Unidad 6

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Much: mucho (uncontable)

Many: mucho (contable)
Few: un poco/un poquito (contable)
Little: un poco/ un poquito (uncontable)
More: más (neutral)
Less: menos (neutral)
Lots of: mucho de algo (neutral)
A lotof: muchísimo de algo (neutral)
• A tomar en cuenta

• Tiem: tiempo (uncontable/contable)

There wasn't enough peoples at the event to make it successful.

She wanted more time to finish her project, but the deadline was looming.

There were many people gathered in the town square to protest against the new legislation.

The small village had few amenities, making life there challenging for its residents.

There was much excitement in the air as the crowd eagerly awaited the concert to begin.

He didn't have much apples left in the basket after the party.
They had lots of reason why they couldn't attend the party, but none of them seemed valid.

The carnival had lots of rides and games to entertain visitors of all ages.
If you doesn't finish your dinner, you will not get dessert.

If the traffic is heavy, we will be late for the concert.


If he not passes the interview, will he find another job?


If they doesn't take their medicine, they won't get better.

If she doesn't practice the piano regularly, she won't improve her skills.

If the store not have my size, where else can I buy clothes?

If he have enough money, he can buy a new car.


If we catch the early train, we will arrive in the city before noon.

In a bustling city, where tall buildings reached for the sky and people hurried along busy streets, there
lived aman named ethan. Ethan was a kind and humble soul, despite having his fair share of struggles
in life.
He made a living by selling newspapers on the same street corner every day.
One sunny afternoon, as ethan was setting up his newspaper stand, he heard a soft voice nearby.
"Excuse me, sir, could you help me find some flowers?"
The voice belonged to a young girl named scarlett, who was blind.
Scarlett sold flowers on the opposite corner of the street.
Ethan smiled warmly and guided her to the nearby flower market, describing the vibrant colors and
sweet scent of the blooms.
From that day on ethan and scarlett became friends despite his own challenges ethan made it his
mission to help scarlett in any way he could.
He would often visit her flower stand, describing the changing seasons, the beauty of blooming flowers
or the colorful butterflies that fluttered around.
One day, while they were chatting, scarlett shared her deepest wish.
"I wish i could see the world just once, ethan.
I've never seen the sun, the clouds, or even your kind face."
Ethan' s heart swelled with empathy, and he promised scarlett that
He would help her gain her vision back, no matter what it took.
Determined to fulfill his promise, ethan embarked on a quest to find a way to help scarlett.
He researched tirelessly, talking to doctors and anyone who would listen, trying to find a solution.
Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, he never gave up.
One day, ethan stumbled upon a charitable foundation that offered free eye surgeries for people in
He was overjoyed and immediately brought scarlett to the clinic.
The doctors examined scarlett' s eyes and confirmed that they could help her regain her vision through
The day of the surgery arrived, and ethan held scarlett' s hand. Offering her words of encouragement.
"You' re going to see the world, scarlett, just like you' ve always wanted. I'll be right here waiting for
The surgery was a success, and when scarlett opened her
Eyes for the first time, she was met with a world of colors and light.
Tears of joy welled up in her eyes as she saw the blue sky, the green leaves of trees, and the smiling
faces of the people around her.
She turned to ethan, her eyes filled with gratitude.
Thank you, ethan, thank you for giving me the gift of sight. I will never forget your kindness."
Ethan smiled, his eyes sparkling with happiness.
"You deserve to see the beauty of the world, scarlett. I' m just glad i could help make it happen."
From that day on, scarlett continued to sell flowers but now, she could appreciate their beauty in a
whole new way.
She and ethan remained the best of friends, and a few years later, they would marry to become a happy
and lovely couple who remained together for the rest of their lives.
And so, in the heart of that city, among the hustle and bustle, the story of ethan and scarlett reminded
everyone that even in the face of struggles.
A little kindness and determination could change lives and light up the world with love and

