopantomography according to the
Anatomic Area, Size, and Bone Involvement of the Lesion
Anatomical area Lesion size Bone resorption type
Dental arch Incisor Canine/premolar Molar Small (2.0–4.5 mm) Large (4.6–7.0 mm) Cortical Cancellous
Upper arch 15.0 35.0 20.0 10.0 36.7 39.2 7.5
Lower arch 15.0 60.0 60.0 30.0 60.0 56.7 33.3
Both arches 15.0 47.5 40.0 20.0 48.3 47.9 20.4
Total 34.2 34.2 34.2
Cone-beam computed tomographic imaging was used as the reference standard. Data are reported as percentage values.

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Clinical Research

Figure 3. True positive. (A and B) Upper jaw CBCT imaging. AP of the size of 6.6 mm affecting the cortical bone (arrow) at the distobuccal root of the first molar.
(C) In OPT, the distobuccal root of the first molar was superimposed on the mesiobuccal root of the second molar; despite the large size of the lesion and the
involvement of the cortical bone, the AP appeared to be a small change in the bone structure with some mineral loss. Thus, it was underestimated as PAI 2 to 3.

Discussion were only partly applicable to the premolar teeth and not applicable
OPT showed low sensitivity (34.2), negative predictive value to the canine teeth, which explains the better diagnostic accuracy of
(59.3), and diagnostic accuracy (65.0) and high specificity (95.8) AP in the upper canine/premolar area compared with the upper molar
and positive predictive value (89.1) in the detection of AP. Furthermore, area.
the agreement between OPT and CBCT imaging was fair (k value = 0.30). The AP lesions in the canine/premolar and molar areas were more
The best identified AP lesions were the large lesions located in the lower identifiable in the lower arch compared with the upper arch because the
canine/premolar and molar areas, whereas the upper and lower incisor roots in the lower arch were more orthogonal to the X-ray beam, there
areas were the most difficult to assess. Our results proved that the recog- was no nasal/sinusal air, and there was a lower superimposition of the
nition of AP depended on both the anatomic area/size of the lesion and extraoral anatomic structures although the projection of the nerve fora-
the involvement of the cortical bone. men and canals can correspond to the periapical area.
In the upper molar area, the air within the maxillary sinus, the In the incisor area, the superimposition of the cervical spine and
presence of numerous roots not orthogonal to the X-ray beam, and the skull base impaired the identification of the periapical area. The
the undulating morphology of the maxillary sinus floor in close connec- other structures that undermined the identification of AP were the nasal
tion with the root apex made it difficult to identify AP. These reasons bone/cartilage/air and hard palate in the upper arch and, especially, the

TABLE 4. Assessment of the Upper Arch of the 60 Diseased Patients by Orthopantomography

Upper arch
Incisors Canines/Premolars Molars
2.0–4.5 mm 4.6–7.0 mm 2.0–4.5 mm 4.6–7.0 mm 2.0–4.5 mm 4.6–7.0 mm
OPT PAI Cor Can Cor Can Cor Can Cor Can Cor Can Cor Can Total
1 2/2 8/8 2/4 5/6 1/3 7/7 1/4 4/6 4/5 5/5 6/9 1/1 46/60
2–3 0/2 0/8 1/4 1/6 1/3 0/7 2/4 1/6 1/5 0/5 2/9 0/1 9/60
4–5 0/2 0/8 1/4 0/6 1/3 0/7 1/4 1/6 0/5 0/5 1/9 0/1 5/60
Can, cancellous bone; Cor, cortical bone; PAI, periapical index.
Cone-beam computed tomographic imaging was used as the reference standard. Apical periodontitis (AP) lesions were divided according to 3 anatomic areas (incisor, canine/premolar, and molar). Ten AP
lesions with a size of 2.0–4.5 mm and 10 AP lesions with a size of 4.6–7.0 mm were evaluated for each anatomic area. AP lesions were additionally subdivided between those affecting exclusively the cancellous
bone and those also involving the cortical bone.

