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The application of indirect translation techniques in Jokowi's speech is reviewed in the

article President Joko Widodo Opens the 43rd ASEAN Summit: Indonesia is Happy to
Welcome the ASEAN Family

Nurdiana Kusuma A

This mini research project was created with the aim of training in writing a final research
paper at the end of the coursework as a requirement for graduating from this study program.
This mini research contains research with a theme around English language competency,
where I focus more on one important skill such as writing.

This research was created based on the experience of several research class students and also
writers who always experience difficulties in the field of translation and of course, through
several critical analyzes to achieve a good research product at the end of the author's
study.This mini research is equipped with several translation results from various participants
from Jokowi's speech to support this mini research.

Without forgetting the greatness of Allah SWT, finally this mini research was revealed and
the author hopes that this mini research can be useful for other students in solving their
problems in the field of writing.


Table of Content

Chapter I

i. Area of Interest ...........................................................................................................

ii. Strengths and Weaknesses in the area of interest .......................................................

Chapter II

i. Questionnaire type 1....................................................................................................

ii. Questionnaire type 2 ...................................................................................................

iii. Problem found ............................................................................................................

Chapter III

i. Articles .......................................................................................................................

ii. Solution ......................................................................................................................



According to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 2008), a speech is defined as formal

talk that a person delivers to audience. It is delivered in particular purposes, occasions, and
places. The speech itself has several functions or purposes such as to announce, to convince,
to inform or to tell, to educate, and so on (Cathryn, J, n.d.). The example of a speech which
functions to educate audience is delivered by a preacher for example in a Friday sermon or an
Islamic speech. As sermons serve as a means of teaching the doctrines of God either in
written and spoken discourse
(Acheoah, et al., 2015:1).

The object of this research is Jokowi’s speech is reviewed in the article President Joko
Widodo opens the 43rd ASEAN Summit: Indonesia is Happy to Welcome the ASEAN Family
opened the 43rd ASEAN Summit and Other Summits on Tuesday (5/7).

This is needed because it is to complete the mid-semester final assignment for the translation
studies course with Prof. In addition, it is also to increase knowledge and research about
translation which will be useful for the learning of the junior high school students I teach.

1. Translation
a. the nature of translation

An activity that has emerged due to the current development phenomenon is translation, both
for commercial and literary purposes. This translation study has been developing for the past
twenty years. In this translation study there are two focuses in the consistency of the
translation approach, namely written translation and oral translation or what is called
interpreting (Gille in Munday, 2016: 8). In the field of language, translation has three
meanings including (1) a general study; (2) a translated text or product; (3) the process of
translating a text (Munday, 2016: 8). The translation process requires a translator to clearly
determine the relationship between two linguistic systems. One of these two linguistic
systems is available and written by source language (TL) communicators and the other
linguistic system has potential or can be adapted or is often called the target language (TL).
The statement above is the same as Frauengelder and Schriefers' statement (in Zu Tzou et al.,
2016: 632), which states that translation is basically a linguistic phenomenon that involves
mapping lexical and syntactic codes in two languages as well as reformulating ideas from the
source language.