En una bulliciosa ciudad, donde los altos edificios alcanzaban el cielo y la gente se apresuraba por las
concurridas calles, vivía un hombre llamado Ethan. Ethan era una persona amable y humilde, a pesar
de haber tenido su cuota de dificultades en la vida.
Se ganaba la vida vendiendo periódicos en la misma esquina de la calle todos los días.
Una tarde soleada, mientras Ethan estaba preparando su puesto de periódicos, oyó una voz suave cerca.
"Disculpe, señor, ¿podría ayudarme a encontrar unas flores?"
La voz pertenecía a una joven llamada Scarlett, que era ciega.
Scarlett vendía flores en la esquina opuesta de la calle.
Ethan sonrió cálidamente y la guió hasta el mercado de flores cercano, describiendo los colores
vibrantes y el dulce aroma de las flores.
Desde ese día, Ethan y Scarlett se hicieron amigos. A pesar de sus propios desafíos, Ethan se propuso
ayudar a Scarlett en todo lo que pudiera.
A menudo visitaba su puesto de flores, describiendo las estaciones cambiantes, la belleza de las flores
en flor o las coloridas mariposas que revoloteaban alrededor.
Un día, mientras conversaban, Scarlett compartió su deseo más profundo.
"Desearía poder ver el mundo solo una vez, Ethan. Nunca he visto el sol, las nubes, ni siquiera tu
amable rostro."
El corazón de Ethan se llenó de empatía, y le prometió a Scarlett que la ayudaría a recuperar la visión,
sin importar lo que costara.
Decidido a cumplir su promesa, Ethan emprendió una búsqueda para encontrar una forma de ayudar a
Investigó incansablemente, habló con doctores y con cualquiera que lo escuchara, tratando de
encontrar una solución.
A pesar de enfrentar numerosos desafíos y contratiempos, nunca se rindió.
Un día, Ethan encontró una fundación benéfica que ofrecía cirugías oculares gratuitas para personas
Estaba eufórico e inmediatamente llevó a Scarlett a la clínica.
Los doctores examinaron los ojos de Scarlett y confirmaron que podían ayudarla a recuperar la visión
a través de una cirugía.
El día de la cirugía llegó, y Ethan tomó la mano de Scarlett, ofreciéndole palabras de aliento.
"Vas a ver el mundo, Scarlett, tal como siempre has querido. Estaré aquí esperándote."
La cirugía fue un éxito, y cuando Scarlett abrió los ojos por primera vez, se encontró con un mundo de
colores y luz.
Lágrimas de alegría brotaron de sus ojos al ver el cielo azul, las hojas verdes de los árboles y los rostros
sonrientes de las personas a su alrededor.
Se volvió hacia Ethan, sus ojos llenos de gratitud.
"Gracias, Ethan, gracias por darme el regalo de la visión. Nunca olvidaré tu amabilidad."
Ethan sonrió, sus ojos brillando de felicidad.
"Mereces ver la belleza del mundo, Scarlett. Me alegra haber podido ayudar a que sucediera."
Desde ese día, Scarlett continuó vendiendo flores, pero ahora podía apreciar su belleza de una manera
completamente nueva.
Ella y Ethan siguieron siendo los mejores amigos, y unos años más tarde, se casarían para convertirse
en una pareja feliz y encantadora que permanecería junta por el resto de sus vidas.
Y así, en el corazón de esa ciudad, entre el bullicio, la historia de Ethan y Scarlett recordó a todos que,
incluso ante las dificultades, un poco de amabilidad y determinación podían cambiar vidas e iluminar
el mundo con amor y compasión.
The story begins with a narrator who finds himself in a terrifying situation. He is a prisoner during the
spanish inquisition, a dark and cruel period in history. The narrator has been sentenced to death, and
he describes the horrors he faces. Initially, the narrator wakes up in total darkness.
He discovers that he is in a small dungeon-like cell, and he has no idea how he got there.
The fear of the unknown envelopes him. As he explores the room, he realizes that the prison is deep
and damp, and he soon stumbles upon a deep pit in the center of the cell.
The pit, which seems to be a deadly trap, adds to thenarrator' s anxiety. He speculates on the fate that
awaits him, and the darkness intensifies his sense of impending doom.
To make matters worse, he realizes the walls of the cell are closing in, threatening to crush him.
Just as he resigns himself to his grim fate, he discovers that the walls are not closing, but retracting.
This revelation brings a momentary sense of relief.
However, the narrator' s reprieve is short-lived as he finds himself on the brink of falling into the pit.
To his surprise, he is saved from the pit by the sudden appearance of the french army.
They have come to liberate the prisoners from the horrors of the inquisition.
The narrator, now free from immediate danger, joins his rescuers. However, the nightmare doesn't end
The captives are forced to march through dark, narrow passages, adding to the suspense.
Eventually, they are led to a large, dimly-lit chamber where they are all
Made to lie down. The narrator speculates on what gruesome method of execution awaits them. As he
lies there, he feels a cold, metal object against his back.
To his horror, he realizes that it is a large, razor-sharp pendulum suspended from the ceiling.
The pendulum begins to swing back and forth, descending with each swing, getting closer and closer
to the narrator' s chest.
In a desperate attempt to escape, the narrator uses the scraps of food given to him earlier to attract rats.
The rats chew through the straps binding him, allowing him to escape just before the pendulum reaches
Finally, as the pendulum is about to claim him, the french army storms in, saving the narrator once
again. The tortures are overthrown and the prisoners are finally free.

