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Skit: Upcycling Old Clothing

Situation: Farah and Siti decided to throw away old and ill-fitting clothes
but was stopped by their mother. They were advised about the negative
implications towards the environment. Their mother showed them a fun
alternative way to manage clothing by upcycling them and turning it into a
new and useful product.

Farah and Siti are cleaning their house. Farah was sweeping the
floor while Siti was dusting the table and sofa.
Siti: We should clean out our wardrobe after we are done cleaning the
Farah: I agree, sis.
Farah and Siti walked towards the wardrobe and started sorting
through the clothing.
Farah: I didn’t know I have so many pieces of clothing.
(Proceed to carry few pieces of clothing and place it in a basket)
Siti: Me too!
(Carrying her own pile of clothing in her hand)
Mother: Hey guys, what are you up to?
(Enters the scene)
Farah: We are cleaning out our wardrobe to make way for new clothing.
Mother: I see. What are you guys going to do about this pile of old
Siti: Well, I don’t know. Throw them in the trash, maybe.
Farah: Yeah, we’ll throw them away because these clothing are too old to
be donated. Nobody will want to wear them anyway.
Mother: Oh gosh. This isn’t right.
Farah: Why?
Mother: Throwing away clothing in the garbage, not only does it waste
money and resources, but it takes more than 200 years for the
materials to decompose in the landfill.
Siti: Reaaaaaaaaaallllly?
Mother: Indeed.
Farah: So is it bad for the environment?
Mother: Yes. During the decomposition process. Clothing generates
greenhouse methane gas and leach toxic chemicals and dyes into
the groundwater and our soil.
Farah: I get it now. We shouldn’t throw these in the garbage, but how are
we going to manage all these unwanted clothing?
Mother: Oh, well. We can upcycle all these clothes.
Siti: What’s an “upcycle’?
Mother: Upcycling is a process of taking old or discarded materials and
turning them into something new and more valuable.
(Proceeds to carry an armful of old clothing to the sewing
Fatah: So, any ideas on how to upcycle these many old clothing?
Mothers Hmmm. I am guessing we could transform these clothing into a
: cozy blanket. Would you guys like to help me?
Farah: Yes. Awesome!
Siti: Yes.
Mother: First, we should cut the clothing into equal square sizes.
Siti: Like this, mother?
(Shows a squared cloth)
Mother: Yes, Siti. Then, decide on a layout.
(They arrange all the squared clothes)
After that, sew the squares together.
(All three of them sew the clothing piece by piece until it becomes
a large blanket. )
Farah: Wow! Such a pretty and colorful blanket! This will keep me warm
and cozy at night!
Siti: Not only was the blanket free. I also enjoyed upcycling together
with my family. Thank you for teaching us the correct way to
manage unwanted clothing.
Mother: You’re welcome.
Farah: Let’s make more of these blankets and donate them to the needy!
Mother : Sure.
Siti: Alright.
(A scene of the family donating the blankets to the needy at the

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