b. translation unit

b. translation unit

In translation, we must consider signs that come from vocabulary that is modified by
grammar which provides meaning, in this case called the message, and also the mode of
expression used by the speaker, such as the social status of the speaker, the character of the
speaker and the mood of the speaker (Vinay & Darbelnet, 1995: 12). This requires a
translator to pay attention to the context according to the atmosphere or reality of the
utterance. Saussure (in Pelz, 2002: 45) differentiates the concept of a linguistic sign into two,
namely signifié (concept) and signifiant (image 16 of visuals, sounds, words), where this sign
can change randomly. natural and can have meaning from differences with other signs in the
same language system. This is what a translator must pay attention to in paying attention to
the two concepts of linguistic signs in certain situations when translating. Figure 1. Concept
of Linguistic Signs (Vinay & Darbelnet, 1995: 13) The process of a translator translating is
related to the interaction of the two concepts in understanding the message from the picture
above. Not only does interaction operate vertically, but also horizontally to develop messages
because a translator pays attention to the message to be conveyed to target language readers.
From the translation process which is related to the interaction of two concepts in linguistics,
translation units are closely related to linguistic units. Determining these units is the first step
in the translation process. Where the units in translation are variables that depend on the
choice of a translator. Units that are not determined exclusively by formal criteria are
required by a translator. This means that a translator identifies thought units by translating
ideas or feelings rather than translating words (Vinay & Darbelnet, 1995: 21). The translation
unit is the smallest segment of an utterance, where the signs (signs) signifié signifié signifiant
17 are connected to each other so that they cannot be translated one by one (Vinay &
Darbelnet, 1995: 21). Translation units related to messages are divided into three (Vinay &
Darbelnet, 1995: 22), namely: (1) semantic units, namely meaning units; (2) dialectical unit,
namely the unit for stating reasons; (3) prosodic units, namely units whose elements have the
same intonation. Shuttleworth & Cowie (in Hatim & Munday, 2004: 38), states that a
translation unit is a term that refers to the language level, where the source language (Source
Text/ ST) is rearranged into the target language (Target Text/ TT). This includes the form of
basic words, groups of words, clauses, sentences or even entire texts. This statement is the
same as that of Newmark (1988: 54), who describes translation units using part of the
hierarchical ranking scale in Halliday's linguistics which consists of morphemes, words,
groups of words, clauses and sentences. Bell (1991: 29) states that the translation unit in
which a translator processes a translation is a clause. This means that the words in a text must
be formed into a clause to obtain overall meaning and form a basic communication unit.
Based on the explanation explained above, translation units are very closely related to
linguistic units. Which consists of words, groups of words, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and
text. A translator pays attention to the message in the source language so that the message can
be conveyed to the target language readers without translating word for word. For example,
warning notifications in medicines to remind.

c. In the translation process, a translator determines the relationship between two linguistic
systems clearly. Where one of them already exists or is often called the source language and
the other linguistic system still has potential or can be adapted which is called the target
language. This is in accordance with the opinion of Munday (2016: 8), who states that the
translation process involves changing written text from verbal language in the source
language into written text from verbal language in the target language. This is an effort in the
translation process because of the need to transfer text between languages (Whyatt et al.,
2016: 175). According to Beier (2014: 216) translation is not only transferring meaning that
can be found by decoding the source language which is then processed or recreated in the
target language by re-encoding. These two concepts relate to cognitive attitudes in translation
which contain the thoughts of the writer, reader of the source language text, translator, reader
of the target language text. The main role in the translation process is to have a structural
basis for each language involved in the translation (Maier et al., 2017: 1575). Darwish (in Al
Ghamdi, 2015: 279) states that in the translation process a translator has three stages in
translating including: text analysis (meaning, register, language style, rhetoric), transfer and
reconstruction or harmonization with the target language. First stage in The first stage in the
translation process is analysis of the source language text to be translated. In this analysis
stage it really depends on the type of text to be analyzed (Machali, 2009: 67). In text
translation, it is divided into three types of text (Reiss in Tanjung, 2015: 45), namely: (1)
informative text, where the language dimensions are logical and referential and require more
attention to the meaning contained in the text to provide clear and accurate information to
readers; (2) expressive texts, the language dimension is aesthetic, which usually includes
literary texts. Where this literary text requires more consideration of form and content. This is
because the author created this work with creative and artistic expressions and thoughts; (3)
operative text, this text is a kind of advertisement or persuasive text, which aims to invite
readers to do something in a certain way according to what is contained in the text. This
operative text must fulfill linguistic and psychological functions. From the explanation above,
it can be concluded that in the translation process, this stage of text analysis is the first step in
translating. The next stage, a translator makes a transfer by looking for similarities in
language units starting from words, phrases, clauses, sentences and the entire discourse in the
text in the target language. The thing that needs to be considered when translating is that each
language has a language system that is different from one another, both at the lexical,
grammatical and meaning system levels.

