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The Relationship Between Energy, Protein, Fat and Carbohydrate Intake With Nutritional
Status In Chronic Renal Failure Patients With Haemodialysis at Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek
Hospital Bandar Lampung, Indonesia

Patients with end-stage renal disease, especially those receiving haemodialysis (HD) treatment, often show
characteristics in the body's protein and energy storage, called protein energy wasting (PEW). HD is the mainstay of
treatment for end-stage renal disease and the number of patients undergoing HD is increasing every year. Appropriate
nutritional therapy is necessary to improve the prognosis. Malnutrition is a common condition in patients undergoing
HD and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. The main aim of this study was to evaluate the
relationship between energy, protein, fat and carbohydrate intake and nutritional status in HD patients at RSUD dr. H.
Abdul Moeloek Bandar Lampung This research is an observational analytical study with a cross sectional design on
30 patients with chronic kidney failure who underwent HD at the HD installation at Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek Hospital
Lampung Province from April to May 2024, taken using consecutive sampling technique. Information regarding
eating patterns was collected using the 24-hour dietary recall method and the nutritional status index was based on an
assessment using the mid-upper arm circumference, the patient's height was obtained by measuring the patient's knee
height which was then calculated using the Chumlea equation to obtain ideal body weight. The nutritional status index
uses mid-upper arm circumference to categorize patients with good and poor nutritional status. Data were analyzed
using Fisher's test. The results showed that the majority of respondents had insufficient energy, protein, fat and
carbohydrate intake, namely 20 patients (66.7%), 24 patients (80%), 26 patients (86.7%) and 23 patients (76, 7%).
This study concluded that there was no relationship between nutritional status and energy intake (p = 0.633), protein
(p = 0.656), fat (p = 0.557) and carbohydrates (p = 0.567). There is no relationship between macronutrient intake and
nutritional status in chronic kidney failure patients undergoing HD at Dr. H Abdul Moeloek Hospital Lampung
Province . Further research needs to be carried out to determine the intake of other nutrients such as fluids, sodium
and potassium which are common problems in HD patients.

Key words: Chronic renal failure, HD, nutritional status, macronutrients

INTRODUCTION the highest prevalence of CKD being in North Kalimantan

(0.64%) and the lowest prevalence of CKD in West Sulawesi
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a kidney disorder that lasts (0.18%) (Hidayaningsih et al., 2023). Risk factors that can
more than three months, indicated by abnormalities in kidney increase the risk of CKD include hypertension, diabetes
structure or function with or without a decrease in glomerular mellitus, dyslipidemia, hyperuricemia, low physical activity
filtration rate function (eGFR < 60 mL/minute/ 1.73m2) and smoking behavior (Wang L et al., 2023). Assessment of
based on the presence of pathological abnormalities or signs nutritional status using percentile for mid upper arm
kidney damage, including abnormalities in blood or urine circumference is used for patients who receive aggressive
composition or abnormalities in laboratory tests (Ministry of resuscitation therapy and are in critical condition (Prystina et
Health of the Republic of Indonesia, 2023). The biggest risk al., 2022). HD patient with malnutrition are susceptible to
factors that increase the prevalence of CKD are caused by muscle catabolism and are at risk of losing 4 - 9 grams of
obesity and diabetes mellitus, so it is estimated that the amino acids and 7 - 8 grams of protein when undergoing HD,
number of CKD sufferers worldwide is 843.6 million people resulting in malnutrition, increasing the risk of morbidity,
worldwide in 2017 (Kovesdy, 2022). mortality and metabolic imbalance as well as reducing
According to 2017 Global Burden of Disease data, CKD is quality of life (Adrianto et al., 2021) . Study in Gaza mention
in the 12th highest cause of death in people throughout the the intake of energy and protein in HD patients is still
world. The prevalence of CKD in Indonesia is 0.64% with inadequate which can increase the risk of occurence protein
energy malnutrition and increased hospitalization rates ( Chumlea formula and upper arm circumference data was
Naser I et al., 2023). Cross sectional study conducted at Panti used to determine the nutritional status of the respondent.
Rapih Hospital Yogyakarta showed that 72 percent had 4
inadequate carbohydrate intake, 30 percent of CKD The population in this study were chronic kidney failure
patients had poor nutritional status, 70 percent had patients undergoing HD at Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek Hospital
inadequate energy intake, 58 percent had inadequate with a total of 30 respondents. The sampling method used
protein intake and 60 percent had inadequate fat intake consecutive sampling. Inclusion criteria were that the
(Yogyantini and Wahyunanti, 2023). respondent's age ranged from 19 to 75 years, undergoing
routine HD at least twice a week, an outpatient HD patient,
CKD patients undergoing HD are at risk of protein energy in stable condition and not having tuberculosis, hepatitis B,
malnutrition and are associated with an increased risk of C and HIV infections, not pregnant, respondents are willing
morbidity and mortality caused by inadequate food intake to sign informed consent and not experiencing dementia
due to anorexia, emotional distress, changes in the sense of which is evaluated with Mini Mental Status Examination
taste and dialysis procedures which result in wasted nutrition (MMSE).
and protein catabolism so that patients HD requires adequate
nutrition to prevent energy and protein malnutrition This study has obtained a research permit from the Academic
(Janardhan, 2011). Based on preliminary studies obtained at Department of Medical Faculty Lampung University and
Dr. H Abdul Moeloek Hospital Lampung Province, it is Education and Training Programs Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek
known that the number of HD patients in 2023 will reach Hospital with research permit number
19,390 people and in February 2024 the number of HD 420/0972A/VII.01/10.26/III/2024.
data obtained were
patients has reached 3,309 patients (Head of Medical Record analyzed statistically using Chi-Square with significance
Department Dr. H.Abdul Moeloek Hospital 2024). In limits (p <0.05) and 95% confidence interval.
January 2024 the total number of HD patients reached 3,309 RESULTS
patients, the total number of HD patients in March 2024
reached 3,467 patients, the total number of HD patients in An overview of respondents' characteristics, energy, protein,
April reached 3,498 patients ( Head of Medical Record carbohydrate and fat intake and nutritional status is shown in
Department Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek Hospital 2024). This Table 1.
study aims to analyze the relationship between energy,
protein, carbohydrate and fat intake with nutritional status in
HD patients.