1644 Nardi et al. JOE — Volume 43, Number 10, October 2017
Clinical Research
TABLE 5. Assessment of the Lower Arch of the 60 Diseased Patients by Orthopantomography
Lower arch
Incisors Canines/Premolars Molars
2.0–4.5 mm 4.6–7.0 mm 2.0–4.5 mm 4.6–7.0 mm 2.0–4.5 mm 4.6–7.0 mm
OPT PAI Cor Can Cor Can Cor Can Cor Can Cor Can Cor Can Total
1 1/2 8/8 4/6 4/4 0/1 5/9 1/4 2/6 0/1 7/9 0/2 1/8 33/60
2–3 1/2 0/8 1/6 0/4 1/1 2/9 1/4 2/6 0/1 2/9 1/2 2/8 13/60
4–5 0/2 0/8 1/6 0/4 0/1 2/9 2/4 2/6 1/1 0/9 1/2 5/8 14/60
Can, cancellous bone; Cor, cortical bone.
Cone-beam computed tomographic imaging was used as the reference standard. Apical periodontitis (AP) were divided according to 3 anatomic areas (incisor, canine/premolar, and molar). Ten AP lesions with
a size of 2.0–4.5 mm and 10 AP lesions with a size of 4.6–7.0 mm were evaluated for each anatomic area. AP lesions were additionally subdivided between those affecting exclusively the cancellous bone and
those also involving the cortical bone.

morphologic diversities of the mental fossa, simulating false lacuna lesions were easier to identify. In the canine/premolar area, the limited
bone images in the lower arch (Fig. 4). In fact, in the current study, buccolingual bone thickness facilitated the recognition of the small le-
the false positives amounted to 4.2%, 80% of which were located in sions because bone demineralization of 30%–50% was more frequently
the incisor area. This disagreed with Estrela et al’s study (28). They reached. On the contrary, bone mineral loss usually exceeded this
observed false positives in only 0.06% of the cases. threshold value in large lesions. Thus, the latter were easier to identify
OPT showed lower sensitivity in the detection of small lesions in the molar area than the canine/premolar area because of the lack of
(2.0–4.5 mm) compared with large lesions (4.6–7.0 mm) because the anatomic structures (mental fossa, canal, and foramen) that can be
smaller lesions were recognized less frequently than the larger ones, as superimposed on the root apex. The root apex was placed more or
already observed for periapical X-rays (30, 31). This indicated that the less close to the cortical bone, and the different buccolingual bone
size of the periapical radiolucency was a key point in the detection of thickness for the incisor, canine/premolar, and molar areas in the up-
AP by OPT because small lesions were unlikely to amount to 30%–50% per and lower jaws deeply influenced the percentage of bone deminer-
of bone mineral loss, which represents the required threshold for the alization, which is a prerequisite for AP detection. The cortical bone had
radiographic identification of AP. Therefore, small lesions were not a higher bone mineral content than the cancellous bone. Therefore,
generally detected and could be mistaken for physiological lacunae of cortical bone involvement, for the same anatomic area and size of the
the cancellous bone, also taking into account the fact that the teeth in lesion, resulted in easier detection of AP by OPT, as previously stated
our study were not endodontically treated. for periapical X-rays (10–12).
The lower canine/premolar area for the small lesions and the The normal proximity of the root apex to the cortical bone in the
lower molar area for the large lesions were the areas in which the AP upper arch caused a higher involvement of the upper cortical bone than
the lower one. In contrast, the teeth of the lower arch had a smaller
number of roots, which were usually mesiodistally oriented and located
inside the cancellous bone, with no contact with the cortical bone.
Our results proved that digital OPT was an imaging technique with
a higher risk of underdiagnosis; 53.6% of true positives (only 34.2% in
aggregate) were underestimated as PAI 2 to 3. The present study was
compared with the only article that studied OPT and CBCT imaging
for the assessment of AP. Estrela et al (28) used a conventional (ie,
not digital) orthopantomograph and observed 45% of true positives,
84.9% of which were underestimated as PAI 2 or PAI 3. Nevertheless,
94.5% of the teeth investigated by Estrela et al were treated endodonti-
cally, whereas no root canal filling was enrolled in the current study.
The agreement between the observers was substantial. We hypoth-
esized that the lack of a higher grade of agreement could be caused by
the assessment being performed by using electronically cut OPT small
images. However, in our opinion, the visualization of the crowns in un-
treated roots, and especially the overview of the entire mouth, can influ-
ence the radiologic diagnosis of a healthy/diseased periapex.
In addition, OPT is recognized as being a technique with poor repro-
ducibility because of the difficulty in the patient’s positioning, morphologic
variations of the periapical area, bone mineralization, X-ray angulations,
and radiographic contrast, which influence OPT analysis (32, 33).
In the current study, 2 different CBCT image acquisition modes
(Hi-Res-Regular and Hi-Res-Enhanced) were used. We believe that this
choice did not affect the result of the study because both modes provided
high-resolution images at the highest mA values, and the voxel size used for
Figure 4. False positive. At the level of the periapex of the lower incisor, in the all of the reconstructions was always the same and as small as possible.
OPT the mental fossa simulated a radiolucent periapical bone lesion charac- Our study was affected by several limitations. These were represented
terized by changes in bone structure with mineral loss. by the recruitment of periapical bone lesions only between 2 and 7 mm,

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