Research Methodology

I will conduct my research using a qualitative case study, Qualitative research is a research
method to explore and understand the meaning that some individuals or groups of people
think come from social or human problems (Creswell, 2013). The final report of a qualitative
study has a flexible structure or framework. The perspective used in this study is inductive
style, focuses on individual meanings, and translates the complexity of a problem. In
conducting this research, the writer used descriptive qualitative research method. It is called
qualitative since the collected data were in the form of sentences. As Bogdan and
Biklen say in Sugiyono (2014:21), that qualitative descriptive method is the method that used
to collect the data in the form of words of pictures rather than number.

Result and Findings

This research had some relationship with the previous findings of the research such as: Dewi
(2014), in her thesis with the title “Speech Act in the Great Gatsby Movie script”. The aims
of the research were to know the illocutionary act based on Searle categories and strategy of
speech act in a movie script. This research was library research with the qualitative approach.
In this study, the data were collected though documentation. The result of this study showed
the writer just found four kinds of illocutionary acts in the movie script. There were 44
representatives, 55 directives, 16 commisive, and 12 expressive. The writer had only
analyzed 19 representatives, 18 directives, 6 commisive, and 8 expressive. The writer
analyzed the strategy of speech acts in the movie script. The types of the strategy of speech
acts were direct and indirect speech act. In this research, the writer found that there were 101
direct speech act and 6 indirect speech act, but the writer had only analyzed 45 direct speech
act and 5 indirect speech act in the movie script. Panjaitan (2013), in his thesis with the title
“Speech Act in Wedding Ceremony of the Angkola Culture”. The aim of this study was to
find out speech act in the wedding ceremony of the Angkola culture. The subject was taking
from the 7 elements of Dalihan Na Tolu in the wedding ceremony of the Angkola culture.
There were seven participants involved in wedding ceremony namely Mora Sihabolonan,
Mora Sian Suhut, Kahanggi Nisuhut, Kahanggi Pareban, Anak Boru Nisuhut, Anak Boru
Pisang Raut and the king of Angkola society. The technique of data collection was observing
and recording the speeches of the elements of Dalihan Na Tolu in wedding ceremony then
interview the king of Angkola society to certify the triangulation of the research. This study
was investigated speech acts in wedding ceremony such as direct act by using idiom and
kinship and indirect act by using Umpama. Then the types of speech act found in Angkola
wedding ceremony are representative, directive, expressive and declarative. The speaker then
representative, expressive and declarative, dominantly uses directive speech act. The reason
for applying this as the dominant type of speech act cause the speaker suggests or advice the
hearer about married life then try to make the hearer happy, honored in the wedding
ceremony, they also applied it to make both families to get closer each other. Based on the
previous findings above, this research had the similarities and the differences. The similarities
were all of the researches, including this research, study about speech act. The difference of
the previous findings with this research was the focus analysis and object of research. Dewi
focused on analyzing speech act in kinds of illocutionary act and types of speech acts were
direct and indirect speech, then as the object was The Great Gatsby movie script. Panjaitan
focused on analyzing the types of speech act, then as the object was Wedding Ceremony of
the Angkola Culture. 8 While in this research focused on analyzing the types and forms of
indirect translation found in, as the object of in this research was President Joko Widodo in
his speech at opens the 43rd ASEAN Summit in Jakarta.

Underlying Theory

1. Definition of Indirect Translation

2. Indirect translation is a translation from a translated version, or multiple translated

versions, of the ultimate source text. For instance, if a text in Arabic is translated into
Portuguese via English the result is what we call an indirect translation.
3. This translation practice is a long-standing reality of intercultural exchanges,
especially those exchanges involving the so-called small languages (e.g. Catalan,
Czech, Danish). Indirect translation remains a common practice in various areas of
today's society (e.g. machine and audio-visual translation, community and conference
interpreting) and its use has become even more pronounced with the successive
enlargements of the European Union, which led to an increase in working languages
and the subsequent need for editing documents from the linguae francae or hub
languages (Gambier 2003).
4. In Translation Studies indirect translation is sometimes referred to by the
abbreviations IT or ITr and is also known as double, intermediate, mediated, mixed,
pivot, relay(ed) or second (third, etc.)-hand translation. Indirect translations are
sometimes called retranslations (e.g. Bauer 1999, Gambier 1994), but this term is
more frequently used to describe multiple translations of the same source text into one
target language (Koskinen and Paloposki 2010). Indirect translation is opposed to
direct translation, which is a translation made directly from the ultimate source text,
without a mediating text.