This research uses an observational analytical method with a

cross sectional approach. The research was conducted from
April to March 2024 at Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek Hospital in Table 1
Lampung Province. Observation or data collection carried Characteristics of Respondents
Variable Frequency Percentage
out in research at the same time has the aim of studying the
relationship between energy, protein, fat and carbohydrate Woman 18 60 %
intake with nutritional status in CKD patients at Dr. H. Abdul Man 12 40 %
moeloek Hospital. food consumption assessment was Age
evaluated using food recall 24 hours , mini mental status Adult (19 – 59 years) 16 53.3 %
Elderly (≥ 60 years 14 46.7%
examination (MMSE) form to evaluate the cognitive old)
function of elderly respondents, a high knee caliper tool to Long Hemodialysis
measure the height of the respondents knees, food photo < 2 years 23 76.7 %
book to unify perceptions on food portions and upper arm ≥ 2 years 7 23.3 %
circumference measurement tool. HD Frequency
1 time a week 0 0%
2 times a week 30 100%
The consumption data that has been collected is calculated
Nutritional Status
using Indonesian food composition tables (TKPI). Knee Normal 6 20%
height was used to estimate the patient's height using the Malnutrition 24 80%
Sufficiency Variation (90%) had poor nutritional status. Based on the results of the
Nutrient Value Fisher's Exact test, because it does not meet the Chi Square
Good 21 70% test requirements for the 2 x 2 table, namely that the value P
Enough 5 16.7% = 0.633 is obtained, the hypothesis (Ha) is rejected. The p
Moderate 1 3.3% value < 0.05 means that there is no relationship between
Bad 3 10 % energy intake and the nutritional status of CKD patients with
HD at Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek Hospital.
Based on table 1, it shows that 60% of respondents were Table 4
female and 40% of respondents were male. Most of the Distribution of the Relationship between Protein
respondents, namely 53.3% of patients were in the age range Intake and Nutritional Status of HD Patients
19 – 59 years and 46.7% of patients were in the age range≥60
Protein Nutritional status
years old. Based on the table above, as many as 76.7% of Intake Normal Malnutrition Total P
patients have undergone hemodialysis < 2 years and as many n (%) n (%) n (%)
as 23.3% of patients have undergone hemodialysis≥2 years.
There are 80% of HD patients who are classified as poor Adequate 1 16.7 5 83.3 6 100 0.656
nutritional status and 20% are classified as good nutritional Inadequate 5 20.8 19 79.2 24 100
status. NRKG of HD patients is 70% in the good category,
16.7% in the enough category, 3.3% in the moderate
category and 10% in the poor category.
Based on Table 4, it is known that there is no relationship
Table 2 between protein intake and the nutritional status of HD
Distribution of Respondents Based on Desirable Dietary
patients at RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek. Based on the
Pattern (PPH)
results of statistical analysis, as many as 5 patients (83.3%)
Variable Mean Median Mode Minimum Maximum with adequate protein intake had poor nutritional status and
1 patient (16.7%) had good nutritional status, while those
PPH 60.5 60.8 74 29 86
with inadequate protein intake, as many as 19 patients
Score (79.2%) had nutritional status. less and as many as 5 patients
(20.8%) had good nutritional status.
Table 2. Shows the results that the average PPH value is 60.5 There is no relationship between the two variables as seen
with the lowest PPH value being 29 and the highest PPH from the results of the Fisher's Exact statistical test, with a p
being 86. value = 0.656. Because p>0.05, the hypothesis (Ha) is
rejected, so it can be concluded that there is no relationship
between protein intake and the nutritional status of kidney
failure patients. chronicle with HD at Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek
Table 3
Hospital Lampung Province.
Distribution of the Relationship between Energy
Intake and Nutritional Status of HD Patients Table 5
Distribution of Fat Intake by Nutritional Status of HD
Energy Nutritional status Patients
Intake Normal Malnutrition Total P
n (%) n (%) n (%) Fat Intake Nutritional status
Normal Malnutrition Total P
Adequate 1 10 9 90 10 100 0.633 n (%) n (%) n (%)