La historia comienza con un narrador que se encuentra en una situación aterradora. Es un prisionero
durante la Inquisición española, un período oscuro y cruel de la historia.
El narrador ha sido condenado a muerte y describe los horrores que enfrenta. Inicialmente, el narrador
se despierta en total oscuridad.
Descubre que está en una pequeña celda parecida a una mazmorra y no tiene idea de cómo llegó allí.
El miedo a lo desconocido lo envuelve. Mientras explora la habitación, se da cuenta de que la prisión
es profunda y húmeda, y pronto tropieza con un pozo profundo en el centro de la celda.
El pozo, que parece ser una trampa mortal, aumenta la ansiedad del narrador. Especula sobre el destino
que le espera, y la oscuridad intensifica su sensación de condena inminente.
Para empeorar las cosas, se da cuenta de que las paredes de la celda se están cerrando, amenazando
con aplastarlo.
Justo cuando se resigna a su sombrío destino, descubre que las paredes no se están cerrando, sino
retrayendo. Esta revelación le trae un momento de alivio.
Sin embargo, el respiro del narrador es breve, ya que se encuentra al borde de caer en el pozo.
Para su sorpresa, es salvado del pozo por la repentina aparición del ejército francés.
Han venido a liberar a los prisioneros de los horrores de la Inquisición.
El narrador, ahora libre de peligro inmediato, se une a sus rescatadores. Sin embargo, la pesadilla no
termina allí.
Los cautivos son obligados a marchar por pasajes oscuros y estrechos, lo que aumenta el suspenso.
Eventualmente, son conducidos a una gran cámara tenuemente iluminada donde todos son
Obligados a acostarse. El narrador especula sobre qué método espantoso de ejecución les espera.
Mientras yace allí, siente un objeto frío y metálico contra su espalda.
Para su horror, se da cuenta de que es un gran péndulo afilado suspendido del techo.
El péndulo comienza a oscilar de un lado a otro, descendiendo con cada oscilación, acercándose cada
vez más al pecho del narrador.
En un intento desesperado por escapar, el narrador usa los restos de comida que le dieron anteriormente
para atraer a las ratas.
Las ratas mastican las correas que lo atan, permitiéndole escapar justo antes de que el péndulo lo
Finalmente, cuando el péndulo está a punto de reclamarlo, el ejército francés irrumpe, salvando al
narrador una vez más. Los torturadores son derrocados y los prisioneros finalmente son liberados.

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