Area of Interest

Based on the strengths and the weaknesses around English language competence, I
decided to take my area of interest based only on my weaknesses that I have got and trying to
be out of the box in this patter which is writing skill. The reason is because I want to find
solutions to solve my problems in writing skill that I always face especially during write an
essay. I’m very curious on how the other students find their struggles also in writing and I’m
really wanted to know how they solve their struggles.

Strengths and Weaknesses on the area of interest

Although I’m bad in writing skill, I still have some easiness that makes me still a little
bit able to do writing and I found that these would be my strengths in writing such as I’m still
able to find many references as much as possible and know how to write an essay with a good
structures of it but the thing is I still confuse on how I generate my ideas into an essay with a
correct system. I mostly find my struggles during deciding a thesis statement for my essay
and it is always happen until now since the first class of writing. Not only that, I also found
my weakness in paraphrasing the expert’s opinion because of the anxiety that I have that I’m
afraid if I will be doing a plagiarism if I’m wrong in taking their arguments into my essay.
Those are concludes my strengths and weaknesses in my area of interest.

Questionnaire type 1 (for students of research class)

Will be shown after this page

Questionnaire type 2 (for students of middle school)

Will be shown after this page

Problem found

Writing becomes one of the important skills needed for student nowadays as it
becomes an academic requirement of our society. Students should be able to write
academically in order to achieve their future academic success. As English learners, students
are encouraged to do a written assignment as their performance in English competence.

Some students found their problems in writing skill especially when they have to
write an essay. College students who study in English education study program are always
encourages in writing an academic essay as their written assignment to support their future
academic success. Based on the mini research that I have made, I found some students of the
research class found their struggles mostly on the grammatical error, lack of vocabulary, and
lack of references.

The first thing that comes to their minds when they have to write an essay is they are
always afraid in choosing the vocabulary in order to make a good sentences in achieving a
perfect essay. They are also found struggle in a coherence of the sentences used in their essay
which sometimes it is not unite one another. Not only that, some of them are always write
more than the count words that already set by the lecturer and somehow they write out of the
topic given. Just like me, they are difficult in deciding a thesis statement correctly. It is hard
for some students to start writing an essay because they are literally dislike this skill because
of their lack of knowledge and all those struggles they found during write an essay.
Different with college students, the middle school students found their struggles
mostly on the topics given by their teacher. They do not know how to start and what to write
because of the lack of knowledge that they have. Because of they still in the middle school,
there are lots of words that hard for them to use in their essay, they literally do not know
about the meaning of those words exactly.


Will be shown after this page


In solving those problem identified in the previous page, I have found some solutions
that will be useful and helpful in solving those struggles. Read a lot is one of the commonly
solution that the students usually use, it means that reading lots of references will be increase
their knowledge and their lack of knowledge will be solved they will have many ideas in
writing an essay.

Some of them will do nothing because they literally do not like to write an essay and
it makes them giving up in writing an essay without try to find a way to solve their lacks.
Practicing will be the best for the students who already loved to write but still confuse about
how to generate the ideas that they have. When practicing, we know our problems deeply and
always learn from it until it turns into a perfect essay text. Asking the other friends and
lecturer or asking them to revise is also helpful in order to know their suggestions and
opinions about our ideas or knowing the thing that we do not understand about the topic

Based on the research conducted by Rumsey (1998) about improving the writing
skills of at-risk students through the use of writing across the curriculum and writing process
instruction, she stated that practicing through a written assignment in class is effective to help
the students who always have problems in writing, they will be more proficient if they always
practicing the written assignment in a long period of time and it will develop their writing
skill in a good level. She is also stated that lack of motivation should be avoid by the students
as some of the students are not confident in writing because they are dislike the writing itself.
As the conclusion, writing will be not perfect if we are not focus on our topic at all.
Try to focus only on one point by reading a lot about it, not only reading but comprehend the
contents in order to avoid plagiarism that always happen although we are not realize.

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