Inadequate 5 25 15 75 20 100 Adequate 0 0 4 100 4 100 0.557

Inadequate 6 23.1 20 76.9 26 100

Based on Table 3, 5 patients with CKD whose energy intake

was inadequate (25%) had good nutritional status and 15
patients (75%) had poor nutritional status. Apart from that, 1
patient (10%) had good nutritional status and 9 patients
Based on Table 5, it shows that 4 patients (100%) had and the decrease in taste sensation in HD patients can
inadequate fat intake, while 20 patients (76.9%) had influence a decrease in appetite so that aromatic herbs can be
inadequate fat intake and 6 patients (23.1%) had good used to improve the taste of food (KDOQI, 2020).
nutritional status. Good. This result is based on the Fisher's
Exact test, the p value = 0.557, so the hypothesis (Ha) is HD respondents in this study had HD schedules twice a week,
rejected. The p value is> 0.05, so it can be concluded that this is in line with research by Harun et al (2023) in many low
there is no relationship between fat intake and the nutritional and middle income countries (for example, India, Nepal,
status of patients with chronic kidney failure at Dr. H. Abdul Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, Bangladesh,
Moeloek Hospital. Pakistan ) use twice-weekly HD regimens for non-adherent
dialysis patients due to financial constraints or scarcity of
Table 6 resources, lack of affordable treatment, poor access to
Distribution of the Relationship between Carbohydrate nephrology care, and inadequate dialysis facilities (Harun et
Intake and Nutritional Status of HD Patients al., 2023). Analysis of the relationship between energy,
protein, carbohydrate and fat intake is based on 24 hour food
Carbohydrate Nutritional status
intake Normal Malnutrition Total P
recall and nutritional status 7
based on mid upper arm
n (%) n (%) n (%) circumferences assessment. The results1
showed that there was
no significant relationship between energy, protein, fat and
Adequate 1 14.3 6 85.7 7 100 carbohydrate intake and nutritional status in chronic kidney
0.567 failure sufferers undergoing HD at Dr.H Abdul Moeloek
Inadequate 5 21.7 18 78.3 23 100
Hospital, Lampung Province. This is in line with research by
Kusumastuti (2015) which states that there is no significant
relationship between nutritional status and energy intake
(p=0.163), protein (p=1.000), fat (p=0.390) and carbohydrates
Based on Table 6, 6 patients with adequate carbohydrate (p= 0.585) in Dr. Moewardi Hospital. And in line with
intake (85.7%) had poor nutritional status and 1 patient research by Zulfikar et al (2023) which states that there is no
(14.3%) had good nutritional status, while 5 patients (21.7%) significant relationship between fat and carbohydrate intake
had inadequate carbohydrate intake with good nutritional and nutritional status in HD patients at dr.Dradjat
status. ) and 18 patients (78.3%) experienced poor nutritional Prawiranegara Hospital (p > 0.05).
status. Based on the Fisher's Exact test, the value of p = 0.567
According to the 2011 Pernefri Consensus, the recommended
is obtained, so the hypothesis (Ha) is rejected. The p value
energy intake for CKD patients undergoing HD is 30 – 35
is> 0.05 so there is no relationship between carbohydrate
kcal/kgbb ideal/day. The prevalence of protein energy
intake and the nutritional status of chronic kidney failure
wasting in hemodialysis patients is quite high and is estimated
patients at Dr. RSUD. H. Abdul Moeloek Hospital.
at 23 - 76% and the condition of protein energy wasting can
be a predictor of morbidity and mortality (Maurya et al, 2019).
Negative energy balance occurs due to changes in cellular
energy metabolism due to increased catabolism processes and
loss of amino acids from the dialyzer. If this is not balanced
with adequate energy intake, malnutrition can occur
(Yogyantini et al., 2023).
According to the Pernerfri CKD Nutrition Consensus (2011),
CKD patients with HD have other factors that can increase
The average PPH score in HD patients is 60.5 and is in the
the risk of protein energy malnutrition. HD will increase
low category, this is because HD patients greatly limit their
protein catabolism by 4 - 9 grams of amino acids and 2 - 3
intake of fruit and vegetables.
grams of peptide amino acids are wasted in one HD session.
Kidney clinicians and dietitians recommend that HD patients Repeated use of dialyzers results in a high risk of loss of
consume vegetables and fruit and other foods that are low in amino acids and albumin (Pernefri, 2011). So hemodialysis
potassium but high in fiber and other micronutrients. Food patients need to comply with adequate protein intake to
composition tables to see nutritional content can help with prevent malnutrition (Sherly, S et al., 2021). The Kidney
food selection. Boiling vegetables can reduce potassium Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative recommends that CKD
levels and reduce the taste of food due to the boiling process patients undergoing HD need to meet a protein intake of 1.0
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